


港元50,000 至 50,000,0000.45001.10001.1000創興流動理財或網上銀行
美元10,000 至 6,000,0000.25000.55000.7000

- 以上特優定期存款年利率是以創興銀行有限公司(「本行」)於公佈的定期存款年利率為示例,僅供參考,實際年利率將根據本行不時公佈的資訊為準。
- 特優定期存款年利率只適用於1個月、3個月或6個月之存款期,合資格的港幣定期存款金額為$5萬港元至$5,000萬港元; 合資格的美元定期存款金額為$1萬美元至$600萬美元。


即日起至2020年7月31日,全新開立創興流動理財或網上銀行之客戶以HK$50,000 / US$10,000或以上開立3個月或以上之定期存款,更可享額外HK$50現金回贈!




  1. 登入創興流動理財或網上銀行

  2. 請按「定期存款」

  3. 再按「開立定期」


3768 6888



【現金發放計劃】創興銀行全新流動理財/網上銀行客戶開立定期存款加推優惠獎賞(推廣計劃) - 條款及細則

1. 獎賞(「推廣計劃」)推廣期由2020年6月19日至2020年7月31日 (包括首尾兩天) (「推廣期」)。 2. 此推廣計劃只適用於「全新創興流動理財/網上銀行客戶」(「新客戶」)。「新客戶」是指推廣期內首次成功開立網上銀行或流動理財戶口之客戶。 3. 每位客戶只可獲享此獎賞一次。 4. 此推廣計劃只適用於首500名新客戶經創興流動理財/網上銀行以港幣$50,000或美金$10,000或以上之資金開立三個月或以上之港元 / 美元定期存款(「定期存款」)。 5. 有關合資格定期存款的交易日期、時間及存款金額,均以本行紀錄為準。如有爭議,本行的記錄為最終定論。 6. 本推廣計劃上限為首500名經銀行審批合資格之新客戶(「合資格之新客戶」),獎賞先到先得,額滿即止而不作另行通知(包括任何新客戶)。 7. 本行將於2020年9月31日或之前,將現金獎賞以港元存入合資格之新客戶任何一個港元儲蓄或港元往來賬戶。於存入有關現金獎賞時,客戶必須沒有提前終止或取消有關定期存款及必須仍須持有正常和有效的港元儲蓄戶口或往來戶口,否則將不獲享獎賞。 8. 所有本行董事、員工、本行公司卡之持卡人均不具參與是次推廣資格。 9. 本行對此推廣及有關優惠之所有事宜均有最終決定權,並對所有人士具約束力。 10. 本行保留權利隨時暫停、更改或終止此推廣計劃及有關條款細則而毋須另行通知。本行的決定為最終定論。 11. 除客戶(包括其繼承人及受讓人)及本行以外,並無其他人士有權按《合約(第三者權利)條例》強制執行本條款及細則的任何條文,或享有本條款及細則的任何條文下的利益。 12. 本推廣條款及細則受香港特別行政區法律所管轄,並按照香港特別行政區法律詮釋。 13. 如此條款及細則之中、英文文本有任何歧異,概以英文文本為準。




港元50,000 至 50,000,0000.45001.10001.1000创兴流动理财或网上银行
美元10,000 至 6,000,0000.25000.55000.7000

- 以上特优定期存款年利率是以创兴银行有限公司(「本行」)于公布的定期存款年利率为示例,仅供参考,实际年利率将根据本行不时公布的资讯为准。
- 特优定期存款年利率只适用于1个月、3个月或6个月之存款期,合资格的港币定期存款金额为$5万港元至$5,000万港元; 合资格的美元定期存款金额为$1万美元至$600万美元。


即日起至2020年7月31日,全新开立创兴流动理财或网上银行之客户以HK$50,000 / US$10,000或以上开立3个月或以上之定期存款,更可享额外HK$50现金回赠!




  1. 登入创兴流动理财或网上银行

  2. 请按「定期存款」

  3. 再按「开立定期」


3768 6888



【现金发放计划】创兴银行全新流动理财/网上银行客户开立定期存款加推优惠奖赏(推广计划) - 条款及细则

1. 奖赏(「推广计划」)推广期由2020年6月19日至2020年7月31日 (包括首尾两天) (「推广期」)。 2. 此推广计划只适用于「全新创兴流动理财/网上银行客户」(「新客户」)。「新客户」是指推广期内首次成功开立网上银行或流动理财户口之客户。 3. 每位客户只可获享此奖赏一次。 4. 此推广计划只适用于首500名新客户经创兴流动理财/网上银行以港币$50,000或美金$10,000或以上之资金开立三个月或以上之港元 / 美元定期存款(「定期存款」)。 5. 有关合资格定期存款的交易日期、时间及存款金额,均以本行纪录为准。如有争议,本行的记录为最终定论。 6. 本推广计划上限为首500名经银行审批合资格之新客户(「合资格之新客户」),奖赏先到先得,额满即止而不作另行通知(包括任何新客户)。 7. 本行将于2020年9月31日或之前,将现金奖赏以港元存入合资格之新客户任何一个港元储蓄或港元往来账户。于存入有关现金奖赏时,客户必须没有提前终止或取消有关定期存款及必须仍须持有正常和有效的港元储蓄户口或往来户口,否则将不获享奖赏。 8. 所有本行董事、员工、本行公司卡之持卡人均不具参与是次推广资格。 9. 本行对此推广及有关优惠之所有事宜均有最终决定权,并对所有人士具约束力。 10. 本行保留权利随时暂停、更改或终止此推广计划及有关条款细则而毋须另行通知。本行的决定为最终定论。 11. 除客户(包括其继承人及受让人)及本行以外,并无其他人士有权按《合约(第三者权利)条例》强制执行本条款及细则的任何条文,或享有本条款及细则的任何条文下的利益。 12. 本推广条款及细则受香港特别行政区法律所管辖,并按照香港特别行政区法律诠释。 13. 如此条款及细则之中、英文文本有任何歧异,概以英文文本为准。


How to use the HK$10,000 payout from the Government? Fixed deposit will be a good choice for you!

