【台積電才】職缺 - 2024年3月熱門工作機會 - 1111人力銀行


南科台積電F18旁 南科三期 新市產業園區 新市未來發展區 區段徵收 土地開發為主 歡迎加入戰隊 土地是你更有趣的選擇 更好玩的地方 更有專業性的領域輕型機車,普通小型車輕型機車,普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


**代和侑有限公司徵才 設備定位調整(無經驗可,但請認真學習) 當地08:00-17:00 週休二日 加班另計 備有交通車、宿舍 工期時長:1年 大約3-4個月會回台休假2個禮拜 僅三餐自理 ,且現場會有台幹領導者帶領。

應徵人數|1-5 人


【工作內容】 1.每日竹科台積電駐廠進行Pump/EGM(Local scrubber)/EUV例行性保養或異常排除,以維持系統正常運作 2.新機安裝(訊號線連接/配件安裝/系統測試) 3.蒐集技術相關資料協助產品改善及解決技術問題 4.建立與客戶之間良好溝通與關係,並即時解決客戶問題 5.負責維修報表之建檔與管理 6.遵守各項安全規範確保個人健康及安全 ●周休二日,常日班,需輪值夜間/假日on call。 (依現有人數排班輪值,另給待命津貼/出勤另給加班費。) ※ 建議於面談時, 另準備自訂格式之【個人簡歷】(2-4頁)內含以下資訊: (1) 個人基本資料(請附頭貼照片) (2) 語文與文書處理能力(提供相關證明) (3) 工作經驗背景(簡介工作性質) (4) 專業技能說明(證照或獎項成就證明) (5) 職涯目標與個人特質

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.派駐台南設備維護工程師 2.有設備查修邏輯思維或有意願學習者 3.設備保養、異常排除 4.須配合輪班、另提供津貼 5.可於駐廠當地上下班或住公司宿舍、有需要才進台中后里總部工程學門,數學統計學門,工業技藝及機械學門輕型機車,普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


【本職缺僅接受台積電官方網站投遞】 請至台積電官方網站投遞個人履歷表,此職缺履歷登錄網址:https://careers.tsmc.com/careers/JobDetail?jobId=258&source=1111 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Ltd. (TSMC) is committed to upholding the employment rights of accessibility individuals. In accordance with Taiwan Disability Rights Protection Act, we have established a dedicated recruitment section for those with a disability certificate and warmly welcome them to join TSMC. Description 1. Advanced module process development and baseline sustaining. 2. Process stability/manufacturability improvement for yield and reliability qualification. 3. Process/tool transfer to volume manufacturing. Qualifications 1. A valid Taiwan disability certificate. 2. Master‘s or PhD degree in Chemical Engineering, Material Science, Chemistry, Physics, Electrical engineering or a related engineering discipline. 3. Hands-on participation and a strong sense of ownership is required. 4. Strong technical problem-solving and analytical skills, based upon fundamental, rather than empirical models is required. 5. Excellent written and spoken communication skills is required. 6. Experience in IC fabrication would be an added advantage. 7. Must be effectively bilingual in Mandarin and English.物理學類,電子工程學類,電機工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


【本職缺僅接受台積電官方網站投遞】 請至台積電官方網站投遞個人履歷表,此職缺履歷登錄網址:https://careers.tsmc.com/careers/JobDetail?jobId=427&source=1111 台灣積體電路製造股份有限公司(台積公司)致力於維護身心障礙者就業權益。依身心障礙者權益保障法, 特別規劃聘僱身障人才專區,歡迎領有身障手冊或證明者加入台積公司! Description 1. Risk assessment and provide mitigation plan for IC packages by simulation and experiment. 2. Development and evaluation of new materials. 3. Continue improvement in simulation methodology, material modeling and script automation. Qualifications 1. 須具備台灣有效身心障礙手冊 2. 化工/相關領域知識 3. CAE software: Ansys, LS-DYNA, Abaqus or other FEM tools機械工程學類,材料工程學類,化學工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


