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科创人 / 2019-12-23 4 years ago / 未收藏/ SegmentFault 最新的文章发送到 kindle

2009 丧|心|病|狂|的九零后科创人
高阳(以下简称高):高中时我被定义成了问题学生,高三那年我很迷惘:大家都说高考重要,可高考之后的人生是一团雾。互联网让我接触到了另一个世界,有勇气、有知识、有未来,在社交网络上我和很多互联网行业前辈交上了朋友,看到听到的跟学校教的完全不一样。一直纠结到了大一,我下决心跑到北京,加入了社交游戏创业团队MagnetJoy Games。
高:没有。我有一个身份,是C14Z这个90后创业组织的创始人,这个组织最初只是一个十几个人微信群,群名叫“丧心病狂的九零后”。6 年多下来,现在已经发展到近 150 人,基本都是我见过面的好友,不对外公开招募。大家散落在世界各地,但平时联络非常多,今年初我们大致统计了下,群成员创立的几十家公司市值已经超过一百亿。
“丧心病狂”代表了90 后年轻群体的一些特征:我们都经历过同龄人没有体会过的迷惘期,在某一阶段体现出很的状态,甚至被周围的人看做很疯狂的人。,就是信念、自我,追随初心,当我们这些人找到了自己想做的事情时,会义无反顾、不计代价投入。,别人看来是狂妄,我们自己觉得就是自信,挫折什么的都是学费。从MG离开的时候很遗憾,在那的两年经历让我形成了影响至今的价值观:做事业,人的因素最重要。如果没有前老板AW,我现在可能在某个学校教书,或者在某个工厂当技术工人。另外,在MG我还遇到了现在SegmentFault的技术合伙人祁宁。

▲C14Z Group(Crazy Generation Z),C14Z公开的官方命名取名规则参考了世界顶级投资机构 A16Z,数字 14 同时也是向 PayPal Mafia 的 14 人致敬,内部则一直沿用“丧心病狂的九零后”这个名称。
2013 出于担当,自荐CEO

▲2012年10 月,杭州莲花街,在SegmentFault第一个办公室中奋斗的少年们。

2016 一处知识盲点引来公司生死劫
2019 坚持做长期创造价值的事,不为盈利担心
高:经过7年积累, 我们的注册开发者已经远超300万,也有超过1000多个技术团队——诸如腾讯、阿里、百度的技术团队入驻。我们一直追求纯粹极致的产品体验,在年轻新一代的开发者中有极好的口碑和影响力,随着优质技术内容的沉淀,社区流量大幅上涨,整合营销的广告收益近两年已经能够覆盖团队成本(当然我们本来也是一个非常小的团队)。
iyacontrol / 2019-12-23 4 years ago / 未收藏/ SegmentFault 最新的文章发送到 kindle


1: 使用精简基础镜像
how:Alpine Linux是一个流行的选择,并具有广泛的支持。
what:注册表是镜像的存储库,使这些镜像可供下载和启动。在指定部署配置时,您需要指定从何处获取路径为<registry> / <remote name>:<tag>的镜像:
how:大多数云提供商都提供私有镜像注册表服务:Google提供Google容器注册表,AWS提供Amazon ECR,Microsoft提供Azure容器注册表。


请注意,您应该始终创建自己的名称空间,而不要依赖“默认”名称空间。 Kubernetes的默认设置通常会为开发人员优化以最小的摩擦,这通常意味着甚至放弃最基本的安全措施。
5:通过Labels 管理您的集群


how:如果要设置自己的集群(即不使用托管的Kube服务),请确保使用''--authorization-mode = Node,RBAC“启动您的kube apiserver。如果使用托管的Kubernetes例如,您可以通过查询用于启动kube apiserver的命令来检查它是否设置为使用RBAC。唯一通用的检查方法是在kubectl cluster-info dump的输出中查找“ --authorization-mode ...”。
RBAC打开后,您需要更改默认权限以适合您的需求。 Kubernetes项目站点在此处提供了有关设置角色和RoleBindings的演练。托管的Kubernetes服务需要启用RBAC的自定义步骤-请参阅Google的GKE指南或Amazon的AKS指南。
8: 使用Pod安全策略防止危险行为
9: 使用网络策略实施网络控制/防火墙
how:Kubernetes项目在此处提供了指南。一个关键建议:避免将机密作为环境变量加载,因为在您的环境中拥有机密数据通常是不安全的。相反,将机密装入容器中的只读卷中-您可以在本 Use Secrets中找到一个示例。


Kubernetes代表很高的技术栈。您拥有在嵌入式内核上运行的应用程序,在VM中运行的应用程序(在某些情况下甚至在裸机上),以及Kubernetes自己的服务共享硬件。考虑到所有这些因素,在物理和虚拟领域中很多事情都会出错,因此尽可能降低开发周期的风险非常重要。 Kubernetes周围的生态系统已经开发了一系列最佳实践,以使事情尽可能保持一致。
12:遵循CI / CD方法
why:遵循CI / CD可以帮助您的工程团队在日常工作中牢记质量。如果出现问题,修复问题将成为整个团队的当务之急,因为此后依赖于已分解的提交的所有更改也将被分解。
how:由于云部署软件的兴起,CI / CD越来越流行。因此,您可以从托管或自托管的众多出色产品中进行选择。如果您的团队比较小,我建议您采用托管路线,因为节省的时间和精力绝对值得您付出额外的费用。
how:成功监视服务有两个步骤-需要对代码进行检测,并且需要将该检测的输出馈送到某个地方以进行存储,检索和分析。执行检测的方式在很大程度上取决于您的工具链,但是快速的网络搜索应该可以让您有所作为。就存储输出而言,除非您有专门知识或需求,否则我建议使用托管SIEM(例如Splunk或Sumo Logic)-根据我的经验,DIY始终是与任何存储相关的期望时间和精力的10倍。


how:查看有关如何开始使用Admission Controllers的指南
思否编程 / 2019-12-23 4 years ago / 未收藏/ SegmentFault 最新的文章发送到 kindle


PostgreSQL 12 新特性


PostgreSQL 12 新版本开发者特性介绍,数据库行业未来风向标。
PostgreSQL 12 版本的典型新特性如下:

  • 支持 SQL/JSON path
  • 支持 Generated Columns
  • CTE 支持 Inlined With Queries
  • 新增 Pluggable Table Storage Interface
  • 分区表性能大辐提升
  • 在线重建索引(Reindex Concurrently)




扫码入群 限时免费看直播


2019 年 12 月 27 日 周五 晚上 8:30


PostgreSQL 12 海报.png

思否编程是由中国最大的新一代开发者社区 SegmentFault 孵化的在线编程培训平台,通过提升开发者 IT 职业技能,帮助开发者获得成功。

默认标题_横版配图_2019.09.17 (4).png
cxuan / 2019-12-23 4 years ago / 未收藏/ SegmentFault 最新的文章发送到 kindle
如果只是为了开发 Kafka 应用程序,或者只是在生产环境使用 Kafka,那么了解 Kafka 的内部工作原理不是必须的。不过,了解 Kafka 的内部工作原理有助于理解 Kafka 的行为,也利用快速诊断问题。下面我们来探讨一下这三个问题
  • Kafka 是如何进行复制的
  • Kafka 是如何处理来自生产者和消费者的请求的
  • Kafka 的存储细节是怎样的


我们知道,Kafka 是运行在 ZooKeeper 之上的,因为 ZooKeeper 是以集群形式出现的,所以 Kafka 也可以以集群形式出现。这也就涉及到多个生产者和多个消费者如何协调的问题,这个维护集群间的关系也是由 ZooKeeper 来完成的。如果你看过我之前的文章(真的,关于 Kafka 入门看这一篇就够了),你应该会知道,Kafka 集群间会有多个 主机(broker),每个 broker 都会有一个 broker.id,每个 broker.id 都有一个唯一的标识符用来区分,这个标识符可以在配置文件里手动指定,也可以自动生成。
Kafka 可以通过 broker.id.generation.enable 和 reserved.broker.max.id 来配合生成新的 broker.id。broker.id.generation.enable参数是用来配置是否开启自动生成 broker.id 的功能,默认情况下为true,即开启此功能。自动生成的broker.id有一个默认值,默认值为1000,也就是说默认情况下自动生成的 broker.id 从1001开始。

Kafka 在启动时会在 ZooKeeper 中 /brokers/ids 路径下注册一个与当前 broker 的 id 相同的临时节点。Kafka 的健康状态检查就依赖于此节点。当有 broker 加入集群或者退出集群时,这些组件就会获得通知。
  • 如果你要启动另外一个具有相同 ID 的 broker,那么就会得到一个错误 —— 新的 broker 会试着进行注册,但不会成功,因为 ZooKeeper 里面已经有一个相同 ID 的 broker。
  • 在 broker 停机、出现分区或者长时间垃圾回收停顿时,broker 会从 ZooKeeper 上断开连接,此时 broker 在启动时创建的临时节点会从 ZooKeeper 中移除。监听 broker 列表的 Kafka 组件会被告知该 broker 已移除。
  • 在关闭 broker 时,它对应的节点也会消失,不过它的 ID 会继续存在其他数据结构中,例如主题的副本列表中,副本列表复制我们下面再说。在完全关闭一个 broker 之后,如果使用相同的 ID 启动另一个全新的 broker,它会立刻加入集群,并拥有一个与旧 broker 相同的分区和主题。

Broker Controller 的作用

我们之前在讲 Kafka Rebalance 重平衡的时候,提过一个群组协调器,负责协调群组间的关系,那么 broker 之间也有一个控制器组件(Controller),它是 Kafka 的核心组件。它的主要作用是在 ZooKeeper 的帮助下管理和协调整个 Kafka 集群,集群中的每个 broker 都可以称为 controller,但是在 Kafka 集群启动后,只有一个 broker 会成为 Controller 。既然 Kafka 集群是依赖于 ZooKeeper 集群的,所以有必要先介绍一下 ZooKeeper 是什么,可以参考作者的这一篇文章(ZooKeeper不仅仅是注册中心,你还知道有哪些?)详细了解,在这里就简单提一下 znode 节点的问题。
ZooKeeper 的数据是保存在节点上的,每个节点也被称为znode,znode 节点是一种树形的文件结构,它很像 Linux 操作系统的文件路径,ZooKeeper 的根节点是 /
znode 根据数据的持久化方式可分为临时节点和持久性节点。持久性节点不会因为 ZooKeeper 状态的变化而消失,但是临时节点会随着 ZooKeeper 的重启而自动消失。
znode 节点有一个 Watcher 机制:当数据发生变化的时候, ZooKeeper 会产生一个 Watcher 事件,并且会发送到客户端。Watcher 监听机制是 Zookeeper 中非常重要的特性,我们基于 Zookeeper 上创建的节点,可以对这些节点绑定监听事件,比如可以监听节点数据变更、节点删除、子节点状态变更等事件,通过这个事件机制,可以基于 ZooKeeper 实现分布式锁、集群管理等功能。


Kafka 当前选举控制器的规则是:Kafka 集群中第一个启动的 broker 通过在 ZooKeeper 里创建一个临时节点 /controller 让自己成为 controller 控制器。其他 broker 在启动时也会尝试创建这个节点,但是由于这个节点已存在,所以后面想要创建 /controller 节点时就会收到一个 节点已存在 的异常。然后其他 broker 会在这个控制器上注册一个 ZooKeeper 的 watch 对象,/controller 节点发生变化时,其他 broker 就会收到节点变更通知。这种方式可以确保只有一个控制器存在。那么只有单独的节点一定是有个问题的,那就是单点问题
如果控制器关闭或者与 ZooKeeper 断开链接,ZooKeeper 上的临时节点就会消失。集群中的其他节点收到 watch 对象发送控制器下线的消息后,其他 broker 节点都会尝试让自己去成为新的控制器。其他节点的创建规则和第一个节点的创建原则一致,都是第一个在 ZooKeeper 里成功创建控制器节点的 broker 会成为新的控制器,那么其他节点就会收到节点已存在的异常,然后在新的控制器节点上再次创建 watch 对象进行监听。


Kafka 被设计为一种模拟状态机的多线程控制器,它可以作用有下面这几点
  • 控制器相当于部门(集群)中的部门经理(broker controller),用于管理部门中的部门成员(broker)
  • 控制器是所有 broker 的一个监视器,用于监控 broker 的上线和下线
  • 在 broker 宕机后,控制器能够选举新的分区 Leader
  • 控制器能够和 broker 新选取的 Leader 发送消息
再细分一下可以具体分为如下 5 点
  • 主题管理 : Kafka Controller 可以帮助我们完成对 Kafka 主题创建、删除和增加分区的操作,简而言之就是对分区拥有最高行使权。
换句话说,当我们执行kafka-topics 脚本时,大部分的后台工作都是控制器来完成的。
  • 分区重分配: 分区重分配主要是指,kafka-reassign-partitions 脚本提供的对已有主题分区进行细粒度的分配功能。这部分功能也是控制器实现的。
  • Prefered 领导者选举 : Preferred 领导者选举主要是 Kafka 为了避免部分 Broker 负载过重而提供的一种换 Leader 的方案。
  • 集群成员管理: 主要管理 新增 broker、broker 关闭、broker 宕机
  • 数据服务: 控制器的最后一大类工作,就是向其他 broker 提供数据服务。控制器上保存了最全的集群元数据信息,其他所有 broker 会定期接收控制器发来的元数据更新请求,从而更新其内存中的缓存数据。这些数据我们会在下面讨论
当控制器发现一个 broker 离开集群(通过观察相关 ZooKeeper 路径),控制器会收到消息:这个 broker 所管理的那些分区需要一个新的 Leader。控制器会依次遍历每个分区,确定谁能够作为新的 Leader,然后向所有包含新 Leader 或现有 Follower 的分区发送消息,该请求消息包含谁是新的 Leader 以及谁是 Follower 的信息。随后,新的 Leader 开始处理来自生产者和消费者的请求,Follower 用于从新的 Leader 那里进行复制。
当控制器发现一个 broker 加入集群时,它会使用 broker ID 来检查新加入的 broker 是否包含现有分区的副本。如果有控制器就会把消息发送给新加入的 broker 和 现有的 broker。

broker controller 数据存储

上面我们介绍到 broker controller 会提供数据服务,用于保存大量的 Kafka 集群数据。如下图
  • broker 上的所有信息,包括 broker 中的所有分区,broker 所有分区副本,当前都有哪些运行中的 broker,哪些正在关闭中的 broker 。
  • 所有主题信息,包括具体的分区信息,比如领导者副本是谁,ISR 集合中有哪些副本等。
  • 所有涉及运维任务的分区。包括当前正在进行 Preferred 领导者选举以及分区重分配的分区列表。
Kafka 是离不开 ZooKeeper的,所以这些数据信息在 ZooKeeper 中也保存了一份。每当控制器初始化时,它都会从 ZooKeeper 上读取对应的元数据并填充到自己的缓存中。

broker controller 故障转移

我们在前面说过,第一个在 ZooKeeper 中的 /brokers/ids下创建节点的 broker 作为 broker controller,也就是说 broker controller 只有一个,那么必然会存在单点失效问题。kafka 为考虑到这种情况提供了故障转移功能,也就是 Fail Over。如下图
最一开始,broker1 会抢先注册成功成为 controller,然后由于网络抖动或者其他原因致使 broker1 掉线,ZooKeeper 通过 Watch 机制觉察到 broker1 的掉线,之后所有存活的 brokers 开始竞争成为 controller,这时 broker3 抢先注册成功,此时 ZooKeeper 存储的 controller 信息由 broker1 -> broker3,之后,broker3 会从 ZooKeeper 中读取元数据信息,并初始化到自己的缓存中。
注意:ZooKeeper 中存储的不是缓存信息,broker 中存储的才是缓存信息。

broker controller 存在的问题

在 Kafka 0.11 版本之前,控制器的设计是相当繁琐的。我们上面提到过一句话:Kafka controller 被设计为一种模拟状态机的多线程控制器,这种设计其实是存在一些问题的
  • controller 状态的更改由不同的监听器并罚执行,因此需要进行很复杂的同步,并且容易出错而且难以调试。
  • 状态传播不同步,broker 可能在时间不确定的情况下出现多种状态,这会导致不必要的额外的数据丢失
  • controller 控制器还会为主题删除创建额外的 I/O 线程,导致性能损耗
  • controller 的多线程设计还会访问共享数据,我们知道,多线程访问共享数据是线程同步最麻烦的地方,为了保护数据安全性,控制器不得不在代码中大量使用ReentrantLock 同步机制,这就进一步拖慢了整个控制器的处理速度。

broker controller 内部设计原理

在 Kafka 0.11 之后,Kafka controller 采用了新的设计,把多线程的方案改成了单线程加事件队列的方案。如下图所示
第一个改进是增加了一个 Event Executor Thread,事件执行线程,从图中可以看出,不管是 Event Queue 事件队列还是 Controller context 控制器上下文都会交给事件执行线程进行处理。将原来执行的操作全部建模成一个个独立的事件,发送到专属的事件队列中,供此线程消费。
第二个改进是将之前同步的 ZooKeeper 全部改为异步操作。ZooKeeper API 提供了两种读写的方式:同步和异步。之前控制器操作 ZooKeeper 都是采用的同步方式,这次把同步方式改为异步,据测试,效率提升了10倍。
第三个改进是根据优先级处理请求,之前的设计是 broker 会公平性的处理所有 controller 发送的请求。什么意思呢?公平性难道还不好吗?在某些情况下是的,比如 broker 在排队处理 produce 请求,这时候 controller 发出了一个 StopReplica 的请求,你会怎么办?还在继续处理 produce 请求吗?这个 produce 请求还有用吗?此时最合理的处理顺序应该是,赋予 StopReplica 请求更高的优先级,使它能够得到抢占式的处理。


复制功能是 Kafka 架构的核心功能,在 Kafka 文档里面 Kafka 把自己描述为 一个分布式的、可分区的、可复制的提交日志服务。复制之所以这么关键,是因为消息的持久存储非常重要,这能够保证在主节点宕机后依旧能够保证 Kafka 高可用。副本机制也可以称为备份机制(Replication),通常指分布式系统在多台网络交互的机器上保存有相同的数据备份/拷贝。
Kafka 使用主题来组织数据,每个主题又被分为若干个分区,分区会部署在一到多个 broker 上,每个分区都会有多个副本,所以副本也会被保存在 broker 上,每个 broker 可能会保存成千上万个副本。下图是一个副本复制示意图
如上图所示,为了简单我只画出了两个 broker ,每个 broker 指保存了一个 Topic 的消息,在 broker1 中分区0 是Leader,它负责进行分区的复制工作,把 broker1 中的分区0复制一个副本到 broker2 的主题 A 的分区0。同理,主题 A 的分区1也是一样的道理。
副本类型分为两种:一种是 Leader(领导者) 副本,一种是Follower(跟随者)副本。

Leader 副本

Kafka 在创建分区的时候都要选举一个副本,这个选举出来的副本就是 Leader 领导者副本。

Follower 副本

除了 Leader 副本以外的副本统称为 Follower 副本,Follower 不对外提供服务。下面是 Leader 副本的工作方式
  • Kafka 中,Follower 副本也就是追随者副本是不对外提供服务的。这就是说,任何一个追随者副本都不能响应消费者和生产者的请求。所有的请求都是由领导者副本来处理。或者说,所有的请求都必须发送到 Leader 副本所在的 broker 中,Follower 副本只是用做数据拉取,采用异步拉取的方式,并写入到自己的提交日志中,从而实现与 Leader 的同步
  • 当 Leader 副本所在的 broker 宕机后,Kafka 依托于 ZooKeeper 提供的监控功能能够实时感知到,并开启新一轮的选举,从追随者副本中选一个作为 Leader。如果宕机的 broker 重启完成后,该分区的副本会作为 Follower 重新加入。
跟随者副本在收到响应消息前,是不会继续发送消息,这一点很重要。通过查看每个跟随者请求的最新偏移量,首领就会知道每个跟随者复制的进度。如果跟随者在10s 内没有请求任何消息,或者虽然跟随者已经发送请求,但是在10s 内没有收到消息,就会被认为是不同步的。如果一个副本没有与领导者同步,那么在领导者掉线后,这个副本将不会称为领导者,因为这个副本的消息不是全部的。
  • 能够立刻看到写入的消息,就是你使用生产者 API 成功向分区写入消息后,马上使用消费者就能读取刚才写入的消息
  • 能够实现消息的幂等性,啥意思呢?就是对于生产者产生的消息,在消费者进行消费的时候,它每次都会看到消息存在,并不会存在消息不存在的情况


我在学习副本机制的时候,有个疑问,既然领导者副本和跟随者副本是发送 - 等待机制的,这是一种同步的复制方式,那么为什么说跟随者副本同步领导者副本的时候是一种异步操作呢?
我认为是这样的,跟随者副本在同步领导者副本后会把消息保存在本地 log 中,这个时候跟随者会给领导者副本一个响应消息,告诉领导者自己已经保存成功了,同步复制的领导者会等待所有的跟随者副本都写入成功后,再返回给 producer 写入成功的消息。而异步复制是领导者副本不需要关心跟随者副本是否写入成功,只要领导者副本自己把消息保存到本地 log ,就会返回给 producer 写入成功的消息。下面是同步复制和异步复制的过程
  • producer 通知 ZooKeeper 识别领导者
  • producer 向领导者写入消息
  • 领导者收到消息后会把消息写入到本地 log
  • 跟随者会从领导者那里拉取消息
  • 跟随者向本地写入 log
  • 跟随者向领导者发送写入成功的消息
  • 领导者会收到所有的跟随者发送的消息
  • 领导者向 producer 发送写入成功的消息


Kafka动态维护了一个同步状态的副本的集合(a set of In-Sync Replicas),简称ISR,ISR 也是一个很重要的概念,我们之前说过,追随者副本不提供服务,只是定期的异步拉取领导者副本的数据而已,拉取这个操作就相当于是复制,ctrl-c + ctrl-v大家肯定用的熟。那么是不是说 ISR 集合中的副本消息的数量都会与领导者副本消息数量一样呢?那也不一定,判断的依据是 broker 中参数 replica.lag.time.max.ms 的值,这个参数的含义就是跟随者副本能够落后领导者副本最长的时间间隔。
replica.lag.time.max.ms 参数默认的时间是 10秒,如果跟随者副本落后领导者副本的时间不超过 10秒,那么 Kafka 就认为领导者和跟随者是同步的。即使此时跟随者副本中存储的消息要小于领导者副本。如果跟随者副本要落后于领导者副本 10秒以上的话,跟随者副本就会从 ISR 被剔除。倘若该副本后面慢慢地追上了领导者的进度,那么它是能够重新被加回 ISR 的。这也表明,ISR 是一个动态调整的集合,而非静态不变的。

Unclean 领导者选举

既然 ISR 是可以动态调整的,那么必然会出现 ISR 集合中为空的情况,由于领导者副本是一定出现在 ISR 集合中的,那么 ISR 集合为空必然说明领导者副本也挂了,所以此时 Kafka 需要重新选举一个新的领导者,那么该如何选举呢?现在你需要转变一下思路,我们上面说 ISR 集合中一定是与领导者同步的副本,那么不再 ISR 集合中的副本一定是不与领导者同步的副本了,也就是不再 ISR 列表中的跟随者副本会丢失一些消息。如果你开启 broker 端参数 unclean.leader.election.enable的话,下一个领导者就会在这些非同步的副本中选举。这种选举也叫做Unclean 领导者选举
如果你接触过分布式项目的话你一定知道 CAP 理论,那么这种 Unclean 领导者选举其实是牺牲了数据一致性,保证了 Kafka 的高可用性。
你可以根据你的实际业务场景决定是否开启 Unclean 领导者选举,一般不建议开启这个参数,因为数据的一致性要比可用性重要的多。

Kafka 请求处理流程

broker 的大部分工作是处理客户端、分区副本和控制器发送给分区领导者的请求。这种请求一般都是请求/响应式的,我猜测你接触最早的请求/响应的方式应该就是 HTTP 请求了。事实上,HTTP 请求可以是同步可以是异步的。一般正常的 HTTP 请求都是同步的,同步方式最大的一个特点是提交请求->等待服务器处理->处理完毕返回 这个期间客户端浏览器不能做任何事。而异步方式最大的特点是 请求通过事件触发->服务器处理(这是浏览器仍然可以作其他事情)-> 处理完毕
这里需要注意一点,我们只是使用 HTTP 请求来举例子,而 Kafka 采用的是 TCP 基于 Socket 的方式进行通讯


说了这么半天,Kafka 采用同步还是异步的呢?都不是,Kafka 采用的是一种 响应式(Reactor)模型,那么什么是响应式模型呢?简单的说,Reactor 模式是事件驱动架构的一种实现方式,特别适合应用于处理多个客户端并发向服务器端发送请求的场景,如下图所示
Kafka 的 broker 端有个 SocketServer组件,类似于处理器,SocketServer 是基于 TCP 的 Socket 连接的,它用于接受客户端请求,所有的请求消息都包含一个消息头,消息头中都包含如下信息
  • Request type (也就是 API Key)
  • Request version(broker 可以处理不同版本的客户端请求,并根据客户版本做出不同的响应)
  • Correlation ID --- 一个具有唯一性的数字,用于标示请求消息,同时也会出现在响应消息和错误日志中(用于诊断问题)
  • Client ID --- 用于标示发送请求的客户端
broker 会在它所监听的每一个端口上运行一个 Acceptor 线程,这个线程会创建一个连接,并把它交给 Processor(网络线程池), Processor 的数量可以使用 num.network.threads 进行配置,其默认值是3,表示每台 broker 启动时会创建3个线程,专门处理客户端发送的请求。
Acceptor 线程会采用轮询的方式将入栈请求公平的发送至网络线程池中,因此,在实际使用过程中,这些线程通常具有相同的机率被分配到待处理请求队列中,然后从响应队列获取响应消息,把它们发送给客户端。Processor 网络线程池中的请求 - 响应的处理还是比较复杂的,下面是网络线程池中的处理流程图
Processor 网络线程池接收到客户和其他 broker 发送来的消息后,网络线程池会把消息放到请求队列中,注意这个是共享请求队列,因为网络线程池是多线程机制的,所以请求队列的消息是多线程共享的区域,然后由 IO 线程池进行处理,根据消息的种类判断做何处理,比如 PRODUCE 请求,就会将消息写入到 log 日志中,如果是FETCH请求,则从磁盘或者页缓存中读取消息。也就是说,IO线程池是真正做判断,处理请求的一个组件。在IO 线程池处理完毕后,就会判断是放入响应队列中还是 Purgatory 中,Purgatory 是什么我们下面再说,现在先说一下响应队列,响应队列是每个线程所独有的,因为响应式模型中不会关心请求发往何处,因此把响应回传的事情就交给每个线程了,所以也就不必共享了。
注意:IO 线程池可以通过 broker 端参数 num.io.threads 来配置,默认的线程数是8,表示每台 broker 启动后自动创建 8 个IO 处理线程。


我在 真的,关于 Kafka 入门看这一篇就够了 文章中提到过 acks 这个配置项的含义
简单来讲就是不同的配置对写入成功的界定是不同的,如果 acks = 1,那么只要领导者收到消息就表示写入成功,如果acks = 0,表示只要领导者发送消息就表示写入成功,根本不用考虑返回值的影响。如果 acks = all,就表示领导者需要收到所有副本的消息后才表示写入成功。
在消息被写入分区的首领后,如果 acks 配置的值是 all,那么这些请求会被保存在 炼狱(Purgatory)的缓冲区中,直到领导者副本发现跟随者副本都复制了消息,响应才会发送给客户端。
broker 获取请求的方式与处理生产请求的方式类似,客户端发送请求,向 broker 请求主题分区中特定偏移量的消息,如果偏移量存在,Kafka 会采用 零复制 技术向客户端发送消息,Kafka 会直接把消息从文件中发送到网络通道中,而不需要经过任何的缓冲区,从而获得更好的性能。
客户端可以设置获取请求数据的上限和下限,上限指的是客户端为接受足够消息分配的内存空间,这个限制比较重要,如果上限太大的话,很有可能直接耗尽客户端内存。下限可以理解为攒足了数据包再发送的意思,这就相当于项目经理给程序员分配了 10 个bug,程序员每次改一个 bug 就会向项目经理汇报一下,有的时候改好了有的时候可能还没改好,这样就增加了沟通成本和时间成本,所以下限值得就是程序员你改完10个 bug 再向我汇报!!!如下图所示
如图你可以看到,在拉取消息 ---> 消息 之间是有一个等待消息积累这么一个过程的,这个消息积累你可以把它想象成超时时间,不过超时会跑出异常,消息积累超时后会响应回执。延迟时间可以通过 replica.lag.time.max.ms 来配置,它指定了副本在复制消息时可被允许的最大延迟时间。
生产请求和响应请求都必须发送给领导者副本,如果 broker 收到一个针对某个特定分区的请求,而该请求的首领在另外一个 broker 中,那么发送请求的客户端会收到非分区首领的错误响应;如果针对某个分区的请求被发送到不含有领导者的 broker 上,也会出现同样的错误。Kafka 客户端需要把请求和响应发送到正确的 broker 上。这不是废话么?我怎么知道要往哪发送?
事实上,客户端会使用一种 元数据请求 ,这种请求会包含客户端感兴趣的主题列表,服务端的响应消息指明了主题的分区,领导者副本和跟随者副本。元数据请求可以发送给任意一个 broker,因为所有的 broker 都会缓存这些信息。
一般情况下,客户端会把这些信息缓存,并直接向目标 broker 发送生产请求和相应请求,这些缓存需要隔一段时间就进行刷新,使用metadata.max.age.ms 参数来配置,从而知道元数据是否发生了变更。比如,新的 broker 加入后,会触发重平衡,部分副本会移动到新的 broker 上。这时候,如果客户端收到 不是首领的错误,客户端在发送请求之前刷新元数据缓存。

Kafka 重平衡流程

我在 真的,关于 Kafka 入门看这一篇就够了 中关于消费者描述的时候大致说了一下消费者组和重平衡之间的关系,实际上,归纳为一点就是让组内所有的消费者实例就消费哪些主题分区达成一致。
我们知道,一个消费者组中是要有一个群组协调者(Coordinator)的,而重平衡的流程就是由 Coordinator 的帮助下来完成的。
  • 消费者订阅的任何主题发生变化
  • 消费者数量发生变化
  • 分区数量发生变化
  • 如果你订阅了一个还尚未创建的主题,那么重平衡在该主题创建时发生。如果你订阅的主题发生删除那么也会发生重平衡
  • 消费者被群组协调器认为是 DEAD 状态,这可能是由于消费者崩溃或者长时间处于运行状态下发生的,这意味着在配置合理时间的范围内,消费者没有向群组协调器发送任何心跳,这也会导致重平衡的发生。


