Tripadvisor | 伊施卡瑞特公園一日遊(優先入場和文化之夜表演) | 坎昆, 墨西哥



0-99 歲,每團最多 15 人
所需時間: 6 至 12 小時
開始時間: 查看供應狀況
即時指南:英文, 西班牙文
德文, 葡萄牙文, 韓文, 英文, 法文, 西班牙文

  • 在前往Xcaret旅行的一天內,您可以看到墨西哥最好的一面
  • 家庭和首次訪客的明顯選擇
  • 您可以享受自然和文化景點
  • 酒店接送意味著您無需擔心找到會麵點

  • 使用躺椅,吊床和休息區
  • 救生衣和內胎
  • 地下河的水上活動
  • 酒店接送服務
  • 一頓自助午餐,包括水果味飲料,咖啡和一杯啤酒(如果選擇了Xcaret Plus選項)
  • 使用Plus Area設施(如果選擇了Xcaret Plus選項)
  • 使用浮潛設備(如果選擇 Xcaret Plus 選項)
  • 可使用海灘,海灣和天然泳池
  • 包括40多個活動,現場有300多名演員
  • 優先進入:在去公園的途中,您可以在公交車上佩戴入場手鐲。
  • 進入公園
  • 伊施卡瑞特生態主題公園 門票
  • 卡曼海灘 門票
  • 卡曼海灘 門票
  • 卡曼海灘 門票
  • 卡曼海灘 門票
  • 卡曼海灘 門票
  • 小費
  • Snuba、SeaTrek、Adrenalina 等可選活動(您可以直接在公園購買)
  • 食物和飲料(如果未選擇Xcaret Plus選項)
  • 照片(可購買)
  • 紀念品(可購買)
  • 卡曼海灘 門票
  • 卡曼海灘 門票

    • *** 這是 Grupo Xcaret 的官方產品 *** 在預訂過程中,請選擇 Pickup Location,然後選擇“Please pick me at”單選按鈕,然後從下拉列表中選擇“I don't see my pickup location”,然後在下面的框中輸入酒店名稱,以便我們可以輕鬆找到您的酒店接送地點。 - 如果您的住處不是酒店,您必須註明您的確切地址,包括街道名稱、外部電話號碼、內部電話號碼、縣、郵政編碼和城市。 - 我們想讓您感到舒適,所以我們會在您的酒店或我們路線中最近的地點接您。 - 要了解確切的時間和集合點,您必須通過預訂選項發送消息,或者必須至少在購買的參觀日期前 24 小時致電我們。 - 如果您不需要交通工具,請告訴我們。 - 考慮到某些酒店的政策,我們無法保證您在不是客人的酒店接您,不允許訪客進入酒店。 - 導遊將身著紅色T卹,背面印有Xcaret標誌,便於識別。導遊會大聲說出旅遊名稱。 - 上車時,請出示您的打印或電子憑證以及帶照片的乘車證件,以獲取進入公園的手環。 - 如果在您購買門票時您還沒有酒店,您必須至少在參觀公園前 24 小時聯繫 Viator 客戶服務人員,以幫助您與我們協調接客。 - 您必須提前 10 分鐘到達指定地點。 - 交通服務不是私人的,因此您將與 Grupo Xcaret 的其他一些遊客共享公共汽車。
      • Plaza Playacar, P.º Xaman - Ha Mz. 25-Lt. 19, Fracc. 4 Playacar Fase II, Playacar, 77710 Playa del Carmen, Q.R., Mexico
      • Plaza Antigua, 10 Av. Sur 10, Playacar, 77713 Playa del Carmen, Q.R., Mexico
      • Old Navy, 10 Av. Sur, Playacar, 77710 Playa del Carmen, Q.R., Mexico
      • Playacar Palace All Inclusive Resort, Bahía del Espíritu Santo s/n, Centro, 77710 Playa del Carmen, Q.R., Mexico
      • Plaza las Perlas, Av. Constituyentes LB, Gonzalo Guerrero, 77710 Playa del Carmen, Q.R., Mexico
      • La Bodeguita del Medio Playa del Carmen, 5ta Avenida Calle 34 Norte Esq, Gonzalo Guerrero, 77720 Playa del Carmen, Q.R., Mexico
      • Residence Inn by Marriott Cancun Hotel Zone, Blvd. Kukulcan Km. 23.5 Lt. 1-02, Manzana 60, Zona Hotelera, 77500 Cancún, Q.R., Mexico
      • Base Xcaret, Blvd. Kukulcan, Punta Cancun, Zona Hotelera, 77500 Cancún, Q.R., Mexico
      • Marina Puerto Cancún, Blvd. Kukulcan 1, Puerto Juarez, Zona Hotelera, 77500 Cancún, Q.R., Mexico
      • Ultramar, Av. José López Portillo Calle 49, Puerto Juarez, Juárez, 77525 Cancún, Q.R., Mexico

