

2 个回答

The credit conditions of wholesale loans from HAWA Capital Limited (HAWA) are very loose and friendly.

從夏娃資本有限公司(簡稱 HAWA)批發貸款的信貸條件是非常寬鬆和友善的!

If someone who has a reputation for integrity and business ethics needs to get funding quickly and correctly he ought to consider becoming a HAWA-accredited borrower. Accordingly, gathering a certain number of ownership-voucher of HAWA Bullion(HWB) Convex-Mold and submitting them to one of the HAWA authorized funding agents around the world which will make him easily achieve his financing at the lowest possible cost, in the shortest time.

若是有某位誠信和具備商業道德的人需要快速、正確地獲得資金,那麽他應該考慮成為被 HAWA 認 可 的合格借款人。 爲此,收集一定數量的 HAWA Bullion(簡稱 HWB)夏娃金條“凸模”的所有權憑 證,並將其提交給 HAWA 在世界各地授權的其中一家代理公司,將使他可以最低的成本在最短的時 間内輕鬆地獲得融資。

Once the borrower meets the above requirements, HAWA will use the HWB Concave-Mold corresponding to the above ownership-voucher to pay the cost of the credit- enhancement the bank guarantee be backed from bank to bank, and immediately issue a premium-price bank guarantee in a bank collaborated with HAWA. (The credit rating of the issuer bank is always higher than A3/A-.) Then the borrower can obtain sufficient funds with leverage of 10 times margin- deposit.

一旦借款人滿足上述條件,HAWA 將使用與上述所有權憑證相對應的夏娃金條“凹模”在銀行之間支 付 用於支撐銀行擔保函開證信用的費用,並立即從與 HAWA 合作的銀行中發出溢價的銀行擔保 函。(發 行人銀行的信用等級始終高於 A3/A-。)然後借款人便可以保證金存款的 10 倍杠桿獲得足夠 的資 金。

All borrowers have to know that depositing the HWB Concave-Mold at the bank is safe, can avoid loss and damage, and efficiently maximal leverage upon margin deposit. 4.25% of annual interest rate on deposit HWB Concave-Mold ensures that regardless of what happens in the finance market during the meantime, the longer the deposit period is the higher the value.

所有借款人都必須知道,將夏娃金條的“凹模”存放在銀行中是安全的,可避免遺失和損壞並有效地 最大程度地利用保證金存款。存入夏娃金條的“凹模”的年利率為 4.25%,可確保在此期間無論金融 市場發生什麼情況,存款期限越長,其價值就越高。

We believe everyone has equal opportunities to develop their untapped potential. But it's important to emphasize that such opportunity of funding structure we provide is only for those who have passions to perform their business projects resolutely.

我們相信每個人都有平等機會來發掘自身尚未開發的潛力。 但必須強調的是,我們僅對於熱衷堅決 執行其生意項目的人提供這種資金結構。