群组协调器(Coordinator):群组协调器是一个能够从消费者群组中收到所有消费者发送心跳消息的 broker。在最早期的版本中,元数据信息是保存在 ZooKeeper 中的,但是目前元数据信息存储到了 broker 中。每个消费者组都应该和群组中的群组协调器同步。当所有的决策要在应用程序节点中进行时,群组协调器可以满足 JoinGroup 请求并提供有关消费者组的元数据信息,例如分配和偏移量。群组协调器还有权知道所有消费者的心跳,消费者群组中还有一个角色就是领导者,注意把它和领导者副本和 kafka controller 进行区分。领导者是群组中负责决策的角色,所以如果领导者掉线了,群组协调器有权把所有消费者踢出组。因此,消费者群组的一个很重要的行为是选举领导者,并与协调器读取和写入有关分配和分区的元数据信息。
消费者领导者: 每个消费者群组中都有一个领导者。如果消费者停止发送心跳了,协调者会触发重平衡。


Kafka 设计了一套消费者组状态机(State Machine) ,来帮助协调者完成整个重平衡流程。消费者状态机主要有五种状态它们分别是 Empty、Dead、PreparingRebalance、CompletingRebalance 和 Stable

消费者组一开始处于 Empty 状态,当重平衡开启后,它会被置于 PreparingRebalance 状态等待新消费者的加入,一旦有新的消费者加入后,消费者群组就会处于 CompletingRebalance 状态等待分配,只要有新的消费者加入群组或者离开,就会触发重平衡,消费者的状态处于 PreparingRebalance 状态。等待分配机制指定好后完成分配,那么它的流程图是这样的
在上图的基础上,当消费者群组都到达 Stable 状态后,一旦有新的消费者加入/离开/心跳过期,那么触发重平衡,消费者群组的状态重新处于 PreparingRebalance 状态。那么它的流程图是这样的。
在上图的基础上,消费者群组处于 PreparingRebalance 状态后,很不幸,没人玩儿了,所有消费者都离开了,这时候还可能会保留有消费者消费的位移数据,一旦位移数据过期或者被刷新,那么消费者群组就处于 Dead 状态了。它的流程图是这样的
在上图的基础上,我们分析了消费者的重平衡,在 PreparingRebalance或者 CompletingRebalance 或者 Stable 任意一种状态下发生位移主题分区 Leader 发生变更,群组会直接处于 Dead 状态,它的所有路径如下
这里面需要注意两点:一般出现 Required xx expired offsets in xxx milliseconds 就表明Kafka 很可能就把该组的位移数据删除了
只有 Empty 状态下的组,才会执行过期位移删除的操作。


上面我们了解到了消费者群组状态的转化过程,下面我们真正开始介绍 Rebalance 的过程。重平衡过程可以从两个方面去看:消费者端和协调者端,首先我们先看一下消费者端


从消费者看重平衡有两个步骤:分别是 消费者加入组等待领导者分配方案。这两个步骤后分别对应的请求是 JoinGroupSyncGroup
新的消费者加入群组时,这个消费者会向协调器发送 JoinGroup 请求。在该请求中,每个消费者成员都需要将自己消费的 topic 进行提交,我们上面描述群组协调器中说过,这么做的目的就是为了让协调器收集足够的元数据信息,来选取消费者组的领导者。通常情况下,第一个发送 JoinGroup 请求的消费者会自动称为领导者。领导者的任务是收集所有成员的订阅信息,然后根据这些信息,制定具体的分区消费分配方案。如图
在所有的消费者都加入进来并把元数据信息提交给领导者后,领导者做出分配方案并发送 SyncGroup 请求给协调者,协调者负责下发群组中的消费策略。下图描述了 SyncGroup 请求的过程
当所有成员都成功接收到分配方案后,消费者组进入到 Stable 状态,即开始正常的消费工作。


  • 新成员加入组
  • 组成员主动离开
  • 组成员崩溃离开
  • 组成员提交位移


我们讨论的场景消费者集群状态处于Stable 等待分配的过程,这时候如果有新的成员加入组的话,重平衡的过程


组成员离开消费者群组指的是消费者实例调用 close() 方法主动通知协调者它要退出。这里又会有一个新的请求出现 LeaveGroup()请求 。如下图所示


组成员崩溃是指消费者实例出现严重故障,宕机或者一段时间未响应,协调者接收不到消费者的心跳,就会被认为是组成员崩溃,崩溃离组是被动的,协调者通常需要等待一段时间才能感知到,这段时间一般是由消费者端参数 session.timeout.ms 控制的。如下图所示


这个过程我们就不再用图形来表示了,大致描述一下就是 消费者发送 JoinGroup 请求后,群组中的消费者必须在指定的时间范围内提交各自的位移,然后再开启正常的 JoinGroup/SyncGroup 请求发送。
《Kafka 权威指南》
kafka 分区和副本以及kafaka 执行流程,以及消息的高可用
羽飞 / 2019-12-23 4 years ago / 未收藏/ SegmentFault 最新的文章发送到 kindle
上周,JavaScript 引擎「V8」的开发团队在该项目官方网站上正式宣布推出最新的 8.0 版本。这次更新的重点主要集中在错误修复及性能改善上,正式的版本将在数周后随着谷歌 Chrome 80 稳定版一起发布。
V8 是谷歌公司推出的开源高性能 JavaScript 引擎,主要用于提升 Web 浏览器内部 JavaScript 脚本执行的性能。V8 通过 C++ 语言编写,主要用在 Chrome 浏览器以及 Node.js 上,实现了对 ECMAScript 与 WebAssembly 的支持,可运行于 Windows 7、macOS 10.12 以及使用 x64、IA-32、ARM、MIPS 处理器的 Linux 系统,或更新版本的操作系统环境下。V8 既可以单独运行,也能够内嵌到任何基于 C++ 的应用中。V8 项目开发至今已拥有超过 11 年的历史。



V8 引擎的这次更新,对内存占用量与速度都进行了优化。V8 堆包含了很多东西,例如浮点值、字符串字符、编译代码以及标定值,开发团队发现这些标记值占据了堆的很大一部分空间。
标定值与系统指针一样大,32 位宽度对应 32 位架构,64 位宽度对应 64 位架构。当开发团队对比 32 位版本与 64 位版本时发现,每个标记值使用了两倍的堆内存。
因为高位可以由低位合成,所以只需要将唯一的低位存储到堆中就能实现降低内存的占用量,平均可节省 40% 堆内存,这一方法被称为「指针压缩」。
V8 8.0.png
通常情况下,在优化内存占用的同时也会牺牲部分性能,但经过这一改进之后,在 V8 及其垃圾收集器中却出现了真实网站的性能提升。


在优化高阶内建上,新版本解除了 TurboFan 优化流程中的一处限制,这处限制使高阶内建无法得到优化。
const charCodeAt = Function.prototype.call.bind(String.prototype.charCodeAt);

charCodeAt(string, 8);
到目前为止,对 charCodeAt 的调用对 TurboFan 来说是完全不透明的,从而引发了对用户定义函数通用调用。通过这一改变,现在可以识别出实际上是在调用内置 String.prototype.charCodeAt 函数,从而能够触发 TurboFan 库中的进一步优化来改善对内建的调用,进而获得与以下相同的性能:
这一变化也会影响到其他一些内建,比如 Function.prototype.apply、Reflect.apply,以及很多其他的高阶数组内建。


新版本在 JavaScript 方面出现了两个新特性 ── 可选链和 null 判断合并。


// Error prone-version, could throw.const nameLength = db.user.name.length;// Less error-prone, but harder to read.let nameLength;if (db && db.user && db.user.name)  nameLength = db.user.name.length;
// Still checks for errors and is much more readable.const nameLength = db?.user?.name?.length;

null 合并

null 合并操作符 ?? 是一个新的用于处理默认值的短路二进制操作符。目前,默认值有时由逻辑 || 操作符处理,如下所示:
function Component(props) {  const enable = props.enabled || true;  // …}
对 || 的使用,并不适合计算默认值,因为当 a 为非真时 a || b 的结果为 b。如果 props.enabled 明确被设置为假,那么 enable 仍然为真。
通过 null 合并操作符,当 a 为空时,a ?? b 的结果为 b,否则结果为 a。这是理想的默认值行为,并使用 ?? 修正了之前提到的错误。
function Component(props) {  const enable = props.enabled ?? true;  // …}
null 合并操作符与可选链是相伴而生的特性,可协同工作。当没有任何 props 参数传入时,它们可以对示例进行进一步修改以作为应对。
function Component(props) {  const enable = props?.enabled ?? true;  // …}

V8 应用程序接口

请通过「git log branch-heads/7.9.. ..branch-heads/8.0 include/v8.h」指令来获得接口变化列表。
开发人员目前可通过指令「git checkout -b 8.0 -t branch-heads/8.0」来体验 V8 引擎 8.0 版本中的新特性。

高性能 JavaScript 引擎 V8 官方网站
高性能 JavaScript 引擎 V8 GitHub 地址

日拱一兵 / 2019-12-23 4 years ago / 未收藏/ SegmentFault 最新的文章发送到 kindle


上一篇文章 如何妙用 Spring 数据绑定?灵魂追问 环节留下了一个有关 equals 和 hashcode 问题 。基础面试经常会碰到与之相关的问题,这不是一个复杂的问题,但很多朋友都苦于说明他们二者的关系和约束,于是写本文做单独说明,本篇文章将循序渐进 ( 通过举例,让记忆与理解更轻松 ) 说明这些让你有些苦恼的问题,Let's go .......


1. Java 里面有了 == 运算符,为什么还需要 equals ?

== 比较的是对象地址,equals 比较的是对象值
先来看一看 Object 类中 equals 方法:
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
    return (this == obj);
我们看到 equals 方法同样是通过 == 比较对象地址,并没有帮我们比较值。Java 世界中 Object 绝对是"老祖宗" 的存在,== 号我们没办法改变或重写。但 equals 是方法,这就给了我们重写 equals 方法的可能,让我们实现其对值的比较:
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
如果我们要说两个电脑一样,通常是比较其「品牌/尺寸/配置 」(值) ,比如这样:
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
    return 品牌相等 && 尺寸相等 && 配置相等
当遇到如上场景时,我们就需要重写 equals 方法。这就解释了 Java 世界为什么有了 == 还有equals 这个问题了.

2. equals相等 和 hashcode 相等问题

  • 两个对象 equals 相等,那他们 hashCode 相等吗?
  • 两个对象 hashCode 相等,那他们 equals 相等吗?
为了说明上面两个问题的结论,这里举一个不太恰当的例子,只为方便记忆,我们将 equals 比作一个单词的拼写;hashCode 比作一个单词的发音,在相同语境下:
sea / sea 「大海」,两个单词拼写一样,所以 equals 相等,他们读音 /siː/ 也一样,所以 hashCode 就相等,这就回答了第一个问题:

两个对象 equals 相等,那他们 hashCode 一定也相等

sea / see 「大海/看」,两个单词的读音 /siː/ 一样,显然单词是不一样的,这就回答了第二个问题:

两个对象 hashCode 相等,那他们 equals 不一定相等

查看 Object 类的 hashCode 方法:
public native int hashCode();

其实在这个结果的背后,还有的是关于重写 equals 方法的约束

3. 重写 equals 有哪些约束?

关于重写 equals 方法的约束,同样在该方法的注释中写的很清楚了,我在这里再说明一下:

赤橙红绿青蓝紫,七彩以色列;哆来咪发唆拉西, 一曲安哥拉 ,这些规则不是用来背诵的,只是在你需要重写 equals 方法时,打开 JDK 查看该方法,按照准则重写就好

4. 什么时候需要我们重写 hashCode

为了比较值,我们重写 equals 方法,那什么时候又需要重写 hashCode 方法呢?
通常只要我们重写 equals 方法就要重写 hashCode 方法
为什么会有这样的约束呢?按照上面讲的原则,两个对象 equals 相等,那他们的 hashCode 一定也相等。如果我们只重写 equals 方法而不重写 hashCode 方法,看看会发生什么,举个例子来看:
定义学生类,并通过 IDE 只帮我们生成 equals 方法:
public class Student {

    private String name;

    private int age;

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (this == o) return true;
        if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
        Student student = (Student) o;
        return age == student.age &&
                Objects.equals(name, student.name);
Student student1 = new Student();

Student student2 = new Student();

System.out.println("student1.equals(student2)的结果是:" + student1.equals(student2));

Set<Student> students = new HashSet<Student>();
System.out.println("Student Set 集合长度是:" + students.size());

Map<Student, java.lang.String> map = new HashMap<Student, java.lang.String>();
map.put(student1, "student1");
map.put(student2, "student2");
System.out.println("Student Map 集合长度是:" + map.keySet().size());
Student Set 集合长度是:2
Student Map 集合长度是:2
很显然,按照集合 Set 和 Map 加入元素的标准来看,student1 和 student2 是两个对象,因为在调用他们的 put (Set add 方法的背后也是 HashMap 的 put)方法时, 会先判断 hash 值是否相等,这个小伙伴们打开 JDK 自行查看吧
所以我们继续重写 Student 类的 hashCode 方法:
public int hashCode() {
    return Objects.hash(name, age);
Student Set 集合长度是:1
Student Map 集合长度是:1
得到我们预期的结果,这也就是为什么通常我们重写 equals 方法为什么最好也重写 hashCode 方法的原因
  • 如果你在使用 Lombok,不知道你是否注意到 Lombok 只有一个 @EqualsAndHashCode 注解,而没有拆分成 @Equals 和 @HashCode 两个注解,想了解更多 Lombok 的内容,也可以查看我之前写的文章 Lomok 使用详解
  • 另外通过 IDE 快捷键生成重写方法时,你也会看到这两个方法放在一起,而不是像 getter 和 setter 那样分开


5. 重写 hashCode 为什么总有 31 这个数字?

细心的朋友可能注意到,我上面重写 hashCode的方法很简答, 就是用了 Objects.hash 方法,进去查看里面的方法:
public static int hashCode(Object a[]) {
    if (a == null)
        return 0;

    int result = 1;

    for (Object element : a)
        result = 31 * result + (element == null ? 0 : element.hashCode());

    return result;
这里通过 31 来计算对象 hash 值
如何妙用 Spring 数据绑定? 文章末尾提到的在 HandlerMethodArgumentResolverComposite 类中有这样一个成员变量:
private final Map<MethodParameter, HandlerMethodArgumentResolver> argumentResolverCache =
            new ConcurrentHashMap<MethodParameter, HandlerMethodArgumentResolver>(256);
Map 的 key 是 MethodParameter ,根据我们上面的分析,这个类一定也会重写 equalshashCode 方法,进去查看发现,hashCode 的计算也用到了 31 这个数字
public boolean equals(Object other) {
    if (this == other) {
        return true;
    if (!(other instanceof MethodParameter)) {
        return false;
    MethodParameter otherParam = (MethodParameter) other;
    return (this.parameterIndex == otherParam.parameterIndex && getMember().equals(otherParam.getMember()));

public int hashCode() {
    return (getMember().hashCode() * 31 + this.parameterIndex);
为什么计算 hash 值要用到 31 这个数字呢?我在网上看到一篇不错的文章,分享给大家,作为科普,可以简单查看一下:
String hashCode 方法为什么选择数字31作为乘子


如果还对equalshashCode 关系及约束含混,我们只需要按照上述步骤逐步回忆即可,更好的是直接查看 JDK 源码;另外拿出实际的例子来反推验证是非常好的办法。如果你还有相关疑问,也可以留言探讨.


  1. Thread 类就没有重写 equals 方法,你还知道哪些情况没必要重写 equals 方法吗?
  2. 从上面 HandlerMethodArgumentResolverComposite 类中定义的 Map 成员变量,你注意到哪些知识点,比如 final,ConcurrentHashMap,初识容量,为什么要这样写?你能解释出原因吗?
欢迎关注我的公众号 「日拱一兵」,趣味原创解析Java技术栈问题,将复杂问题简单化,将抽象问题图形化落地
如果对我的专题内容感兴趣,或抢先看更多内容,欢迎访问我的博客 dayarch.top

Peter谭金杰 / 2019-12-23 4 years ago / 未收藏/ SegmentFault 最新的文章发送到 kindle


先分析@types的包  关于TypeScirpt源码 


发现Application接口一次性继承了 EventEmitter  IRouter Express.Application 





{ configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true, value: app }
这段代码是属性描述符,vue 2.x版本中的get和set和访问描述符,不懂的去搜下

发现 app.listen的实现也是依靠http模块,跟koa差不多


module.exports = serveStatic
function serveStatic (root, options) {
    return serveStatic(req,res,next) {
     if (path === '/' && originalUrl.pathname.substr(-1) !== '/') {
      path = ''
    var stream = send(req, path, opts)
    stream.on('directory', onDirectory)
    if (setHeaders) {
      stream.on('headers', setHeaders)
    if (fallthrough) {
      stream.on('file', function onFile () {
        forwardError = true
    stream.on('error', function error (err) {
      if (forwardError || !(err.statusCode < 500)) {
    // pipe
function send (req, path, options) {
  return new SendStream(req, path, options)

function SendStream(){

SendStream.prototype.pipe = function pipe (res) {
  //..中间很多容错处理 头部处理等
   var path = decode(this.path)
 fs.stat(path, function onstat (err, stat) {
  if (err && err.code === 'ENOENT' && !extname(path) && path[path.length - 1] !== sep) {
    // not found, check extensions
    return next(err)
  if (err) return self.onStatError(err)
  if (stat.isDirectory()) return self.redirect(path)
  self.emit('file', path, stat)
  self.send(path, stat)
这里通过一些容错机制处理后,把path和文件stat信息对象,传入this.send中,这里的send,跟默认暴露的function send不是一个函数,整个源码这里是最绕的




下一句var route = this._router.route(path)就以第一个参数path调用了router.route方法(router在lazyrouter初始化)。router在router目录中index.js文件中声明,它的属性stack存储了以layer描述的各个中间层。route方法定义在proto.route函数中,代码如下:

执行完这个router.route方法后,又通过route[method].apply(route, slice.call(arguments, 1));让生成的这个route(不是router)调用了route.get。route.get中的关键流如下:


同样第一次都会调用,初始化一个 new Layer 中间层

app.use = function use(fn) {
var offset = 0;
var path = '/';
var fns = flatten(slice.call(arguments, offset));
var router = this._router;

fns.forEach(function (fn) {
  router.use(path, function mounted_app(req, res, next) {
    var orig = req.app;
    fn.handle(req, res, function (err) {
      setPrototypeOf(req, orig.request)
      setPrototypeOf(res, orig.response)
  fn.emit('mount', this);
}, this);

return this;
app.lazyrouter = function lazyrouter() {
  if (!this._router) {
    this._router = new Router({
      caseSensitive: this.enabled('case sensitive routing'),
      strict: this.enabled('strict routing')

    this._router.use(query(this.get('query parser fn')));

function flattenForever (array, result) {
  for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
    var value = array[i]

    if (Array.isArray(value)) {
      flattenForever(value, result)
    } else {

  return result


app.handle = function handle(req, res, callback) {
  var router = this._router;

  // final handler
  var done = callback || finalhandler(req, res, {
    env: this.get('env'),
    onerror: logerror.bind(this)
  // no routes
  if (!router) {
    debug('no routes defined on app');

  router.handle(req, res, done);};

先取出第一层,判断与request的path是否match。第一、二层是router初始化时的query函数和middleware.init函数,它们都会进入执行trim_prefix(layer, layerError, layerPath, path);的分支,并调用其中的layer.handle_request(req,res, next);,这个next就是router.handle函数里的闭包next。执行了这两层后,继续回调next函数。
while (match !== true && idx < stack.length) {
  layer = stack[idx++];
  match = matchLayer(layer, path);
  route = layer.route;
  trim_prefix(layer, layerError, layerPath, path);
   function trim_prefix(layer, layerError, layerPath, path) {
    if (layerPath.length !== 0) {
  // Validate path breaks on a path separator
  var c = path[layerPath.length]
  if (c && c !== '/' && c !== '.') return next(layerError)

  // Trim off the part of the url that matches the route
  // middleware (.use stuff) needs to have the path stripped
  debug('trim prefix (%s) from url %s', layerPath, req.url);
  removed = layerPath;
  req.url = protohost + req.url.substr(protohost.length + removed.length);

  // Ensure leading slash
  if (!protohost && req.url[0] !== '/') {
    req.url = '/' + req.url;
    slashAdded = true;

  // Setup base URL (no trailing slash)
  req.baseUrl = parentUrl + (removed[removed.length - 1] === '/'
    ? removed.substring(0, removed.length - 1)
    : removed);

debug('%s %s : %s', layer.name, layerPath, req.originalUrl);

if (layerError) {
  layer.handle_error(layerError, req, res, next);
} else {
  layer.handle_request(req, res, next);
若路径不匹配,while循环会直接跳过当此循环,对router.stack的下一层进行匹配;如果path与这个route的regexp匹配,就会执行layer.handle_request(req, res, next);。
 Layer.prototype.handle_request = function handle(req, res, next) {
  var fn = this.handle;

  if (fn.length > 3) {
    // not a standard request handler
    return next();

  try {
    fn(req, res, next);
  } catch (err) {

if (isFinished(req)) {

  function write () {
  // response body
  var body = createHtmlDocument(message)

  // response status
  res.statusCode = status
  res.statusMessage = statuses[status]

  // response headers
  setHeaders(res, headers)

  // security headers
  res.setHeader('Content-Security-Policy', "default-src 'none'")
  res.setHeader('X-Content-Type-Options', 'nosniff')

  // standard headers
  res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8')
  res.setHeader('Content-Length', Buffer.byteLength(body, 'utf8'))

  if (req.method === 'HEAD') {
  res.end(body, 'utf8')


function isFinished(msg) {
  var socket = msg.socket
  if (typeof msg.finished === 'boolean') {
    // OutgoingMessage
    return Boolean(msg.finished || (socket && !socket.writable))

  if (typeof msg.complete === 'boolean') {
    // IncomingMessage
    return Boolean(msg.upgrade || !socket || !socket.readable || (msg.complete && !msg.readable))
  // don't know
  return undefined
 function createHtmlDocument (message) {
  var body = escapeHtml(message)
    .replace(NEWLINE_REGEXP, '<br>')
    .replace(DOUBLE_SPACE_REGEXP, ' &nbsp;')

  return '<!DOCTYPE html>\n' +
    '<html lang="en">\n' +
    '<head>\n' +
    '<meta charset="utf-8">\n' +
    '<title>Error</title>\n' +
    '</head>\n' +
    '<body>\n' +
    '<pre>' + body + '</pre>\n' +
    '</body>\n' +

ken_io / 2019-12-23 4 years ago / 未收藏/ SegmentFault 最新的文章发送到 kindle

一、Code Review的好处

想要做好Code Review,必须让参与的工程师充分认识到Code Review的好处


通过Code Review,对于同样的功能实现,有经验的工程师可以给经验尚浅的工程师提供合理的优化建议。经验尚浅的工程师可以通过阅读优质代码,快速学习相关技术运用的最佳实践。如果大家技术实力相当,可能就是互相刷新思想了。


在大部分团队,尤其是采用服务化架构以及微服务架构的团队,通常都是1个开发人员负责多个服务/项目(Project),如果没有Code Review,那么项目中所涉及的架构知识,或者业务知识,就只存在于项目执行过程中产出的架构文档,以及核心流程、功能的说明文档了。
Code Review的过程,就是根据提交者的描述阅读代码的逻辑,看代码实现是否跟描述一致。在这个时候,Reviewer就必须阅读文档,知识的传播性就更好,也基本上不会出现只有1个人了解某个项目的情况了。


可以编译通过->可以正常运行->可以测试通过->容易阅读->容易维护。那么,通过Code Review的代码最起码可以达到易阅读这个级别。

要做到易阅读,可不是说只要有Code Review这个环节就可以了,还要有相关的规范,让大家按照同样的工程风格、编码风格去构建项目和编写代码。统一风格一方面是让大家无论是维护项目还是阅读代码,不用互相适应各自的编码习惯,另外也是给Reviewer一个Code Review的基本依据。
发现Bug不是Code Review的必需品,而是附属品。至于那些低级的问题/bug交给代码扫描工具就可以了,这不是Code Review的职责。

二、推动Code Review落地执行


可以用来做Code Review的工具很多,这里主要介绍相对主流的Gerrit、GitLab
  • Gerrit

总之,Gerrit的Code Review功能是非常完善的,缺点可能就是UI、交互太老了以及平台的管理功能较弱。
  • GitLab家族
GitLab是基于Git构建的源代码管理系统,基于GitLab构建的 GitLab.com 是仅次于 GitHub.com 的在线源代码管理平台。
GitLab分GitLab CE(社区版)和 GitLab EE(企业版)两个版本,开源的社区版功能相对会弱一点,但是免费使用,可以自由部署、定制、维护。企业版功能强大,但是需要收费的。
如果需要根据GitLab的数据做一些统计报表,GitLab提供了非常友好的restful API,如果要定制化,建议是通过API来做定制化的工具,不受编程语言限制。
GitLab的Code Review的功能没有Gerrit功能完善,但是GitLab附带的文档功能、以及GitLab完善的管理后台都要比Gerrit更好,如果要做CI/CD,GitLab的社区版几乎是最佳选择
  • Gerrit VS GitLab 综合对比
工具 权限
可维护 数据



Gerrit强项只有Code Review的控制,GitLab的功能更全面,但GitLab的企业版是收费的。所以,综合来说,我更推荐GitLab社区版



  • 工程规范(工程结构,分层方式及命名等等)
  • 命名规范(接口、类、方法名、变量名等)
  • 代码格式(括号、空格、换行、缩进等)
  • 注释规范(规定必要的注释)
  • 日志规范(合理的记录必要的日志)
  • 各种推荐与不推荐的代码示例

Google代码风格指南:https://zh-google-styleguide.... (涵盖:C++、Python等)


  • 确定Code Review实施环节
CodeReview建议是放在代码提交测试前,也就是开发人员完成代码开发及自测后将代码提交到测试分支时进行Code Review。毕竟,如果测试通过后再进行Code Review,如果需要代码变更,势必会增加测试的工作量,甚至影响项目进度。亦或是顶着项目上线的压力,干脆“以后再说”了
以通用的Git Workflow来说,那就是把Code Review放在Feature分支合并到Develop分支时了。
  • 制定角色行为规范
角色 规则
Developer 1、一次提交的功能必须是完整的
3、Commit Message中要清晰描述变更的主题
Reviewer 1、不允许自我Review并Merge代码
Approver 1、审批不通过需注明原因<br/>2、审批时长需要控制在1小时以内
  1. 控制提交Code Review的代码的粒度
  2. 控制单次Code Review的时间
  3. 提升Commit/MergeRequest描述的质量,减少沟通成本
这样,我们就可以通过细粒度高频次的方式尽可能利用工程师碎片化的时间进行Code Review,一定程度上保证Code Review的效率。
毕竟,粗粒度甚至是集中式的Code Review,时间上难以把控。发现了问题的时候,修复的成本也往往更高。


有了工具、开发规范、流程规范,就可以指引参与的工程师参与Code Review,那么我们也要对Code Review的过程以及结果进行检验,毕竟不进行检查/验收的规则,是无法达到预期效果的。
Code Review毕竟不是数学题,我们无法通过简单的计算去验证。所以我们要通过侧面验证,来帮助Code Review的执行
  • 定期分享
我们是期望CodeReview可以让工程师之间互相学习的,那么对于一次Code Review通常只有参与的2-3个工程师有互相学习的机会,那么在这个过程中学到的知识,定期的分享出来,既可以加强知识的流动,又可以检查大家究竟有没有在Code Review过程中学习到知识,或者有没有认真的进行Code Review
至于分享的内容,可以是开发规范中的范例代码,也可以是规范中的正例代码,也可以是针对某个功能实现的最佳算法/最佳实践,也可以是Code Review过程中的争议代码,也可以是自己踩过的坑。
总之,Code Review之后的代码分享,不但可以加强知识的流动,还可以检验Code Review的效果。
  • 数据统计
为了在一定程度上保证Code Review的效率,我们在规范里是要求参与的工程师:
  1. Developer控制提交Code Review的粒度,或者控制每个Commit的粒度
  2. Developer要准确清晰的描述所提交的代码
  3. Reviewer&Approver要在规定时间内完成Code Review
如果用Gerrit,可以查询Gerrit的数据库,里面会有Code Review的信息,
如果用GitLab,可以通过WebHook或者restful API获取Code Review信息

我们可以做成报表,来展示Code Review的情况:
  1. 每人每周Code Review所消耗的时间
  2. 每人每周被Code Review所消耗的平均时间
  3. 超过规定时间的Code Review情况
  4. 代码提交描述字数过少的情况
  5. 等等(根据自己的需要来)
以上情况只是Code Review的侧面反馈,用来帮我们发现Code Review执行过程中可能出现的问题。不过,出现问题并不意味着Code Review的质量/效率一定受到了影响。
比如,工程师A被Code Review的耗时是团队内最高,有可能是有某次代码是周五晚上提交的CodeReviw,这单次CodeReview的耗时就会超过48小时。也有可能是对应的Reviewer是团队新人,要通过相关业务项目了解对应Project的承担的职责及代码,这是个学习的过程,自然耗时加长。
但是通过这种的数据,可以让Code Review的情况直观的展示出来。来发现大家执行过程中需要优化的事项, 不断帮助大家完善规则,做好执行。

三、保证Code Review质量的关键


无论Code Review的工具以及流程是怎么样的,都少不了开发规范作为支撑,毕竟我们期望Code Review达到的效果之一就是,团队中的工程师可以写出像规范中描述那样的高质量代码。
工程师对研发规范的掌握程度,决定了自己编码代码的质量,也决定了自己Review通过的代码的质量。所以,无论如何,加强对研发规范的学习和理解,都是保证Code Review质量的重中之重


Code Review目的是帮助工程师交流和学习进步的。无论是技术能力还是编码习惯,亦或是业务知识。无论规则怎么制定,终究还是需要参与的工程师来执行,如果大家互相睁一只眼闭一只眼,互相降低要求,那么执行的效果一定会打折扣。



云音乐前端团队 / 2019-12-23 4 years ago / 未收藏/ SegmentFault 最新的文章发送到 kindle
Title image of Streams API by Mozilla Contributors is licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.5.
Streams API 示意图,作者 Mozilla Contributors,基于 CC-BY-SA 2.5 协议使用。

自第一个实现的浏览器开始计算,Fetch API 已经快要五岁了。这五年 Chrome 和 Firefox 刷了不少版本号,IE 也不知死了多少年,而它的继任者更是上演了一出名为《Edge: Become Chromium》的好剧。再加上 ES6+ 的普及,我们早已习惯了基于 Promise 和 async/await 的异步编程,所以估计不少同学也转而使用 Fetch API 作异步请求。陪伴了我们将近 20 年历史的 XMLHttpRequest 也被不少同学「打入冷宫」,毕竟谁让 Fetch API 那么好用呢?可怜的 XHR 只能独守空房终日以泪洗面,看着你和 Fetch API 嬉戏的样子,口中喃喃说着「是我,是我先,明明都是我先来的」——呃,不好意思扯歪了。

Fetch API 不香吗?