        • 設有無障礙設施
        • 適合使用嬰兒車
        • 附近的公共交通
        • 嬰兒必須由成人手抱
        如果您有交通方面的疑問,我們非常樂意為您提供協助。 只要撥打下方電話號碼,然後提供產品代碼即可:6140CUNXCARET

        • 您將於預訂時收到確認訊息
        • 兒童價格取決於身高。超過 4.6 英尺(1.4 米)的兒童按成人價付費。身高在 3.2 英尺(1 米)和 4.6 英尺(1.4 米)之間的兒童需支付兒童價。所有 3.2 英尺(1 米)以下的兒童在不佔座位的情況下均可免費旅行。
        • 建議您攜帶舒適輕便的衣服、步行鞋或運動鞋、可生物降解的防曬霜、泳衣和毛巾,以及額外更換的衣物。
        • 0 至 4 歲的嬰兒免費。
        • 重要提示:兒童必須始終由成人陪同。
        • 患有背部疾病的旅客不宜參加
        • 患有心臟疾病或其他嚴重疾病的旅客不宜參加
        • 大多數旅客均可參加
        • 優惠券時間表信息豐富。
        • 遊覽和運營天數視供應情況和變化而定。
        • 接送服務來自坎昆、普拉亞德爾卡曼和里維埃拉瑪雅的不同酒店,因此接送時間將根據您酒店的位置而有所不同。我們將在您的酒店或我們路線上可用的最近地點接您。
        • 如果在完成購買時您沒有酒店的名稱,您必須在參觀公園前至少 24 小時聯繫客戶服務 Viator 工作人員,以幫助您與我們協調接機事宜。
        • 要知道確切的時間和集合點,您必須通過預訂選項發送消息,或者必須在購買的訪問日期前至少 24 小時致電我們。
        • 所有更改、取消和/或退款預訂請求必須在參觀日期前至少 24 小時提出。
        • 我們接受從一個月到下個月的訪問日期變更(當年有效,並受季節關稅變化影響)
        • 我們接受將預計訪問日期從一天更改為另一天,但僅限於前一天。
        • *** 這是 Grupo Xcaret 的官方產品 ***
        • 一些活動,如地下河,有健康問題的檢查點
        • 如果出現咳嗽、喉嚨痛、流鼻涕和/或眼睛發紅等症狀並且溫度超過 100.4 F (38 C),我們的員工保留拒絕登上我們的交通工具或進入我們的設施的權利。
        • 此遊覽團/活動的旅客人數上限為 15 人

