室內游泳池 – 大湖公園游泳池官網及玉泉公園游泳池官網   






室內池開放時間:除了農曆春節年假外, 全年無休


全票:$110 優待票:$80


  1. 12歲以下或身高120 公分以下兒童,需由家長或成人陪同下水。
    Children under 12 years old or under 120 cm in height must be accompanied by a parent or an adult in the water.
  2. 私人物品請自行保管,遺失本館恕不負責。
    Please keep track of your personal belongings by yourself, and the pool management will not be responsible for any loss .
  3. 請勿穿著鞋子入場,鞋子請置於鞋櫃。
    Please put your shoes in the shoe cabinet and do not wear shoes to enter the pool area.
  4. 患有皮膚病、心臟病、高血壓、傳染性疾病等及酒醉者禁止入池。
    People who suffer from skin diseases, heart disease, high blood pressure, infectious diseases, etc. and those who are drunk are prohibited from entering the pool.
  5. 禁止攜帶玻璃容器、陶瓷器皿、尖銳物品、易碎物品及危險物品入池。
    It is forbidden to bring glass containers, ceramic utensils, sharp objects, fragile objects and dangerous objects into the pool.prohibited to bring any glass or ceramic items into the pool.
  6. 身體適或發燒超過攝氏37.5度者禁止入池。
    Those who are unwell or have a fever exceeding 37.5 degrees Celsius are not allowed to enter the pool.
  7. 入池前請徹底卸妝及淋浴,不可塗抹乳液及油品於皮膚上。
    Please remove makeup and shower thoroughly before entering the pool. Do not apply lotion and oil to the skin.
  8. 嚴禁於場館內吸煙、喝酒、嚼食檳榔、口香糖及攜帶外食。
    Smoking, drinking alcohol, bringing in outside food or chewing betel nuts or gum are forbidden on the pool premises.
  9. 使用蛙鞋、面鏡、呼吸管、划手板及其他輔助浮物,限定於本館允許之教學時段。
    The use of diving fins, diving masks, snorkels, paddle boards and other auxiliary floats is limited to the designated teaching hours .
  10. 禁止於池邊奔跑、嬉戲、跳水、池內潛水及妨礙他人安全之行為。
    It is forbidden to run, horseplay, jump into water, dive in the pool and obstruct the safety of others.
  11. 請勿戴眼鏡、項鍊、戒指及其他飾品入池。
    Please do not wear glasses, necklaces, rings and other accessories into the pool.
  12. 本館嚴禁私人教學。
    Unauthorized private teaching is strictly prohibited on the pool premises classes are forbidden on the pool premises.
  13. 十二歲以下或身高120公分以下兒童,進入SPA池及三溫暖(烤箱室、蒸氣室、水療池),需由家長或成人陪同。
    Children under 12 years old or under 120cm in height must be accompanied by a parent or an adult when entering the SPA pools and sauna area(dry sauna room, steam room, hydrotherapy
  14. 為維持泳池安全,請依水道指定遵循右去左回,中途禁止停留。
    For your safety, please follow the designation of the swim lane, swim in the designated direction and keep to you right . Do not stop in the middle of the swim lane.
  15. 請著泳衣、泳褲、泳帽、泳鏡入池。
    Please enter the pool with your swimsuit, swimming trunks, swimming cap, and swimming goggles.
  16. 使用本館設施,請配合館方管理及各項規定,遇有爭議事項,依現場人員 指示為主,屢勸不聽者,將追究責任與賠償,並強制驅離本館。
    When using the facilities of the pool, please cooperate with the management and various regulations of the pool. In case of disputes, follow the instructions of the on-site personnel.Those who
    do not listen to repeated persuasion will be held responsible for compensation, as well as forcibly expelled from the permises.
  17. 本須知如有未盡事宜, 得另行增列、修訂之, 並以現場公告或工作人員說明為準, 若未能配合管理者, 現場工作人員將有權令其離場(不予退費)並不負賠償責任。為維護其他使用者的安全, 屢勸不聽者, 本中心有權禁止其購票使用。
    The center has the right to add and alter the rules accordingly with the announcement on site and staff explanation as overrule. The center reserves the right to prohibit use of the facility in concern to its environment and safety and is not responsible for reimbursement and compensation for violation to others caused by personal factor or not cooperating with rules.