【本職缺僅接受台積電官方網站投遞】 請至台積電官方網站投遞個人履歷表,此職缺履歷登錄網址:https://careers.tsmc.com/careers/JobDetail?jobId=426&source=1111 台灣積體電路製造股份有限公司(台積公司)致力於維護身心障礙者就業權益。依身心障礙者權益保障法, 特別規劃聘僱身障人才專區,歡迎領有身障手冊或證明者加入台積公司! 說明 1.新製程方法研究及評估 2.新製程材料探索及評估 資格 1. 須具備台灣有效身心障礙手冊 2. 具材料實驗分析能力 3. 光學/物理/化學相關領域物理學類,化學工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


【本職缺僅接受台積電官方網站投遞】 請至台積電官方網站投遞個人履歷表,此職缺履歷登錄網址:https://careers.tsmc.com/careers/JobDetail?jobId=268&source=1111 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Ltd. (TSMC) is committed to upholding the employment rights of accessibility individuals. In accordance with Taiwan Disability Rights Protection Act, we have established a dedicated recruitment section for those with a disability certificate and warmly welcome them to join TSMC. Description 1. A highly motivated individuals with a strong technical background and capabilities to develop and sustain process technologies for flash memory and logic products. 2. Working with a team which may include device,integration, yield, lithography, etch and thin films or external suppliers to drive leading-edge integrated module development, control and improvements. 3. Be responsible for sustaining ownership such as day-to-day operations,equipment troubleshooting and mentoring technicians. Qualifications 1. A valid Taiwan disability certificate. 2. Bachelor‘s degree or above with a major in EE, IE or business related. 3. Proven track in project management is a plus. 4. Good English communication and negotiation skills. 5. Self-motivated and business oriented; team player.電機工程學類,電子工程學類,資訊工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