        • 如欲全額退款,請提前於體驗開始日期的至少 24 小時前作出取消。

        如果您對此遊覽有任何疑問,或需要協助預訂,我們非常樂意為您提供協助。 只要撥打下方電話號碼,然後提供產品代碼即可:6140CUNXCARET



        • 你將會獲得接送服務
        • 1
          逗留時長: 90 分鐘 - 已包含門票費用
        • 2
          Xcaret Park
          景點逗留時間:6 小時 - 已包含門票費用
        • 3
          Xcaret Park
          景點逗留時間:6 小時 - 已包含門票費用
        • 4
          Xcaret Park
          逗留時長: 3 分鐘 - 已包含門票費用
        • 5
          Xcaret Park
          景點逗留時間:5 小時 - 已包含門票費用
        • 6
          Xcaret Park
          景點逗留時間:4 小時 - 已包含門票費用
        • 7
          Xcaret Park
          逗留時長: 30 分鐘 - 不包含門票費用
        • 8
          Xcaret Park
          逗留時長: 60 分鐘 - 不包含門票費用
        • 你將會返回至出發地點
        • 伊施卡瑞特生態主題公園
          2011年1月 加入
        • wentingq2021
          0 篇投稿
          1.0/5 分
        • kamalmnor
          0 篇投稿
          5.0/5 分
        • yyws05
          0 篇投稿
          4.0/5 分
          我们在这个公园玩得很开心,如果你要等最后的表演结束后才离开,那真是挺漫长的一天。有两个接机时间:如果你不想看最后的表演那么可以在下午4点45分离开,另外一个则是表演结束后的晚上9点45分。导游会在你下车离开之前重申这一点,你收到的小册子背面也有相关描述。公园的一切让你应接不暇,有很多的野生动物,金刚鹦鹉很神奇。还要做好准备会有大量的步行路段,他们会告知大家换好衣服,去河口游泳。不过我想告诉大家,先去做那些干爽的活动,晚些时候再去游泳,因为河口那游泳的人太多了,又拥挤又吵,晚些时候则会安静一点。如果另外交钱,你可以和鲨鱼、海豚和刺鳐一起游泳。我知道这些动物们受到了很好的照顾,但是看到它们被关在笼子里,我还是很难过。公园的浮潜项目让人失望,区域太小几乎无法浮潜,而且几乎就是人挨着人。如果您想要更好的浮潜体验,我们建议去Xel Ha而不是Xcaret。那天我们去的两家餐馆都关门了,有点让人失望,我们最后去了一家墨西哥餐厅吃饭,餐厅里已经坐满了人,所以我们被问到是否可以和几个陌生人共用一张桌子,我可以跟其他人一张桌子吃饭,但是很尴尬,我并不是很喜欢这种经历,不过食物很好吃。一天当中只有一顿饭是免费的,其他都是额外收费的,这有点让人沮丧,因为我之前去Xel Ha的时候,可以吃早餐和午餐,并在指定的地方喝了饮料。以此类推,我希望Xcaret也可以涵盖一些项目。在这个公园里可以看到许多美丽的动物,四处走走是很有趣的。有很多可以看、可以参与的。我们留下来观看了最后的演出,表演很棒,但也没有导游说的那么精彩。总的来说,这是漫长的一天。
        • Charles K
          0 篇投稿
          4.0/5 分
        • helenpW2369QA
          0 篇投稿
          4.0/5 分
        • Jennifer P
          0 篇投稿
          3.0/5 分
        • nlovewithwife
          0 篇投稿
          5.0/5 分
        • Tania L
          0 篇投稿
          5.0/5 分
        • Markagallegos
          0 篇投稿
          5.0/5 分
        • Rosscojnb
          0 篇投稿
          3.0/5 分
        • E4559XWpaulc
          0 篇投稿
          1.0/5 分
        • Gil L
          0 篇投稿
          4.0/5 分
        • Maribel R
          0 篇投稿
          5.0/5 分
        • albertadaddy
          0 篇投稿
          5.0/5 分
          这个公园远远超出了我的预期。 没有哪里能和这里一样棒。 如果你在附近,必须要来这个公园。 我的家人喜欢这个地方甚至胜过迪士尼乐园。
        • AnitaMaharaj1970
          0 篇投稿
          4.0/5 分
        查看全部 48 則評論
        這些評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。Tripadvisor 會根據我們業界領先的信任與安全標準對評論進行檢查。請參閱我們的透明度報告以進一步了解。

