【信和集團聖誕大抽獎 Sino Group Christmas Lucky Draw】
信和集團旗下十一大商場於今個聖誕聯合為您呈獻「信和集團聖誕大抽獎」,顧客於黃金海岸商場 / 香港黃金海岸酒店餐廳即日消費滿港幣$300 (最多2間不同商戶),即可參加是次大抽獎,有機會贏取總值超過港幣$720,000的聖誕大禮及一連串豐富獎品,包括價值港幣$300,000的雪鐵龍C4 Cactus柴油SUV及韓國高麗太極蔘,獎品超過500份,讓您過一個歡樂聖誕!
Make your wish come true at the Sino Group Christmas Lucky Draw! Try your luck in our Christmas lucky draw by making a same-day spending of HK$300 or above in maximum of 2 machine-printed receipts at the Gold Coast Piazza / restaurants in the Hong Kong Gold Coast Hotel to win one of over 500 prizes (worth over HK$720,000) including CITROËN C4 Cactus Diesel SUV, Korea Taegeuk ginseng and more!
詳情請參閱 Please refer to http://goo.gl/lDaSLd
#聖誕 #大抽獎 #豐富獎品 #雪鐵龍 #黃金海岸商場 #Christmas #LuckyDraw #Prize #CITROËN #GoldCoastPiazza