偉大 - English translation – Linguee

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我們當然有責任注重改善公務員的服務環境,使企業才能亦可以如在私營機構的環 境㆒樣,在這服務環境蓬勃發展,以取 偉大 濟成就。
Surely it is incumbent upon us to focus on promoting a civil service environment in which entrepreneurial talent can proliferate, as it does in our private sector, to great economic success.
一年前,東芝電腦系統公司決定優化 其業務效率,由此這個全球偉大 新 技術公司之一需要一個相稱的通信工具。
One year ago, Toshiba Computer Systems decided that in order to optimize its business efficiencies, it needed a communications tool befitting one of the greatest technology innovators in the world.
如果這一切都成功在五十年代,像甘斯布明智的,這是一 偉大 惡,但也一個勤奮的人。
If all this succeeds in fifties-like Gainsbourg wise, is that it is a great evil, but also a hard worker.
在政改 方面, 行 政長官領導的特區政 府 , 多 年 來 表 現 得 兜兜轉轉, 缺乏 方向,起 步 亦 很 慢,但 我們仍 有兩三 年 的 時 間,如果政 府可以用與爭取 CEPA 一 樣 的決心行事,以對待 中央政府 般 的 尊 重和謙 和的態度面對香港市 民 和各 方不同 的 意見, 我相信不 難 在 2007 年 之前, 完 成 這偉 大史任 務,為 特區政 府 在 後回歸的歷史上 ,劃上 美 麗 的 句號。
If the Government is able to proceed with determination in a manner similar to their fight for CEPA, and if they face up to the people of Hong Kong and the various opinions from different quarters with the same respect and modesty shown to the Central Government, it is, I believe, not difficult to accomplish this grand historical mission before 2007 and thus, place a nice full stop in history for the SAR Government in the post-reunification era.
有些人長期力圖終結社會沉迷汽車的心態,其實誤會了重點,因為汽車 偉大 ,目前只有燃料一項重大缺點,且未來有機會克服。
In its current form, the personal travel device has one major flaw – its fuel – but this flaw can be overcome.
這一基本思想的拜火教是,自年初以來,那裡已經存在的良好的精神(胡馬自達或Ormazd )和精神的罪惡( Ahriman )誰是在永久的衝突,人的靈魂 偉大 的戰爭。
The fundamental idea of Zoroastrianism is that since the beginning, there has existed a spirit of good (Ahura Mazda or Ormazd) and a spirit of evil (Ahriman) who are in perpetual conflict, with the soul of man as the great object of the war.
勞倫斯世界運動學院係由全球46位傳奇運動員所組成,主席是 偉大 員愛德溫摩西(Edwin Moses)。
The Academy is made up of 46 legendary athletes from around the world and is chaired by former athletics great, Edwin Moses.
這是回歸後港澳地區與大陸經濟一體化迅速擴大以及「中國」對港澳越來越重要的結果,也反映了以歌頌祖 偉大 旨的「公民教育」的成效。
This is a result of the fast expanding economic integration with Mainland China after the handover of Hong Kong and Macau, and the growing importance of 「China」 to Hong Kong and Macau.
為wellnigh五百年入侵後,馬其頓的帕西經文仍處於分散狀態,但只有保存記憶,直 偉大 火教的波斯薩珊王朝(公元226-651 )時,文本再次收集,整理,翻譯到巴列維,並解釋。
For wellnigh five hundred years after the Macedonian invasion the Parsee scriptures remained in a scattered condition, much being preserved only by memory, until the great Zoroastrian under the Sassanian dynasty (AD 226-651), when the texts were again collected, codified, translated into Pahlavi, and interpreted.
有效的模型享有一個美麗的家園 偉大 行者,因為它是一個成功地合成了優良的機械製表大多數球迷的期望是什麼:設計簡單,但其中一千,堅固的機械結構和原始的識別功能簡單而有效的。
Effective model enjoys a beautiful home with great travelers, as it is a successful synthesis of what is expected by most fans of fine mechanical watchmaking: design simple but recognizable among a thousand, robust mechanics and original functions simple and effective.
這是LeBron在四年中第三次勇奪籃壇最富盛名的個人獎項,此卓越成績使其躋身為史上 偉大 員之一。
It is the third time in four years that LeBron has won basketball’s most prestigious individual award, elevating him to one of the greatest players.
這第一個截屏顯示偉大 頭圖形區域中,上下文敏感的反饋,自定義的命令,強大的快捷鍵,彈出工具欄,強大的搜索功能,智能功能管理器和更多的。
This first screencast shows the great heads-up graphics area, the context-sensitive feedback, customizable commands, the powerful shortcuts that pop-up toolbar, the robust search function, the intelligent feature manager and much more.
身為史上偉大 士鋼琴家之一 Oscar Peterson與其作品所表達的豐沛文化精神,成為Oris為其打造二款爵士限量腕錶的靈感來源,並以此限量計時碼錶向Oscar Peterson無懈可擊的計時精準度,表達誠摯敬意。
As one of the greatest jazz pianists of all time Oscar Peterson and his works have inspired not one, but two limited edition Oris jazz watches.
火鍋是偉大 理和發明,為什麼呢?
Steamboat is the greatest dining choice and creation, why?