        4.5/5 分1,124 則評論

        此服務可能包含由 Google 提供的翻譯。 Google 並不提供任何與翻譯有關的明示或暗示保證 (包括對準確性和可靠性的保證),亦不對適銷性、適用於特定用途和不侵權提供任何暗示保證。

        墨西哥坎昆52 則投稿
        5.0/5 分
        Xcaret is one of the most recommended natural attractions in Cancun so we had to try it. We purchased the Xcaret Plus with transportation that included access to the park with all its attractions (except the extra paid ones) and a buffet table. The park is wonderful, you are in contact with nature 100% and it has very good access to the beach. The only detail to mention in this experience is the value for money, although it is certainly a very tourist attraction, the price is quite high for a natural park, plus once you arrive you realize that there are many extras that you They charge separately regardless of whether you are Xcaret Plus, Xcaret Total or whatever. All the time they are trying to sell you more and more experiences. In itself, the pass to the park is quite expensive, if you add all the extras they offer you, the costs are much higher. It is an experience that I lived only once and would not repeat again. The park is very attractive for its views and landscapes but it is nothing exciting or highly attractive for the price they charge for entry. However, it is an experience that I am glad to have had but would not repeat.

        It is divided into different sectors of which I will leave you my opinion:

        - River Route: We begin with a walk along the entire river until it ends almost at the beach with vests for better buoyancy since there are parts where you cannot stand and with fins for better mobility but you can always let yourself relax and take advantage of the slight current from the river. You enjoy its transparent waters with incredible turquoise colors.

        - Beach: Just leaving the river crossing you will find the beach area, waters that are equally crystal clear and their marked turquoise color.

        - Snorkeling cove: Very poor in attractions, almost no marine fauna to appreciate. You have hundreds of people around you.

        - Aquarium: They have ponds with manatees, turtles, cat sharks and dolphins. They have an aquarium of fish tanks with different species but this part is poorer in terms of marine fauna, you don't see many attractive things. The strangest thing they had in this area were the manatees, which is certainly an animal that is not easily found in other places but the rest was very normal.

        - Rainforest trail: It is an extremely boring trail, you don't see anything attractive. Here you find two main areas: the orchidarium which had nothing spectacular either and the tour through Río Paraíso which is not exciting but you do enjoy a relaxing landscape while traveling through the crystal clear waters of the river.

        - Archaeological zone: They have small areas of Mayan ruins. Nothing extraordinary to add to this. I wonder if they are original or created from the tourist area of the park.

        - Pueblo Maya: Very normal attraction, nothing to add beyond a good pre-Hispanic show that they do in this location in the afternoon.

        - Jaguar and Puma Trench: There are only two specimens of these animals which you must appreciate for a long time to find them

        - Butterfly Garden: After the Orchid Garden, this was one of the worst areas of the park. I managed to see 10 butterflies in the whole place and they were all the same.

        - Aviario: This place took the award for my favorite place. Spectacular place with a wide variety of bird species living in the same habitat.

        - Mexico Espectacular Show: Great show to close an intense day touring the entire park. They take you on a walk through the different stages of national history through dances, songs and shows. They have excellent scenery and a very professional artistic work team.

        - Buffet Table: Without a doubt the best buffet table I have tried during my trip to Mexico. I ate the best meats at the Oaxaca restaurant, all the food was exquisitely prepared and the attention from the staff was equally good.