【本職缺僅接受台積電官方網站投遞】 請至台積電官方網站投遞個人履歷表,此職缺履歷登錄網址:https://careers.tsmc.com/careers/JobDetail?jobId=4213&source=1111&tags=2024DomesticCampus_1111 Description: 因為期待無限可能,所以選擇台積。 台積致力於營造具挑戰性、可以持續學習而又有樂趣的工作環境,提供同業平均水準以上的薪酬與福利。 加入台積,您將與世界一流的優秀夥伴共事,透過最先進的製程技術,成就改變世界的大事,所有突破與創新,都有一份我們的努力。 歡迎「志同道合」的你,透過〝線上應徵〝事先註冊履歷,符合資格者,將享有優先面試的機會唷! 如您對台積電校園徵才感興趣, 我們替各位準備了三場次線上說明會(3/22、3/29、4/2)。 報名連結:請點我 (採線上報名,報名成功後將由台積電招募團隊審核後由系統發送e-mail通知,可重複報名不同場次) 歡迎同學們報名參加,以掌握台積趨勢、組織概況與求職撇步! ▋歡迎志同道合的夥伴,一起加入台積 ▋世界上的每一個夢,都由我們來圓夢 TSMC offers a wide variety of fulfilling careers and opportunities across our organization in many different locations. By joining TSMC, you will work with the best team in the industry and achieve your full potential through a comprehensive and systemized learning program here. We are devoted to achieving technology advancement, pursuing manufacturing excellence, and optimizing customer service. If you are interested in joining TSMC, don’t miss our 〝TSMC Campus Recruitment Online Briefing Session〝, which will include the introduction of our company, industry trend, career opportunities, and life at TSMC. The sessions will be held on Mar 22, Mar 29, and Apr 2. Registration link: click here *TSMC Talent Acquisition Team will send a notification email to eligible applicants who have successfully registered to the event. 2024 TSMC 校園熱門職缺 Campus Recruitment Job : R&D (研究與發展組織專區) 1-1 【2024 Campus Recruitment】TSMC R&D Engineer 1-2 【2024 Campus Recruitment】TSMC DTP Engineer 1-3 【2024 Campus Recruitment】TSMC MtM RD Engineer 1-4 【2024 Campus Recruitment】TSMC IIP Engineer 1-5 【2024 Campus Recruitment】TSMC Pathfinding for System Integration Engineer Operations (營運組織專區) 2-1 【2024 Campus Recruitment】TSMC Process Integration Engineer 2-2 【2024 Campus Recruitment】TSMC Process Engineer 2-3 【2024 Campus Recruitment】TSMC Equipment Engineer 2-4 【2023 Campus Recruitment】TSMC Intelligent Manufacturing Engineer 2-5 【2024 Campus Recruitment】TSMC Facility Engineer 2-6 【2024 Campus Recruitment】TSMC Product Engineer 2-7 【2024 Campus Recruitment】TSMC Advanced Packaging & Testing Engineer 2-8 【2024 Campus Recruitment】TSMC Module Associate Engineer 2-9【2024 Campus Recruitment】TSMC Technician Strategy & Supporting (策略暨支援組織專區) 3-1 【2024 Campus Recruitment】TSMC IT Engineer 3-2 【2024 Campus Recruitment】TSMC Quality & Reliability Engineer 3-3 【2024 Campus Recruitment】TSMC Corporate Planning Organization 3-4 【2024 Campus Recruitment】TSMC Materials Management & Risk Management Engineer 3-5 【2024 Campus Recruitment】TSMC Human Resources Specialist 3-6 【2024 Campus Recruitment】TSMC Finance & Accounting Specialist Qualifications: 上述職缺歡迎2024年學碩博應屆畢業生或可於2024年底到職者,主修電機、電子、光電、電信、物理、材料、化學、化工、機械、資工、資管、工工、環工、財會、管理、人資、勞工關係、心理等相關科系者尤佳。 【履歷填寫重點提醒】 1. 投遞履歷,請務必優先填寫完成:「畢業學校、科系、畢業年份」,系統資料送出後,收到面試邀請前,內文可以持續更新 2. 務必詳細填寫履歷資料,包含學歷、專業關鍵字與自傳等資訊,若您非外籍人士,除專業關鍵字外,其他欄位請以全中文填寫。 3. 自傳與專業關鍵字欄位有字數限制 (1000字),請確認填寫字數,以免造成網頁無法成功送出。 4. 若履歷欄位型式為下拉式選單,請勿自行輸入資料,以免資料無法正確送出。 更多2024校園徵才招募活動資訊,請密切關注台積電FB粉絲專頁 @加入台積 共創奇蹟 【Notes】 1. Please prioritize completing the 〝Graduation School, major, and graduation year〝 sections when submitting your resume. You can continue to update the content before receiving an interview invitation after the system data has been submitted. 2. Please click “Apply” and provide detailed resume information, including your education level, profession (with keywords that best describe your domain expertise) and autobiography, etc. If you are not a foreigner, please fill out the form (except for the keywords) in Mandarin. 3. Please make sure that the total work counts of your autobiography and keywords (domain description) are within a maximum of 1,000 characters respectively to prevent technical issues. For more information about the 2024 campus recruitment activities, please search TSMC FB fan page @加入台積 共創奇蹟電機工程學類,材料工程學類,化學工程學類

應徵人數|11-30 人



【本職缺僅接受台積電官方網站投遞】 請至台積電官方網站投遞個人履歷表,此職缺履歷登錄網址:https://careers.tsmc.com/careers/JobDetail?jobId=435&source=1111 台灣積體電路製造股份有限公司(台積公司)致力於維護身心障礙者就業權益。依身心障礙者權益保障法, 特別規劃聘僱身障人才專區,歡迎領有身障手冊或證明者加入台積公司! Description 1. Advanced 3DIC process development and baseline sustaining. 2. Process stability/manufacturability improvement for yield and reliability 3. 需值小夜班 (1-2週/per year), 假日值班 (1次/2月) Qualifications 1. 須具備台灣有效身心障礙手冊 2. 碩士或博士學位,具化工/材料/化學/物理科系背景 3. 長時間看電腦、良好邏輯思考、溝通能力佳 4. 每日須進入Fab.以及需跨廠區移動 (自行開車者佳)機械工程學類,材料工程學類,化學工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