不不不,没有这个意思。相比较于 XMLHttpRequest 来说,fetch() 的写法简单又直观,只要在发起请求时将整个配置项传入就可以了。而且相较于 XHR 还提供了更多的控制参数,例如是否携带 Cookie、是否需要手动跳转等。此外 Fetch API 是基于 Promise 链式调用的,一定程度上可以避免一些回调地狱。举个例子,下面就是一个简单的 fetch 请求:
fetch('https://example.org/foo', {
    method: 'POST',
    mode: 'cors',
    headers: {
        'content-type': 'application/json'
    credentials: 'include',
    redirect: 'follow',
    body: JSON.stringify({ foo: 'bar' })
}).then(res => res.json()).then(...)
如果你不喜欢 Promise 的链式调用的话,还可以用 async/await
const res = await fetch('https://example.org/foo', { ... });
const data = await res.json();
再回过头来看久经风霜的 XMLHttpRequest,如果你已经习惯使用诸如 jQuery 的 $.ajax() 或者 axios 这类更为现代的封装 XHR 的库的话,估计已经忘了裸写 XHR 是什么样子了。简单来说,你需要调用 open() 方法开启一个请求,然后调用其他的方法或者设置参数来定义请求,最后调用 send() 方法发起请求,再在 onload 或者 onreadystatechange 事件里处理数据。看,这一通下来你已经乱了。
课后习题 Q0:试试看将上面的 fetch 请求用原生 XMLHttpRequest 实现一遍,看看你还记得多少知识?

Fetch API 真香吗?

看起来 Fetch API 相比较于传统的 XHR 优势不少,不过在「真香」之前,我们先来看三个在 XHR 上很容易实现的功能:
  1. 如何中断一个请求?XMLHttpRequest 对象上有一个 abort() 方法,调用这个方法即可中断一个请求。此外 XHR 还有 onabort 事件,可以监听请求的中断并做出响应。
  2. 如何超时中断一个请求?XMLHttpRequest 对象上有一个 timeout 属性,为其赋值后若在指定时间请求还未完成,请求就会自动中断。此外 XHR 还有 ontimeout 事件,可以监听请求的超时中断并做出响应。
  3. 如何获取请求的传输进度?
    在异步请求一个比较大的文件时,由于可能比较耗时,展示文件的下载进度在 UI 上会更友好。XMLHttpRequest 提供了 onprogress 事件,所以使用 XHR 可以很方便地实现这个功能。
    const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xhr.open('GET', '/foo');
    xhr.addEventListener('progress', (event) => {
        const { lengthComputable, loaded, total } = event;
        if (lengthComputable) {
            console.log(`Downloaded ${loaded} of ${total} (${(loaded / total * 100).toFixed(2)}%)`);
        } else {
            console.log(`Downloaded ${loaded}`);
对于第一个问题其实已经有比较好的解决方案了,只是在浏览器上的实现距离 Fetch API 晚了近三年。随着 AbortControllerAbortSignal 在各大浏览器上完整实现,Fetch API 也能像 XHR 那样中断一个请求了,只是稍微绕了一点。通过创建一个 AbortController 实例,我们得到了一个 Fetch API 原生支持的控制中断的控制器。这个实例的 signal 参数是一个 AbortSignal 实例,还提供了一个 abort() 方法发送中断信号。只需要将 signal 参数传递进 fetch() 的初始化参数中,就可以在 fetch 请求之外控制请求的中断了:
const controller = new AbortController();
const { signal } = controller;
fetch('/foo', { signal }).then(...);
signal.onabort = () => { ... };
对于第二个问题,既然已经稍微绕路实现中断请求了,为何不再绕一下远路呢?只需要 AbortController 配合 setTimeout() 就能实现类似的效果了。
但是第三个获取请求进度的问题呢?你打开了 MDN,仔细地看了 fetch() 方法的所有参数,都没有找到类似 progress 这样的参数,毕竟 Fetch API 并没有什么回调事件。难道 Fetch API 就不能实现这么简单的功能吗?当然可以,这里就要绕一条更远的路,提一提和它相关的 Streams API 了——不是 Web Socket,也不是 Media Stream,更不是只能在 Node.js 上使用的 Stream,不过和它很像。

Streams API 能做什么?

对于非 Web 前端的同学来说,流应该是个很常见的概念,它允许我们一段一段地接收与处理数据。相比较于获取整个数据再处理,流不仅不需要占用一大块内存空间来存放整个数据,节省内存占用空间,而且还能实时地对数据进行处理,不需要等待整个数据获取完毕,从而缩短整个操作的耗时。
此外流还有管道的概念,我们可以封装一些类似中间件的中间流,用管道将各个流连接起来,在管道的末端就能拿到处理后的数据。例如,下面的这段 Node.js 代码片段实现了解压 zip 中的文件的功能,只需要从 zip 的中央文件记录表中读取出各个文件在 zip 文件内的起止偏移值,就能将对应的文件解压出来。
const input = fs.createReadStream(null, {
    fd, start, end, autoClose: false
const output = fs.createWriteStream(outputPath + name);
// 可以从流中直接读取数据
input.on('data', (chunk) => { ... });
// 或者直接将流引向另一个流
其中的 input 是一个可读取的流,output 是一个可写入的流,而 zlib.createInflateRaw() 就是创建了一个既可读取又可写入的流,它在写入端以流的形式接受 Deflate 压缩的数据,在读取端以流的形式输出解压缩后的数据。我们想象一下,如果输入的 zip 文件是一个上 GB 的大文件,使用流的方式就不需要占用同样大小的上 GB 的内存空间。而且从代码上看,使用流实现的代码逻辑同样简洁和清晰。
很可惜,过去在客户端 JavaScript 上并没有原生的流 API——当然你可以自己封装实现流,比如 JSZip 在 3.0 版本就封装了一个 StreamHelper,但是基本上除了使用这些 stream 库的库以外,没有其它地方能 产生 兼容这个库的流了。没有能产生流的数据源才是大问题,比如想要读取一个文件?过去 FileReader 只能在 onload 事件上拿到整个文件的数据,或者对文件使用 slice() 方法得到 Blob 文件片段。现在 Streams API 已经在浏览器上逐步实现(或者说,早在 2016 年 Chrome 就开始支持一部分功能了),能用上流处理的 API 想必也会越来越多,而 Streams API 最早的受益者之一就是 Fetch API。

Streams API 赋予了网络请求以片段处理数据的能力,过去我们使用 XMLHttpRequest 获取一个文件时,我们必须等待浏览器下载完整的文件,等待浏览器处理成我们需要的格式,收到所有的数据后才能处理它。现在有了流,我们可以以 TypedArray 片段的形式接收一部分二进制数据,然后直接对数据进行处理,这就有点像是浏览器内部接收并处理数据的逻辑。甚至我们可以将一些操作以流的形式封装,再用管道把多个流连接起来,管道的另一端就是最终处理好的数据。
Fetch API 会在发起请求后得到的 Promise 对象中返回一个 Response 对象,而 Response 对象除了提供 headersredirect() 等参数和方法外,还实现了 Body 这个 mixin 类,而在 Body 上我们才看到我们常用的那些 res.json()res.text()res.arrayBuffer() 等方法。在 Body 上还有一个 body 参数,这个 body 参数就是一个 ReadableStream
既然本文是从 Fetch API 的角度出发,而如前所述,能产生数据的数据源才是流处理中最重要的一个部分,那么下面我们来重点了解下这个在 Body 中负责提供数据的 ReadableStream
这篇文章不会讨论流的排队策略(也就是下文即将提到的构造流时传入的 queuingStrategy 参数,它可以控制流的缓冲区大小,不过 Streams API 有一个开箱即用的默认配置,所以可以不指定),也不会讨论没有浏览器实现的 BYOR reader,感兴趣的同学可以参考相关规范文档


The image of ReadableStream Concept by Mozilla Contributors is licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.5.
ReadableStream 示意图,作者 Mozilla Contributors,基于 CC-BY-SA 2.5 协议使用。
下面是一个 ReadableStream 实例上的参数和可以使用的方法,下文我们将会详细介绍它们:
  • locked
  • cancel()
  • pipeThrough()
  • pipeTo()
  • tee()
  • getReader()
其中直接调用 getReader() 方法会得到一个 ReadableStreamDefaultReader 实例,通过这个实例我们就能读取 ReadableStream 上的数据。

ReadableStream 中读取数据

ReadableStreamDefaultReader 实例上提供了如下的方法:
  • closed
  • cancel()
  • read()
  • releaseLock()
假设我们需要读取一个流中的的数据,可以循环调用 reader 的 read() 方法,它会返回一个 Promise 对象,在 Promise 中返回一个包含 value 参数和 done 参数的对象。
const reader = stream.getReader();
let bytesReceived = 0;
const processData = (result) => {
    if (result.done) {
        console.log(`complete, total size: ${bytesReceived}`);
    const value = result.value; // Uint8Array
    const length = value.length;
    console.log(`got ${length} bytes data:`, value);
    bytesReceived += length;
    // 读取下一个文件片段,重复处理步骤
    return reader.read().then(processData);
其中 result.value 参数为这次读取得到的片段,它是一个 Uint8Array,通过循环调用 reader.read() 方法就能一点点地获取流的整个数据;而 result.done 参数负责表明这个流是否已经读取完毕,当 result.donetrue 时表明流已经关闭,不会再有新的数据,此时 result.value 的值为 undefined
回到我们之前的问题,我们可以通过读取 Response 中的流得到正在接收的文件片段,累加各个片段的 length 就能得到类似 XHR onprogress 事件的 loaded,也就是已下载的字节数;通过从 Responseheaders 中取出 Content-Length 就能得到类似 XHR onprogress 事件的 total,也就是总字节数。于是我们可以写出下面的代码,成功得到下载进度:
let total = null;
let loaded = 0;
const logProgress = (reader) => {
    return reader.read().then(({ value, done }) => {
        if (done) {
            console.log('Download completed');
        loaded += value.length;
        if (total === null) {
            console.log(`Downloaded ${loaded}`);
        } else {
            console.log(`Downloaded ${loaded} of ${total} (${(loaded / total * 100).toFixed(2)}%)`);
        return logProgress(reader);
fetch('/foo').then((res) => {
    total = res.headers.get('content-length');
    return res.body.getReader();

看着好像没问题是吧?问题来了,数据呢?我那么大一个返回数据呢?上面的代码只顾着输出进度了,结果并没有把返回数据传回来。虽然我们可以直接在上面的代码里处理二进制数据片段,可是有时我们还是会偷懒,直接得到完整的数据进行处理(比如一个巨大的 JSON 字符串)。
如果我们希望接收的数据是文本,一种解决方案是借助 TextDecoder 得到解析后的文本并拼接,最后将整个文本返回:
let text = '';
const logProcess = (res) => {
    const reader = res.body.getReader();
    const decoder = new TextDecoder('utf-8');
    const push = ({ value, done }) => {
        if (done) return JSON.parse(text);
        text += decoder.decode(value, { stream: true });
        // ...
        return reader.read().then(push);
    return reader.read().then(push);
fetch('/foo').then(logProgress).then((res) => { ... });
不过如果你犯了强迫症,一定要像原来那样显示调用 res.json() 之类的方法得到数据,这该怎么办呢?既然 fetch() 方法返回一个 Response 对象,而这个对象的数据已经在 ReadableStream 中读取下载进度时被使用了,那我再构造一个 ReadableStream,外面再包一个 Response 对象并返回,问题不就解决了吗?

构造一个 ReadableStream

构造一个 ReadableStream 时可以定义以下方法和参数:
const stream = new ReadableStream({
    start(controller) {
        // start 方法会在实例创建时立刻执行,并传入一个流控制器
            // 填满队列所需字节数
            // 关闭当前流
            // 将片段传入流的队列
            // 对流触发一个错误
    pull(controller) {
        // 将会在流的队列没有满载时重复调用,直至其达到高水位线
    cancel(reason) {
        // 将会在流将被取消时调用
}, queuingStrategy); // { highWaterMark: 1 }
而构造一个 Response 对象就简单了,Response 对象的第一个参数即是返回值,可以是字符串、BlobTypedArray,甚至是一个 Stream;而它的第二个参数则和 fetch() 方法很像,也是一些初始化参数。
const response = new Response(source, init);
了解以上的内容后,我们只需要构造一个 ReadableStream,然后把「从 reader 中循环读取数据」的逻辑放在这个流的 start() 方法内,它会在流实例化后立即调用。当 reader 读取数据时可以输出下载进度,同时调用 controller.enqueue() 把得到的数据推进我们构造出来的流,最后在读取完毕时调用 controller.close() 关闭这个流,问题就能轻松解决。
const logProgress = (res) => {
    const total = res.headers.get('content-length');
    let loaded = 0;
    const reader = res.body.getReader();
    const stream = new ReadableStream({
        start(controller) {
            const push = () => {
                reader.read().then(({ value, done }) => {
                    if (done) {
                    loaded += value.length;
                    if (total === null) {
                        console.log(`Downloaded ${loaded}`);
                    } else {
                        console.log(`Downloaded ${loaded} of ${total} (${(loaded / total * 100).toFixed(2)}%)`);
    return new Response(stream, { headers: res.headers });
fetch('/foo').then(logProgress).then(res => res.json()).then((data) => { ... });

分流一个 ReadableStream

感觉是不是绕了一个远路?就为了这点功能我们居然构造了一个 ReadableStream 实例?有没有更简单的方法?其实是有的,如果你稍有留意的话,应该会注意到 ReadableStream 实例上有一个名字看起来有点奇怪的 tee() 方法。这个方法可以将一个流分流成两个一模一样的流,两个流可以读取完全相同的数据。
The image of Teeing a ReadableStream by Mozilla Contributors is licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.5.
分流 ReadableStream 示意图,作者 Mozilla Contributors,基于 CC-BY-SA 2.5 协议使用。
const logProgress = (res) => {
    const total = res.headers.get('content-length');
    let loaded = 0;
    const [progressStream, returnStream] = res.body.tee();
    const reader = progressStream.getReader();
    const log = () => {
        reader.read().then(({ value, done }) => {
            if (done) return;
            // 省略输出进度
    return new Response(returnStream, { headers: res.headers });
fetch('/foo').then(logProgress).then(res => res.json()).then((data) => { ... });
另外其实 fetch 请求返回的 Response 实例上有一个一看就知道是什么意思的 clone() 方法,这个方法可以得到一个克隆的 Response 实例。所以我们可以将其中一个实例用来获取流并得到下载进度,另一个实例直接返回,这样就省去了构造 Response 的步骤,效果是一样的。其实这个方法一般用在 Service Worker 里,例如将请求得到的结果缓存起来等等。
课后习题 Q1:如果我们调用了流的 tee() 方法得到了两个流,但我们只读取了其中一个流,另一个流在之后读取,会发生什么吗?
很好,下载进度的问题完美解决了,那么让我们回到最早的问题。Fetch API 最早是没有 signal 这个参数的,所以早期的 fetch 请求很难中断——对,是「很难」,而不是「不可能」。如果浏览器实现了 ReadableStream 并在 Response 上提供了 body 的话,是可以通过流的中断实现这个功能的。

中断一个 ReadableStream

总结一下我们现在已经知道的内容,fetch 请求返回一个 Response 对象,从中可以得到一个 ReadableStream,然后我们还知道了如何自己构造 ReadableStreamResponse 对象。再回过头看看 ReadableStream 实例上还没提到的方法,想必你一定注意到了那个 cancel() 方法。
通过 ReadableStream 上的 cancel() 方法,我们可以关闭这个流。此外你可能也注意到 reader 上也有一个 cancel() 方法,这个方法的作用是关闭与这个 reader 相关联的流,所以从结果上来看,两者是一样的。而对于 Fetch API 来说,关闭返回的 Response 对象的流的结果就相当于中断了这个请求。
所以,我们可以像之前那样构造一个 ReadableStream 用于传递从 res.body.getReader() 中得到的数据,并对外暴露一个 aborter() 方法。调用这个 aborter() 方法时会调用 reader.cancel() 关闭 fetch 请求返回的流,然后调用 controller.error() 抛出错误,中断构造出来的传递给后续操作的流:
let aborter = null;
const abortHandler = (res) => {
    const reader = res.body.getReader();
    const stream = new ReadableStream({
        start(controller) {
            let aborted = false;
            const push = () => {
                reader.read().then(({ value, done }) => {
                    if (done) {
                        if (!aborted) controller.close();
            aborter = () => {
                controller.error(new Error('Fetch aborted'));
                aborted = true;
    return new Response(stream, { headers: res.headers });
fetch('/foo').then(abortHandler).then(res => res.json()).then((data) => { ... });

课后习题 Q2:从上面的结果来看,当我们调用 aborter() 方法时,请求被成功中止了。不过如果不调用 controller.error() 抛出错误强制中断流,而是继续之前的流程调用 controller.close() 关闭流,会发生什么事吗?


或许你还是很奇怪,既然流本身就有一个 cancel() 方法,为什么我们不直接暴露这个方法,反而要绕路构造一个新的 ReadableStream 呢?例如像下面这样:
let aborter = null;
const abortHandler = (res) => {
    aborter = () => res.body.cancel();
    return res;
fetch('/foo').then(abortHandler).then(res => res.json()).then((data) => { ... });
TypeError: Failed to execute 'cancel' on 'ReadableStream': Cannot cancel a locked stream
你不信邪,既然流的 reader 被关闭时会关闭相关联的流,那么只要再获取一个 reader 并 cancel() 不就好了?
let aborter = null;
const abortHandler = (res) => {
    aborter = () => res.body.getReader().cancel();
    return res;
fetch('/foo').then(abortHandler).then(res => res.json()).then((data) => { ... });
TypeError: Failed to execute 'getReader' on 'ReadableStream': ReadableStreamReader constructor can only accept readable streams that are not yet locked to a reader
或许你还会想,像之前那样使用 tee() 克隆一个流,然后关闭克隆的流不就好了?可惜即便成功调用了其中一个流的 cancel() 方法,请求还是没有中断,因为另一个流并没有被中断,并且还在不断地接收数据。
于是我们接触到了流的锁机制。一个流只能同时有一个处于活动状态的 reader,当一个流被一个 reader 使用时,这个流就被该 reader 锁定了,此时流的 locked 属性为 true。如果这个流需要被另一个 reader 读取,那么当前处于活动状态的 reader 可以调用 reader.releaseLock() 方法释放锁。此外 reader 的 closed 属性是一个 Promise,当 reader 被关闭或者释放锁时,这个 Promise 会被 resolve,可以在这里编写关闭 reader 的处理逻辑:
reader.closed.then(() => {
  console.log('reader closed');
可是上面的代码似乎没用上 reader 啊?再仔细思考下 res => res.json() 这段代码,是不是有什么启发?
让我们翻一下 Fetch API 的规范文档,在 5.2. Body mixin 中有如下一段话:
Objects implementing the Body mixin also have an associated consume body algorithm, given a _type_, runs these steps:
  1. If this object is disturbed or locked, return a new promise rejected with a TypeError.
  2. Let stream be body’s stream if body is non-null, or an empty ReadableStream object otherwise.
  3. Let reader be the result of getting a reader from _stream_. If that threw an exception, return a new promise rejected with that exception.
  4. Let promise be the result of reading all bytes from stream with _reader_.
  5. Return the result of transforming promise by a fulfillment handler that returns the result of the package data algorithm with its first argument, type and this object’s MIME type.

简单来说,当我们调用 Body 上的方法时,浏览器隐式地创建了一个 reader 读取了返回数据的流,并创建了一个 Promise 实例,待所有数据被读取完后再 resolve 并返回格式化后的数据。所以,当我们调用了 Body 上的方法时,其实就创建了一个我们无法接触到的 reader,此时这个流就被锁住了,自然也无法从外部取消。


  1. 发起请求
  2. 从响应头中拿到 Content-Length 属性
  3. 在响应过程中拿到正在下载的数据
  4. 终止下载
  5. 重新下载,但是此时根据已经拿到的数据设置 Range 请求头
  6. 重复步骤 3-5,直至下载完成
  7. 下载完成,将已拿到的数据拼接成完整的
在过去只能使用 XMLHttpRequest 或者还没有 Stream API 的时候,我们只能在请求完成时拿到数据。如果期间请求中断了,那也不会得到已经下载的数据,也就是这部分请求的流量被浪费了。所以断点续传最大的问题是获取已拿到的数据,也就是上面的第 3 步,根据已拿到的数据就能算出还有哪些数据需要请求。
其实在 Streams API 诞生之前,大家已经有着各种各样奇怪的方式实现断点续传了。例如国外的 Mega 网盘在下载文件时不会直接通知浏览器下载,而是先把数据放在浏览器内,传输完成后再下载文件。此外它还可以暂停传输,在浏览器内实现了断点续传的功能。仔细观察网络请求就会发现,Mega 在下载时不是下载整个文件,而是下载文件的一个个小片段。所以 Mega 是通过建立多个小的请求获取文件的各个小片段,待下载完成后再拼接为一个大文件。即便用户中途暂停,已下载的块也不会丢失,继续下载时会重新请求未完成的片段。虽然暂停时正在下载的片段还是会被丢弃(注意下面的视频中,暂停下载后重新请求的 URL 和之前的请求是一样的),不过相比较于丢弃整个文件来说,现在的实现已经是很大的优化了。

除了建立多个小请求得到零散文件块,变相实现断点续传外,其实 Firefox 浏览器上的私有特性允许开发者获取正在下载的文件片段,例如云音乐就使用了该特性优化了 Firefox 浏览器上的音频文件请求。Firefox 浏览器的 XMLHttpRequestresponseType 属性提供了私有的可用参数 moz-chunked-arraybuffer。请求还未完成时,可以在 onprogress 事件中请求 XHR 实例的 response 属性,它将会返回上一次触发事件后接收到的数据,而在 onprogress 事件外获取该属性将始终是 null
let chunks = [];
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open('GET', '/foo');
xhr.responseType = 'moz-chunked-arraybuffer';
xhr.addEventListener('progress', (event) => {
xhr.addEventListener('abort', () => {
    const blob = new Blob(chunks);
看起来是个很不错的特性,只可惜在 Bugzilla 上某个 和云音乐相关的 issue 里,有人发现这个特性已经在 Firefox 68 中移除了。原因也可以理解,Firefox 现在已经在 fetch 上实现 Stream API 了,有标准定义当然还是跟着标准走(虽然至今还是 LS 阶段),所以也就不再需要这些私有属性了。
从之前的示例我们已经知道,我们可以从 fetch 请求返回的 ReadableStream 里得到正在下载的数据片段,只要在请求的过程中把它们放在一个类似缓冲区的地方就可以实现之前的第 3 步了,而这也是在浏览器上实现这个功能的难点。请求中断后再次请求时,只需要根据已下载片段的字节数就可以算出接下来要请求哪些片段了。简单来看,逻辑大概是下面这样:
const chunks = [];
let length = 0;
const chunkCache = (res) => {
    const reader = res.body.getReader();
    const stream = new ReadableStream({
        start(controller) {
            const push = () => {
                reader.read().then(({ value, done }) => {
                    if (done) {
                        let chunk;
                        while (chunk = chunks.shift()) {
                    length += value.length;
    return new Response(stream, { headers: res.headers });
const controller = new AbortController();
fetch('/foo', {
    headers: {
        'Range': `bytes=${length}-`
    signal: controller.signal
// 请求中断后再次执行上述 fetch() 方法
下面的例子对上述代码简单封装得到了 ResumableFetch,并使用它实现了图片下载的断点续传。示例完整代码可在 CodePen 上查看。
注意:该示例中的代码仅进行了简单封装,没有做诸如 If-RangeRangeContent-Length 等 header 的校验,也没有做特殊的错误处理,也没有包含之前提到的中断请求兼容代码,使用上可能也不够友好,仅供示例使用,请谨慎用于生产环境。

封装的 ResumableFetch 类会在请求过程中创建一个 ReadableStream 实例并直接返回,同时已下载的片段将会放进一个数组 chunks 并记录已下载的文件大小 length。当请求中断并重新下载时会根据已下载的文件大小设置 Range 请求头,此时拿到的就是还未下载的片段。下载完成后再将片段从 chunks 中取出,此时不需要对片段进行处理,只需要逐一传递给 ReadableStream 即可得到完整的文件。


到这里 ReadableStream 上的方法已经描述的差不多了,最后只剩下 pipeTo() 方法和 pipeThrough() 方法没有提到了。从字面意思上来看,这就是我们之前提到的管道,可以将流直接指向另一个流,最后拿到处理后的数据。Jake Archibald 在他的那篇《2016 — 属于 web streams 的一年》中提出了下面的例子,或许在(当时的)未来可以通过这样的形式以流的形式得到解析后的文本:
var reader = response.body
    .pipeThrough(new TextDecoder()).getReader();
reader.read().then(result => {
    // result.value will be a string
现在那个未来已经到了,为了不破坏兼容性,TextEncoderTextDecoder 分别扩展出了新的 TextEncoderStreamTextDecoderStream,允许我们以流的方式编码或者解码文本。例如下面的例子会在请求中检索 It works! 这段文字,当找到这段文字时返回 true 同时断开请求。此时我们不需要再接收后续的数据,可以减少请求的流量:
fetch('/index.html').then((res) => {
    const decoder = new TextDecoderStream('gbk', { ignoreBOM: true });
    const textStream = res.body.pipeThrough(decoder);
    const reader = textStream.getReader();
    const findMatched = () => reader.read().then(({ value, done }) => {
        if (done) {
            return false;
        if (value.indexOf('It works!') >= 0) {
            return true;
        return findMatched();
    return findMatched();
}).then((isMatched) => { ... });
const encoder = new VideoEncoder({
    input: 'gif', output: 'h264'
const media = new MediaStream();
const video = document.createElement('video');
fetch('/sample.gif').then((res) => {
    video.srcObject = media;
从中应该可以看出来这两种方法的区别:pipeTo() 方法应该会接受一个可以写入的流,也就是 WritableStream;而 pipeThrough() 方法应该会接受一个既可写入又可读取的流,也就是 TransformStream
The image of Stream Pipe Chains Concept by Mozilla Contributors is licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.5.
Stream 管道链示意图,作者 Mozilla Contributors,基于 CC-BY-SA 2.5 协议使用。
接下来我们将介绍这两种流,不过在继续之前,我们先来看看 ReadableStream 在浏览器上的支持程度:
Image of Stream API Browser Compatibilty Table by Mozilla Contributors is licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.5.
ReadableStream 浏览器兼容表,作者 Mozilla Contributors,本图片为表格的截图,基于 CC-BY-SA 2.5 协议使用。


The image of WritableStream Concept by Mozilla Contributors is licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.5.
WritableStream 示意图,作者 Mozilla Contributors,基于 CC-BY-SA 2.5 协议使用。
我们已经从 ReadableStream 中了解到很多关于流的知识了,所以下面我们简单过一下 WritableStreamWritableStream 就是可写入的流,如果说 ReadableStream 是一个管道中流的起点,那么 WritableStream 可以理解为流的终点。下面是一个 WritableStream 实例上的参数和可以使用的方法:
  • locked
  • abort()
  • getWriter()
可用的方法和参数很少,估计大家从名字就能知道它们是做什么的。其中直接调用 getWriter() 方法会得到一个 WritableStreamDefaultWriter 实例,通过这个实例我们就能向 WritableStream 写入数据。同样的,当我们激活了一个 writer 后,这个流就会被锁定(locked = true)。这个 writer 上有如下属性和方法:
  • closed
  • desiredSize
  • ready
  • abort()
  • close()
  • write()
  • releaseLock()
看起来和 ReadableStreamDefaultReader 没太大区别,多出的 abort() 方法相当于抛出了一个错误,使这个流不能再被写入。另外这里多出了一个 ready 属性,这个属性是一个 Promise,当它被 resolve 时,表明目前流的缓冲区队列不再过载,可以安全地写入。所以如果需要循环向一个流写入数据的话,最好放在 ready 处理。
同样的,我们可以自己构造一个 WritableStream,构造时可以定义以下方法和参数:
const stream = new WritableStream({
    start(controller) {
        // 将会在对象创建时立刻执行,并传入一个流控制器
            // 对流抛出一个错误
    write(chunk, controller) {
        // 将会在一个新的数据片段写入时调用,可以获取到写入的片段
    close(controller) {
        // 将会在流写入完成时调用
    abort(reason) {
        // 将会在流强制关闭时调用,此时流会进入一个错误状态,不能再写入
}, queuingStrategy); // { highWaterMark: 1 }
下面的例子中,我们通过循环调用 writer.write() 方法向一个 WritableStream 写入数据:
const stream = new WritableStream({
    write(chunk) {
        return new Promise((resolve) => {
            console.log('got chunk:', chunk);
            // 在这里对数据进行处理
    close() {
        console.log('stream closed');
    abort() {
        console.log('stream aborted');
const writer = stream.getWriter();
// 将数据逐一写入 stream
data.forEach((chunk) => {
    // 待前一个数据写入完成后再写入
    writer.ready.then(() => {
// 在关闭 writer 前先保证所有的数据已经被写入
writer.ready.then(() => {
下面是 WritableStream 的浏览器支持情况,可见 WritableStream 在各个浏览器上的的实现时间和 pipeTo()pipeThrough() 方法的实现时间是吻合的,毕竟要有了可写入的流,管道才有存在的意义。
Image of Stream API Browser Compatibilty Table by Mozilla Contributors is licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.5.
WritableStream 浏览器兼容表,作者 Mozilla Contributors,本图片为表格的截图,基于 CC-BY-SA 2.5 协议使用。