        PS: They have an incredible service infrastructure in which they manage to work with more than 5,000 people and the client does not have to suffer long waits, queues or accumulation of staff at any attraction.
        這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
        Estimado Juan. Muchas gracias por elegirnos como parate de su destino en la Riviera Maya. Apreciamos que se haya tomado el tiempo para compartir su reseña con nosotros. Asimismo, tomamos en cuenta su opinión para seguir brindando experiencias únicas e inolvidables a cada uno de nuestros visitantes. De igual forma, nos alegra saber que disfrutó de su experiencia y le invitamos a que conozca nuestros otros parques temáticos que seguro podrían adaptarse mejor a sus preferencias como Xel-Há, Xavage y muchos otros más. Para mayor información, consulte nuestra página web oficial, aplicación móvil o contactenos a través de nuestro centro de atención telefonica. Saludos cordiales. Daniel G. Grupo Xcaret – Servicio al Cliente. Mex: + 52 (998) 883-3143 - US: 855-326-0682
        這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

        Jamie N
        23 則投稿
        5.0/5 分
        What an amazing attraction. We had so much fun and it was hassle free. The floating rivers were amazing. The lunch buffet food was fantastic and had a mariachi band playing. Wildlife adventures were great. Xcaret plus was worth the money for lockers lunch and the amazing evening show. Everything was great.
        這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
        Dear Jamie. Thank you so much for visiting Xcaret! It's a great pleasure to hear you had an amazing experience at our eco-park. We are also thrilled that our buffet and the night show met all your expectations. We'd love to have you back soon and we invite you to visit our other theme parks, which can be adpat better to your preferences. If you want to learn more about our experiences, you can visit our official website. Kind regards. Daniel G. Grupo Xcaret – Customer Service. Mex: + 52 (998) 883-3143 - US: 855-326-0682
        這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

        墨西哥薩爾蒂31 則投稿
        4.0/5 分
        2024年3月 • 家庭式
        - Transportation to and from the hotel on time and the truck was very good. The bad thing is that there is a lot of traffic between Cancun and Playa del Carmen that we were on the road from 6:30 to 9:30.
        - Quick entrance to the park but the guide who was accompanying us suddenly disappeared and we never saw him again, when he said he was going to guide us on 2 more stops.
        - I had already gone to the park on 2 more occasions so the buffet that was waiting for me was not what it is today, even though it is rich and moderately varied it does not compare with those that were there before. Like they put more small restaurants with less food. The waters are all delicious. The service is also very good.
        - There are too many people they let in so you can't enjoy the park because everyone crowds into everything. You can't take nice photos because there are so many people that they yell at you to get away. So it's not worth the photo package because it costs half a world more.
        - We had the Sea trek experience that we didn't love. It was good but nothing as expected. It's not worth paying for it.
        - The show at the end is exactly the same as it has been since we went 12 years ago, it is beautiful but nothing has changed. If it is worth paying for dinner or wine and notice that they give because they give a better place to see it.
        - In general, the good thing in itself is the park and the service of the staff (we had an accident with a stroller and they also helped me solve it in the infirmary, everything was excellent) although you can't enjoy it as well because of so many people they let in. You have to wait and fight to have good photos.
        這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
        Apreciable Luna. Muchas gracias por seguir eligiéndonos como parate de su destino en la Riviera Maya. Todos sus comentarios son muy valiosos para nosotros y tenga por seguro que los tomaremos en consideración para seguir mejorando. También nos gustaría mencionar que a veces la cantidad de personas que nos visitan puede variar de acuerdo a la temporada. Es común que en temporada alta recibamos un mayor número de visitantes. Sin embargo, hacemos nuestro mejor esfuerzo para hacer la experiencia de nuestros visitantes lo más placentera posible Sería un placer volver a contar con su visita muy pronto y le invitamos a visitar nuestra página web para concer más sobre nuestros otros parques temáticos como Xel-Há, Xavage y muchos otros más. Saludos cordiales. Daniel G. Grupo Xcaret – Servicio al Cliente. Mex: + 52 (998) 883-3143 - US: 855-326-0682
        這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

