免疫的英文單字,免疫的英文是什麽 - 英漢詞典


  • immuno
  • immune
    免疫的; 有免疫力的; 不受影響的; 免除…的;
  • immunization
  • immunity
    免除,豁免; 免疫力;


免疫避孕immunological contraception


免疫殘缺immunologic cripple

免疫測定immunoassay ; IA ; clone enzyme donor immunoassay ; Chemiluminescent Immunoassay



免疫刺激劑immunologic stimulant

免疫促進作用{免疫} immunologic enhancement


免疫等電聚焦immunoisoelectric focusing



免疫電泳技術immunoelectrophoresis technique

免疫毒素[毒物] immunotoxin ; antitoxin ; IT ; MDK-RA

免疫防御immunologic defence ; immune defense

免疫疾病antoimmune disease ; Resist Disease ; immune disorders

免疫調度劑immunomodulating agent

免疫調節immunoregulation ; immunomodulation ; Immunological regulation ; Immunity moderation


免疫抑制[免疫] immunosuppression ; immunodepression ; Immune inhibition ; immunological suppression

免疫印跡western blot ; Western Blotting ; immunoblotting ; wb

細胞免疫[免疫] cellular immunity ; [免疫] cell-mediated immunity ; cell-mediated immune ; Cellular immune


  • 角鯊烯本身并不是一種佐劑,但添加表面活性劑的角鯊烯乳劑可增強免疫應答。

    squalene by itself is not an adjuvant, but emulsions of squalene with surfactants do enhance the immune response.

  • 抗體是由人體免疫系統釋放出來的一種蛋白質,它可以與病毒的表面結合,阻止病毒進入細胞。

    released by the immune system, antibodies are proteins that stick to the surface of a virus and stop it from entering a cell.

  • 支持免疫的配方亞洲的蘑菇。

    an immune support formula with asian mushrooms.

  • 壓力可能會破壞免疫系統。

    stress can wreak havoc on the immune system.

  • 但是因為這種病毒能夠通過變異非常老練地逃過身體的免疫系統,每年都產生許多新的變種。

    but because the virus is so adept at eluding the body「s immune system via mutation, many new varieties crop up each year.

  • 免疫系統不能充分發揮作用時,身體就會出現問題.

    problems arise when the body」s immune system is not functioning adequately.

  • 他們已經在酵母細胞的基礎上向前推進,正在提取作為老鼠免疫系統一部份的t細胞。

    they have already moved from yeast cells and are extracting t cells, which are part of the immune system, from mice.

  • 不過他們也不能免疫於對成長和債務積累的憂慮。

    but they are not immune to concerns about growth and debt dynamics.

  • 我們當中無人能對存在於這個丑惡世界中的心痛和悲傷免疫

    none of us is immune to the heartaches and sorrows that inhabit this misbegotten world.

  • 但是,東南亞地區的人們,對此類言論竟然也未能免疫

    but southeast asians are not immune to this kind of nonsense either.

  • 其他九例是21到39歲的青年——這是因流感而亡的不正常的年齡段,因為他們有比較強的免疫系統。

    the other nine were between 21 and 39 — unusual ages for people to die from flu because they tend to have stronger immune systems.

  • 人體的免疫系統是抵御疾病的主要屏障。

    the immune system is our main defence against disease.

  • aids是獲得性免疫缺損綜合征的縮寫。

    aids stands for acquired immune deficiency syndrome.

  • 這些小分子可以是目標藥物或其它一些類似物,他們有這樣或那樣的理由被認為能夠更好地鍛煉免疫系統。

    these may either be the drug in question or some analogue of it that, for one reason or another, is reckoned to have a better chance of training the immune system.

  • 人體免疫缺陷病毒,即hiv

    human immunodeficiency virus or hiv

  • 我認為通過努力,是可以令自己對這些把戲完全免疫的。

    i think with some effort you can make yourself nearly immune to tricks.

  • 病人的免疫系統會對移植器官產生異質排斥反應。

    the patient'simmune system would reject the transplanted organ as a foreign object.

  • 所獻血液一律要經過人體免疫缺陷病毒的篩查。

    all donated blood is screened for hiv.

  • 如果壓力影響免疫反應,那它必將也會影響身體自我療愈的能力。

    if stress affects immune responses, then it should also affect how well the body heals itself.

  • 核糖體按照dna攜帶的信息安排蛋白質完成一系列重要的工作,包括從生成皮膚和骨骼,到建立免疫系統和向身體各部位輸送氧氣。

    based on the information in dna, ribosomes make proteins to do a range of vital jobs, from making skin and bone, to building immune systems and transporting oxygen around our bodies.

  • 免疫方案阻止了這種疾病的蔓延.

    the disease was stopped in its tracks by immunisation programmes.

  • 免疫療法目前仍處於實驗階段。

    for the time being, however, immunotherapy is still in its experimental stages.

  • 他說,艾滋病是免疫系統的崩潰所帶來的,而不是一位某種病毒帶來的。

    aids, he said, was brought about by the collapse of the immune system – but not because of a virus.

  • 現在,哈佛大學醫學院的研究者們發現在土壤中,有一種細菌不光能對我們的抗生素免疫——它們竟然能把這些抗生素當成早餐。

    now researchers from harvard medical school have figured out that in the soil, there are bacteria that are not only immune to our antibiotics—they eat antibiotics for breakfast.

  • 瑜伽能增強人體免疫系統。

    yoga can be used to strengthen the immune system.

  • 在具有健康免疫系統的人身上,這些癥狀的持續不會超過一個星期。

    in people with healthy immune systems, these symptoms do not last more than about a week.

  • 如果把這種恐嚇比作一種病毒的話,他們對它免疫

    comparing the threat to a kind of disease, they were immune to it.

  • 引起這些情況的原因在於過分敏感的免疫系統,它將這些無害的物質當作它要對付的病原體一樣進行反應。

    the cause in each case is an oversensitive immune system that is reacting to harmless materials as well as to the pathogens it is supposed to be fighting.

  • 每個季度都要制造新的流感疫苗是因為流感病毒會不斷地變化從而逃避宿主(無論是人類、鳥類還是其他動物)免疫防線的攻擊。

    new flu vaccines need to be made each season because the viruses are constantly changing so as to avoid attack by host immune defences — whether in birds, humans or other animals.

  • 那些學生也比控制組展現了一種更好的免疫功能。

    these students also showed a better immune function than the control group.

  • 當身邊的人感冒或者得了流感,我似乎是免疫的。

    when people all around me have colds or the flu, i seem to be immune.