【本職缺僅接受台積電官方網站投遞】 請至台積電官方網站投遞個人履歷表,此職缺履歷登錄網址: https://careers.tsmc.com/careers/JobDetail?jobId=257&source=1111 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Ltd. (TSMC) is committed to upholding the employment rights of accessibility individuals. In accordance with Taiwan Disability Rights Protection Act, we have established a dedicated recruitment section for those with a disability certificate and warmly welcome them to join TSMC. Description 1. Process/Device development. 2. Process stability/manufacturability improvement for yield and reliability qualification. 3. Tape out/test key/Design rule knowledge and ability to design and tape out test chip. Qualifications 1. A valid Taiwan disability certificate. 2. Master‘s or PhD degree in EE, Physics, or a related engineering discipline 3. Hands-on participation and a strong sense of ownership is required 4. Written and spoken communication skills is required 5. Technical problem-solving and analytical skills, based upon fundamental, rather than empirical models is plus. 6. Experience in technology development would be an added advantage including a. Process knowledge and ability to design and develop process: Familiar with module and integration and with skills/experience about si-view, lot handling, in-line monitor, loop/process recipe development b. Device knowledge and ability to design/develop device: Familiar with device physics, measurement, analysis and design and with skills/experience about TCAD simulation, device bench/WAT measurement and data analysis. c. Tape out/test key/Design rule knowledge and ability to design and tape out test chip: Familiar with layout, test key and tape out and with skills/experience about test key layout design, tape out,, MB, LOP, DRM, DRC, TCMB and PCM.物理學類,材料工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


【本職缺僅接受台積電官方網站投遞】 請至台積電官方網站投遞個人履歷表,此職缺履歷登錄網址:https://careers.tsmc.com/careers/JobDetail?jobId=265&source=1111 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Ltd. (TSMC) is committed to upholding the employment rights of accessibility individuals. In accordance with Taiwan Disability Rights Protection Act, we have established a dedicated recruitment section for those with a disability certificate and warmly welcome them to join TSMC. Description Job Content:(TSMC Operations Engineer Job Vacancies) 1. Process Integration Engineer (1) To be responsible for helping to drive process/device development and optimization of Flash/CMOS/RF devices in order to meet scaling, performance, reliability, and manufacturability requirements. (2) Identify and solve IC process and device problems. 2. Process Engineer (1) Develop and sustain process technologies for flash memory and logic products. (2) Working with different teams or external suppliers to drive integrated module development, control and improvements. (3) Be responsible for daily operations, such as fine-tune recipe, prepare engineering reports, process and equipment troubleshooting. (4) Need to work in Fab clean room and be familiar with operating equipment and organizing data Work Schedules:Normal Shift, Process Engineer has Daily 3-shift schedule (Evening shift) Qualifications 1. A valid Taiwan disability certificate. 2. Minimum Master degrees in an engineering and scientific field such as Materials Science,Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Physics, Chemistry or Optics. 3. Familiar with Statistical Process Control (SPC) and/or Design of Experiments (DOE) principles is a plus 4. Be able to use computer in a long time. Fluent in English機械工程學類,材料工程學類,化學工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


【本職缺僅接受台積電官方網站投遞】 請至台積電官方網站投遞個人履歷表,此職缺履歷登錄網址:https://careers.tsmc.com/careers/JobDetail?jobId=261&source=1111 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Ltd. (TSMC) is committed to upholding the employment rights of accessibility individuals. In accordance with Taiwan Disability Rights Protection Act, we have established a dedicated recruitment section for those with a disability certificate and warmly welcome them to join TSMC. Description 1. Memory related circuit design. 2. 3D IC testchip design. 3. Research for in-memory & near memory computing design. Qualifications 1. A valid Taiwan disability certificate. 2. Majoring in EE/CS. 3. Memory Design/Circuit simulation and analysis. 4. Familiar with IC design tools.電機工程學類,電子工程學類,資訊工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