        WILLIAM P
        2 則投稿
        5.0/5 分
        2024年3月 • 家庭式
        Smooth with the flowers 🌺my wife was surprised. The space, food and service were excellent! Third time here at xcaret
        這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
        Apreciable William. ¡Muchas gracias por seguir eligiéndonos como parate de su destino en la Riviera Maya! Es un verdadero gusto para nosotros saber que disfrutaron de su experiencia en nuestro parque ecológico. Todos sus comentarios son muy valiosos para nosotros y sería un placer volver a contar con su visita muy pronto. Asimismo, le invitamos a visitar nuestra página web para concer más sobre nuestros otros parques temáticos como Xel-Há, Xavage y muchos otros más. Saludos cordiales. Daniel G. Grupo Xcaret – Servicio al Cliente. Mex: + 52 (998) 883-3143 - US: 855-326-0682
        這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

        Susana D
        阿根廷Maipu35 則投稿
        5.0/5 分
        2024年3月 • 單獨旅行
        The underground rivers of Xcaret are fantastic; the water is crystal clear and fresh; not cold; If you get tired it has several exits but it is not that complicated to get to the end; You just have to move your arms or legs, you don't need to know how to swim, don't miss it
        這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
        Estimada Susana. ¡Muchas gracias por visitar Xcaret! Es un verdadero gusto leer su mensaje y nos alegra que haya disfrutado de nuestros ríos subterráneos. Ciertamente no es necesario saber nadar para disfrutar del recorrido en los ríos, ya que el uso de chaleco salvavidas en obligatorio en todas nuestras experiencias acuáticas. Ciertamente también contamos con cinco salidas intermedias en caso de finalizar la actividad antes, además, durante el recorrido del río, tenemos colocadas cuerdas para apoyarse y avanzar con mayor facilidad. Apreciamos se haya tomado el tiempo para compartirnos una excelente calificación y sería un placer volver a contar con su visita muy pronto. Asimismo, le invitamos a visitar nuestra página web para concer más sobre nuestros otros parques temáticos como Xel-Há, Xplor, Xavage y muchos otros más. Saludos cordiales. Daniel G. Grupo Xcaret – Servicio al Cliente. Mex: + 52 (998) 883-3143 - US: 855-326-0682
        這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

        Mariela P
        哥斯達黎加聖荷西35 則投稿
        5.0/5 分
        Excellent place, too beautiful, the attention, the attractions and the Show gets all 10, it is completely spectacular.
        The transportation service is super punctual and an excellent and complete service. I recommend paying for your photography package!
        這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
        Estimada Mariela. ¡Muchas gracias por visitar Xcaret! Verdaderamente apreciamos el tiempo que se tomó para compartirnos una excelente reseña y nos llena de alegría saber que su experiencia cumplió con todas sus expectativas. Su opinión es muy valiosa para nosotros, ya que nos motivan a seguir mejorando y brindando un servicio de excelencia a cada uno de nuestros visitantes. Sería un placer tenerla de vuelta muy pronto en este o cualquier otro parque de la familia Xcaret como Xel-Há o Xplor en la Riviera Maya. Para mayor información, consulte nuestra página web oficial. Saludos cordiales. Daniel G. Grupo Xcaret – Servicio al Cliente. Mex: + 52 (998) 883-3143 - US: 855-326-0682
        這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

        John B
        亞利桑那州梅薩36 則投稿
        5.0/5 分
        Had a long but enjoyable day. The underground rivers were fun. Nice way to cool off with lots of shady areas. Nice to hang out in the hammocks to rest and relax. Lunch was quite tasty with several restaurants in the park to choose from. Aviary is huge, didn't see much in the butterfly area. Nighttime show with dinner was great, very tasty. The show was spectacular, definitely something to see. Booking it with the dinner guaranteed some great seats, otherwise it's open seating further up on the stands.
        這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
        Dear John, Thank you so much for visiting Xcaret! We truly appreciate the time you took to leave us such an amazing review and it's great to hear that you had an awesome experience at our park. We're also glad that you enjoyed the dinner and our show. All your comments are really important to us since they motivate us to continue working on the improvement and innovation of our experiences. It would be a pleasure to have you back soon in this or at any other park of Grupo Xcaret family. We have many parks for all tastes such as Xplor, Xel-Há, or Xavage. If you wish to learn more, you can visit our official website. Kind regards. Daniel G. Grupo Xcaret – Customer Service. Mex: + 52 (998) 883-3143 - US: 855-326-0682
        這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