从之前的介绍中我们知道,TransformStream 是一个既可写入又可读取的流,正如它的名字一样,它作为一个中间流起着转换的作用。所以一个 TransformStream 实例只有如下参数:
  • readable: ReadableStream
  • writable: WritableStream
TransformStream 上没有其他的方法,它只暴露了自身的 ReadableStreamWritableStream。我们只需要在数据源流上链式使用 pipeThrough() 方法就能实现流的数据传递,或者使用暴露出来的 readablewritable 直接操作数据即可使用它。
TransformStream 的处理逻辑主要在流内部实现,下面是构造一个 TransformStream 时可以定义的方法和参数:
const stream = new TransformStream({
    start(controller) {
        // 将会在对象创建时立刻执行,并传入一个流控制器
            // 填满队列所需字节数
            // 向可读取的一端传入数据片段
            // 同时向可读取与可写入的两侧触发一个错误
            // 关闭可读取的一侧,同时向可写入的一侧触发错误
    transform(chunk, controller) {
        // 将会在一个新的数据片段传入可写入的一侧时调用
    flush(controller) {
        // 当可写入的一端得到的所有的片段完全传入 transform() 方法处理后,在可写入的一端即将关闭时调用
}, queuingStrategy); // { highWaterMark: 1 }
有了 ReadableStreamWritableStream 作为前置知识,TransformStream 就不需要做太多介绍了。下面的示例代码摘自 MDN,是一段实现 TextEncoderStreamTextDecoderStream 的 polyfill,本质上只是对 TextEncoderTextDecoder 进行了一层封装:
const tes = {
    start() { this.encoder = new TextEncoder() },
    transform(chunk, controller) {
let _jstes_wm = new WeakMap(); /* info holder */
class JSTextEncoderStream extends TransformStream {
    constructor() {
        let t = { ...tes }
        _jstes_wm.set(this, t)
    get encoding() { return _jstes_wm.get(this).encoder.encoding }
const tes = {
    start() {
        this.decoder = new TextDecoder(this.encoding, this.options)
    transform(chunk, controller) {
let _jstds_wm = new WeakMap(); /* info holder */
class JSTextDecoderStream extends TransformStream {
    constructor(encoding = 'utf-8', { ...options } = {}) {
        let t = { ...tds, encoding, options }
        _jstes_wm.set(this, t)
    get encoding() { return _jstds_wm.get(this).decoder.encoding }
    get fatal() { return _jstds_wm.get(this).decoder.fatal }
    get ignoreBOM() { return _jstds_wm.get(this).decoder.ignoreBOM }
Polyfilling TextEncoderStream and TextDecoderStream 源代码,作者 Mozilla Contributors,基于 CC-BY-SA 2.5CC0 协议使用。

到这里我们已经把 Streams API 中所提供的流浏览了一遍,最后是 caniuse 上的浏览器支持数据,可见目前 Streams API 的支持度不算太差,至少主流浏览器都支持了 ReadableStream,读取流已经不是什么问题了,可写入的流使用场景也比较少。不过其实问题不是特别大,我们已经简单知道了流的原理,做一些简单的 polyfill 或者额外写些兼容代码应该也是可以的,毕竟已经有不少第三方实现了。
Image of Streams Support Table by caniuse.com is licensed under CC-BY 4.0.
Streams 浏览器支持总览,作者 caniuse.com,本图片为图表的截图,基于 CC-BY 4.0 协议使用。

在 Service Worker 中使用 Streams API


首先让我们来模拟体验一下龟速到只有大约 30B/s 的网页看起来是什么样子的:

你会注意到页面中的文字是一个个显示出来的(甚至标题栏也是这样的),其实这是借助 Service Worker 的 onfetch 事件配合 Streams API 实现的。熟悉 Service Worker 的同学应该知道 Service Worker 里有一个 onfetch 事件,可以在事件内捕获到页面所有的请求,onfetch 事件的事件对象 FetchEvent 中包含如下参数和方法,排除客户端 id 之类的参数,我们主要关注 request 属性以及事件对象提供的两个方法:
addEventListener('fetch', (fetchEvent) => {
        // 浏览器原本需要发起请求的 Request 对象
        // 阻止浏览器默认的 fetch 请求处理,自己提供一个返回结果的 Promise
        // 延长事件的生命周期,例如在返回数据后再做一些事情
使用 Service Worker 最常见的例子是借助 onfetch 事件实现中间缓存甚至离线缓存。我们可以调用 caches.open() 打开或者创建一个缓存对象 cache,如果 cache.match(event.request) 有缓存的结果时,可以调用 event.respondWith() 方法直接返回缓存好的数据;如果没有缓存的数据,我们再在 Service Worker 里调用 fetch(event.request) 发出真正的网络请求,请求结束后我们再在 event.waitUntil() 里调用 cache.put(event.request, response.clone()) 缓存响应的副本。由此可见,Service Worker 在这之间充当了一个中间人的角色,可以捕获到页面发起的所有请求,然后根据情况返回缓存的请求,所以可以猜到我们甚至可以改变预期的请求,返回另一个请求的返回值。
Streams API 在 Service Worker 中同样可用,所以我们可以在 Service Worker 里监听 onfetch 事件,然后用上我们之前学习到的知识,改变 fetch 请求的返回结果为一个速度很缓慢的流。这里我们让这个流每隔约 30 ms 才吐出 1 个字节,最后就能实现上面视频中的效果:
globalThis.addEventListener('fetch', (event) => {
    event.respondWith((async () => {
        const response = await fetch(event.request);
        const { body } = response;
        const reader = body.getReader();
        const stream = new ReadableStream({
            start(controller) {
                const sleep = time => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, time));
                const pushSlowly = () => {
                    reader.read().then(async ({ value, done }) => {
                        if (done) {
                        const length = value.length;
                        for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                            await sleep(30);
                            controller.enqueue(value.slice(i, i + 1));
        return new Response(stream, { headers: response.headers });
在 Service Worker 里 Streams API 可以做出更多有趣的事情,感兴趣的同学可以参考下之前提到的那篇《2016 - the year of web streams》


看着不是很实用?那么再举一个比较实用的例子吧。如果我们需要让用户在浏览器中下载一个文件,一般都是会指向一个服务器上的链接,然后浏览器发起请求从服务器上下载文件。那么如果我们需要让用户下载一个在客户端生成的文件,比如从 canvas 上生成的图像,应该怎么办呢?其实让客户端主动下载文件已经有现成的库 FileSaver.js 实现了,它的原理可以用下面的代码简述:
const a = document.createElement('a');
const blob = new Blob(chunk, options);
const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
a.href = url;
a.download = 'filename';
const event = new MouseEvent('click');
setTimeout(() => {
    if (blob.close) blob.close();
}, 1e3);
这里利用了 HTML <a> 标签上的 download 属性,当链接存在该属性时,浏览器会将链接的目标视为一个需要下载的文件,链接不会在浏览器中打开,转而会将链接的内容下载到设备的硬盘上。此外在浏览器中还有 Blob 对象,它相当于一个类似文件的二进制数据对象(File 就是继承于它)。我们可以将需要下载的数据(无论是什么类型,字符串、TypedArray 甚至是其他 Blob 对象)传进 Blob 的构造函数里,这样我们就得到了一个 Blob 对象。最后我们再通过 URL.createObjectURL() 方法可以得到一个 blob: 开头的 Blob URL,将它放到有 download 属性的 <a> 链接上,并触发鼠标点击事件,浏览器就能下载对应的数据了。
顺带一提,在最新的 Chrome 76+ 和 Firefox 69+ 上,Blob 实例支持了 stream() 方法,它将返回一个 ReadableStream 实例。所以现在我们终于可以直接以流的形式读取文件了——看,只要 ReadableStream 实现了,相关的原生数据流源也会完善,其他的流或许也只是时间问题而已。
不过问题来了,如果需要下载的文件数据量非常大,比如这个数据是通过 XHR/fetch 或者 WebRTC 传输得到的,直接生成 Blob 可能会遇到内存不足的问题。
下面是一个比较极端的糟糕例子,描述了在浏览器客户端打包下载图片的流程。客户端 JavaScript 发起多个请求得到多个文件,然后通过 JSZip 这个库生成了一个巨大的 ArrayBuffer 数据,也就是 zip 文件的数据。接下来就像之前提到的那样,我们基于它构造一个 Blob 对象并用 FileSaver.js 下载了这个图片。如你所想的一样,所有的数据都是存放在内存中的,而在生成 zip 文件时,我们又占用了近乎一样大小的内存空间,最终可能会在浏览器内占用峰值为总文件大小 2-3 倍的内存空间(也就是下图中黄色背景的部分),流程过后可能还需要看浏览器的脸色 GC 回收。

现在有了 Streams API,我们就有了另一种解决方式。StreamSaver.js 就是这样的一个例子,它借助了 Streams API 和 Service Worker 解决了内存占用过大的问题。阅读它的源码,可以看出它的工作流程类似下面这样:

StreamSaver.js 包含两部分代码,一部分是客户端代码,一部分是 Service Worker 的代码(对于不支持 Service Worker 的情况,作者在 GitHub Pages 上提供了一个运行 Service Worker 的页面供跨域使用)。
在初始化时客户端代码会创建一个 TransformStream 并将可写入的一端封装为 writer 暴露给外部使用,在脚本调用 writer.write(chunk) 写入文件片段时,客户端会和 Service Worker 之间建立一个 MessageChannel,并将之前的 TransformStream 中可读取的一端通过 port1.postMessage() 传递给 Service Worker。Service Worker 里监听到通道的 onmessage 事件时会生成一个随机的 URL,并将 URL 和可读取的流存入一个 Map 中,然后将这个 URL 通过 port2.postMessage() 传递给客户端代码。
客户端接收到 URL 后会控制浏览器跳转到这个链接,此时 Service Worker 的 onfetch 事件接收到这个请求,将 URL 和之前的 Map 存储的 URL 比对,将对应的流取出来,再加上一些让浏览器认为可以下载的响应头(例如 Content-Disposition)封装成 Response 对象,最后通过 event.respondWith() 返回。这样在当客户端将数据写入 writer 时,经过 Service Worker 的流转,数据可以立刻下载到用户的设备上。这样就不需要分配巨大的内存来存放 Blob,数据块经过流的流转后直接被回收了,降低了内存的占用。
所以借助 StreamSaver.js,之前下载图片的流程可以优化如下:JSZip 提供了一个 StreamHelper 的接口来模拟流的实现,所以我们可以调用 generateInternalStream() 方法以小文件块的形式接收数据,每次接收到数据时数据会写入 StreamSaver.js 的 writer,经过 Service Worker 后数据直接被下载。这样就不会再像之前那样在生成 zip 时占用大量的内存空间了,因为 zip 数据在实时生成时被划分成了小块并迅速被处理掉了。

课后习题 Q3:StreamSaver.js 在不支持 TransformStream 的浏览器下其实是可以正常工作的,这是怎么实现的呢?


经过了这么长时间的学习,我们从 Fetch API 的角度出发探索 Streams API,大致了解了以下几点:
  • Streams API 允许我们以流的形式实时处理数据,每次只需要处理数据的一小部分
  • 可以使用 pipeTo()pipeThrough() 方法方便地将多个流连接起来
  • ReadableStream 是可读取的流,WritableStream 是可写入的流,TransformStream 是既可写入又可读取的流
  • Fetch API 的返回值是一个 Response 对象,它的 body 属性是一个 ReadableStream
  • 借助 Streams API 我们可以实现中断 fetch 请求或者计算 fetch 请求的下载速度,甚至可以直接对返回的数据进行修改
  • 我们学习了如何构造一个流,并将其作为 fetch 请求的返回值
  • 在 Service Worker 里也可以使用 Streams API,使用 onfetch 事件可以监听所有的请求,并对请求进行篡改
  • 顺带了解了如何中断一个 fetch 请求,使用 download 属性下载文件,Blob 对象,MessageChannel 双向通信……
Streams API 提出已经有很长一段时间了,由于浏览器支持的原因再加上使用场景比较狭窄的原因一直没有得到广泛使用,国内的相关资料也比较少。随着浏览器支持逐渐铺开,浏览器原生提供的可读取流和可写入流也会逐渐增加(比如在本文即将写成时才注意到 Blob 对象已经支持 stream() 方法了),能使用上的场景也会越来越多,让我们拭目以待吧。


  1. 试试看将上面的 fetch 请求用原生 XMLHttpRequest 实现一遍,看看你还记得多少知识?
    const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xhr.open('POST', 'https://example.org/foo');
    xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
    xhr.responseType = 'json';
    xhr.withCredentials = true;
    xhr.addEventListener('load', () => {
        const data = xhr.response;
        // ...
    xhr.send(JSON.stringify({ foo: 'bar' }))
    在使用 XHR 初始化请求时会有较多的配置项,虽然这些配置项可以发出更复杂的请求,但是或许你也注意到了,发送请求时既有方法的调用,又有参数的赋值,看下来还是不如 Fetch API 那样直接传入一个对象作为请求参数那么简洁的。此外,如果需要兼容比较早的不支持 XHR 2 的浏览器,你可能还需要改成使用 onreadystatechange 事件并手动解析 xhr.responseText
  2. 如果我们调用了流的 tee() 方法得到了两个流,但我们只读取了其中一个流,另一个流在之后读取,会发生什么吗?
    使用 tee() 方法分流出来的两个流之间是相互独立的,所以被读取的流会实时读取到传递的数据,过一段时间读取另一个流,拿到的数据也是完全一样的。不过由于另一个流没有被读取,克隆的数据可能会被浏览器放在一个缓冲区里,即便后续被读取可能也无法被浏览器即时 GC。
    const file = document.querySelector('input[type="file"]').files[0];
    const stream = file.stream();
    const readStream = (stream) => {
        let total = 0;
        const reader = stream.getReader();
        const read = () => reader.read().then(({ value, done }) => {
            if (done) return;
            total += value.length;
    const [s1, s2] = stream.tee();
    例如在上述代码中选择一个 200MB 的文件,然后直接调用 readStream(stream),在 Chrome 浏览器下没有较大的内存起伏;如果调用 stream.tee() 后得到两个流 s1s2,如果同时对两个流调用 readStream() 方法,在 Chrome 浏览器下同样没有较大的内存起伏,最终输出的文件大小也是一致的;如果只对 s1 调用的话,会发现执行结束后 Chrome 浏览器下内存占用多了约 200MB,此时再对 s2 调用,最终得到的文件大小虽然一致,但是内存并没有及时被 GC 回收,此时浏览器的内存占用还是之前的 200MB。
    可能你会好奇,之前我们尝试过使用 tee() 方法得到两段流,一个流直接返回另一个流用于输出下载进度,会有这样的资源占用问题吗?会不会出现两个流速度不一致的情况?其实计算下载进度的代码并不会非常耗时,数据计算完成后也不会再有多余的引用,浏览器可以迅速 GC。此外计算的速度是大于网络传输本身的速度的,所以并不会造成瓶颈,可以认为两个流最终的速度是基本一样的。
  3. 如果不调用 controller.error() 抛出错误强制中断流,而是继续之前的流程调用 controller.close() 关闭流,会发生什么事吗?从上面的结果来看,当我们调用 aborter() 方法时,请求被成功中止了。不过如果不调用 controller.error() 这个方法抛出错误的话,由于我们主动关闭了 fetch 请求返回的流,循环调用的 reader.read() 方法会接收到 done = true,然后会调用 controller.close()。这就意味着这个流是被正常关闭的,此时 Promise 链的后续操作不会被中断,而是会收到已经传输的不完整数据。
    如果没有做特殊的逻辑处理的话,直接返回不完整的数据可能会导致错误。不过如果能好好利用上的话,或许可以做更多事情——比如断点续传的另一种实现,这就有点像 Firefox 的私有实现 moz-chunked-arraybuffer 了。
  4. StreamSaver.js 在不支持 TransformStream 的浏览器下其实是可以正常工作的,这是怎么实现的呢?记得我们之前提到过构造一个 ReadableSteam 然后包装成 Response 对象返回的实现吧?我们最终的目的是需要构造一个流并返回给浏览器,这样传入的数据可以立即被下载,并且没有多余引用而迅速 GC。所以对于不支持 TransformStream 甚至 WritableStream 的浏览器,StreamSaver.js 封装了一个模拟 WritableStream 实现的 polyfill。当 polyfill 得到数据时,会将得到的数据片段通过 MessageChannel 直接传递给 Service Worker。Service Worker 发现这不是一个流,会构造出一个 ReadableStream 实例,并将数据通过 controller.enqueue() 方法传递进流。后续的流程估计你已经猜到了,和当前的后续流程是一样的,同样是生成一个随机 URL 并跳转,然后返回封装了这个流的 Response 对象。
    事实上,现在的 Firefox Send 就使用了这样的实现,当用户下载文件时会发出请求,Service Worker 接收到下载请求后会建立真实的 fetch 请求连接服务器,将返回的数据实时解密后直接下载到用户的设备上。这样的直观效果是,浏览器直接下载了文件,文件会显示在浏览器的下载列表中,同时页面上还会有下载进度:


本文发布自 网易云音乐前端团队,基于 CC BY-SA 4.0 协议 进行许可,欢迎自由转载,转载请保留出处。我们一直在招人,如果你恰好准备换工作,又恰好喜欢云音乐,那就 加入我们
徐九 / 2019-12-23 4 years ago / 未收藏/ SegmentFault 最新的文章发送到 kindle
2003 年,保罗·格雷厄姆(Paul Graham) 曾撰文提到,他的公司决定使用 Lisp。在该文章中他将 Lisp 描绘成计算机语言界的法语,它独特、深邃,能够表达难以描述的事物。
如果 Lisp 像法语,那么现如今的 JavaScript 就像英语一般。尽管二者的语法不一致,但英语是世界上最广泛使用的语言,JavaScript 是最广泛应用的计算语言。
然而,JavaScript 似乎没有得到相应的尊重。很多大公司的高级工程师声称它不是一门「真正的」编程语言,不知道它除了操作像素外它还有什么用途...
但其实除了样式效果外,JavaScript 也被越来越多地应用于软件开发,例如后端任务、Web 服务器以及数据处理。Zeit 首席执行官 Guillermo Rauch 指出,JavaScript“不是人为设计出来的,它是在进化过程中得到的结果。是市场的力量改造了这门语言。
借着这次 State Of JS 发布的第四版「JavaScript 现状调查报告」,我们一起来看一看 JavaScript 现在到底是个什么情况?

JavaScript 是什么?

JavaScript(通常缩写为JS)是一种高级的、解释型的编程语言。JavaScript 是一门多范式的,基于原型、函数先行的语言,它支持面向对象编程,命令式编程,以及函数式编程。目前已被世界上的绝大多数网站所使用,也被世界主流浏览器(Chrome、IE、Firefox、Safari、Opera)支持。
虽然 JavaScript 与 Java 这门语言不管是在名字上,或是在语法上都有很多相似性,但这两门编程语言从设计之初就有很大的不同,JavaScript 的语言设计主要受到了 Self(一种基于原型的编程语言)和 Scheme(一门函数式编程语言)的影响。在语法结构上它又与 C 语言有很多相似(例如 if 条件语句、switch 语句、while 循环、do-while 循环等)。
在客户端,JavaScript 在传统意义上被实现为一种解释语言,但在最近,它已经可以被即时编译(JIT)执行。随着最新的 HTML5 和 CSS3 语言标准的推行它还可用于游戏、桌面和移动应用程序的开发和在服务器端网络环境运行,如 Node.js。

2019 年 JavaScript 现状调查报告

State Of JS 方面表示,因 JavaScript 的生态系统发展未能尽如人意的原因,其又发布了 2019年的 JavaScript 现状调查报告。今年的 JavaScript 状态是该调查的第四版,覆盖了21,717位受访者。客户数据可视化专家 Amelia Wattenberger 针对 JavaScript 生态系统进行了全面的概述。
2016年 - 2019年 趋势图
1.JavaScript 现状
截止到 2019 年度,排名第一的为 TypeScript。此外,背后有着 Facebook 支持的Reason 也值得关注,但关注度层面,TypeScript 一枝独秀。
截止到 2019 年度,排名第一的为 React,但前三名的竞争依然很激烈,
排名第一的依然是 graphql,但 Redux 是目前使用最广泛的工具。同时,Apollo 的用户数也在持续上涨,已从 2018 年的 11.1% 增加到了 24.9%。
JavaScript 在后端领域近年来似乎没有取得任何重大突破唯一比较亮眼的是 Next.js 表现良好,用户数已从 2018 年的 8.6% 上升到了 24.7%。
React Native 和 Electron 仍是使用 Web 技术构建移动和桌面应用的两个主要解决方案。
3.JavaScript 相关意见汇总
JavaScript 朝着正确的方向发展
现在构建 JavaScript 应用程序过于复杂
我喜欢构建 JavaScript 应用程序
我希望 JavaScript 成为我的主要编程语言
JavaScript 生态系统变化太快
您知道有时候您有时会开始在这里和那里调整几行代码,然后意识到几个函数可以使用一些重构,然后在建立全新堆栈的几天后发现一件导致另一件事情的事情。完成数据库和GraphQL API?
这就是我们今年发生的事情。虽然这导致了很多紧张的夜晚,但我们试图总结一下并在2019年发布JavaScript 2019状态报告; 这也意味着我们现在有了一个功能更强大,更灵活的堆栈,可以收集和分析以后的数据。

官方表示,他们将发布自己的👕JavaScript T恤👕,以资助之后的工作。这件衬衫的特征是“ JavaScript周期表”,其中列出了按类别分组的最受欢迎的库,以及它们的 GitHub 星级数(以千计)。
不得不说,这件衬衫是熟悉 JavaScript 生态系统的路径之一,也是个充值信仰的好方法哈哈哈哈~
查阅 《The State of Javascript 2019》 完整报告,请扫码关注下方 SegmentFault 官方微信,回复关键字「javascript」即可。
2019-12-23 4 years ago / 未收藏/ behance发送到 kindle

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Yes, we’ve heard your requests and finally, here’s the ultimate guide to 10 of the best CRM software you can get for your business.
But, before we begin exploring them, have you ever wondered why most people in the ecommerce space now consider sales CRM systems to be critically important?
Well, the thing is, managing a growing business, however small, is a lot like having an extensive circle of tight friends.
So, imagine trying to keep up with hundreds or possibly thousands of friends at the same time. Where would you even begin?
Now that sums up a problem that today’s businesses are grappling with. While they are always seeking to expand their business processes and take in more customers, maintaining the subsequent relationships over the long haul can be a huge challenge.
Well, that’s exactly where CRM software comes in.

What is CRM Software?

CRM, or Customer Relationship Management Software in full, is a specialized system for driving your customer interactions. And to achieve that, a typical CRM platform comes with a set of tools for managing customer information, running email campaigns, messaging customers via social media, task management, workflow management, etc.
Make no mistake though. The concept of customer relationship management is not new at all. It existed way before ecommerce and online selling was introduced.
But, the thing is, while the previous generation sales CRM systems were entirely manual, today’s SaaS solutions have automated the bulk of lead management tasks. In other words, we’ve moved from writing down customer details in notebooks to streamlining everything via SaaS systems.
CRM software is the secret to seamlessly integrating business intelligence with marketing campaigns, sales automation, and customer support in one centralized platform. That means sales reps get to work hand in hand with their marketing counterparts for the sake of common business goals. All the team members are kept on the same page, with workflow management tools setting a clear path for each individual’s roles.
The success of the entire system depends on how you capitalize on your customer interaction opportunities without compromising the corresponding customer experience. Hence, your CRM software should gather relevant contact information, and then combine it with its business intelligence for meaningful conversations.
And speaking of which, a quick scan through a customer’s profile should give you insights into what they’ve purchased in the past, how they handled the purchase processes, their contact details, as well as the subsequent customer satisfaction levels.
Ok, I know what you might be thinking right now. Don’t these features make a CRM system sound like a regular business spreadsheet? So, what’s the difference between leveraging CRM software and keeping your contact information in one long spreadsheet?
Interestingly, that happens to be a common question when it comes to CRM applications. And as it turns out, quite a huge chunk of small to mid-sized businesses (SMBs) all over the world actually rely on simple spreadsheets for lead management.
However, the fact is, spreadsheets are nowhere close to CRM software. While the former relies on a manual system of managing information, the latter goes beyond that by combining contact insights with automated follow-up processes.
In essence, modern CRM platforms come with a brain that can collect and record your lead information, then consequently use it to drive sales conversations based on the specific rules you set. A CRM software is capable of piecing together all every single bit of data it collects about your leads, and then use the resultant insights to systematically target individuals with personalized messages across multiple channels.

Choosing The Best CRM Systems – State of The CRM Solutions Market

A word of caution though. Although there are numerous CRM software options on the web right now, not all of them offer the functionalities we’ve mentioned. The current CRM market is quite extensive, with all sorts of solutions providing different types of marketing, sales, and pipeline management features.
While the resultant competition between them makes CRM software conveniently cheaper, it also presents a fairly difficult challenge. Sorting through all that forest of potential solutions is no walk in the park.
But, luckily for you, we understand that you may not have the time to conduct a comprehensive evaluation. You’re probably too busy running your business and worrying about acquiring new customers.
So, we took the time to do the heavy lifting for you. Our team here at Ecommerce-Platforms has been evaluating different types of CRM software for the past couple of months, and here’s the resultant report.
This article goes beyond the standard stuff for CRM systems. It’s not just about good CRM software. Rather, we comprehensively evaluated the leading options down to the last detail to establish the ultimate list of the 10 best CRM software.
So, let’s explore every single one of them as we highlight their core features for marketing automation, customer data management, lead scoring, sales forecasting, pipeline management, lead generation, workflow management, project management, task management, sales automation, email marketing, etc.
This guide, therefore, is for serious marketing professionals, sales teams, and business owners that want the best for their companies.
But, if you’re in a hurry, here’s a brief breakdown of our overall best pick, the best budget CRM software, the best CRM software for small businesses, as well as the best free CRM software.
And in case you’d like to discover the formula we used to evaluate them, this article provides pointers on how to choose the best CRM software for your business. You’ll find them towards the end, right after our list of the 10 best CRM software.
So, without further ado…
No time to read? Here's our no.1 pick when it comes to the best overall POS system in the market:
🏁 Our pick:
hubspot crm logo
Although it’s not the most advanced CRM software on the market, HubSpot has managed to establish itself as the overall best CRM software option for numerous businesses and sales teams. Instead of focusing on enterprise-level capabilities, HubSpot’s secret has been maintaining a favorable balance between customer relationship management features, ease of use, and pricing.
The cost here is zero. Hubspot CRM then goes ahead and sets itself apart from the rest of the free CRM software solutions by providing full customer relationship management experience. Small to medium-sized businesses get the benefit of using an intuitive well-designed user interface, coupled with tools for sales management, lead management, pipeline management, sales tracking, marketing campaign management, social media marketing, plus AI insights.
hubspot crm homepage
Setting up the system is extremely simple even for beginners, and you can bet HubSpot CRM will handle a huge chunk of the CRM processes for you. All the customer interactions, for instance, are tracked automatically to generate valuable insights.
You can also expect to have your sales and marketing processes integrated and streamlined accordingly through the HubSpot CRM platform.
Overall rating: 10/10
💰 Budget pick:
zoho crm logo
In all honesty, HubSpot CRM happens to also be a serious contender for our best CRM software budget pick since it’s completely free of charge. But, considering we’ve selected it as the ultimate best CRM software, I guess we could choose the next best budget option.
And yes, just like Hubspot CRM, Zoho CRM is an elegantly-designed solution that allows you to run automated campaigns for free.
Now, to be more precise, Zoho CRM is a lightweight CRM software that’s specially optimized for marketing and sales automation, help desk and customer support, reporting and customer analytics, inventory management, etc. You get to run campaigns on channels like email, social media, live chat, phone calls, web conferencing, and self-service customer portals.
zoho crm homepage
That said, the Zoho CRM free plan offers a document library, plus tools for team collaboration, web forms, marketing automation, basic reports and analytics, workflow management, product customization, and sales force automation. You can leverage it as a team of up to three members.
Then if you choose to upgrade your package, Zoho CRM grants you advanced CRM functionalities on a budget. You can, for example, take advantage of its gamification feature to gamify your entire sales framework and subsequently reward high-performing workers.
Overall rating: 7/10

What Is The Best CRM Software For a Small Business?

All things considered, the likes of HubSpot CRM, Zoho CRM, Agile CRM, and Insightly CRM are the overall best CRM software solutions for small businesses. That said, HubSpot and Zoho are particularly outstanding here because of the exceptionally rich feature sets they provide for free.
Now, as for the ultimate small business CRM, I guess that depends on you. What you’d consider as the overall best depends on your company structure, plus the needs of your sales and marketing processes.
So, to help you make an informed selection, here’s our detailed guide on the best CRM software options for small businesses in 2020.

What Is The Best Free CRM Software?

While there are multiple free CRM software solutions with decent feature offerings, HubSpot CRM is the most dominant one.
This cloud-based CRM software solution is in a world of its own since it provides pretty much all the CRM functionalities you can think of for free. Plus, all that comes with a pleasant, user-friendly interface.
Come to think of it, I guess HubSpot affords to pull this off because the company generates its profits from a wide range of other supplementary ecommerce tools.
Whatever the case, however, don’t get it twisted. While HubSpot CRM is doing a great job in this space, it ‘s not the only perfect option. Of late, several of its competitors have seemingly been giving it a good run for its money. Find out all about them from our comprehensive review of the best free CRM software in 2020.