All customer can enjoy preferential cloud rate by placing a HKD / USD time deposit via Mobile Banking / Internet Banking.

1 Month3 Months6 MonthsChannel
Hong Kong Dollar
50,000 to 50,000,000
0.45001.10001.1000Chong Hing Mobile Banking or Internet Banking
US Dollar
10,000 to 6,000,000

- The above preferential fixed deposit interest rates are based on the fixed deposit interest rates quoted by Chong Hing Bank Limited (the "Bank") on and are for reference only. The actual interest rates will be subject to the quotes by the Bank from time to time.
- The preferential fixed deposit interest rates are only applicable to 1 month's, 3 months' or 6 months' tenor. The eligible HKD Fixed Deposit Amount is HK$50,000 to HK$50,000,000. The eligible USD Fixed Deposit Amount is US$10,000 to US$6,000,000.

【Special Offer】

From now until 31 July 2020, new Mobile Banking / Internet Banking Customers can enjoy extra HK$50 Cash Rewards by placing a HKD time deposit of at least HK$50,000 or a USD time deposit of at least US$10,000 with terms of 3 months or above through Mobile Banking / Internet Banking.
Rewards are of limited supply and are available on a first-come-first-served basis and shall cease without prior notice.

Act Now!

Chong Hing Mobile Banking/ Internet Banking Time Deposit Rewards

  1. Logon Chong Hing Mobile Banking/ Internet Banking

  2. Please click “Time Deposit”

  3. Then click “Placement”

For Details, please contact 3768 6888

Haven’t activated Chong Hing Internet Banking Services?

Customer can click here to activate Chong Hing Internet Banking Services online and to enjoy Chong Hing Mobile Banking / Internet Banking Services upon successful activation.

Chong Hing Bank Mobile Banking Services and/or Mobile App are free of charge. However, charges may apply to selected services such as securities trading. Besides, you may also incur charges for your mobile internet connection provided by your telecommunications service provider. Please check with your telecommunications service provider for details.
【Cash Payout Scheme】Special Offer of Chong Hing Bank Online Time Deposit Promotion Programme (“Promotion”) for New Chong Hing Mobile Banking/ Internet Banking Customers - Terms and Conditions

1. The Promotion period is from 19 June 2020 to 31 July 2020 (both dates inclusive) (“Promotion Period”). 2. The Promotion is only open to “New Chong Hing Mobile Banking/ Internet Banking Customers” (“New Customer”). "New Customer" refers to a customer who successfully opened an Internet Banking/ Mobile Banking service Account with the Bank during the Promotional Period for the first time. 3. No customer will be granted the Rewards (defined below) for more than once during the Promotion Period. 4. The Promotion is only applicable to the first 500 New Customers who have placed time deposits with terms of 3 months or above (“Time Deposit”) with funds of at least HK$50,000 or US$10,000 via Chong Hing Mobile / Internet Banking services (“Transaction”). 5. All Transaction date, Transaction time and Transaction values of the time deposit for purpose of the Promotion will be based on the Bank’s records, which shall be binding on the customers save for manifest error. The Bank reserves the right for final decision in case of dispute. 6. The Rewards available under the Promotion are limited to the first 500 New Customers approved by the Bank in the Promotion Period (“Eligible New Customers”), who shall be respectively be granted (collectively “Rewards”). The Rewards will be granted on a first-come-first-served basis which shall cease without prior notice to the customers (including any New Customer). 7. The Rewards will be credited in HKD directly to the Eligible New Customer’s HKD Savings / Current Account with the Bank on or before 31 September 2020. To be eligible for the Reward, the Customer (a) must not have terminated or withdrawn the relevant Time Deposit prematurely, and (b) must maintain a valid HKD Savings / Current Account with the Bank which is of good standing at the time when the Reward is credited thereto; otherwise the Reward shall be cancelled or deemed as waived automatically without prior notice. 8. Directors, employees and corporate cardholders of the Bank are not eligible to participate in this Promotion. 9. The decision of the Bank on all matters relating to the Promotion and the Reward shall be final and binding on all parties concerned. In case of any dispute, the decision of the Bank shall be final and conclusive. 10. The Bank may from time to time change these terms and conditions, or modify/ terminate the Promotion (including its details) without further notice in advance. The Bank reserves the right for final decision in all respects. 11. The Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance shall not apply to these terms and conditions, the Promotion, Rewards and / or matters ancillary thereto. 12. These terms and conditions including the Promotion are governed by and will be construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 13. In case and to the extent of any inconsistencies between the Chinese and English versions of these terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail.

Risk Disclosure Statement:
Foreign exchange involves Risk. The fluctuation in the exchange rate of foreign currencies may result in gains or losses in the case where the customer converts foreign currency to HK dollars or other foreign currencies.