《TAIPEI TIMES》 Museum unveils masterpieces from London - 焦點 - 自由時報電子報

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《TAIPEI TIMES》 Museum unveils masterpieces from London

People view Self-Portrait at the Age of 63 by Rembrant on the opening day of the exhibition titled “Masterpieces from the National Gallery, London” at the Chimei Museum in Tainan yesterday.
Photo: CNA

People view Self-Portrait at the Age of 63 by Rembrant on the opening day of the exhibition titled “Masterpieces from the National Gallery, London” at the Chimei Museum in Tainan yesterday. Photo: CNA

2024/05/03 03:00

/ Staff writer, with CNA

Paintings that are to be shown at the “Masterpieces from the National Gallery, London” exhibition at the Chimei Museum in Tainan — a collaboration between the museum and the National Gallery, London — were unveiled on Wednesday, a day before the exhibition opened yesterday.

Organizers of the exhibition talked about the layout of the venue and which paintings had been selected, among them Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh’s Long Grass with Butterfies and French painter Edouard Manet’s Corner of a Cafe-Concert.

The venue was designed to look like the gallery in London to give Taiwanese visitors an authentic experience, National Gallery director Gabriele Finaldi said at the preview.

The exhibition, which is to run until Sept. 1, features 52 pieces from prominent figures in the art world, such as Italian artist Raphael and Dutch painter Rembrandt, Chimei Museum said in a statement in February.

Chimei Museum director Shi Chia-chang (許家彰) said that he is happy Chimei is participating in the National Gallery’s 200th anniversary celebration, and that the museum was the only Taiwanese institution the National Gallery collaborated with as part of its Asian tour.

Shi added that he hoped the collaboration would lead to more international exchange opportunities in southern Taiwan.

Although the National Gallery had no experience in collaborating with Taiwanese organizations, Chimei was chosen with confidence, as it had worked with other British organizations and has a solid reputation, Finaldi said.

Despite a short time frame, both sides worked together to curate the exhibition, Finaldi added.

The exhibition is divided into four parts, with the 52 artworks featured spanning 400 years, from the Renaissance to the period of Impressionism, the Chimei Museum said.


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