The 10 Best CRM Software Solutions in 2020

Best CRM Software #1: HubSpot CRM

Ok, I’ll admit that previously, CRM tools were essentially reserved for large enterprises with advanced business processes. But then with time, we started seeing small businesses growing increasingly active in this space, as they began adopting simple but effective CRM systems.
Well, HubSpot CRM happens to be one of the few solutions that triggered this revolution, and it continues to hold on to its top CRM position to date.
That said, there are many reasons why HubSpot CRM is still the talk of the town. The most obvious one is, of course, it’s among the best free CRM software.
Yes, that’s right. HubSpot CRM is completely free of charge. You won’t pay even a dime to use it, despite the fact that it comes with a pretty solid feature set. As a matter of fact, HubSpot CRM even manages to outshine quite a number of premium CRM software when you compare their respective functionalities.
And speaking of which, HubSpot CRM covers all the core channels where ecommerce sales processes occur. You can use it to drive sales via email campaigns, social media, websites, phone calls, and several other digital channels.
In case you’re wondering where to start, integrating HubSpot CRM with your ecommerce ecosystem is fairly easy. You don’t have to be a coding geek to install, customize, and use the app. Plus, it also happens to be one of the best CRM software when it comes to integration capabilities.
Some of the popular platforms you can embed with HubSpot CRM right off the bat include Microsoft Dynamics, WooCommerce, Shopify, Magento, Salesforce, Zapier, Office 365, G-Suite, etc.
Then once you roll it out, you’ll notice that HubSpot CRM offers a pleasantly simple and refined system of managing your customer interactions. The interface itself is very intuitive and user-friendly, thanks to its well-designed layout, straightforward controls, and smooth navigation.
The sales funnel here is displayed in the form of a graphical chart on a visual dashboard, from where you can monitor performance, coordinate scheduled appointments, and manage assigned tasks. Every single customer interaction at this level is logged automatically by the HubSpot platform, and then it proceeds to sync the details with linked services.
Lead management is another task you’ll find to be satisfyingly easy, thanks to HubSpot’s CRM timeline view. It allows you to systematically track your communication with each individual lead, plus launch quick follow-up messages.
Beyond that, HubSpot CRM offers some of the best CRM software tools for pipeline management, tracking all your sales activities, assigning deals to team members, plus running simple marketing campaigns.

HubSpot CRM Software Pricing

Considering it’s a free CRM software, HubSpot won’t charge you anything to use its tools. That means you get to leverage its CRM, marketing, sales, and customer support functionalities for the long haul without incurring any costs.
Some of the platform’s CRM features include: Messenger integration, meeting scheduling, calling, documents, canned snippets, email templates, email tracking and notifications, reporting dashboards, conversations inbox, ad management, forms, ticketing, prospects, custom support form fields, HubSpot Connect integrations, Gmail and Outlook integration, company insights, tasks and activities, deals, companies, contact website activity, plus contact management.
Marketing features, on the other hand, come in the form of: Messenger integration, reporting dashboards, user roles, mobile optimization, conversational bots, live chat, team email, conversations inbox, list segmentation, ad management, email marketing, plus forms.

Who Should Consider Using HubSpot CRM Software?

HubSpot CRM, in a nutshell, is a perfect balance between simplicity, pricing, and functionality. Hence, it’s perfectly ideal for startups and small businesses on a budget. They get to use one of the best CRM tools for free on a permanent basis.
👉 Check out our detailed HubSpot CRM review.

Best CRM Software #2: Salesforce CRM

salesforce crm homepage
While HubSpot CRM is the best at simplicity, Salesforce is the king of advanced cloud CRM.
And why is that so?
Well, interestingly, it turns out that before Salesforce came along, most CRM solutions were fundamentally on-premise systems. Businesses spent a lot of resources plus time to install and deploy CRM software on their in-house servers.
All that changed when Salesforce moved everything to the cloud. Then almost immediately, the costs of installing and running CRM software dropped drastically, allowing even small businesses to join the bandwagon. And as they say, the rest is history.
Salesforce has never looked back since. It, in fact, remains a world leader in not only CRM, but also the entire SaaS spectrum. And as a result, it’s currently recognized as the fifth largest software company across the globe.
Now, for a brand with such a reputation, it comes as no surprise that Salesforce CRM is a holistic, multifaceted suite composed of several different software products. Instead of bundling all its tools into one comprehensive software, Salesforce offers its functionalities through multiple specially-optimized applications.
Apart from Salesforce Sales Cloud, there’s Salesforce Marketing Cloud, Salesforce Service Cloud, Salesforce Analytics Cloud, Salesforce Commerce Cloud, Salesforce Community Cloud, Salesforce IoT Cloud, and Salesforce App Cloud.
That said, the four most essential software products here are Salesforce Marketing Cloud, Salesforce Service Cloud, Salesforce Analytics Cloud, plus Salesforce Sales Cloud.
And as you’ve probably guessed already, the Marketing Cloud is optimized for marketing, Service Cloud comes with customer support capabilities, while Analytics Cloud is all about data and reporting. Then last is the Salesforce Sales Cloud, which happens to be the principal tool when it comes to CRM.
You see, the one thing that makes Salesforce Sales Cloud special is its smooth blend of functionalities from the other three Salesforce applications. It basically provides the full CRM experience by combining marketing automation features from Salesforce Marketing Cloud with customer service functionalities from Salesforce Service Cloud, plus business intelligence capabilities from Salesforce Analytics Cloud.
The result is a well-streamlined CRM platform with everything you’d want for project management, pipeline management, workflow management, contact management, partner management, task management, campaign management, and much more.
This specific Salesforce CRM software was developed to help you personalize conversion experiences for each individual customer. You get to streamline your customer service, billing, finance, marketing, and sales teams to offer customer journeys. Consequently, you should be able to boost your conversion rates, close more deals, and increase your overall sales numbers.
In the meantime, your sales reps will have an easy time handling everything thanks to automated tasks, standardized processes, as well as impactful insights and accurate forecasts from the Salesforce built-in AI.

Salesforce CRM Software Pricing

salesforce crm pricing
Salesforce Sales Cloud offers four subscription-based pricing plans, whose primary features are:
  • Essentials: For $25 per user per month with annual billing, the Essentials plan comes with Google Apps integration, email integration with Outlook, file storage per user, data storage per user, Lightning App Builder, Lightning flow automation (flow and process builder), case management, chatter, topics and recommendations, customizable reports and dashboards, full offline mobile functionality, Salesforce mobile app, task management, activity feed, customizable sales process, opportunity management, account and contact management, email templates, campaign management, mass email, web-to-lead capture, duplicate blocking, lead assignment and routing, lead management. It’s optimized for small businesses with up to 10 users.
  • Professional: The Professional plan will cost you $75 per user with annual billing. It combined all the features on the Essential plan with web services API, developer pro sandbox at an extra fee, developer sandbox, record types (per object), roles and permissions, customizable profiles and page layouts, unlimited custom applications, quotes, products and price books, orders, contracts, forecasting mobile app, collaborative forecasting, sales console app, person accounts, campaign influence, lead registration, plus rules-based lead scoring. The company describes the package as a comprehensive Salesforce CRM that can accommodate both small and large sales teams.
  • Enterprise: The Enterprise plan takes things up a notch by supplementing all the features on the Professional plan with workflow and approvals, Lightning platform, full sandbox, partial sandbox, advanced reporting features, enterprise territory management, opportunity splits, custom opportunity fields in forecasting, calendar, and sales teams. This is an extensively customizable package for enterprise sales teams and it will cost you $150 per user per month with annual billing.
  • Unlimited Plan: The Unlimited Plan gives you all the Enterprise plan features plus multiple sandboxes for development and testing, custom objects, custom tabs, unlimited custom apps, 24/7 toll-free support, over 100 admin services, and unlimited online training. This will cost you $300 per user month when billed annually.

Who Should Consider Using Salesforce CRM Software?

Salesforce Sales Cloud, which happens to be the principal Salesforce CRM software, is ideal for sales teams that want to make insightful decisions, accelerate productivity, get more leads, as well as close more deals.
That said, Salesforce is undeniably the best CRM software for advanced business processes. It’s flexible enough to accommodate even large enterprises managing numerous dynamic workflows at the same time.
👉 Check out our detailed Salesforce CRM review.

Best CRM Software #3: Zoho CRM

zoho crm homepage
Zoho CRM comes from Zoho, a well-renowned company that has been providing a host of SaaS business solutions for a couple of years now. And apart from CRM solutions, it specializes in human resources, IT and help desk, email and collaboration, finance, sales and marketing, plus accounting tools.
While all these software products are pretty good, Zoho CRM is the one that arguably takes the crown. It’s a cloud-based SaaS solution that powers multichannel customer relationship management via an intuitive system.
Social media, phone, surveys, live chat, self-service portals, web conferences, and email are the core engagement channels on the Zoho CRM platform, and they work in tandem to provide a seamless and continuous customer lifecycle. You get to assign every single team member a specific target, and then track their subsequent progress using real-time analytics.
Then to make sales processes much easier for everyone, Zoho CRM includes user-friendly tools for building, as well as customizing automated campaigns. And while you’re at it, you can even take advantage of its libraries plus the REST API to create your own custom solutions and integrations.
That might not be necessary though, since the system comes with some of the best CRM software integrations by default. There are literally hundreds of third-party extensions you could easily embed with your Zoho CRM system to expand its capabilities.
And speaking of which, it’s also possible to connect the platform with your individual leads’ Facebook plus Twitter profiles. The goal here is to capitalize on the full potential of multi-channel experiences and consequently enhance lead generation, customer loyalty, as well as customer satisfaction.
Now, if you haven’t noticed already, there are two sides to the Zoho CRM tale. On one hand, we have customers while on the other, you get to handle leads. Each of them is a distinct entity on its own, and Zoho CRM gives you the privilege to freely categorize your contacts accordingly.
Another benefit that comes with Zoho CRM is mobile app access. It helps you track your sales and marketing processes on the go by providing real-time analytics on both its iOS and Android apps.
It doesn’t stop there though. Turns out you could take your CRM framework a notch higher by upgrading from Zoho CRM to Zoho CRM Plus.
But, make no mistake. I’m not suggesting that the standard Zoho CRM is weak as it is. Far from it to be honest, because this system remains to be one of the best CRM software for small to medium-sized businesses.
Zoho CRM Plus essentially extends the boundaries to unify your sales, marketing, and customer support teams. Their processes are systematically integrated within one centralized interface for a more holistic approach to the touchpoints in your overall customer lifecycle.

Zoho CRM Software Pricing

zoho crm pricing
  • Free: This Zoho CRM option is permanently free and it supports a maximum of three users. Some of its features include: basic customer support, 5, 000 API credits per day per organization, export to Google Tasks, export events to Google Calendar, Zoho CRM contextual gadget for Gmail, integration with Zoho software products, organizational hierarchy with 2 roles, data backup for $10 per request, export module data, import data, data storage (all modules) with 5,000 modules, 1 GB free storage, reviews, file versioning, attach documents, folder sharing, follow-up rules, attach files to feeds, direct messages, status updates, calendar, web-to-contact form, web-to-lead form, 10 email templates, standard reports, 5 task actions, 1 workflow rule per module, custom list views, page customization, advanced filters, CRM views, tasks, events, call log, notes, deals, accounts, contacts, and leads.
  • Standard: The Standard plan will cost you $18 per user per month when billed monthly, or alternatively, $12 per user per month when billed annually. It combines all the features on the Free package with classic customer support, 1000 email sends per day, synchronize Google Contact, Synchronize Google Calendar, Zoho CRM web forms for Google Sites, Slack Integration, allowed IPs, audit logs, 20 groups, organizational hierarchy with 5 roles, 5 profiles, 2 data backups per month, data storage with 100,000 records, additional storage for $4 per month per 5 GB, 512 MB free storage per user, tagging, groups for team collaboration, calendar booking, calendar sync through CalDAV, Notify owner, marketing campaigns, 250 mass emails per day, 100 email templates, social lite, social interaction with leads/contacts, automated lead generation from social media, social tab, enrich data with Facebook profile, enrich data with Twitter profile, 10 custom dashboards, standard dashboards, KPI, charts, schedule reports, 100 custom reports, standard reports, convert action, custom fields, reminders, scoring rules, email insights, BCC dropbox for email, and sales forecasting.
  • Professional: The Professional plan costs $30 per user per month when billed monthly, or $20 per user per month when billed annually. It combines all the features on the Standard package with a plug-in for Microsoft Office, a plug-in for Microsoft Outlook, Zoho Finance Suite integration, Zoho Writer add-on, Zoho Mail add-on, 30 groups, field-level security, unlimited data storage, web-to-case form, solutions, cases, purchase orders, vendors, invoices, sales orders, sales quotes, price books, products, inventory management, gamescope, Zoho CRM for Google Ads, email relay, business process management, assignment rules, webhook action, field update action, validation rules, custom links, email association with deals, and SalesSignals.
  • Enterprise: The Enterprise plan costs $45 per user per month when billed monthly, or alternatively, $35 per user per month when billed annually. It supplements all the features on the Standard package with connections, widgets, web apps SDK, mobile SDK, Zoho SalesInbox, integration with Zoho Creator, Zoho Backstage integration, Zoho Webinar integration, territory management, data encryption (EAR), record-level sharing, 50 groups, organizational hierarchy with 250 roles, 25 profiles, anomaly detectors (powered by Zia), comparator, target meter, funnels, macro suggestion, best time to contact, Zia Reminder, Zia Voice, data enrichment, deal closure prediction, lead conversion prediction, case escalation rules, schedules, approval process, scheduled actions, functions, reporting hierarchy, translations, subforms, layout rules, canvas view, page layouts, sandbox, custom buttons, custom modules, web tabs, picklist history tracking, email parser, contextual custom related lists, and multiple currencies.

Who Should Consider Using Zoho CRM Software?

While Zoho CRM is considerably light, it packs a robust feature set that provides some of the best CRM software functionalities. Plus, the platform itself has a well-structured framework with multiple control points for medium-sized teams.
Hence, it’s evident Zoho CRM was built for midsize businesses that interact with their customers across email, social media, phone, live chat, phone, surveys, and web conferences. They’d certainly appreciate the capabilities that come with Zoho’s enterprise-level tools.
Companies already using other Zoho software products are noticeably the best candidates here, since they’d combine multiple Zoho tools to achieve a comprehensively streamlined business ecosystem.

Best CRM Software #4: Agile CRM

Agile CRM is another all-in-one customer relationship management solution with just enough tools for all the typical business scales. In addition to contact management, it’s specially-optimized for social media marketing, sales and marketing automation, targeted landing pages, project management, email tracking, scheduling, customer service, plus much more.
That said, one of the first things that’ll strike you about Agile CRM is its free plan, which supports up to 10 users concurrently and 1,000 contacts. It then combines that with basic sales management, marketing management, and customer support features.
So, freelancers, startups, plus small businesses on a budget should feel right at home.
But, don’t feel obligated to start off with the free plan. If your needs extend beyond its capabilities, you can go ahead and settle for any of the premium packages. I find them to be quite affordable.
Now, when you finally start using Agile CRM to drive customer interaction, you should be able to methodically combine its multiple tools to boost both your marketing and sales teams’ efforts.
You could, for instance, manage your contacts using lead scoring, custom contact fields, and contact grouping functionalities. Agile CRM is even capable of diving deep into social media to help you with social media marketing, social CRM, plus social monitoring.
And speaking of which, Agile CRM is one heck of an effective customer relationship management system when it comes to monitoring and tracking. In fact, I’d say it’s one of the best CRM software options for teams that are particularly concerned about tracking and analytics.
They can comfortably use Agile CRM for monitoring their website visitors, assessing their subsequent behaviors, email tracking, social monitoring, contact level analytics, and custom deal tracking. The resultant analytics come in handy when you’re building and following up on your campaign workflows.
All the workflows here are built via a smooth drag and drop interface, which allows you to customize automation triggers, campaign nodes, system actions, groups, etc. Agile CRM also happens to come with a landing page builder, an email templates builder, and a form builder.
As you continue leveraging them, you could coordinate your team’s efforts using Agile CRM’s task management features. All it takes is just dragging and dropping custom tasks into well-organized lists, arranging tasks accordingly, making notes on them, as well as updating their status every now and then.
Another benefit you can expect from Agile CRM is extra functionalities thanks to a host of smart integrations. Some of its email integrations, for example, include IMAP, Office 365, Microsoft Exchange, and Gmail services.
Otherwise, you should also be able to link it with social media channels like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook. This allows you to easily publish posts as well as respond to your followers’ messages.
But, make no mistake. Social media and email and not the only channels you can use on Agile CRM. This platform is, rather, built for omnichannel engagement, with the primary channels being email, social media, text messaging, as well as web messaging.
And to be more precise, web messaging entails push notifications, landing pages, forms, and popups.

Agile CRM Software Pricing

agile crm pricing
  • Free: The Free plan facilitates 10 users with 500 API calls per day, landing pages, basic email and team performance reports, Chrome extension, Google sync, email support, 1 app integration, reports, activities, views, canned responses, labels, groups, helpdesk, 1 automation rule (trigger), 5 nodes per campaign, 1 campaign workflow, web-to-lead, 5,000 emails (branded), landing page builder, email templates builder, form builder, contact level analytics, web engagement, email campaigns, email tracking, custom deal milestones, appointment scheduling, unlimited deals, unlimited tasks, unlimited documents, lead scoring, custom data fields, plus 1,000 contacts.
  • Starter: The Starter plan starts at $8.99 per month and it supplements all the features on the Free plan with 5, 000 API calls per day, phone support, 3 integrations, knowledgebase, 5 automation rules (triggers), 10 nodes per campaign, 5 campaign workflows, social monitoring, marketing automation, 2-way email integration, plus 10,000 contacts.
  • Regular: The Regular plan starts at $29.99 per month and it supplements all the features on the Starter plan with 10,000 API calls per day, more than 50 integrations, 10 automation rules (triggers), 25 nodes per campaign, 10 campaign workflows, mobile marketing, 2-way telephony, custom deal tracking, plus 50,000 contacts.
  • Enterprise: The Enterprise plan starts at $47.99 per month and it supplements all the features on the Regular plan with 25,000 API calls per day, Access Controls (ACLs), dedicated account rep, more than 50 integrations, unlimited automation rules (triggers), 50 nodes per campaign, unlimited campaign workflows, SES/Mandrill/Sendgrid integration, Automated Voicemails, Post-call Automation, plus unlimited contacts.

Who Should Consider Using Agile CRM Software?

Going by its pricing and features, we can agree that Agile CRM is best for freelancers, startups and small businesses. The free plan provides a perfect opportunity for beginners to learn what customer relationship management is all about, plus try out various basic customer interaction and marketing tools that come with it.
Beyond that, the farthest Agile CRM can stretch is probably mid-sized businesses. Its Enterprise plan can easily accommodate midsize companies that have typical marketing and CRM needs. They get to interact with an unlimited number of contacts using an unlimited number of campaign workflows, as well as an unrestricted volume of automation triggers.

Best CRM Software #5: Insightly CRM

Insightly CRM is an advanced SaaS customer relationship management system with extensive experience in delivering projects, accelerating sales, generating quotes, and building relationships. It’s one of those top CRM software products that provide robust Outlook and Gmail plugins for seamless email integration.
So far, Insightly CRM has attracted more than 1.5 million users, who’ve leveraged its tools for call management, advanced reporting, project management, workflow automation, quote generation, opportunity management, lead management, email tracking, contact management, and relationship linking.
While some of these might seem like complex enterprise-level functionalities, Insightly CRM has managed to simplify everything for SMBs. Consequently, you don’t need extensive technical knowledge or expert guidance to build and manage your campaigns. The simple tools combined with third-party app integrations make it conveniently easy to do anything here.
More specifically, you should be able to manage not only your contacts and leads, but also suppliers, vendors, partners, plus organizations. Insightly CRM has a well-streamlined information system that allows you to follow up on each entity’s important dates, email history, background, plus much more.
And if you ever need to link opportunities, Insghtly’s project management function has got you covered. It can quickly connect opportunities and projects to make tracking and follow-ups easier.
And speaking of which, opportunities here can be managed in several different ways. Insightly CRM gives you the power to come up with your own opportunities, as well as coordinate the subsequent activities via pipeline management.
You also get to dive into various funnels to tweak their categories, priorities and stages based on their close date predictions, plus the corresponding win probabilities.
It doesn’t end there though. Insightly CRM happens to be extremely robust in Social CRM too. By integrating your system with social media, you should be able to access your contacts’ Facebook posts, LinkedIn profiles, as well as Tweets from their Twitter accounts.
Other notable integrations you’ll find here include QuickBooks, DropBox, Box, Evernote, MailChimp, Outlook, Google Docs, Google Calendar, Office 365, Google Drive, etc. Some of these can also work well with Insightly CRM’s Android and iOS mobile applications.

Insightly CRM Software Pricing

  • Plus: For $29 per user per month with annual billing, the Plus plan offers standard support, Outlook integration, Gmail integration, over 250 integrations to ecommerce apps, customized report scheduling and emailing, built-in business intelligence dashboards, conversion of won opportunities to projects, calendar synchronization, milestones and associated task tracking, integrated project management, native Android and iOS mobile apps, batch update records, assign sales teams, apply task and event activity sets, customizable sales processes, opportunity management, relationship linking, task management, event management, contact management, organization management, automatic social profile enrichment, web to lead capture, visualize leads with kanban, schedule outbound emails, email templates, mass emailing, automatic duplicate detection, lead assignment and routing, plus lead management.
  • Professional: For $49 per user per month with annual billing, this plan supplements all the features on the Plus plan with customized support and services, configurable webhooks, unlimited configurable profiles and page layouts, unlimited account roles and permissions, custom object creation, complete workflow automation, 100 customizable real-time insight cards, automatic call analysis and reporting, plus integrated phone dialer and call logging.
  • Enterprise: For $99 per user per month with annual billing, this plan supplements all the features on the Professional plan with developer API support and professional services at an extra cost, schedule serverless lambda functions, dynamic page layout rules, Lambda function authoring and execution, deploy custom apps on any platform, calculated fields on any object, custom validation rules, products, price books, quotes, unlimited customizable real-time insight cards, plus extensive mobile business card scanning.

Who Should Consider Using Insightly CRM Software?

While Insightly CRM has extremely powerful tools, everything has been well-structured to make the platform user-friendly without compromising scalability. Additionally, this is one of the few best CRM software products that are flexible enough to cover pretty much all the core business processes, from opportunities to project delivery.
Now, when you combine all that with its relatively affordable pricing, you have yourself the right CRM tool for both experienced and inexperienced SMB teams.

Best CRM Software #6: Pipedrive CRM

Pipedrive isn’t just a good CRM software. It’s much more than that. And, in fact, it touts itself as the best CRM software and pipeline management system.
The system itself was built after sales professionals and web app developers embarked on a project with one common vision. They all wanted a platform that would make selling easy.
Well, it turns out Pipedrive has actually managed to achieve that, thanks to its well-balanced feature set. The trick Pipedrive CRM has seemingly used is blending its solid direct sales foundation with smart tracking tools and an intuitive interface. The end result is a strategically streamlined CRM system that offers a clear view of the entire sales process.
Now, in simple terms, Pipedrive CRM provides a simplified but detailed overview of your entire sales system. You get to arrange all the leads’ paths accordingly so you can track their progress, as well as identify priority deals right off the bat.
All that is delivered through a streamlined sales pipeline that follows a standard pipeline structure. The deals here are organized in stages to help you assess the progressive performance of your sales teams, plus the specific deals they should focus on.
And that’s not all. Pipedrive further allows you to go beyond that level by providing additional tools for tracking your individual sales team members. You can judge their progress in real-time from either your PC or the mobile app version of Pipedrive CRM.
It’s worth noting, however, that the sales pipeline here is not restrictive. Pipedrive comes with customization privileges for adjusting its fields based on your specific business setup. Hence, you should have an easy time editing various pipeline stages, disabling modules, and introducing your own parameters.
Such system features help users align Pipedrive CRM with their core business processes. In the end, this translates into increased data accuracy and efficient pipeline management. So, of course, you can rely on Pipedrive CRM to spot the most promising deals and activities.
Now, if you like to stay on top of your business at all times, then you should consider combining the Pipedrive PC system with its corresponding mobile app. Yes, that’s right – apart from a web SaaS version, Pipedrive CRM comes in the form of iOS and Android apps. They’re pretty handy when you need to follow up on things remotely and on the go.

Pipedrive CRM Software Pricing

  • Essential: The Essential Plan is for following up deals using simple pipelines. It will cost you either $15 per month per user when billed monthly, or $12.50 per user per month when billed annually. Some of its outstanding features include: user and company goal-setting, Pipedrive Developer Center access, Pipedrive Academy, 24/7 customer support, Pipedrive Chrome extension for Gmail, contact sync with Google and Microsoft, native mobile apps for Android and iOS, sales and activity reports, automatic call logging, real-time sync across all devices, customizable dashboard, performance goals, BCC email inbox, manual linking of emails to contacts and deals, activities and calendar view, custom fields, plus custom sales pipeline and stages.
  • Advanced: The Advanced Plan offers additional tools for seamlessly automating and tracking your workflows. It will cost you either $29 per month per user when billed monthly, or $24.90 per user per month when billed annually. Some of its main features include: important complete fields, product catalog, one-click contact data, email templates and automation, email opens and clicks, full email integration, AI sales assistant, sales task automation, plus workflows and activities.
  • Professional: The Pipedrive CRM Professional Plan provides additional tools for collaborating with your team to increase sales. It will cost you either $59 per month per user when billed monthly, or $49.90 per user per month when billed annually. Some of its principal features include: contact and deal visibility settings, custom user, admin and manager permissions, revenue forecasting, multiple dashboards, team management, batch emailing, 24/7 phone support, unlimited meeting scheduler, plus click-to-call and call tracking.
  • Enterprise: The Pipedrive CRM Enterprise Plan supplements Professional Plan features with specialized customer support and onboarding. It will cost you $99 per user per month when billed annually for a minimum of 10 users. Some of its benefits include: extra user permissions to control what users see and do, enhanced security to protect revenue and data, supplementary customization capabilities to suit your business, managed data import, phone support, plus a dedicated account manager.

Who Should Consider Using Pipedrive CRM Software?

Pipedrive CRM is extremely easy to use, intuitive, and perfectly optimized for pipeline management. It was built by sales professionals for sales teams to conveniently manage their sales funnels at an affordable price.
That alone makes it ideal for anyone who’d like to close deals faster by identifying and subsequently prioritizing the most promising sales opportunities.

Best CRM Software #7: SugarCRM

In addition to featuring prominently among the best CRM software, SugarCRM happens to be one of the most widely used CRM tools on the web. So far, it has been downloaded and tried out more than 7 million times across numerous countries, and the numbers are still growing.
While there are multiple reasons behind SugarCRM’s increased uptake, many users have particularly applauded its excellent customer support, brand promotion tools, customer engagement capabilities, and extensive customizability.
Well, by now, we’ve explored quite a number of top CRM software that provide solid customization options. But, get this- the bulk of them can’t possibly match up to SugarCRM. The flexibility it offers makes it one of the most customizable CRM systems on the market.
And its trick, as a matter of fact, is pretty simple. You see, SugarCRM is an open-source CRM software. That means it provides access to its underlying source code, subsequently allowing developers to extensively tweak its default CRM functionalities. So, as long as you have the skills, you can customize the whole platform down to the smallest detail.
But then again, come to think of it, you probably won’t need that at all since SugarCRM comes fully loaded with pretty much all the essentials. It’s particularly reliable in generating intelligent reports, team management, launching and managing campaigns, streamlining the help desk, as well as integrating with a host of helpful third-party apps.
If you’re working with a team, you’ll be pleased that the default SugarCRM platform is optimized for up to 8 user types. The primary admin account can be supplemented by different types of secondary accounts, from customer support to sales reps and possibly marketers running campaigns on various channels. SugarCRM even allows you to roll this out on a large scale with groups of individuals sharing the same account privileges.
In the end, you should have a well-networked CRM system that facilitates seamless collaboration between team members. That means marketers, sales reps, and customer service professionals complement each other’s roles as they gradually enhance customer relationships.
Then to help you build effective campaigns, SugarCRM provides an intelligent campaign wizard. It packs a wide range of tools to support your campaign creation process, as well as the subsequent execution phase.
You can, for instance, use it to come up with strategic campaigns based on your expected ROI, budget, desired audience, plus target goals. It’s also quite handy in picking up and compiling leads, plus disseminating forms within the interaction framework. Otherwise, you might also want to analyze your leads, rate them accordingly, and then match them with the right agents.
Another area where SugarCRM really shines is contact management. It’s built to dig deep into your contact data, analyze everything comprehensively, and then compile any related profile info. That means it’s even capable of picking up the tiniest behavioral indicators that often go unnoticed.
SugarCRM doesn’t stop there though. The intelligent system goes ahead and offers additional assistance in the subsequent contact organization process. You should be able to sort out your contacts based on priority, mark them accordingly, link huge files, as well as customize notes and documents.
When it comes to integrations, however, it turns out SugarCRM doesn’t link natively with third party services. That shouldn’t get you worried though, because the customer relationship management software manages to leverage an API code called SugarExchange to connect with other applications.
With that, you should be able to integrate SugarCRM with a wide range of stuff including Pardot, Zendesk, MailChimp, CloudAgent, Zapier, etc.

SugarCRM Software Pricing

  • Sugar Professional: Sugar Professional is On-premise CX software built to serve small businesses that are increasingly growing. It starts at $40 per user per month with annual billing. Some of its features include; unlimited online support, support for MySQL and SQL Server-On site, unlimited studio customizations, cloud or on-premise deployment, 15 GB storage, SugarCRM mobile, call center automation, reporting and dashboard, marketing lead management, 2 support-authorized contacts, support automation, plus sales automation and forecasting. It hosts a minimum of 10 users.
  • Sugar Enterprise: Sugar Enterprise is a highly customizable on-premise CX package. It will cost you at least $65 per user per month with annual billing. Some of its features include; 4 support-authorized contacts, support via phone and SugarCRM Support Portal, accelerated support SLA, SQL-based reporting, advanced workflow with SugarBPM, 60 GB Storage, Support for Oracle and DB2-On site, role-based views, Product level quotes, revenue line item level opportunity tracking forecasting, plus all the features from the professional plan. It supports a minimum of 10 users.
  • Sugar Serve
sugar serve
Sugar Serve offers tools optimized for customer support. It will cost you at least $80 per user per month with annual billing. Some of its features include; phone support, 60 GB storage, 2 sandbox instances, 4 support-authorized contacts, reporting and analytics, a self-service portal, time-based reassignment and escalations, case routing, automatic SLA management, case management, plus service console. This package supports a minimum of 10 users.
  • Sugar Sell:
sugar sell
Sugar Sell is for boosting your sales and helping you establish lasting relationships with your customers. It will cost you at least $80 per user per month with annual billing. Some of its features include; robust business process management, phone support, 60 GB storage, 2 sandbox instances, 4 support-authorized contacts, lead routing, quote approvals, customer email notifications, sales forecasting, product catalog management, quote management, reporting and dashboards, lead management, opportunity management, account management, plus contact management. This package supports a minimum of 10 users.
  • Sugar Market:
sugar market
Sugar Market provides marketing features for running automated marketing campaigns. It starts at $1,000 for 10,000 contacts with annual billing. Some of its features include; real-time website data, social media marketing tools, 4 support-authorized contacts, phone support, unlimited emails, unlimited landing pages, Google Ads integration, built-in SEO audit, custom surveys, event marketing management, form builder, landing page builder, email marketing tools, integration with all major CRMs, lead scoring, nurture marketing, plus marketing reports and analytics. This package supports an unlimited number of users

Who Should Consider Using SugarCRM Software?