        eimear hanley
        愛爾蘭都柏林7 則投稿
        5.0/5 分
        Amazing. 10/10. Best trip ever. Highly recommend. You won't forget this place. My partner and I loved it and made some wonderful memories here.
        這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
        Dear visitor. Thank you so much for visiting Xcaret! It's a pleasure for us to read your review and we are so glad to hear that you had an amazing experience at our eco-park. All your comments are really valuable and motivate us to continue providing wonderful memories to each of our visitors. We hope to have you back soon and we also invite you to visit our other theme parks such as Xel-Há All-Inclusive or Xplor. You can visit our official website for more information. Kind regards. Daniel G. Grupo Xcaret – Customer Service. Mex: + 52 (998) 883-3143 - US: 855-326-0682
        這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

        Brooklyn G
        1 則投稿
        1.0/5 分
        2024年3月 • 夫妻情侶
        This place captures animals and brings then to this park to live in small cages. It was so sad to see the animals trapped and unhappy. There is a reason why zoos are no longer legal. I would not support this place.
        這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
        Dear visitor. Thank you for your opinion and we're sorry to hear that you have this perception of our eco-park. Let us share with you that the care and well-being of all the species that live at the park is always a priority for us. For that reason, we are considered as natural reserve where the animals are protected as part of care and conservation programs for species in danger of extinction. These programs provide special care, preventive medicine, specific diets, and continuous monitoring by veterinarians. Nevertheless, we understand your concern about these lovely creatures so we'd like to invite you to visit our official blog to learn more about all our programs. Kind regards. Daniel G. Grupo Xcaret – Customer Service. Mex: + 52 (998) 883-3143 - US: 855-326-0682
        這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

        Mary M
        11 則投稿
        3.0/5 分
        2024年3月 • 夫妻情侶
        Xcaret was a so/so experience for us. They seem to have the transportation to the park improved. We were picked up at our hotel at 7:00 AM, picked up at a few other hotels near by and then brought to a central station in Cancun before transferring buses to go straight to the park. We were at the park by 9:00.

        Like many reviews have mentioned, when you pay $200.00 for a park, you don't expect the high pressure to buy add on experiences. Our entire bus ride was spent explaining all the additional experiences you could purchase. Most experiences were $75.00. We were dropped off at the park entrance and herded into the ticket booths to buy the experiences. I am glad we avoided purchasing anything because there is plenty to enjoy at the park without additions. The app is clear about what is additional and what is included in the admission.

        The night show was truly spectacular and we enjoyed it for about 50 minutes but then were ready to go back to our hotel. The show covers the history of the different cultures of Mexico and if we were Hispanic or from Mexico we would probably have enjoyed it more. There were times when the entire stadium joined in singing songs that were obviously very meaningful.

        Our favorite activities were the chocolate making demonstration and the underground river. There are a lot of demonstrations and hands on activities in the mayan market area that we did not participate in but did not have time for.

        We were at a very nice all inclusive resort and the time/money/effort were not worth the time away from the resort. I will not recommend to my family who are going to Cancun in the future.
        這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
        Dear Mary, Thank you for taking the time to leave us your message. It's great to hear that you enjoyed the chocolate workshop and the underground river activity. We are also glad to know that the transportation service met your expectations. Let us share with you that We offer extraordinary activities that are merely optional, and their purpose is to complement your experience during your visit. We are sorry to read that your perception of our park was not what you expected. However, you can be sure that all your feedback will be taken into consideration to keep improving to maintain the quality of the service that represents us in each of our experiences. Cordially, Brenda H. Grupo Xcaret – Customer Service. +52 (998) 883-3143 - US 855-326-0682
        這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

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