特 賴 奇 克 (Heinrich von Treitschke) 是 19 世 紀 晚 期 一 位 德 意 政 治 家 和 歷 史 學 家 ﹐他 相 信 德 國 是 一 偉 大 家 ﹐他 的 言 論 最 能 代 表「 泛 日 耳 曼 主 義 」﹕「 正 如 德 國 偉 大 普 魯 士 能 夠 在 德 國 掌 權 一 樣 ﹐世 界 偉 大 美 在 於 德 國 文 化 ﹑德 國 思 想 能 夠 佔 支 配 地 位 。
Pan-Germanism could be reflected by the words of Heinrich von Treitschke who was a late 19thcentury German politician and historian believed in the greatness of Germany, “just as the greatness of Germany is to be found in the governance of Germany by Prussia, so the greatness and good of the world is to be found in the predominance of all German culture, of the German mind, in a word, of the German character.
你有一偉大 冕堂皇的系統,我們可以告訴你,這一切是如何結合在一起的。
You'll have a great-sounding system, and we can show you how it all fits together.
昔日,上海曾有「不夜城」之稱,既受惠 偉大 華民族文化遺產與傳統,又拜 1990 年代中國經濟改革之賜而促成上海迅速的經濟發展。
Shanghai, once named the "Ever-bright City", benefitted from the great cultural heritage and traditions of China as well as the intense economic development that resulted from economic reforms in the 1990s in China.
雖然我們沒有自己的家金屬加工,我們提供了一 偉大 了我們的自動化解決方案仍然是定制的櫥櫃。
Even though we do not own the home metalworking more, we offer a great addition to our automation solutions still to customized cabinets.
城市裡許多建物、景觀、結構都具備特定功能,例如學校、工業建築、商用建築、住家等,但長久之後可能衍生出特殊價值,也許是重要地標、美麗建築典範 偉大 意義,也可能是構成街景的重要元素。
They can be important landmarks, or examples of beautiful architecture, or of great historical importance, and many also contribute to the streetscape.
如果多米諾骨牌開始下降,歐元 偉大 的結束將移動過晚餐辯論從一個有趣的一個非常現實的可能性。
If the dominoes begin falling, the great euro experiment's end will move from a fun over-dinner debate to a very real possibility.
導演Tomas說:「這是一齣偉大 及充滿想像力的劇情融合之餘,又具有豐富娛樂性的電影。
The director Tomas explains ‘We want to combine literature and imaginary to create an entertaining film.
近期出版的書籍如《人才:培養下一代領導》(1998),《隱藏的價值 偉大 如何運用普通人達到非凡的成就》 [BKL [...]
Ag 00 ] 都側重於“從公司內部培養領導”,如今查蘭和合著者們的這部作品更有力的支援了這個觀點。
Recent books such aHigh Flyers: Developing [...]
the Next Generation of Leaders (1998) and Hidden Value: How Great Companies
Achieve Extraordinary Results with Ordinary People [BKL Ag 00] have weighed in on the side of "growing your own," and now Charan and his coauthors add their support.
偉大 就,可追溯到一個人對自己生命 的異象,也就是他的人生目的。
Great accomplishment can be traced to people with a vision, or a life purpose.
全新的 XPS™ One 27 一體機已針對 Windows® 8 最佳化,可讓您盡情發揮偉大 法。
Optimized for Windows 8 Pro, the new XPS One™ 27 all-in-one can amplify your biggest ideas.
我認偉大 情是,本例中使用的Cerbasi,投資者決定做什麼用一半的時間在這些所謂的的英鎊3.300償還並沒有返回他們投資他們,他們寧願多花,最後,更大的獨立性。
I think the great thing is that in the example used by Cerbasi, the investor decide what to do with these alleged £ 3.300 repaid during the half time did not have to return them: invest them where they prefer to spend them, Finally, greater independence.
踏上旅程約古希臘,巴比倫,迦太基,埃及和羅馬在搜索一個 偉大 秘的所有時間-失落之城亞特蘭蒂斯。
Embark on a journey around ancient Greece, Babylon, Carthage, Egypt and Rome in the search for one of the greatest mysteries of all time - the lost city of Atlantis.
於2009年出版,由著名設計團隊M/M Paris負責設計的《Stanley Kubrick’s Napoleon: The Greatest Movie Never Made》,便透過平面媒介,徹底呈現 偉大 Stanley Kubrick至去世後也沒完成的心願 — 拍攝一齣關於拿破侖的史詩式電影巨著。
Published in 2009 and art directed by the famed M/M Paris, Stanley Kubrick’s Napoleon: The Greatest Movie Never Made manifests itself as a record of the great director’s unfulfilled wish – completing an epic film on Napoleon.
溫哥華雙年展總裁Barrie Mowatt表示:“我要對Wilson家族的慷慨捐贈表示感謝,并且對他們認 偉大 共藝術對社會所產生的重大影響及公共藝術在打造全球最宜居城市中所發揮的作用表示贊賞。
I want to acknowledge the generosity of the Wilson family and also applaud them for recognizing the incredible impact that great public art can have on a community and the role it plays in creating the most livable city in the world," says Barrie Mowatt, President of the Vancouver Biennale.
在其他時候,我們談到應用程序帶來的課堂筆記型電腦(“對學生成績的應用程序“”Idoceo:一 偉大 用程序,為教師“),甚至我提出我們自己的替代數據的ipad格式”教師的筆記本電腦為iPad v2.0“。
At other times we have spoken about applications to bring up the classroom notebook ("Apps for student grades","Idoceo: a great app for teachers") And even I have presented our own alternative numbers ipad format"Teacher's notebook for Ipad v2.0".
我們不僅可以記得蘋果偉大 ,我們也可以看到,蘋果公司如何在網上悼 偉大 物死了SXX像甲殼蟲樂隊吉他手喬治·哈里森去世時,或當羅莎·帕克斯。
And not only can we remember great moments of Apple, we can also see how the web of apple company made tributes to great characters died sXX like when The Beatles guitarist George Harrison died or when Rosa Parks.
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