【本職缺僅接受台積電官方網站投遞】 請至台積電官方網站投遞個人履歷表,此職缺履歷登錄網址:https://careers.tsmc.com/careers/JobDetail?jobId=436&source=1111 台灣積體電路製造股份有限公司(台積公司)致力於維護身心障礙者就業權益。依身心障礙者權益保障法, 特別規劃聘僱身障人才專區,歡迎領有身障手冊或證明者加入台積公司! Description 1. Process development and yield improvement. 2. Customer engagement 3. Design rule define, TV design, and technology qualification. Qualifications 1. 須具備台灣有效身心障礙手冊 2. 科系:電機/材料/化工/機械科系機械工程學類,材料工程學類,化學工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


【本職缺僅接受台積電官方網站投遞】 請至台積電官方網站投遞個人履歷表,此職缺履歷登錄網址:https://careers.tsmc.com/careers/JobDetail?jobId=458&source=1111 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Ltd. (TSMC) is committed to upholding the employment rights of accessibility individuals. In accordance with Taiwan Disability Rights Protection Act, we have established a dedicated recruitment section for those with a disability certificate and warmly welcome them to join TSMC. Description 1. IC design implementation 2. Programming tasks for in-house CAD recipes development (ML-based or rule-based), design flow automation, etc. Qualifications 1. A valid Taiwan disability certificate 2. Good programming skill (i.e., at least one scripting language) 3. Fast learning curve 4. Familiar with the background of IC design flow 5. Innovative thinking in problem solving

應徵人數|1-5 人


【本職缺僅接受台積電官方網站投遞】 請至台積電官方網站投遞個人履歷表,此職缺履歷登錄網址:https://careers.tsmc.com/careers/JobDetail?jobId=501&source=1111 須具備台灣有效身心障礙手冊台灣積體電路製造股份有限公司(台積公司)致力於維護身心障礙者就業權益。依身心障礙者權益保障法, 特別規劃聘僱身障人才專區,歡迎領有身障手冊或證明者加入台積公司! 說明 Job Content:(TSMC QR Engineer Job Vacancies) 1.可靠度工程師 •製程可靠度、產品可靠度 •元件物理、電性量測分析 2.助理工程師 •文件與報表管理 •word排版、文件生效、文件分發 溝通表達能力佳、有耐心、細心 3.RMA工程師 •RMA system handling •Handle RMA system logistics and paper work •細心,管理以及溝通能力 4.品質可靠度分析工程師 •品質及可靠度分析 •WAT, CV, ORM, reliability …資料分析處理, Change and 8D report review •理工半導體相關背景. 溝通表達能力佳、英語、Excel、UiPath 5.文件管理工程師 •文件管理 •文件生效、專案溝通、問題解決、系統整合 •溝通表達能力佳、邏輯、英語、專案管理能力佳 6.SPC工程師 •SPC資料分析、系統開發 •統計專業、Python, R, excel 7.量測工程師 •Metrology Calibration, Matching •量測相關經驗,半導體製程 8.AI BIG DATA工程師 •ML 開發與數據分析 •Python,Matlab •Data Mining 9.ADC工程師 •ADC 系統開發, 維護, 系統整合 •Al/ML 領域, data mining, big data analysis, project management 10.製造課長 •DL產出及相關業務管理 •生產管理,績效制度彙整,跨組織溝通及DL關懷 •Excel程度高、具程式語言能力者佳、溝通表達能力佳 資格 1.須具備台灣有效身心障礙手冊 2.大學 (含) 以上學歷 3.積極負責、細心、耐壓性強 4.身體可負荷長時間操作電腦、長時間電話溝通 5.具英文聽說讀寫能力