SugarCRM manages to cater for not only marketers and sales teams, but also customer service teams in SMBs. Sales professionals in small businesses would find the Sugar Professional package to be quite handy, while their mid-size business counterparts would probably go for Sugar Enterprise or Sugar Sell.
Customer service teams, on the other hand, should be comfortable with SugarCRM’s Sugar Serve solution, which offers a host of customer support tools. Then marketing teams would be better off with the Sugar Market package, which is perfectly optimized for digital marketing campaigns across social media, email, landing pages, forms, and Google Ads.

Best CRM Software #8: Freshsales CRM

By now, you’ve probably heard about Freshworks. It’s a renowned business applications company and it happens to one behind the eighth tool in our best CRM software list.
Now, going by the experience Freshworks has had in the ecommerce software space, you can bet Freshsales CRM is a quality, well-developed CRM tool. As a matter of fact, many of its users consider it a comprehensive contact management system that enhances their lead control and engagement capabilities through an intuitive, user-friendly interface.
In essence, they continue to take advantage of Freshsales CRM to attract, nurture, manage, and successfully convert their leads.
To achieve that, this elegantly-designed system offers customizable reports and dashboards, intelligent workflow automation, a visual sales pipeline, AI-powered lead scoring, built-in phone call and email, event tracking, sales lead tracking, activity monitoring, and more.
Now, as you’ve probably guessed already, the user interface is one of the most notable things about Freshsales CRM. Freshworks has designed it with a focus on ease of use as well as comprehensive control of the customer lifecycle.
That means the last thing you can expect here is a steep learning curve. Even beginners should be able to hit the ground running as soon as they sign up for the service.
And when it comes to managing the customer journey, Freshsales CRM comes with an incredibly rich but simple lead management feature set. The tools here help you prioritize the most important leads while getting rid of the ones that seem to provide little value.
Then as you set up a solid interaction framework, you should be able to organize your leads by grouping them systematically. Such groups could subsequently be assigned to various team members, who would then proceed to target the leads with relevant conversion strategies.
In the meantime, you get to track their overall progress from your sales pipeline. Freshsales CRM even provides quite a handy drag-and-drop editor for building and customizing your pipelines. It allows you to configure different deals based on how your entire sales framework is set up.
Well, all things considered, the CRM pipeline here fundamentally seeks to help you sell more and much faster. Its intuitive visual structure is perfectly optimized to give you a seamless experience while you assess, organize, and prioritize your sales deals. Then by focusing on the most critical ones, you should be able to close them much faster, before moving on to the rest.
That said, a single click should be enough to reveal the status of any deal along the pipeline. Otherwise, you could also generate detailed reports for deeper analysis of how your lead engagements are progressing.
And speaking of reports, Freshsales CRM offers advanced reporting and analytics tools, which you can capitalize on for accurate insights about your leads. The platform’s AI engine is capable of assessing not only your leads’ behaviours, but also their respective behaviors. Then subsequently, Freshsales CRM’s lead scoring system grades them from the warmest leads to the ones who might need some additional nurturing.
In addition to that, the analytics function generates details about the context plus engagement levels of every single lead. And if you want more, Freshsales CRM’s 360 degree tool provides comprehensive info about all the leads and customers, including their corresponding tasks, appointments, touchpoints, as well as conversations.
With that, therefore, your sales team should have an easy time establishing the best approaches for various deal opportunities.
And to help you with the subsequent lead engagement process, Freshsales CRM comes with a host of pre-built integrations. You can easily embed ecommerce, accounting, social media, marketing, and task management apps.
They include; Xero, QuickBooks, MailChimp, Google Apps for Work, Hubspot Marketing, the Freshdesk suite, Facebook, Trello, Magento, etc.

Freshsales CRM Software Pricing

freshsales crm pricing
  • Blossom: The Blossom plan is intended to facilitate small sales teams and small businesses. They, in turn, are required to pay either $12 per user per month when billed annually, or $19 per user per month. The perks include: API access, marketplace apps, Freshmarketer, Freshworks integrations, SMS integration, phone powered by Freshcaller, lead scoring, 2-way email sync, visual sales pipeline, lead management, contact management, account management, and deal management.
  • Garden: The Garden plan is intended to facilitate growing sales teams and businesses. They, in turn, are required to pay either $25 per user per month when billed annually, or $35 per user per month for advanced reports, custom roles, smart matches, territories and lead assignment, 10 user teams, 10 workflow automation, 5 sales sequences per user, 250 bulk emails per user per day, API access, marketplace apps, Freshmarketer, Freshworks integrations, SMS integration, phone powered by Freshcaller, lead scoring, 2-way email sync, visual sales pipeline, lead management, contact management, account management, deal management, and custom roles.
  • Estate: The Estate plan is intended to serve large sales teams and businesses. It costs either $49 per user per month when billed annually, or $65 per user per month. The resultant features include: sales goals, multi-currency support, smartforms and event tracking, reports dashboard, auto profile enrichment, advanced CRM customization, advanced reports, custom roles, smart matches, territories and lead assignment, 25 user teams, 25 workflow automation, 10 sales sequences per user, and 1,000 bulk emails per user per day.
  • Forest: The Forest plan targets enterprises and you can only purchase it on with the annual billing option for $79 per month. This will give you a dedicated account manager, audit logs, IP whitelisting, EEA data center, sales goals, multi-currency support, smartforms and event tracking, reports dashboard, auto profile enrichment, advanced CRM customization, advanced reports, custom roles, smart matches, territories and lead assignment, 50 user teams, 100 workflow automation, 25 sales sequences per user, and 5,000 bulk emails per user per day.

Who Should Consider Using Freshsales CRM Software?

Freshsales CRM is essentially what you get when you combine ease of use, a visual but customizable sales pipeline, plus a rich leads management feature set on a platform that can accommodate both small and large sales teams.
Hence, this is one of the best CRM systems for SMB and enterprise sales teams working in a dynamically demanding business environment. it helps you enhance your sales force by streamlining your leads pipelines through intelligent insights.

Best CRM Software #9: Nimble CRM

nimble crm homepage
Before we get to the specifics, here’s an interesting fact about Nimble CRM. It happens to be closely related to yet another renowned CRM tool called Goldmine. Turns out they were both founded by a guy named Jon V. Ferrara.
While Goldmine CRM doesn’t feature in our best CRM software list, it’s still a legend in the customer relationship management industry. The reason being, it was among the premier sales force automation CRM tools for small to medium-sized businesses. And believe it or not, that occurred in 1989.
But, although Goldmine CRM has been dominant to this day, Nimble CRM is the one that has managed to perfectly implement modern automation advancements.
Consider the software hosting environment, for instance. While Goldmine CRM is still an on-premise solution, Nimble CRM has been developed to be a cloud-based Saas platform. This allows it to not only scale easily, but also extend its functionalities beyond the scope of traditional customer relationship management systems.
Consequently, Nimble CRM is now one of the best CRM software products for sales force automation, social CRM, as well as contact management. The automation process itself can be controlled on both its web-based PC dashboard, as well as its corresponding Android and iOS mobile apps.
In fact, it’s pretty darn good at automating stuff that it can lift details from social media, email conversations, plus multiple other platforms, and then automatically update the corresponding customer profiles.
This, in other words, is called social listening and you can take advantage of it to find out what your contacts are saying about your business on social media. Otherwise, you might also want to use the resultant insights for touchpoints.
If you discover a contact is celebrating their birthday, for instance, you could convert the milestone into an engagement opportunity that might possibly develop into a successful sale. Then in the meantime, you’d get to use Nimble CRM’s pipeline management, task management and deal tracking tools to progressively nurture the lead.
Nimble CRM even makes the follow ups much easier through its “Today Page”. This is essentially a section that comprehensively displays your day to day engagement opportunities, key deals, and to-dos.
Now, the opportunities themselves are derived from Nimble CRM’s AI engine, which I tested and found to be quite impressive. It’s capable of identifying the most valuable opportunities and contacts by analyzing user behavior.
Another tool you’ll find loaded with your contacts’ info is Nimble CRM’s widget. In essence, the software comes with an array of widgets that allow you to conveniently access contextual details without necessarily logging into the system.
Now, as you continue shifting between the various tools, you’ll notice that everything here is holistically connected. From the sales pipeline, for example, you can easily view a history of your interactions with a specific contact by simply clicking on a deal.
And the same, as a matter of fact, applies to the contact profiles. Nimble CRM automatically updates your contact profiles with information from your sales pipeline deals, as well as other sources within and beyond the platform.
That said, the deals come in two display formats. You could either track them from the sales pipeline or simply view them in a list. Nimble CRM even provides a couple of sales stages by default to help you organize everything accordingly.
But, make no mistake. You don’t have to use the default framework. If your sales process is structured differently, you’re free to customize the stages.
Whichever system you choose to adopt in the end, Nimble CRM will still provide you with insights about the most promising opportunities.
Now, if you’re working with a team, you can go ahead and use Nimble CRM’s task management tools to assign the opportunities accordingly. You could also create new tasks, as well as configure their parameters to link them with specific deals and contacts.
You might also want to embed your system with Gmail or any IMAP account before you roll out your email campaigns. The good thing about this approach is, the system will maintain a detailed log of all your interactions.

Nimble CRM Software Pricing

nimbl ecrm pricing
For $25 per user per month when billed monthly or $19 per user per month when billed annually, Nimble CRM offers API access, two-way sync with over 160 applications, Office 365 and G Suite support, one on one consultation, free onboarding assistance, comprehensive support center, online and email support, iPhone and Android apps, smart contacts app, team permissions, plus sales forecasts and reports.
Then when it comes to building relationships, you get deal pipeline management, Nimble Prospector, call logging, task reminders, stay-in-touch reminders, activity tracking, email tracking, email templates, 100 group messages per user per day, business insights capture, email signature capture, social profile match, social media signals, 2 GB per user storage, saved search segments, unlimited saved search segments, 1,000 custom fields, email message syncing, 25,000 contact records, calendar sync, contact management, and a unified message inbox.

Who Should Consider Using Nimble CRM Software?

Nimble CRM is a holistically interlinked platform that provides a host of smart sales force automation capabilities, without the complications that usually accompany advanced marketing automation.
It’s the type of customer relationship management system you could use as an individual or team for powering dynamic sales pipelines. You get to combine smart actionable insights with a reliable AI engine and integrations.
Therefore, all in all, Nimble CRM is perfectly ideal for sales teams that need to make well-informed decisions about their pipelines.

Best CRM Software #10: NetSuite CRM

netsuite crm homepage
Tenth on our list of the best CRM software in 2020 is NetSuite CRM, which is yet another cloud-based SaaS customer relationship management solution.
Now, to be more specific, you can think of Netsuite CRM as a platform that facilitates a smooth uninterrupted flow of info across the entire customer lifecycle. Its info funnel starts from the lead level and it subsequently follows a customer through every single stage, including opportunity, sales order, cross-selling, upselling, fulfillment, renewal, and customer support.
All this information is held in a well-protected data center, which is part of Netsuite CRM’s dynamic multi-tenant architecture. The resultant details give you a strategic 360 degree view of all the critical parameters relating to your leads and customers.
Netsuite CRM, on the other hand, uses the intelligence to power its entire customer relationship management ecosystem. Sales force automation tools, for instance, heavily rely on the data to run effective campaigns based on actionable insights.
This, however, is only one part of Netsuite CRM. The platform happens to be pretty extensive, with customer relationship management functionalities being supplemented by marketing automation tools, customer service management features, as well as integrated ecommerce capabilities like order management.
Hence, you can leverage Netsuite CRM for functions like marketing analytics, partner relationship management, customer data management, sales forecasting, and much more. All the tools are holistically integrated for form an all-in-one suite that’s accessible via PC, plus Android and iOS mobile apps.
That said, customer relationship management here relies on both traditional approaches as well as advanced intelligence. You get to drive business growth using automated tools, workflow management, contact management, collaboration capabilities, campaign management, sales forecasting, third-party integrations, and partner relationship management.
You could begin from the contact management area, which offers a detailed view of all your contacts and leads. Apart from the basic details, the customer profiles here give you an insight into your interaction history with every single contact, their company roles, sales parameters, etc.
Then if you happen to form a partnership with another company, you could capitalize on Netsuite CRM’s partner relationship tools. They’ll help you coordinate and organize all the marketing campaigns you engage in as partners. Plus, you should be able to monitor every single thing as it occurs thanks to Netsuite’s real-time reporting capabilities.
Now, for the campaigns you choose to run solo, Netsuite has just the right workflow management features. They help you keep tabs on each employee’s activities, the corresponding task completion ratios, as well as their overall progress.
There’s also a group calendar feature that can be accessed by all team members. So, every single person should be able to view their to-do lists, and subsequently complete the assigned tasks.
Speaking of which, the engagement campaigns here should be fairly easy, considering Netsuite CRM’s AI system and its accompanying automation tools will have your back.
The AI system, more specifically, will save you from wasting time on low-value opportunities. By monitoring your prospects’ behaviors, Netsuite CRM manages to provide actionable insights into the most promising opportunities.
So, the fact is, you don’t always have to rely on just the info you have on your contact profiles. Rather, you should target leads based on their profile data as well as the supplementary insights generated by the system.
The trick that Netsuite CRM employs here is simply keeping track of all the paths and actions taken by your web visitors. It determines their interests based on what they click on and the webpages they spend time viewing.
Such information is also pretty handy when it comes to sales force automation. You can leverage the insights along with Netsuite CRM’s sales tools to drive sales and boost your overall business growth.
Netsuite CRM further tops that off with sales forecasting capabilities. So, you get to predict your sales potential using automatic real-time forecasts.

NetSuite CRM Software Pricing

If you were hoping to get the specific product costs, it turns out Netsuite CRM doesn’t offer a standard pricing schedule. Rather, what you end up paying is determined based on your particular CRM needs.
Some of the primary factors that come into play here include: the required add-ons, your contract length, the number of users you intend to host, the add-ons required, and of course, the system configuration.
That said, you can expect to pay at least $129 per user per month for maintenance and support, all Oracle Database and application server operating system licenses, 100 MB of Oracle database file cabinet space, 1,200,000 campaign emails per year, 3,600,000 integrated mass merge emails per year, incentive management, basic CRM analytics, basic ERP and ecommerce capability, limited web hosting capability, mobile project tracking, partner relationship management with basic partner portal, partner relationship management with basic partner portal, customer support and service management, marketing automation, sales force automation, territory management, quotes/proposals, marketing automation integration, internal chat integration, document storage, task management, segmentation, lead scoring, email marketing, and a calendar/reminder system.
Ultimately, you get to subscribe to the CRM product for a predetermined period, after which you could proceed to renew or scale the package.

Who Should Consider Using NetSuite CRM Software?

Netsuite CRM is not only one of the best CRM software solutions, but it also happens to be among the most extensive customer relationship management systems.
Its sales force automation tools are intended to help you maximize your sales opportunities, while customer service management attempts to boost customer satisfaction through data-driven support. Marketing automation, on the other hand, is all about leveraging real-time insights to power automated campaigns for qualifying leads.
Then considering everything here runs on scalable enterprise-level cloud infrastructure, we can agree that Netsuite CRM is a specialized customer relationship management system for large businesses, enterprise teams, and B2B companies. It can comfortably host multiple departments at the same time, with each one leveraging a specific feature set.

How to Choose the Best CRM Software

Well, there you have it. The ultimate guide to 10 of the best CRM software in 2020.
A word of caution though. While each of these CRM solutions provides some of the best customer relationship management features, it would be unwise to pick one randomly.
And why is that so?
Well, as we’ve established, every single one of them is unique in its own sense. Hence, they’d have varying impacts on your business.
So, how exactly should you compare different options to choose the best CRM software?
The truth is, there’s no two ways about it. You have to systematically evaluate not just the pricing, but also the type of functionalities each tool offers.
And to help you with that, here are the main features you should focus on when it comes to customer relationship management systems:
  • Lead Management and Sales Management: The best CRM software products are capable of hunting for leads across multiple sources. They employ an omnichannel strategy that integrates several digital engagement channels to form seamless lead management and sales management platform.
Apart from emails, you should be able to tap into other popular channels like social media, web forms, inbound calls, text messages, etc. The specifics depend on what your target leads commonly use.
Then after lead generation, the CRM software should allow you to follow up all the way to the end of the customer lifecycle. That means applying different automated approaches while keeping tabs on every single prospect’s progress on the sales pipeline.
  • Marketing: Since customer relationships are nurtured through personalized engagements, the top CRM software happen to double up as digital marketing tools. The marketing functionalities here are used to reach out to leads, customers, plus prospects.
And when it comes to that, the best CRM software for your business should come with AI-driven marketing automation. Plus, the campaigns should be fully intertwined with your sales pipeline.
  • Workflows: Customer relationship management admittedly entails numerous stages and multiple intricate elements, which are best managed with project management tools.
Hence, the best CRM software usually provide dynamic project management capabilities through customizable workflows. This is where you get to streamline your sales pipelines accordingly while coordinating your sales teams, tracking progress, and organizing the corresponding entities.
  • Reports and Analytics: All things considered, customer relationship management is a data-driven process. The type of leads you go for, how you target them, and how you engage with them depends on the insights you’re able to gather about them. So, reports and analytics is one thing you cannot afford to compromise.
You should particularly prioritize CRM products that offer accurate real-time analytics about all your core engagement channels, marketing campaigns, sales pipeline, contact behaviors, as well as your team’s performance. That said, it would also be advisable to choose a software product that can further generate sales forecasting insights. This will help you identify the most promising sales opportunities.
  • Ecommerce: The best CRM software go beyond sales and marketing to focus on other closely-related ecommerce processes. Some platforms, for instance, supplement their core CRM functionalities with customer support tools, while others tend to lean towards team collaboration.
That said, you should choose the extra ecommerce functionalities based on your business setup, plus the specific entities you consider to be critical to your relationship with customers.
  • Integrations: At the end of the day, a customer relationship management tool forms just one part of the entire ecommerce ecosystem. So, a CRM software solution can only be a great fit for your business if it perfectly integrates with all your core systems. Plus, it should come with pre-built integrations for third-party applications you intend to use in our campaigns.
With that in mind, here are some of the questions you should ask yourself to analyze the suitability of each CRM software option:
  • What type of businesses does it target?
  • What types of automated marketing campaigns can you run and manage with the CRM software?
  • Is the sales pipeline customizable?
  • How’s the overall interface design? Is it easy to use and navigate? Does it offer any onboarding features?
  • How many team members can the CRM software host concurrently?
  • Does the CRM software integrate with your current ecommerce platform? How well does it work with other marketing tools?
  • Will you be able to identify the best deals to prioritize?
  • How many contacts and leads can the CRM tool hold? How many can you engage concurrently?
  • Does the CRM software offer comprehensive data protection? What other security features does it come with?
  • How much does the entire CRM system cost? Does it fit your budget?
  • What’s the possible ROI based on the value you get from the software? Are there any extra charges that you might incur along the way?
  • What do past and current users say about the software? Any notable negatives you can identify from the reviews?
Then to top it off, be sure to check out our unbiased reviews about various tools in this space. We’ve covered all the best CRM software solutions on the market in detail.
The post The Best CRM Software Guide (10 Top CRM Tools in 2020) appeared first on Ecommerce Platforms.
Catalin Zorzini / 2019-12-22 4 years ago / 未收藏/ ecommerce发送到 kindle
You know the drill. A customer stops by your store and tries to buy a product. They're pretty pumped about this new pair of shoes, completing a few hours of research and forking over a large chunk of money during the checkout process. Only one problem lurks in the shadows: The shoes are out of stock. Inventory management software could be the difference between losing customers for life and keeping people around for years to come.

Why? Because no one wants to come to your website and waste minutes, or even hours, considering an item that's not even available.
The same goes for you on the backend.
Inventory is your store's life force. If an item isn't available, or you fail to move a product through the proper logistical channels, you're bound to run into problems with both present and future customers.
That's where an inventory management software comes into play.
We've highlighted your best options below, with some of them offering full sales and inventory suites, while others providing simpler, more compact inventory management tools.
Editor's note: This post was originally published on October 14, 2016 and has completely revamped and updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

What is Inventory Management Software?

Inventory management is often a time-consuming and tedious process for many business owners. However, a software tool with the right features can help you to deal with some of the headaches and stress that inventory management can bring.
Whether you’re running an ecommerce website, a brick and mortar store, or a supermarket, you’re always going to need a way to keep track of your inventory. These tools are how you get an insight into every aspect of your products. What’s more, tracking the way that your inventory moves can also give you a better insight into your customers and what they want from your business too.
Inventory management software can come with a lot of common features, including:
  • Barcode scanners: To track and manage your products
  • Inventory optimization: To ensure that you always have the right amount of each product available for your customers
  • Stock notifications: Alerts that warn you when you’re over or under-stocking on a specific item according to defined thresholds.
  • Multi-location management: The option to manage a range of warehouses and point of sale systems at once.
  • Material grouping: Collect inventory into predefined categories so you can measure which products are most in demand.
  • Report generation: View a history of your sales, track your most popular product, and manage the items in your inventory that don’t reach expected sales levels
  • Purchase order records: Keep track of the items that you’re stocking, and where you’re getting those products from.
Ultimately, inventory management tools will allow you to track the goods across your business supply chain, so you can track everything from your sales orders, to your unique business needs. Some software solutions even come with integrations that connect to your offline barcoding strategy, your accounting system, and more.

Best Inventory Management Software

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution for the best inventory management solution. Depending on what you need from your inventory system, you could find that you even need to combine multiple tools into one back-end process.
To help you get started, here are a few of the most popular tools on the market.

Zoho Inventory Management

zoho inventory management homepage
Zoho Inventory Management is one of the best-known tools in the market, designed to help companies increase their sales, expand their business operations and more. Not only does Zoho Inventory help with things like managing your offline and orders, but it can also integrate with other tools in your sales strategy.
You can link Zoho to your Amazon, eBay and Shopify accounts, create purchase orders, manage drop shipments and more, all from within a single application. What’s more, there’s end-to-end tracking for every item in your inventory with serial number features and batch tracking. You can even choose from multiple shipping integrations to make sure that your items get to your customers as quickly as possible.
Zoho inventory even comes with advanced inventory management tools, such as access to accounting software and asset management tools to help you make more informed business decisions. If you’re looking for a complete software solutions for modern business owners, this could be it.

Quickbooks Inventory Management

quickbooks inventory
QuickBooks is another state-of-the-art inventory management tool that integrates seamlessly with Quickbooks accounting system. This means that you can track things like bill of materials, stock levels, and invoicing in the same convenient location.
The Quickbooks solution is a powerful inventory software solution that allows you to quickly and easily view the quantities that you have on hand of a particular piece of stock. You can also get real-time inventory valuations, and stay on top of your purchase orders from inside the same user-friendly customer interface. Quickbooks makes it incredibly easy to keep track of everything that you buy and sell. You can organize your products with unique images, and automatically calculate the cost of products using FIFO.
The QuickBooks inventory management solution is an intuitive tool, ideal for keeping track of inventory reports, product life cycle information and more.

Fishbowl Inventory

Fishbowl inventory might not be as well known as Zoho inventory or Quickbooks when it comes to asset management, FIFO tools, and accounting systems, but it’s gaining popularity quick. If you need an inventory management system that helps you to track inventory and assess your business needs, then Fishbowl could be it.
Whatever you want to accomplish with your business, Fishbowl is there to help, with everything from dropshipping tracking, to inventory data, barcoding, and other advanced features. What’s more, because this powerful software also integrates with some of the other most popular tools on the market you can get more done. For instance, you can integrate with Salesforce CRM, Quickbooks for accounting software, and ShipStation for shipping.
Fishbowl covers everything from manufacturing tools with work orders and asset management insights that are crucial to help smaller businesses grow, to asset tracking and warehousing. You can get real-time inventory updates, track your items by lot numbers, and monitor asset level in multiple locations at once.


Finally, whether you’re a smaller business, or an enterprise, Stitch Labs is all about making your life easier. This is a comprehensive software solution designed for tracking everything from invoicing, to on-premise orders, and inventory items. It offers the same kind of simplicity that Quickbooks users and Zoho customers would expect, with a user-friendly interface. What’s more, growing brands can use Stitch to sell their items flexibly and check stock levels quickly on multiple channels.
The customizable experience from Stitch Labs is great for companies that want to merchandise creatively with everything from pre-discounted inventory items, to loyalty programs and more. You’ll get complete control over your inventory system, without having to use time-consuming tools.
Stitch features order management solutions, B2B wholesale management, purchasing and replenishment features, and in-depth reporting and analytics. Whatever you need to figure out how you should be selling online, Stitch Labs is there to help.

Best Inventory Management Software for Ecommerce

Inventory Management Software: Seller Cloud

SellerCloud boasts a strong set of features, as it's one of the suites we were talking about above. With scheduled listings, shipment handling, inventory tracking, customer feedback management and product catalog building, you receive a little bit more than a regular inventory management app. The main reason we like Seller Cloud so much is because of its multitude of integrations. For example, you can connect with channels like Amazon and eBay, along with vendors, shopping carts, repricers, payment gateways and more.
inventory management software: seller-cloud
Since we're mainly focusing on inventory management for this article, let's take a look at some of the core features. To start, you can keep your inventory in-sync throughout all platforms, and the system allows for multi-warehouse management solutions. There's a tool for reserving certain inventory for deals and channels, while all vendor feeds are updated with changes with your inventory. Low stock alerts are sent to you, just in case you'd like to send out a new order. Finally, inventory tracking is packaged in for both you and the customer.

Inventory Management Software for Ecommerce: Channel Advisor

Channel Advisor is yet another ecommerce suite filled with products for bringing in new customers, managing inventory, handling social commerce and expanding your product intelligence. The Channel Advisor software assists companies that would like to get products posted all over the internet, without adding too much work into the process. For example, Channel Advisor has a digital marketing “channel,” in which all of your products are distributed on places like Google. Bing, Yahoo Facebook.
inventory management software: channel-advisor
The system then moves onto marketplaces. So, for example, it would ensure that all of your items are stocked and ready to sell on sites like Amazon, Walmart, Sears and eBay. After that, Channel Advisor has features for gaining insights and understanding whether people are buying certain products online or offline. This product data is turned into insights for better establishing how you're going to improve your conversions over time. Once you take a look at it, most of the products inside the suite are solely dedicated to your inventory, making it one of the top choices out there.

Inventory Management Software for Ecommerce: nChannel

nChannel is a cloud-based multichannel platform that connects your sales channels with your fulfillment channels. It integrates front-end sales channels like Shopify, Magento, Bigcommerce, Amazon, and eBay with your back-end systems such as NetSuite, MS Dynamics GP, NAV, and RMS. Through integration of your systems, nChannel centralizes inventory, order, and product information management into one place.

This inventory management software ensures you don't oversell by updating inventory levels in real-time across all your sales channels as orders are placed. It also automatically sends online order information back to your fulfillment system to ensure your orders are fulfilled quickly and accurately. Overall, these components help you create a better customer experience. Customers will know when inventory is available and the status of their order. If you're serious about multichannel, then nChannel helps you overcome those complexities.

Inventory Management Software: TradeGeko

TradeGeko inventory management
The TradeGeko Platform lets commerce brands manage their retail and wholesale operations and applications from a single, central system. Its core capabilities and extensive app ecosystem, provide businesses with the ability to easily automate order workflows, increasing operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. It helps you manage multiple sales channels (including Shopify, Amazon, WooCommerce, Wayfair, and more), fulfillment locations, expedite payments, create private B2B eCommerce experiences for wholesale customers and seamlessly automate the connection between systems across multiple channels.
TradeGecko was designed for operations, eCommerce and supply chain professionals looking to automate their business, effectively freeing their time from repetitive, low-level tasks that are prone to human error and inefficiency. It allows you to spend more time on building on customer relationships and growing your business.
TradeGecko is perfect for small and medium businesses, and its Founder plan starts from $39/month.

Inventory Management Software: Katana

Unlike most of the inventory management tools we’ve already featured, Katana tends to focus entirely on small manufacturers. It’s a dynamic online-based software that helps small and medium-sized factories manage their operations through holistic inventory control, as well as production scheduling and planning.
That said, smart management of raw materials and finished goods is the principal function here. And to facilitate that, Katana compiles data about product recipes, sales and purchase orders, warehouse statuses, product operations, manufacturing orders, and materials, through an intuitive dashboard for convenient and easy tracking of all the critical processes.
One thing you’d particularly enjoy here is seamless transitions between information spreadsheets, as well as integrations with a host of business platforms. When it comes to online selling, for instance, you can comfortably embed your Katana system with the likes of WooCommerce and Shopify. Then when you need to keep track of your payment information, stock, purchase orders, and accounting, QuickBooks and Xero integrations come in handy.

Inventory Management Software: 4PSite

The 4PSite software is a multi-channel and cloud-based order and inventory management program, and it connects with some of the most popular ecommerce platforms such as Bigcommerce, Magento, Shopify and Volusion. In addition, you can connect your inventory and make sales through marketplaces like eBay, Amazon, Rakuten, Etsy and Newegg. This is an entirely web-based inventory management center, so you only have to open up one dashboard for all of these platforms and marketplaces. For example, you could check the availability of a product in real time, as a customer is placing it in their shopping cart.
inventory management software: 4psite
Quite a few features are packaged into the 4PSite software. To start, customers will never make an order on a product that is already out of stock. You get barcodes and cost tracking, along with searching, filtering and bundles. The inventory overview module is useful for forecasting, while the shipping management integrates right into the system. Inventory forecasting is a huge bonus, and you can always go in there to manage reorders and suppliers. With solid optimization, inventory reports and QuickBooks integration, 4PSite allows your business to have accurate unit counts, and it makes purchasing quick and easy.

Inventory Management Software: Dear Systems

Dear Systems is primarily for small businesses, making it a little cheaper and more manageable than some of the other inventory management solutions we've talked about so far. The main feature you'll want to look at for ecommerce is the way it lets you sell and manage through multiple sales channels. Manufacturing, purchasing, sales, accounting and inventory management is all wrapped into the software, bringing about a nicely integrated suite.
In terms of the inventory management tools, you gain access to product families, or variations of the same product with different SKUs. You'll also find options for loading products from your online shop, along with multi-warehouse management. The barcode scanning streamlines and automates the entire inventory management process, while the numerous integrations with platforms like Shopify, eBay and WooCommerce come in handy as well.

