【5年回本的儲蓄壽險計劃 】 「金鑽飛凡儲蓄壽險計劃」於第5年已經可以回本,保單的保證現金價值將隨保單年期而增長,助您輕鬆累積資本。另外計劃更提供非保證的終期紅利,讓您賺取優厚的潛在回報,進一步增值財富。詳情請瀏覽以下網址:https://tplhk.cntaiping.com/product/1235.html "Diamond Splendid Savings Insurance Plan" offers you breakeven at the 5th Policy Year as well as Guaranteed Cash Value and non-guaranteed Terminal Bonus for your asset to grow steadily. Guaranteed Cash Value of your Policy is increasing with the policy term. Your capital can be accumulated easily for building fruitful future to you and your family. For more information: https://tplhk.cntaiping.com/en/product/1255.html #太平人壽香港 #TPLHK #太壽香港 #人壽保險 #5年回本 #金鑽飛凡儲蓄壽險計劃 #保證現金價值... - China Taiping Life Insurance Hong Kong Company Limited太平人壽(香港)