應徵人數|1-5 人


【本職缺僅接受台積電官方網站投遞】 請至台積電官方網站投遞個人履歷表,此職缺履歷登錄網址:https://careers.tsmc.com/careers/JobDetail?jobId=254&source=1111 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Ltd. (TSMC) is committed to upholding the employment rights of accessibility individuals. In accordance with Taiwan Disability Rights Protection Act, we have established a dedicated recruitment section for those with a disability certificate and warmly welcome them to join TSMC. 【Description】 About Corporate Planning Organization: 1. We ensure customers’ demands are well satisfied in the rapid market, win customer trust, enhance operation efficiency and reach profit maximization. 2. We drive business effectiveness to bring world changing innovation into reality. 3. Our resources, production and demand planning, pricing, and system integration team develop flexible planning and provide quick responsiveness to coordinate needs between factories and customers. 4. We look for talents: IE, Business, or Semiconductor Industry Experiences; Logical thinking and communication skills; Learning agility; Business acumen. Following is detailed job description: 【Account PC Planner】 1. Provide delivery schedule and logistic services to key customer. 2. Coordinate the internal planning team including planning team and Back-end for delivery. 3. Manage logistic service related projects and Hub. 【Fab Production Control Planner】 1. 300mm fabs’ Production planning: Capacity support and customer demand fulfillment. 2. Fab operation management: NTO pilots and priority lots management, production delivery management, CT management and key bottleneck tool performance monitor. 3. Operation KPI monitor and achievement. 【IE Engineer】 1. Long-term capacity planning and management. 2. Long-term Capital investment planning and control. 3. Cost evaluation and management. 【Qualifications】 1. A valid Taiwan disability certificate. 2. Good business sense and communication skills. 3. Mindful working attitude with high working quality. 4. Familiar with TSMC/ Semiconductor Fab/ Back-end operation process is a plus. 5. Knowledge of ESCM is a plus.

應徵人數|1-5 人


【本職缺僅接受台積電官方網站投遞】 請至台積電官方網站投遞個人履歷表,此職缺履歷登錄網址:https://careers.tsmc.com/careers/JobDetail?jobId=432&source=1111 台灣積體電路製造股份有限公司(台積公司)致力於維護身心障礙者就業權益。依身心障礙者權益保障法, 特別規劃聘僱身障人才專區,歡迎領有身障手冊或證明者加入台積公司! 說明 1. Model及test pattern建立 2. Recipe最佳化及品質手法建立 資格 1. 須具備台灣有效身心障礙手冊 2. 熟悉模擬分析、程式編寫

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.負責門市的餐飲管理與人力調配。 2.確保餐廳服務方式與作業標準流程等事宜。 3.監督商品之製作流程、份量等事務。 4.可配合公司需求轉調其他餐廳。 5.完成基礎訓練並通過檢定後即昇遷為餐廳襄理。 台灣漢堡王公司(BURGERKING),目前正在擴大招募【台南[管理幹部]】人才,我們有完整的訓練課程及暢通的升遷管道,未來發展性強,展店計畫明確,若您對餐飲管理工作,有發展企圖,歡迎您加入挑戰自己的行列,為自己的未來做出理想的選擇. 期待您的加入. 謝謝!輕型機車,普通小型車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


【本職缺接受1111投遞,或透過台積電官方網站投遞】 請至台積電官方網站投遞個人履歷表,此職缺履歷登錄網址:https://careers.tsmc.com/careers/JobDetail?jobId=423&source=1111 台灣積體電路製造股份有限公司(台積公司)致力於維護身心障礙者就業權益。依身心障礙者權益保障法, 特別規劃聘僱身障人才專區,歡迎領有身障手冊或證明者加入台積公司! 說明: 1. FAB量測機台操作、FAB晶片檢驗(切割、 送測)、工程HOT LOT追蹤、工程報表分析、異常問題反應 2. 工程晶片帳料管理 3. 協助工程師處理異常工程晶片 4. 採四輪二班制:工作兩天,休息兩天 5. 需輪班:三個月夜班、三個月日班、不限定A或B班依部門任務狀況座彈性調整 6. 工作待遇:日班總月薪約32,000元;夜班總月薪約 43,000元;另享有分紅獎金,平均年薪達70萬元以上 資格: 1. 須具備台灣有效身心障礙手冊 2. FAB線上操作經驗1.5年(含)以上 3. 高中職、專科,大學或以上 4. 能接受長時間久坐,身體可負荷長時間看電腦 5. 不需經常走動,不用進無塵室 6. 需大量透過當面/電話/電腦打字與他人溝通協商,具備良好的問題解決能力、溝通能力、團隊精神、積極學習態度、英語能力佳

應徵人數|1-5 人