Inventory Management Software: StitchLabs

Along with integrations with platforms like Magento, WooCommerce, Shopify and Amazon, the StitchLabs inventory software has a nice set of primary features. For example, you get full inventory control with a beautiful dashboard and impressive insights. The cross-departmental unification allows your team to collaborate, while the multi-channel inventory module is completely automated.
This inventory management software is designed for you to accurately forecast and act when the demand changes. We also like that it integrates with QuickBooks, considering your books are going to thank you at the end of the year because of the real-time inventory tracking.

Best Inventory Management Software for Small Businesses

As a smaller business, the inventory management system that you need might be very different to the kind of software solution that a larger brand is looking for. You might need more help with things like dropshipping, and less support with things like barcode scanning and work orders.
Fortunately, whatever the key features are for your asset management tool, there are tools out there for all company sizes. Some of the most popular inventory management software for smaller organizations include:


Veeqo is an all-in-one software solution that helps small businesses to keep track of things like inventory management, orders and shipping. Because you get everything that you need to grow your company in one user-friendly back-end, it’s much easier to help your brand grow quickly.
With Veeqo, business owners can access a multi-channel inventory management platform that integrates with up to 16 different channels. There’s also support for multiple warehouses, returns and wholesale orders, and in-depth revenue reports. Veeqo provides state-of-the-art solutions for picking and packing, with barcode scanner picking included. There’s also support for up to 21 different shipping order integrations.
If you’re not sure whether the Veeqo software is right for you, then you can always start with a free trial too.


Odoro is another sensational tool designed to reduce the time-consuming process of running your business. This asset tracking tool comes with plenty of advanced features for kitting out smaller businesses. Inside this software, you’ll find everything you need to run a comprehensive business, including the option to batch-print shipping labels with a couple of clicks. You can also secure the most cost-effective shipping rates with huge USPS discounts.
You can plug Ordoro into each of your sales channels, assign barcodes to SKUs and issue unique purchase orders when your product levels start to get low. Ordoro will even automatically sync and track your inventory updates for you.
Ordoro is particularly useful for businesses with an interest in dropshipping, because it supports the routing of dropshipping requests for vendors, and allows dropshippers to fulfil their orders within a unique vendor portal.


CIN7 is another fantastic way to save time inventory managing and creating inventory reports. This compelling inventory management solution will help you to track your product life cycles quickly and effectively, and ensure that you always reorder your most valuable products before they run out of stock.
CIN7 simplifies the process for connected inventory management, allowing smaller and growing brands to sell more products to customers all around the world. There’s a free trial to help get you started, and once you log in, you’ll find a complete inventory management environment, where you can keep stock in line with your orders across every location and stock channel. CIN7 also comes with access to a host of point of sale integrations, warehouse management tools and unique features for automation too.
With CIN7 you can centralize everything from order workflows, to inventory assets, stock locations and different sales channels in a single solution.

Other Top Choices for Inventory Management

Just as there’s no one-size-fits-all solution for accounting systems, or enterprise resource planning, there’s no ultimate best inventory management software that will work for every business. The tool that’s best for you will be dependant on the kind of business that you run, as well as a multitude of other factors.
The good news? There are a lot of excellent inventory management tools out there for companies with specific requirements too. For instance, if you’re looking for a piece of inventory software that will streamline your restaurant, Shopify or WooCommerce experience, try these options:

Best Inventory Management Software for Restaurants

Currently, the best inventory management and POS system available for restaurants has to be the solution that comes from Lightspeed. This industry-leading software is specifically designed for the hectic restaurant environment, allowing business owners to quickly and seamlessly manage their business from a single location.
Lightspeed comes with access to customizable floor plans, multiple menu management tools, timed events, workflow strategies, and staff management applications. What’s more, you can access the same tools that you need to keep your restaurant running, regardless of whether you’re working online or offline.
Lightspeed even offers tableside ordering, where you can assign specific orders to tables or seats, and send orders to the kitchen or bar when necessary.

The Best Inventory Management Software for Shopify

There are a lot of excellent inventory management solutions out there that are specifically designed to hook up with your Shopify store. However, one of our favorite options has to be the Katana for Shopify app. This is a software solution designed specifically for Shopify order management if you’re a product-making business.
Katana is an accredited Shopify partner – so you know you’re getting a top-of-the-line experience. This order management system will help you to track your sales, orders, and inventory, ensuring that you always have the environment you need in place for profits.
Katana features an automatic booking engine, a complete sales fulfillment syncing portal, and a host of smooth production processes to keep your team running smoothly. Katana is extra useful if you’re in the manufacturing business, as it helps to keep complex processes as simple as possible.

The Best Inventory Management Software for WooCommerce

So we have an excellent inventory management software for Shopify – but what if you prefer to use WooCommerce for WordPress? Well, tools like Veeqo are great for use with WooCommerce, but there are also a range of other plugins that you can explore too. One of the most popular multi-channel inventory management tools from WooCommerce is TradeGecko.
TradeGecko continuously and seamlessly makes stock adjustments, stock updates and purchase orders to suit the needs of your store. The inventory management tools sync with your sale strategies across multiple channels. There are even mobile apps available for your Android and iOS phones so you can manage your products and orders anywhere.
TradeGecko gives you all of the tools you need to manage a wholesale business, by creating a wholesale list of prices for your products too. The whole experience is exceptionally user-friendly, and the smooth integration with WooCommerce just makes life a lot easier.

Over to You

If you're running a small business, I would highly recommend Dear Systems. Other than that, it's completely up to you when deciding which of the best inventory management software to go with. If you've had any experience with any of the tools above, feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.
The post Best Inventory Management Software (December 2019) appeared first on Ecommerce Platforms.
Everett Griffiths / 2019-12-23 4 years ago / 未收藏/ Telerik Blogs发送到 kindle
In this post, I'll provide a contextual overview of WebAssembly and its role in transforming web development.
You may be wary to paw through another article heralded by a headline announcing some mastermind solution to a problem so complex its nuances mere mortals can barely grasp. Christen the technology with an unpronounceable acronym and we have all the makings for a Wagnerian opera (or a technical sketch comedy, I can’t tell which). Like those fat-lady musical dramas, these long-winded articles usually require translation, program notes and three operas worth of backstory just to make sense of the thing. Reading about WebAssembly feels like watching the season finale of Game of Thrones without having seen any of the previous episodes.
So let’s try to keep things practical for our dark horse protagonist and focus on answering three questions: 1) What is WebAssembly (Wasm)? 2) How does it compare to Docker? and 3) How does this all relate to Atwood’s law? You should leave this Wagnerian saga with the equivalent of a couple tunes in your head.


Perhaps the easiest way to think about WebAssembly is that it offers a way to take code written in programming languages other than JavaScript and run it within a web browser. The initial focus was on C/C++, but many languages are now getting onto the Wasm bandwagon. WebAssembly whispers in your ear the same alluring “write once, run anywhere” seduction that Java did (right before it poisoned your programmatic dreams with memory leaks). But there is some hope shining through the pessimism that WebAssembly may finally deliver on those promises because the kingdom of geeks is already way ahead of us: all major browsers offer basic support for WebAssembly! (Apologies to Internet Explorer.)
That “write once, run anywhere” prophecy can be fulfilled because WebAssembly is a compilation target. If you think of an internet browser as something of a virtual machine, then you can think of compiling code for that virtual machine in the same way you might compile code for machines with 32- or 64-bit architectures. Admittedly, that comparison isn’t 100% technically correct, but it’s easier to understand than the long-winded discussion of how compilers work. WebAssembly is an assembly language for a “conceptual machine” — a sort of simplified and abstracted way of thinking generally about all the machines that it might run on, and aren’t all problems in computing solved by some layer of abstraction?
Wasm does not require a separate container engine to run, so it does not have the additional performance overhead that a container or virtual machine layer might introduce. And that brings us to the next critical point: The execution of Wasm code can be very fast, running at near native speeds.
So what does that get us? First, this setup provides us with some diversity — JavaScript still gets used to interface with the WebAssembly modules and talk to a webpage via the DOM, but it no longer reigns supreme as the de facto ruler of the web. Secondly, by opening up the door to lower-level languages, your applications can make sensible tradeoffs, e.g. they can hand things over to WebAssembly when computationally heavy operations are required.
Admittedly, there aren’t many homesteaders out there on the WebAssembly frontier: Changes this fundamental will take a while to gain traction, but the future looks promising. Games have been ported (e.g. Doom3, and many others written in Unity) and some desktop applications too (e.g. Autocad). Even if you don’t want to write your own WebAssembly modules, you may want your web applications to leverage WebAssembly packages, available via the WebAssembly package manager (wapm). Ever wanted to do things like client-side image sizing or video editing? There are WebAssembly packages for those, but we’re getting ahead of ourselves…

WebAssembly and Docker

Maybe Wagner and George R. R. Martin were right… maybe you do need to keep introducing more characters to tell your story. The average discussion of WebAssembly doesn’t mention Docker, so we are really going into the deep plot of this tech opera, but now that you understand a bit of what WebAssembly is and does, I challenge you to unsee its similarity with Docker.
Like WebAssembly, Docker provides a sandboxed environment to run your application code. Like WebAssembly, you can package your applications written in any language into a container for simpler deployment. Like WebAssembly, Docker provides a kind of common currency so that various players can collaborate within a system. They are distinct technologies accomplishing different goals, but they are like armies allied against a common enemy.
Still not convinced? Consider the words of Solomon Hykes, the founder of Docker:
Dobrinka Yordanova / 2019-12-23 4 years ago / 未收藏/ Telerik Blogs发送到 kindle

Need to generate Docx, HTML, RTF or PDF documents in your Xamarin App? Telerik UI for Xamarin has a solution for you - our new WordsProcessing library.


It has never been easier to generate, modify and export a document in your mobile application! The RadWordsProcessing library enables you to easily generate and export documents in various formats, including:

  • PDF
  • Docx
  • RTF
  • HTML
  • Plain text

The library comes in handy all cases where document or PDF generation is needed, such as PDF invoice generation for an e-commerce app, or to serve the user with a filled application form in Docx format.

With our document processing library you can quickly access each element in a given document, modify, remove it or add a new one. Additionally, the generated content can be saved as a stream, file, or send to the client browser.

In this blog post, we will familiarize you with the RadWordsProcessing structure and the features it provides.

WordsProcessing Structure

The document model of RadWordsProcessing for Xamarin includes all necessary elements and features of a document, including:
  • Sections that can be customized using the properties exposed by the corresponding class. Headers, footers, and watermarks for a section can be customized as well.
  • Paragraphs whose properties and methods enable you to change its collection of inlines and appearance.
  • Tables equipped with an API, allowing you to easily insert, edit, and remove from the document. Their rows, cells, appearance, and content are also flexible, with various changes and manipulations possible.
  • Inlines, including Runs, Images, as well as inline and floating images, Fields, Breaks, Bookmarks, Hyperlinks and Tab stops.
  • Styles: the documents processing model includes a repository of Style objects containing sets of character, paragraph or table style properties. Additionally, you can create custom styles and use them throughout the document.

Supported Formats

In addition to the smooth creation, modification, import and export of files, RadWordsProcessing gives you the ability to convert between variety of formats - convert Docx to PDF or HTML to Docx in your Xamarin apps. The currently supported formats are Docx, RTF, HTML, PDF and plain text.

The processing library doesn’t need any external dependencies in order to convert documents from/to the supported formats - the document model is UI-independent and can be used on both server and client-side.


In addition to being able to create, modify, and export a document, RadWordsProcessing has some additional sweet features, including:
  • Inline & floating images: support for inline & floating images for the most popular formats, including support for working with image properties such as Source, Size, Flip, Rotation, AspectRatio, etc.
  • Bookmarks & hyperlinks: enable your users to easily navigate a document with bookmarks and hyperlinks
  • Watermarks: identify document status or mark it as confidential with watermarks
  • Create documents in different file formats, for example:

    generate documents
private RadFlowDocument CreateDocument()
RadFlowDocument document = new RadFlowDocument();
RadFlowDocumentEditor editor = new RadFlowDocumentEditor(document);
editor.ParagraphFormatting.TextAlignment.LocalValue = Alignment.Justified;
editor.InsertLine("Dear Telerik User,");
editor.InsertText("We’re happy to introduce the new Telerik RadWordsProcessing component for Xamarin Forms. High performance library that enables you to read, write and manipulate documents in DOCX, RTF and plain text format. The document model is independent from UI and ");
Run run = editor.InsertText("does not require");
run.Underline.Pattern = UnderlinePattern.Single;
editor.InsertLine(" Microsoft Office.");
editor.InsertText("The current community preview version comes with full rich-text capabilities including ");
editor.InsertText("bold, ").FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold;
editor.InsertText("italic, ").FontStyle = FontStyles.Italic;
editor.InsertText("underline,").Underline.Pattern = UnderlinePattern.Single;
editor.InsertText(" font sizes and ").FontSize = 20;
editor.InsertText("colors ").ForegroundColor = GreenColor;
editor.InsertLine("as well as text alignment and indentation. Other options include tables, hyperlinks, inline and floating images. Even more sweetness is added by the built-in styles and themes.");
editor.InsertText("Here at Telerik we strive to provide the best services possible and fulfill all needs you as a customer may have. We would appreciate any feedback you send our way through the ");
editor.InsertHyperlink("public forums", "http://www.telerik.com/forums", false, "Telerik Forums");
editor.InsertLine(" or support ticketing system.");
editor.InsertLine("We hope you’ll enjoy RadWordsProcessing as much as we do. Happy coding!");
editor.InsertText("Kind regards,");
return document;
  • Easily Find all instances of a string And Replace it with another through the ReplaceText() method of the RadFlowDocumentEditor.
private void ReplaceText()
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.findWhat))
RadFlowDocumentEditor editor = new RadFlowDocumentEditor(this.replacedDocument);
if (this.useRegex)
Regex oldTextRegex = new Regex(this.findWhat);
editor.ReplaceText(oldTextRegex, this.replaceWith);
editor.ReplaceText(this.findWhat, this.replaceWith, this.matchCase, this.matchWholeWord);

The full demo project can be found here.

  • Insert Documents at a Specific Position using the InsertDocument() method.
  • Merge two RadFlowDocument instance using the Merge() method.
RadFlowDocument target = new RadFlowDocument();
RadFlowDocument source = new RadFlowDocument();
// target will contain merged content and styles.
Here the document you wish to add content to is called target and the document from which you wish to take the content is called source.
Export documents in different formats:
export documents

Tell Us What You Think

Have we caught your interest with the new RadWordsProcessing library for Xamarin.Forms and its features? You can find various demos of the processing library in our Telerik UI for Xamarin Demo application.
I hope that this information will get you started with the processing library— as always, any feedback on it is highly appreciated. If you have any ideas for features, not hesitate to share this information with us on our Telerik Document Processing Feedback Portal.
If this is the first time you're hearing about Telerik UI for Xamarin, you can find more information about it on our website or dive right into a free 30-day trial today.

Happy coding with our controls!

Marin Bratanov / 2019-12-23 4 years ago / 未收藏/ Telerik Blogs发送到 kindle

The WASM Flavor

Before I add the links to the code examples, I need to mention the Client-side (WASM) flavor. At the time of writing, there seems to be no standard or recommended way to set the thread culture and to localize such an app.
Don’t despair, it is not yet official, and besides - there are some sample solutions online (such as using JS Interop to get the current browser culture while initializing the app and to set the thread culture) and I will leave the exact architecture choice to you. We just have to wait and see what the future will bring.
What pertains to the examples we prepared is that while in a server-side Blazor app .resx files will work out-of-the-box, this is not the case with a WASM app. So, we prepared an example that lets you reuse .resx files in a client-side (WASM) Blazor app as well.

Finally, Code Time

Here are the links you need:

What’s Next

Localization is only one part of globalizing an app, and using date and number format strings to match the culture of the user is also very important. The user would like to see their own currency marker, the decimal separators they are used to, the date formats, month and day names they know. And they will demand it from your app, so we will provide this for you. We are working on format support as I am writing this post, and it will be available in our next release – 2.5.0. Stay tuned!

Download Telerik UI for Blazor 2.4.0

See how much better your app will look and how much happier your users will be once you enable them to select their preferred language. Download the latest 2.4.0 version of Telerik UI for Blazor Native Components from the Telerik UI for Blazor page.
Happy Blazor Coding!
Rahul / 2019-12-15 4 years ago / 未收藏/ tecadmin发送到 kindle
This tutorial will help you to log all the disconnected remote sessions on the Windows system. This tutorial has been tested with Windows Server 2019. Setup First of all, open the ‘Group Policy Editor‘ on your server. Start run window by pressing “Win + R” and type gpedit.msc on run window. Then navigate to the […]
The post Automatically Log off Disconnected User Sessions on Windows appeared first on TecAdmin.
2019-12-23 4 years ago / 未收藏/ cddual发送到 kindle
China has issued a guideline to reduce the burden of teachers at primary and secondary schools, and create a good environment for education. The guideline asks relevant authorities to simplify the data reporting from primary and secondary schools, prevent repeated reports, and improve the management of databases with advanced technologies including artificial intelligence.


The CPC and society should promote the social norms of respecting teachers and valuing education, and enhance the political, social, and professional status of teachers so that they can enjoy their due social prestige and make greater contributions to the cause of the Party and the people by imparting knowledge and educating people.

school discipline

campus safety

professional ethics of teachers

2019-12-23 4 years ago / 未收藏/ cddual发送到 kindle
1 2 3 4 Next   >>|
2019-12-23 4 years ago / 未收藏/ cddual发送到 kindle
A Virginian biochemist has been named winner of Miss America 2020 after performing a live science experiment that defied stereotypes of the contest.
stereotype [ˈsteriətaɪp]:n.陈腔滥调,老套;成见
Camille Schrier defeated 50 women to take the crown at Thursday's final in Uncasville, Connecticut.
Wearing a lab coat, the 24-year-old impressed judges with a chemistry demonstration in the talent show.
Ms Schrier won a $50,000 scholarship and a one-year role as Miss America.
In her acceptance speech, Ms Schrier said she hoped to "break stereotypes about what it means to be a Miss America in 2020".
Ms Schrier has two undergraduate science degrees and is studying a doctorate in pharmacy at Virginia Commonwealth University.
She reportedly told the celebrity panel, comprised of Kelly Rowland, Queer Eye's Karamo Brown and Superstore actress Lauren Ash, that "Miss America is someone who needs to educate".
In her role as Miss America, Ms Schrier will spend a year advocating for Mind Your Meds, a drug safety and prevention programme.
作为“美国小姐”, 施里尔将用一年的时间来宣传“关注药物”活动,该活动致力于倡导药物安全和防止滥用。
Ms Schrier's victory is expected to be viewed as another progressive step away from Miss America's traditional beauty contest format.
Since 2018 the competition has attempted to re-brand its image, scrapping its swimwear segment and appearance-based judging criteria.
Instead, contenders showcase their talents and are interviewed about their passion, intelligence and understanding of the Miss America role.
"We will no longer judge our candidates on their outwards, physical appearance. That's huge," said former Miss America winner Gretchen Carlson, who announced the reforms in 2018.
Organisers say the changes have encouraged more young women to participate.
Earlier this year Ms Schrier, a self-confessed "quirky scientist", told the BBC she wanted to "break people's stereotypes" of those competing for the Miss America title.
She said her science experiment - the catalytic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide - was a "big factor" in her winning Miss Virginia in June this year.
While acknowledging there was still "controversy" over these types of competitions, Ms Schrier said Miss America has "re-branded" and was being more "progressive" by focusing more on women's achievements than appearances.
2019-12-23 4 years ago / 未收藏/ cddual发送到 kindle
“Stability” was chosen as the hottest Chinese character related to domestic topics this year, while the phrase that swept the country was “me and my motherland”.

The hottest character related to international topics was “difficulty”, and the hottest phrase related to international topics in 2019 was “trade frictions”.

The campaign received thousands of suggestions from netizens nationwide since it started on Nov 20.

Many of the submissions related to domestic and international issues, but the dominant influencing factor was the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China in October.


我和我的祖国 me and my motherland
金色十年 golden decade
学习强国 study to make our country stronger
中美经贸磋商 China-US trade talks
最美奋斗者 the most outstanding contributors
硬核 hardcore
垃圾分类 garbage sorting
先行示范区 pilot demonstration area
基层减负年 the year to reduce burdens on community-level officials
我太南了 What am I supposed to do?


夜经济 nighttime economy
5G元年 epoch-making year for 5G
极限施压 exert maximum pressure
止暴制乱 bring violence and chaos to an end
接诉即办 handling a complaint upon receipt
夸夸群 praise group
基层减负年 the year to reduce burdens on community-level officials
冰墩墩/雪容融 Bing Dwen Dwen/Shuey Rhon Rhon
杀猪盘 pig-butchering scam/romance scam
乡字号/土字号 bucolic brands/agriculture business names


不忘初心 remain true to the original aspiration
道路千万条,安全第一条 On countless roads ahead, safety comes first.
柠檬精 green with envy
好嗨哟 be so high/get really high
是个狼人 someone is a badass/crackerjack
雨女无瓜 none of your business
硬核 hardcore
996 the 996 work schedule
14亿护旗手 1.4 billion guardians of the national flag
断舍离 simplifying life


(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)
2019-12-23 4 years ago / 未收藏/ cddual发送到 kindle
This photo shows high-sugar food and drinks. [Photo/IC]
>Sugar causes depression

If you've been feeling especially blue, a new study suggests getting those visions of sugar plums out of your head.

Researchers at the University of Kansas say that the added sugars found in virtually all holiday sweets can induce inflammatory and neurobiological processes that are connected to depression and negative feelings.

Seasonal-depression and winter-depression symptoms will push individuals to eat more sweets.

This will, in turn, only create a vicious cycle of feeling down and eating sweets to feel better, only to end up feeling even worse.

Researchers said the inflammation caused by excess sugar is the number one contributor to depressive thoughts.

They recommend non-processed foods, particularly those rich in plant-based and Omega-3 fatty acids, in order to combat depression on a dietary level.

>Smith most common last name

"Smith" is still the most commonly used surname in every English-speaking country around the globe, a study has found.

Lending firm NetCredit has researched the world's most common family names by country by charting its usage in a series of maps.

The maps show that Smith is still the most frequently used surname in the US, the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

The name "Smith" originates as an Anglo-Saxon term for a metal worker or blacksmith.

Some reports put the very first use of surnames as early as 2852 BC in China.

In China, one in every 13 people have "Wang" as their second name.

In South Korea, one in five are named "Kim", and in Vietnam, 25% of people are named "Nguyen".

The most prevalent surname in South America is "Gonzalez" which derives itself from a Spanish name, originating in the German word for "battle".

Men on construction site during daytime [Photo/Pexels]
>First 3D-printed neighborhood

A giant 3D printer built two houses in an impoverished, rural part of Mexico last week, breaking ground on what will be the first 3D-printed neighborhood in the world.

The poor families live in a seismic zone that's prone to flooding in the state of Tabasco, Mexico.

Building something that will withstand an earthquake and keep them dry during heavy rains was a key consideration when it came to the design.

A nonprofit called New Story paired up with a construction technology company that developed Vulcan II, the 3D-printing robotics being used on the project.
非营利组织"新故事"和一家建筑技术公司展开合作,后者开发了用于该项目的名为"Vulcan II"的3D打印机器人。

The 33-foot printer pipes out a concrete mix that hardens when it dries, building the walls one layer at a time.

It takes several days to build two houses at the same time.

The concrete mix is sturdier than traditional concrete. The foundation is reinforced to withstand seismic activity.

Developers hope to build 50 new houses by the end of 2020, replacing structures residents built themselves out of wood, metal and whatever materials they could afford.

Costa Venezia cruise ship [Photo/SIPA]
>Air quality worst on cruise

The level of pollution on some cruise ship is worse than in the world's most polluted cities like Delhi, an investigation on Britain's biggest crew operator P&O Cruises has found.

The investigation found one cruise ship can emit as much particulate matter as 1m cars in a day.

The air on the deck downwind of the ship's funnels had 84,000 particulates per cu cm, according to data from particle counter.

Directly next to the funnels on the deck, the numbers rocketed to 144,000 with a peak at 226,000.

Passengers are likely to be breathing some of these particulates, which are harmful for health and the environment.

"Short term exposure can cause increasing respiratory symptoms. People who are asthmatic for example, that might give them a wheeze. Similarly for people with cardiovascular disease," an expert said.

Find more audio news on the China Daily app.

2019-12-23 4 years ago / 未收藏/ cddual发送到 kindle
2017,扎心扎到心坎上,这种被刺痛的感觉,英文可以用sting,例:His words stung her.(他的话刺痛了她。)“扎心了,老铁”英文可以说:My heart was pricked, Laotie.当然,表示“使痛心”、“使受伤”,形容被别人深深伤害到,还可以用大家最熟悉的hurt。表示“触及要害”、“刺到痛处”,还可以用cut sb to the quick来表达,如:Your heartless comments cut me to the quick.(你那番无心的话深深刺痛到了我。)
2019,我太难了!生活中处处可能会碰上难处,英文up against something表示碰上(麻烦),如:I am up against some serious problems.(我碰上一些很难办的事儿。)面对压力山大的挑战,或许也会疲惫不堪,十分糟糕,英文就是be the worse for wear。如:You were the worse for wear last night.(你昨晚看上去整个人都不好了。)而表示自己被难倒了,还可以说be stumped,如:I'm completely stumped.(我完全被难倒了。)
2017,大家还在疯狂打call(beat a call),原本它表示为了台上爱豆呼喊、挥动荧光棒的喝彩,到生活中泛指对某人的喜爱与应援,打call引申为“为……欢呼”,英文还可以说to cheer for/on someone。
2019, 神仙操作“夸夸群”,在群里,无论发什么都会收到别人的夸奖和赞扬,心情不好的时候也能收到安慰。为周围的人送上赞美之词,英文可以选用out of sight形容特别棒,实在是牛得没边儿了。例:You are out of sight!(你太牛了!)而be (really) something也可以用来表示让人刮目相看,了不起。例:Imagine winning an Olympic medal—now that would be something.(想象一下,赢得奥运奖牌——那可是了不起啊。)

“怼”用来表示故意找茬、反抗、反对等意思。英文可以说pick on sb,例如:Why are you picking on me?(你干吗怼我?)这种言语上的攻击,英文还可以说lash out、bash或者slam。

2019,说到“盘”这个词,大家都会想到“盘核桃”、“盘保健球”这个动作,英文可以用rotate来表示。而如果既想表达“盘”这个动作,又想显示出“喜爱”心情,stroke也是一个不错的选择,如:She gave the cat a stroke.(她抚摸了一下猫咪。)有的时候,越盘越上瘾,以至于无法自拔,英文还可以说,be crazy about sth, be fascinated by sth或者be/get addicted to sth。
2017,你或许会陷入尬聊(awkward chat),说到“尴尬”,大家都会想到embarrass,意思是“使尴尬”,例:I was embarrassed by his comments about my clothes.(他对我衣服的那番评论很让我尴尬。)形容词embarrassing表示“令人尴尬的”。名词embarrassment意为“尴尬;窘迫”。除了embarrass, egg on one's face可以表示“丢脸”、“难堪”;not know where to put yourself指的是觉得手足无措,不知该怎样是好;而make sb look bad也是表达让人看起来很糟糕、难堪。
2019,一句“雨女无瓜”,拒绝所有无效社交。None of one's business这个短语指的是“不关某人的事”,另一个短语mind one’s own business也就是“管好自己的事,别多管闲事”;表示“没有权利过问或做某事”,英文还可以说have no business doing sth。口语中表示“多管闲事”还可以说:stick one’s oar in sth或者poke/stick one’s nose into sth。Never you mind则表示不关你的事,用不着你多问。
2017,受不了“戏精”,drama queen指的是为一点儿小事却反应夸张,“小题大做的人”。Comedian“喜剧演员”还有一种反讽的含义,指那些自认为自己很搞笑,其实并不搞笑的人。Bighead意思是“自命不凡的人”,例:He's always boasting. He's such a bighead!(他老是吹牛。真是自负的家伙!)
2019,受不了“杠精”,英文里“杠精”也可以说argumentative person。抬杠还可用argue for the sake of arguing来表示。
2017,小伙伴们嘴边挂着太多惊喜与意外,英文除了surprise,还可以用Shock, horror!来表示好怕怕啊~说这话时你其实一点儿也不怕,只不过假装因为看到听到某件事儿感到惊呆。而Don't believe it英文你也可以用来直白地表示很惊喜很意外,哎,简直不能信啊……
2019,来不及想太多,买它!又到了剁手的时刻,“花大钱”英文可以说blow big bucks on;pay good money也是表示“花好多钱、一大笔钱”。Throw money around,四处扔钱,看来是钱没有花到该花的地方,意思是花钱不走心,大手大脚。例:He lost his job, but still seems to have plenty of money to throw around.(他丢了工作,可是看上去还是有好多钱可以随便花。)
2017,可劲嘲讽油腻的中年大叔,“油腻”英文可以说oily,比如油性皮肤(oily skin)。此外,greasy也可以形容油腻。不过greasy或者oily只表达“油多”,缺失了“使人不想吃”的意思。Greasy或者oily还有一种解释:very friendly and polite in a way that is unpleasant and not sincere,也就是油滑,虚伪,跟油腻不太一样。所以,准确一些的译法或许是unpleasantly greasy,也就是油得令人不舒服。
2019,自己已经感觉到渐渐消失的发际线,英文hairless表示“无毛的”、“头秃的”。而“脱发”则可以说hair loss。有些人发量本来就少,英文可以用thin来形容头发稀疏。“头秃”还可以直接说thin on top或者bald,“地中海”的英文还可以说vertex baldness。
2019,身边的朋友一个个结婚生子,单身的我们酸了酸了……俗话说“吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸”,英文里也可以用“酸葡萄”sour grapes来表达这样的心理。说到“酸”英文里还是这个词很常用,be jealous of sb/sth表示“嫉妒某人或某物”,而out of jealousy则表示“出于嫉妒”。Green-eyed或者green with envy也可以用来表示羡慕嫉妒恨。
2017,我们一起撸起袖子加油干(we roll up our sleeves and work with added energy),2019,我们仍是那个怀揣着梦想的追梦人(dream chaser)!
(来源:21世纪英文报;综合来源:新华社、人民日报、央视新闻、新浪微博、China Daily)
2019-12-22 4 years ago / 未收藏/ cddual发送到 kindle
On Thursday, the forthcoming animated film JiangZiya: Legend of Deification, the follow-up of this year's highest-grossing hit Ne Zha, released its first trailer. As the latest installment of the so-called "Fengshen Cinematic Universe", the film has stirred a sensation online.
The film is adapted from the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) novel Fengshen Yanyi (Investiture of the Gods). Jiang Ziya is depicted as a 72-year-old man who decides to assist the ruler of Xiqi kingdom to turn over the tyranny of Emperor Zhou. But in the trailer of the new film, Jiang looks much younger. He looks like a middle-aged man who insists on following his heart despite having a complex past.
Earlier this week, director Wuershan's live-action epic Fengshen Trilogy also announced the cast of two new roles, respectively actor Chen Kun as Yuanshi Tianzu and actress Yuan Quan as Queen Jiang. Before that, several major roles were also revealed, such as actor Huang Bo as Jiang Ziya, Kris Phillips as King Yinshou.
Besides, actor Liuxiao Lingtong will reportedly join hands with actor Ma Dehua to reprise their most classic roles — the Monkey King and Zhu Bajie — in the new movie Journey to the West. They will lend their faces for the motion-capture cinematography.
Currently, China has the world's most theater screens and is the world's second-largest movie market in terms of annual box office receipts. The rise of domestic film industry means the fantastic spectacles fictionalized in China's most acclaimed literature works can be brought to big screen.
Interestingly, when China's film and TV industry was just taking off, the two novels were adapted to TV series in the late 1980s and early 1990s. But the special effects weren’t that good because the budgets were limited.
With the expansion of special effect sector in domestic film industry, insiders are now more confident to build a cinematic franchise to gather the most influential characters in Chinese mythologies. It is also believed that only Chinese filmmakers can convey the cultural spirit and capture the aesthetic nuance rooted from their own civilization.

