人口販賣的英文單字,人口販賣的英文是什麽 - 英漢詞典


  • human trafficking


反人口販賣非政府組織Anti-Trafficking NGO

販賣人口traffic in persons

販賣人口的受害者victim of trafficking


人口販賣的受害者victim of trafficking

以販賣人口為業的人trader in human beings


  • 同時她們也被卷入人口販賣這個行列, 當然這不是很普遍.

    women are involved in trafficking too , thogh this is less common.

  • 人口販賣路線在於中國的富人和窮人之間。

    the trafficking routes follow china「s geographic divides between rich and poor.

  • 根據他們對「2000年美洲非法人口販賣受害者保護行動」遵守的程度,報告把奴隸交易國劃分為3個級別。

    the report ranks countries into 3 tiers determined by how compliant they are deemed to be with america’s trafficking victims protection act of 2000.

  • 對我來說,不管不顧那么我知道的人口販賣的受害者是非常困難的.

    it」s very difficult to leave behind people i know are victims of trafficking.

  • lee指出,如果所有活動都轉入地下的話,監管會更加困難,而且還可能會滋生一個更大的人口販賣市場。

    「if all such activities go underground, they would be more difficult to control, 」 lee says, potentially opening a greater market for trafficking.

  • 人們只消見到某真實事件,了解其中的駭人真相都不難認識到人口販賣的邪惡,但是想要制定出適合所有國家的一定之規卻實在難上加難。

    this may be an area of life where most people can recognise evil when they see the details of one horrifying case—but were it will always be hard to make hard-and-fast rules that suit every country.

  • 人口販賣為例。

    take human trafficking, for example.

  • 然而,有些專家提醒道,沒有證據表明這些跨國婚姻比一般婚姻更容易出現家庭暴力,也沒有證據表明假借虛假婚姻進行人口販賣現象普遍存在。

    some experts, however, caution that there「s no evidence these marriages are any more prone to abuse than regular marriages or that human trafficking through fake marriages is widespread.

  • 羅索去年在這個加勒比海國家的立法機關推動反人口販賣法,她說,那只是個解決這個問題的起點。

    roseau helped push an anti-trafficking law through the caribbean country’s legislature last year, which she said is only the starting point in tackling the problem.

  • 150多年以前,《湯姆叔叔的小屋》為奴隸制的終結打下基礎,希望這幾部長篇小說能為奴隸制在現代社會的陰影——人口販賣施加壓力。

    more than 150 years ago, 「uncle tom’s cabin」 helped lay the groundwork for the end of slavery. let’s hope that these novels help build pressure on trafficking as a modern echo of slavery.

  • 聯合國打擊人口販賣全球組織把販賣者形容為是一類低風險高回報的罪犯。

    the united nations global initiative to fight human trafficking describes it as a high-reward and low-risk crime.

  • 我知道那些人是人口販賣的受害者時,我無法丟下他們不管.

    it is very difficult to leave behind people i know are victims of human trafficking.

  • 她說,雖然許多國家都有反人口販賣的法律,而執行的方式卻很落后。

    she said that although many countries have anti-trafficking laws, enforcement is lagging.

  • 肯尼迪還發現,警察局和執法當局在關於對人口販賣的規模和性質上情報上差距頗大。

    kennedy found there was a significant 「intelligence gap」 in the police and enforcement agencies about the scale and nature of trafficking.

  • 同時她們也被卷入人口販賣這個行列,當然這不是很普遍。

    women are involved in trafficking too, thogh this is less common.

  • 聯合國的研究報告顯示預計從人口販賣中的全球年利潤幾乎達到320億美元,這個數字將近是工業化經濟中產生的利潤的一半。

    un studies show that the estimated annual global profit from trafficked people is almost $32 billion. almost half of that is generated in industrialized economies.

  • 人口販賣是個令人難堪而骯臟的話題,受害者在家中又往往是不受重視的孩子,因此這個話題經常遭到忽視。

    human trafficking tends to get ignored because it is an indelicate, sordid topic, with troubled victims who don’t make great poster children for family values.

  • 由於人口販賣受到漠視,執法官員絕少把它看成當務之急,這個行業似乎就因此發展起來。

    because trafficking gets ignored, it rarely is a top priority for law enforcement officials — so it seems to be growing.

  • 她說與psi就人口販賣一同工作的時候遇到了一些問題.

    she says shestumbled to upon the issue of human trafficking while working with psi.

  • 對女孩的明搶,暴力搶奪和人口販賣這些罪行的增長將會傾向於各個社會中的大批單身男子身上。

    robbery, rape and bride-trafficking tend to increase in any society with large groups of young single men.

  • 他們遭受著犯罪、疾病、經濟蕭條和社會動蕩的侵害,於是這些受害者變成了非法移民,淪為人口販賣、販毒者和街頭幫派的囚奴。

    they」re victims of crime, poor health, depression and social unrest. these victims become the illegal immigrants, the slaves of human trafficking, the drug dealers, and the street gang members.

  • 其目標是動員消費者集體行動起來,用他們的付費來抵制奴役和人口販賣

    the app aims to mobilise consumers to take collective action and vote with their dollars to prevent slavery and human trafficking.

  • 在歐洲,中亞以及南亞,一些女人,往往是人口販賣中的受害者,去招收其他女人。

    in europe and central and south asia women are often recruited by other women who were themselves the victims of trafficking.

  • 記者呼吁政府能夠引進相關法律及公正的案警,會把人口販賣作為特殊案件處理并站在受害人一方。

    inquiry calls on the government to introduce legislation and criminal justice policies which will tackle trafficking as a specific crime and support its victims.

  • 瑞典不僅為我們貢獻了今夏最火的小說,還有應對人口販賣的可行策略。

    sweden offers us not only the summer’s top beach paperbacks, but also a useful strategy for dealing with trafficking.

  • 她在2008年進行的一份問卷調查顯示,在與人口販賣的斗爭中這些才是首要問題,而86個國家中只有24個對此作出了回應。

    only 24 of 86 countries that responded to a questionnaire she sent out in 2008 indicated that those issues were a priority in the fight against human trafficking.