借錢的英文單字,借錢的英文是什麽 - 英漢詞典


借錢還債rob Peter to pay Paul

借錢俱樂部Lending Club


借錢新湖Borrow money to Sinhoo

借錢專家Top Borrower

就是借錢Is to borrow money

我們借錢we borrowed money

向某人借錢sponage off sb ; sponge off someone ; To borrow money from someone ; Borrow money to someone

新湖借錢Borrow to Sinhoo




  • 孩子應該可以從銀行借錢,但是這個過程也應該模擬實際的銀行。

    kids should be able to borrow money from the bank, but this process should, again, mimic a real bank.

  • 但是為什么消費者喜歡選擇這樣昂貴的途徑借錢呢?

    but why do consumers choose such an expensive way of borrowing money?

  • 她發誓絕不再借錢給別人.

    she took a vow never to lend money to anyone again.

  • 他們借錢只為了周轉,而不是投資。

    they are borrowing just to stay afloat, not for investment.

  • 在中國,應該給予農民可靠的土地所有權,這樣農民才能夠抵押土地借錢或者將土地出賣。

    in china, farmers must be given reliable title to their land so that they can borrow money against it or sell it.

  • 另一方面,很少有人明白借錢給你度過金融難關的內在邏輯。

    on the other, few understand the logic of borrowing your way out of financial difficulties.

  • 在你借錢所投資的生意范圍內,給朋友提供一些產品或者服務。

    provide friends who lend you money for a business with services or products from that business.

  • 他們是否從非正式借款人那里借錢

    do they borrow money from an informal money lender?

  • 在這樣的環境下,減息只有作為信號的價值,而不會迅速轉化為實際的借錢成本。

    in that environment, a rate cut would have signalling value but would not rapidly translate into actual borrowing costs.

  • 到了今年夏天,已經沒有銀行愿意借錢給別的銀行,特別是給冰島的所有銀行,因為它們的債務規模實在太龐大了。

    by this summer, no one wanted to lend to anyone, really, least of all icelandic banks.that was because they had gotten so large.

  • 我要不要從朋友或者家人那里借錢

    do i borrow money from friends or family?

  • 這則故事的寓意是什么?如果你希望積累長久的財富,就不要借錢給蚱蜢。

    what is the moral of this fable? if you want to accumulate enduring wealth, do not lend to grasshoppers.

  • 威爾遜先生絕不會輕易借錢給別人。

    mr wilson is no soft touch.

  • 這家公司會以非常刻薄的條件借錢給你.

    the company will lend you money on very unfavourable terms.

  • 如果他們不能平衡貿易差額或者以合理的利率借錢的話,他們就負擔不起本國公民所需的全部商品。

    if they cannot balance their trade or borrow money at a reasonable rate, they will be unable to afford all the goods their citizens want.

  • 這家公司將以非常優惠的條件借錢給你.

    the company will lend you money on very favourable terms.

  • 這一點是十分重要的,因為很多人會為了應對緊急事件而從信用卡中借錢,用以避免現金不足而造成的罰款或是在股市低潮期賣掉股票。

    this is important because many will borrow on a credit card in an emergency to avoid the penalty of cashing out a c.d. or a selling stock during a down market.

  • 在另一張支票寄來以前,我一直從親戚那里借錢勉強度日.

    i scraped by borrowing from my relations until my next check arrived.

  • 多謝您借錢給我。

    thanks for lending me the money.

  • 我們從小就被教導借錢是不好的行為。

    we「d been brought up to think that borrowing money was bad.

  • 借錢多年之后,希臘負債累累。

    after years of borrowing, greece is in debt.

  • 當然,常常向人借錢他自己也會慚愧的.

    of course he would be ashamed to borrow often.

  • 而很多年輕人必須借錢才能完成學業,這就意味著他們畢業的時候必須賺更多的錢。

    many youths can only get through by borrowing money, and it means they have to earn more money when they graduate.

  • 本周盡量不要借錢,也不要借給別人錢。

    try not to lend or borrow money this week.

  • 我父母借錢給我了。否則,我可付不起這次旅費。

    my parents lent me the money. otherwise, i couldn」t have afforded the trip.