2019-12-22 4 years ago / 未收藏/ cddual发送到 kindle
China is expected to lift over 10 million people out of poverty by the end of 2019. More than 95 percent of China's poor population is expected to shake off poverty and over 90 percent of poor counties are expected to be removed from the poverty list by the end of this year, according to the State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development.


To achieve our task of lifting another 10 million-plus rural residents out of poverty as planned, we shall remain focused and work hard on this.

To eliminate poverty, the impoverished should rely on their own hard work. There is no mountain top we cannot reach; there is no voyage without a final destination. We should rally the initiative of grassroots officials and people in poverty-stricken areas, and encourage them to act with passion and fight poverty through hard work.

Rural poor people are free from worries over food and clothing and have access to compulsory education, basic medical services and safe housing.

eliminate absolute poverty

Paul W. Frields / 2019-12-23 4 years ago / 未收藏/ fedoramagazine发送到 kindle
The end of the year is a perfect time to look back on some of the Magazine’s most popular articles of 2019. One of the Fedora operating systems’s many strong points is its wide array of tools for system administrators. As your skills progress, you’ll find that the Fedora OS has even more to offer. […]
2019-12-23 4 years ago / 未收藏/ guanzhi发送到 kindle

2019-12-22 4 years ago / 未收藏/ guanzhi发送到 kindle

Sergey Kargopolov / 2019-12-23 4 years ago / 未收藏/ appsdeveloperblog发送到 kindle
In this tutorial, you will learn how to add JWT support to your Spring Boot application and also how to add and validate custom JWT Claims. In this tutorial, I am going to use a very simple Spring Boot application generated with Spring Tools. To learn how to create a very simple Spring Boot application…
The post Add and Validate Custom Claims in JWT appeared first on Apps Developer Blog.
2019-12-23 4 years ago / 未收藏/ bingenwallpaper发送到 kindle
20191222-Seventeen arches at sunset
When it's winter solstice time in the Northern Hemisphere, the setting sun shines under the Seventeen-Arch Bridge of the Summer Palace in Beijing, causing this romantic glow. In the 18th century, during the reign of the Qing dynasty of China, Emperor Qianlong ordered the construction of this 1.1 square mile collection of gardens, lakes, and various structures including temples and small palaces. Today it's one of Beijing's premier attractions and will be crowded today with visitors headed to the bridge in time for sunset.
2019-12-22 4 years ago / 未收藏/ bingenwallpaper发送到 kindle
20191221-You've never seen anything like this
This macrophotograph of a snowflake shows the classic, six-sided structure that we've all come to associate with this tiny winter marvel. Until the advent of macro- and micro-photography in the late 1800s, it was impossible to study the structure of snowflakes—they melted too quickly to be accurately sketched under a microscope. Enter Wilson 'Snowflake' Bentley.
2019-12-23 4 years ago / 未收藏/ FEX 百度 Web 前端研发部发送到 kindle


V8 release v8.0
Will we have a party? Will we ship a new compiler? Will we skip versions 8 and 9 and just stay at an eternal V8 version X? Finally, after over 10 years of work, on our 100th blog post, we’re pleased to announce our newest branch, V8 version 8.0 V8, and we can finally answer that question: It’s bug fixes and performance improvements.

WebAssembly becomes a W3C Recommendation
WebAssembly is a safe, portable, low-level format designed for efficient execution and compact representation of code on modern processors including in a web browser. At its core, WebAssembly is a virtual instruction set architecture that enables high-performance applications on the Web, and can be employed in many other environments. There are multiple implementations of WebAssembly, including browsers and stand-alone systems. WebAssembly can be used for applications like video and audio codecs, graphics and 3D, multi-media and games, cryptographic computations or portable language implementations.

Rethinking Atomic React: an interpretation of Brad Frost’s Atomic Design to use in React projects
Atomic Design is a very widespread topic nowadays within the front-end community, but while looking at several projects, I realized that there is still a lot of personal opinion on its implementation, and here I list some points that caught my attention throughout the years. This article is not a tutorial on how to create your applications but it is intended to share my interpretation on how to best use this amazing methodology.

ECharts 技术发展简史
ECharts,一个纯 Javascript 的图表库,可以流畅的运行在 PC 和移动设备上,兼容当前绝大部分浏览器(IE8/9/10/11,Chrome,Firefox,Safari等),底层依赖轻量级的 Canvas 类库 ZRender,提供直观,生动,可交互,可高度个性化定制的数据可视化图表。2019年12月7号在上海由ECharts核心团队成员发起的专场线下交流会上,由@沈毅分享了《ECharts 技术发展简史》。

AntV 架构演进-G2 篇
G2 自 2014 年以来已经发展到 4.0,回顾过去,我们发现每一个版本都是一笔记忆,当我们队每个版本的架构进行梳理,分析每个版本背后的思考时,这些记忆就转换成了财富,我从下面这些阶段谈起:G2 之前的图表;v0.1 - v1.0 成型;G2 v2.0 完善图形语法;G2 v3.0 通用场景的支持;G2 v4.0 交互语法和多维分析。

CSS flex属性深入理解
CSS flex属性还是很难理解的,但是flex布局要想玩得溜溜溜,这一关必须得过,来来来,一起看看究竟是什么意思,如何更容易理解与记忆。

监控报警是故障发现的重要一环,也是百度在AIOps的最早切入方向之一,目前百度AIOps在监控报警方面已经有两个场景取得突出效果:智能异常检测和智能报警合并。如何支撑AIOps算法在监控报警系统的快速落地并产生业务价值,这对监控报警架构提出了很大的挑战!在上篇《AIOps对监控报警架构的挑战》文章中,我们介绍了监控报警系统在故障处理流程中的位置(故障发现和故障通告),并且分析了AIOps对监控报警架构的三个挑战。在本篇,我们将详细介绍应对这三个挑战的方案:为了应对挑战一,我们研发了策略运行平台,让AIOps算法迭代找到飞一般的感觉。为了应对挑战二,我们提出了基于状态机的事件管理引擎,让事件管理so easy。为了应对挑战三,我们设计了灵活的报警合并方案,让值班工程师彻底跟报警风暴say bye bye。下面我们来详细看下这三个方案的实现细节。

State of Storybook 2019
Breakout year for Community, Product, and Ecosystem

Looking into Svelte 3
Quickstart by creating a retro board in Svelte from scratch

Angular 9.0.0 and Ivy improvements
One of the biggest updates in the pipeline right now is the upcoming release of Angular 9.0.0. Currently in RC, Angular 9.0 will hopefully ship early next year. But this release includes so much that I thought it required a post to highlight some of the most important updates.

What Is JavaScript Made Of?
Over the years, I’ve formed a mental model of JavaScript that gave me confidence. Here, I’m sharing a very compressed version of it. It’s structured like a glossary, with each topic getting a few sentences. As you read through this post, try to mentally keep score about how confident you feel about each topic. I won’t judge you if quite a few of them are a miss! At the end of this post, there is something that might help in that case.

Monitor Frontend Performance With User-Centric Performance Metrics in New Relic
Further, interactivity metrics help you measure and improve customer experience by showing:

  • How quickly your users can interact with visual content after your site renders it
  • How quickly your users get a response after interacting with visual content
  • How code-level elements of your site affect user interaction across device type, browser, or browser version
Building an Awesome UI Component Library in 2020
How to build your team’s next-gen component library in bit.dev, with real React component examples!

How Shopify Manages API Versioning and Breaking Changes
At Shopify, we have tens of thousands of partners building on our APIs that depend on us to ensure our merchants can run their businesses every day. In April of this year, we released the first official version of our API. All consumers of our APIs require stability and predictability and our API versioning scheme at Shopify allows us to continue to develop the platform while providing apps with stable API behavior and predictable timelines for adopting changes.

Evaluating BBRv2 on the Dropbox Edge Network
Overall, BBRv2 is a great improvement over the BBRv1 and indeed seems way closer to being a drop-in replacement for Reno/CUBIC in cases where one needs slightly higher bandwidth. Adding experimental ECN support to that and we can even see a drop-in replacement for Data Center TCP (DCTCP). *Minus the 0.0001% of outliers with a >60% packet loss.

The On-Device Machine Learning Behind Recorder
We launched Recorder, a new kind of audio recording app for Pixel phones that leverages recent developments in on-device machine learning (ML) to transcribe conversations, to detect and identify the type of audio recorded (from broad categories like music or speech to particular sounds, such as applause, laughter and whistling), and to index recordings so users can quickly find and extract segments of interest. All of these features run entirely on-device, without the need for an internet connection.

Deterministic Aperture: A distributed, load balancing algorithm
In this blog post, we will walk through a new client-side load balancing technique we’ve developed and deployed widely at Twitter which has allowed our microservice architecture to efficiently scale clusters to thousands of instances. We call this new technique deterministic aperture and it’s available within Finagle, Twitter’s protocol-agnostic remote procedure call (RPC) framework.

An Update on CDNJS
When you loaded this blog, a file was delivered to your browser called jquery-3.2.1.min.js. jQuery is a library which makes it easier to build websites, and was at one point included on as many as 74.1% of all websites. A full eighteen million sites include jQuery and other libraries using one of the most popular tools on Earth: CDNJS. Beginning about a month ago Cloudflare began to take a more active role in the operation of CDNJS. This post is here to tell you more about CDNJS’ history and explain why we are helping to manage CDNJS.

This Page is Designed to Last - A Manifesto for Preserving Content on the Web
My proposal is seven unconventional guidelines in how we handle websites designed to be informative, to make them easy to maintain and preserve. The guiding intention is that the maintainer will try to keep the website up for at least 10 years, maybe even 20 or 30 years. These are not controversial views necessarily, but are aspirations that are not mainstream—a manifesto for a long-lasting website.


The State of JavaScript 2019
And so after over 21,717 respondents took this year’s survey we had to dig up our components and charts, curse us-from-a-year-ago for writing such crappy code, and get to work digging through the data.

The future of merge requests: Real-time collaboration
We want to hear your thoughts on the future of merge requests and code review.

Chrome 80, Content Indexing, ES Modules and More
Unless otherwise noted, changes described below apply to the newest Chrome beta channel release for Android, Chrome OS, Linux, macOS, and Windows. Learn more about the features listed here through the provided links or from the list on ChromeStatus.com.

Why we forked Firefox and not Chromium
In 2015 Cliqz released its own desktop web browser, forked from Firefox. Up to that point, we had distributed our search and privacy products as a single Firefox addon. In this article we cover why we thought it necessary to create our own browser, why we chose Firefox, and why we think it was the right choice. It’s bug fixes and performance improvements.

Tesseract.js is a pure Javascript port of the popular Tesseract OCR engine. This library supports more than 100 languages, automatic text orientation and script detection, a simple interface for reading paragraph, word, and character bounding boxes. Tesseract.js can run either in a browser and on a server with NodeJS.

Relay V8.0
Relay is a JavaScript framework for building data-driven React applications.

A-Frame v1.0.0 - WebXR Support, AR Mode
With the help of a community of hundreds of thousands of developers over the years, we’re releasing A-Frame v1.0.0 to support the coming out of the WebXR spec which has been under discussion for the past several years. The upgrade to A-Frame v1 and beyond will become necessary on more and more browsers as they deprecate WebVR and only support the WebXR specification.

Sarus - A JavaScript library for WebSockets
Engineered to handle unexpected socket closures.

Alpine.js offers you the reactive and declarative nature of big frameworks like Vue or React at a much lower cost. You get to keep your DOM, and sprinkle in behavior as you see fit.

Hammerspoon – macOS automation with Lua
This is a tool for powerful automation of OS X. At its core, Hammerspoon is just a bridge between the operating system and a Lua scripting engine. What gives Hammerspoon its power is a set of extensions that expose specific pieces of system functionality, to the user. You can write Lua code that interacts with OS X APIs for applications, windows, mouse pointers, filesystem objects, audio devices, batteries, screens, low-level keyboard/mouse events, clipboards, location services, wifi, and more.

Database Internals
The book consists of two parts: Storage Engines and Distributed Systems since that’s where most of the differences between the vast majority of databases is coming from. In Storage Engines, we start with taxonomy and terminology, then explore In-Place Update storage and discuss several B-Tree variants and their structure. Then we talk about binary data formats and file organization and explore the ways to compose efficient on-disk structures. In Distributed Systems, we start with basic concepts such as processes and links and start building more complex communication patterns.

Monica - Open source personal CRM
Monica helps you organize the social interactions with your loved ones.

Redis 6 RC1 is out today
Redis 6 does not bring just ACLs and SSL, it is the largest release of Redis ever as far as I can tell, and the one where the biggest amount of people participated. So, let’s start with credits. Who made Redis 6? This is the list of contributors by commits (it’s a terrible metric, but the one I can easily generate), having at least two commits, and excluding merge commits. Also note that the number of commits in my case may be inflated a lot by the fact that I fix many small stuff here and there constantly.

文言 wenyan-lang
文言文編程語言。A programming language for the ancient Chinese.

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Six Questions to Structure Great Projects
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Your Bot Will Fail
Balancing the real with the ideal in conversational design.

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Quantitative Data Tools For UX Designers
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Silas / 2019-12-23 4 years ago / 未收藏/ 有赞技术团队发送到 kindle


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lex / 2019-12-23 4 years ago / 未收藏/ SRE WEEKLY发送到 kindle
A message from our sponsor, VictorOps: Ever find yourself asking, “How do I write Ansible playbooks for new Terraform servers?” Well, this new walkthrough from Splunk + VictorOps has your answer. https://go.victorops.com/sreweekly-ansible-playbooks-with-terraform Articles The Gamma Knife model of incidents Domino model, Swiss Cheese model, stand aside. The Gamma Knife model is a nifty analogy for […]
Chris Pederick / 2019-12-23 4 years ago / 未收藏/ chrispederick发送到 kindle
Beach reflection
Connor Tumbleson / 2019-12-23 4 years ago / 未收藏/ Connor Tumbleson发送到 kindle
Ever since we put a man on the moon, how often do you pay attention to the current Space progress?
山青咏芝 / 2019-12-23 4 years ago / 未收藏/ strengthen发送到 kindle
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左岸 / 2019-12-23 4 years ago / 未收藏/ 左岸读书发送到 kindle
文/小泷包 小时候不理解的事情,长大了渐渐发现无非就是这样。 小的时候因为讨厌而讨厌,因为害怕而害怕,因为想要 […]
2019-12-23 4 years ago / 未收藏/ guardian发送到 kindle
Protesters march in Paris, France
Emmanuel Macron is to give up his own generous presidential pension in an attempt to calm anger over politicians’ privileges, as French transport strikes caused chaos for Christmas travellers.
With rail strikes continuing into their third week and travellers scrambling to get to home for the holidays, Macron, who turned 42 this weekend, made the symbolic move to become the first president in more than 50 years to give up the automatic pension of more than €6,000 a month that all French leaders receive after leaving office, regardless of age or wealth.
Macron’s office added that he would not take his seat in France’s constitutional court, where former presidents are members for life and receive a monthly allowance of €13,500.
“This is about being exemplary and coherent,” an Élysée official said.
The pro-business Macron is aware that the strikes over his planned pensions changes have increasingly focused on him personally, with caricatures and banners at street demonstrations depicting him as king.
Emmanuel Macron
Emmanuel Macron’s move was criticised by the left as a ‘PR stunt’. Photograph: Sia Kambou/AFP/Getty Images
Just as the gilets jaunes anti-government protesters earlier this year complained about Macron building a swimming pool at a presidential summer retreat, and expensively upgrading Élysée carpets and crockery, banners at pensions protests mocked him and and other former presidents for their luxury lifestyles and generous settlements once they leave office.
The prime minister, Édouard Philippe, acknowledged recently that French people believed elected officials were privileged, promising that “in the new universal [pensions] system, they will be treated like any other French person”.
Le Parisien newspaper hailed Macron’s decision to forfeit his presidential pension as “breaking with a dusty tradition of republican monarchy”.
The left criticised it as a PR stunt, with the Communists saying Macron, a former investment banker, had made millions in the private sector, so had a rare luxury of being able to give up his presidential pension.
Despite the strikes, the government insists it will plough ahead to unify the French pensions system, arguing that getting rid of the 42 special regimes for sectors ranging from rail and energy workers to lawyers and Paris Opera staff is crucial to keep the system financially viable as the population ages.
While some unions support a single system, almost all reject any tweaks relating to age. There is union anger over government plans to introduce a “pivot age” – keeping the legal retirement age at 62 but insisting on an additional two years’ of work until 64 to get a full pension.
With strikes set to continue into the new year, the pensions stand-off has become a personal issue for Macron who had promised to deliver the biggest “transformation” of the French social model and welfare system since the postwar era.
The very essence of Macron’s political identity is at stake. He has always said he preferred to make structural changes to the French model amid unpopularity than back down in the face of street protests. Failure to deliver the reforms would dent Macron’s firm support base of about 25%, which is crucial for any re-election bid in 2022. However, further negotiations with unions will be needed to agree any changes.
Travellers across France scrambled to begin their Christmas getaways amid train cancellations and packed roads, with the train operator SNCF warning the traffic would be “severely disrupted” over the festive period.
Despite calls by some unions to suspend strikes during the festive season, rail workers’ groups continued stoppages. The protest is also affecting businesses, particularly retail, with industry associations reporting declines in turnover of 30% to 60% compared with last year. An Ifop poll showed 51% of French people either supported or sympathised with the strikes, slightly lower than the previous week.
Macron urged the strikers to ease up for Christmas, saying they should embrace a “spirit of responsibility”. On a visit to Ivory Coast, he said: “Strike action is justifiable and protected by the constitution, but I think there are moments in a nation’s life when it is good to observe a truce out of respect for families and family life.”
Macron used his west Africa trip to focus instead on foreign policy and France-Africa relations. He said “colonialism was a grave mistake” and called for “turning the page on the past”.

2019-12-23 4 years ago / 未收藏/ guardian发送到 kindle
Donald Trump in West Palm Beach, Florida on 21 December.
As Republicans and Democrats continue to squabble on the terms of Trump’s impeachment trial in the Senate, newly-released government emails show that it took only about 90 minutes after Donald Trump’s infamous July telephone call to Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskiy for White House officials to order the Pentagon to freeze military funding for Ukraine.
The correspondence, published by the Center for Public Integrity, appears to show that Trump appointees acted quickly after the call, behind the scenes, to block Ukrainian aid from the Pentagon.
The emails appear to confirm that the aid was held up soon after Trump pressured Zelenskiy on the call to “do us a favor, though”. That request prompted an American whistleblower who heard details about the call to complain, which in September triggered the entire impeachment inquiry.
Worried intelligence experts assessed that the president was pressing a foreign leader to investigate Trump’s US political rivals, specifically 2020 candidate Joe Biden, in return for vital military assistance for Ukraine’s armed resistance to Russian aggression on its border. Critics of the president have called that a threat to US national security and the integrity of US elections.
There were calls from prominent Democratic senators Chuck Schumer and Amy Klobuchar this weekend for the author of the reported emails, Mike Duffey, associate director for national security programs at the Office of Budget Management, to testify in the Senate during Trump’s expected impeachment trial next year.
While House Democrats and Senate Republicans are this weekend in a standoff over terms for the next steps of the impeachment process, Klobuchar said on Sunday in CNN’s State of the Union politics news show that “I think there will be an agreement on this and the trial will go forward.”
A July email from Duffey to Pentagon officials, said: “Based on guidance I have received and in light of the administration’s plan to review assistance to Ukraine, including the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, please hold off on any additional DoD obligations of these funds, pending direction from that process.”
Klobuchar then read a portion of Duffey’s email out on air, while denouncing Trump’s efforts to block witnesses from testifying in the impeachment investigation so far and in the expected Senate trial, which has led to a charge of obstruction of Congress against him.
She said: “We just found out this weekend that someone who works for Mick Mulvaney, Mike Duffey, he sent an email 90 minutes after the president made the critical call to the Ukraine president … we have it here, we just found it,.”
She read out that Duffey’s email continued: “Given the sensitive nature of the request, I appreciate your keeping that information closely held to those who need to know to execute direction.”
Mulvaney is Trump’s acting chief of staff and someone whom Democrats are fiercely keen to testify to Congress. He confirmed in a White House press briefing in October that Trump had demanded a quid pro quo in his contacts with Zelenskiy, though he urged the media and critics to “get over it”.
Schumer tweeted that the email was “all the more reason why we need Duffey and others to testify in a Senate trial”.
The new documents “reveal how quickly the White House moved to cut off
military aid to Ukraine,” Susan Smith Richardson, chief executive
officer of the Center for Public Integrity, said in a statement.

On Sunday, Marc Short, chief of staff to vice-president Mike Pence told NBC’s Meet the Press that the timing of the email from Duffey was just a coincidence.
This prompted scathing comments on Twitter from legal scholar Lawrence Tribe, and George Conway, Trump critic and husband of White House counselor Kellyanne Conway.
The impeachment process is currently in limbo after articles of impeachment – effectively congressional charges against the president – were agreed last week in the House but have not yet been officially delivered to the Senate as required by protocol.
In a showdown with the Republican-controlled Senate, House speaker Nancy Pelosi, a Democrat from California, has delayed the handover of the articles saying she wants an agreement on a fair trial and the calling of witnesses.
Asked by CNN host Dana Bash on Sunday if the Senate trial could go ahead without an agreement to call witnesses, Klobuchar said she thought matters would be resolved and “the trial will go forward”.
She added: “What is shocking to me is that right now despite the president claiming innocence and saying he wants to present witnesses, he is the one blocking witnesses.”
Trump has refused to allow senior White House and administration officials, including his Mulvaney and former national security adviser John Bolton, to testify to the impeachment inquiry or cooperate with producing documents. That has led to one of the two articles of impeachment against Trump being obstruction of Congress. The other is abuse of power, over his dealings with Ukraine.
Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell has said he wants the Senate to consider the case without hearing from new witnesses.
In remarks on Sunday talk shows, Marc Short, chief of staff to Vice-President Mike Pence, indicated the White House was on board with McConnell’s goal of a speedy trial.
“The American people are tired of this sham,” Short said on NBC’s Meet the Press.
After the Duffey emails were released, Rachel Semmel, a spokeswoman for the Office of Budget Management, which was included in the email chain, told the New York Times: “It’s reckless to tie the hold of funds to the phone call.”
OMB officials informed other agencies about a Ukraine aid freeze on 18 July, but the first official action to withhold Pentagon funds came on 25 July.
The timeline of events that day show Trump and Zelenskiy’s call lasted from 9.03am to 9.33am and then the email from Duffey is time-stamped 11.04am.
2019-12-23 4 years ago / 未收藏/ guardian发送到 kindle
Condition on the Greek islands for migrants have been called ‘catastrophic’.
The loss of family reunion rights for unaccompanied asylum-seeking children will leave them with “no options” except taking dangerous routes and using smugglers, charities in France and Greece are warning.
The prime minister, Boris Johnson, faced criticism after he told parliament he had dropped a promise to replace the EU law that allows child refugees stranded in Europe to reunite with family members in the UK after Brexit.
Clare Moseley, the director of Care4Calais, said the news was devastating for those working with young asylum-seekers.
“I’m so shocked. This will have a massive impact. Just yesterday I was with an Afghan boy whose mother is dead, his father is in the UK, there is nowhere else that boy should be. The idea that he won’t have that right to join his father at all is horrific. How could anyone think there is anywhere else that boy should be?
“We have many very young Afghan boys here. Some are under 13. Nearly all the young people here are trying to reach family in the UK. That is the only reason anyone would put up with the horrible conditions here.”
Authorities in Dunkirk and Calais have recently used force to keep the area clear of tents, leaving nowhere for migrants to shelter. Hundreds, including children, sleep rough with no toilets or running water.
Bastien Roland, a lawer supporting young asylum seekers in northern France, said family reunion was a way to persuade vulnerable children to enter the official asylum system.
“We have very young children here in Calais who we worry are being exploited by adults. The family reunion law offers a chance to persuade a young person who is sleeping outside to enter the official system. It is a really key tool to get them out of the jungle. Without family reunion children will put themselves in danger. They will risk injury and death to get to the UK. ”
On Europe’s southern border, in Greece, frontline workers say there needs to be far larger numbers of children brought to the UK.
Sandy Protogerou, the head of the charity Safe Passage in Greece said: “There is no space for these children in Greece, the situation here is horrible. We just recently found a Syrian boy who was trying to go through the Greek asylum system in order to apply to join his brother in the UK. Instead he had been placed in a terrible place, like detention, with really bad conditions.
“Without family reunion there will be no option for a boy like him. He comes from a war zone so he would have no option but to use smugglers to keep moving forward to find his brother.
Even for children who do not have family in other EU countries, she says, “staying here in Greece isn’t proper, there is no space, conditions are horrible, too many minors have arrived over the summer”.
Conditions on the Greek islands for migrants are reported to be catastrophic, as rising numbers of arrivals have put pressure on already overcrowded camps.
More than 50,000 migrants arrived in Greece by sea over 2019. About 17,000 were under 18, 2,600 of them travelling without adults.
On a visit to the Greek islands last month, the UN high commissioner for refugees, Filippo Grandi, called for Europe to do more, particularly for unaccompanied minors.
“Europe has to get its act together,” he said after visiting Lesbos. “[It] has to have a new system that is based on sharing, responsibility sharing. There is a children on-the-move emergency in this country that needs to be tackled.”
The Home Office admitted in September that family reunion would end immediately if there was a no-deal Brexit. But until the latest announcement, campaigners believed that the EU law would be replaced during negotiations for a post-Brexit Britain.
A petition started by two former volunteers from Calais asking the Home Office to save family reunion has gained an extra 25,000 signatures since Johnson made the announcement on Thursday.
There are now 125,000 signatures on the petition , which was started in September after the Guardian reported that family reunion would end if there was a no-deal Brexit.

2019-12-23 4 years ago / 未收藏/ guardian发送到 kindle
Fallon Sherrock celebrates after winning to go into the 3rd round during day nine of the William Hill World Championships at Alexandra Palace.
Fallon Sherrock has said she is overwhelmed by the “incredible” response to her historic victories at the PDC World Darts Championship, as Billie Jean King led a wave of congratulations from across the globe.
Sherrock became the first woman to defeat a male darts player in the sport’s best-known competition last week and repeated the feat by beating one of the world’s top-ranked players on Saturday.
The 25-year-old, who only took up the sport when she was 17 after ditching her career as a professional hairdresser, said she was struggling to grasp the wave of adulation coming her way.
“It hasn’t all sunk in yet,” she told BBC Radio 5 Live on Sunday. “I haven’t had time to process the first game let alone this game. Then the fact that all these people are tweeting me, especially Billie Jean King. Oh my god, I never thought someone like that would be contacting me or congratulating me or anything like that.
“I mean, this is me. I’m just a normal person. This stuff doesn’t happen to me, but it’s incredible and I’m loving it.”
King, the former world No 1 tennis player, posted her congratulations on Twitter along with the hashtag “#Gamechanger”. Television presenters Gabby Logan, Jacqui Oatley and Piers Morgan were also among those paying tribute to the Milton Keynes-born star.
Sherrock’s journey from professional hairdresser to darts history-maker is an incredible one. Viewed as a well-regarded player for a number of years, she has emerged as a stand-out player in 2019 and cemented her status at the PDC World Championships in the past week.
She has spoken about receiving merciless abuse on social media when she suffered a kidney condition following childbirth in 2014, which sometimes caused her face to swell. Sherrock has also called for women to be given more opportunity to play against men, saying there was no reason why the male-dominated sport should remain so: “Us women, we can beat these men. We just need more opportunities to prove ourselves.”
In her nerveless first-round victory over Ted Evetts, she became the first woman to beat a man in the competition, going on to stun Alexandra Palace a second time by defeating 11th-seed Mensur Suljovic to progress to the last 32 on Saturday.
Sherrock, whose walk-on music for her history-making win was Katy Perry, said she hoped to go on and win the tournament: “Why not? The possibilities are endless now.”
Destroyed home at Woodside, outside Adelaide

2019-12-23 4 years ago / 未收藏/ guardian发送到 kindle
Sultan Qaboos bin Said has acted as an honest broker among nations in the Middle East and beyond.
Elaborate discussions are under way in the Omani court about a potential successor to Sultan Qaboos bin Said, who has ruled the Arab nation for nearly 50 years but whose longterm illness has been worsening.
The succession process involves the opening of sealed letters in the court in Muscat identifying the sultan’s choice of successor, if the court cannot agree among itself.
The sultan, one of the mainstays of Middle East politics for the past four decades, returned a week ago from Belgium where his treatment for a reoccurrence of cancer of the colon he has suffered from for four years was cut short. He had been expected to stay until the end of January.
A former British protectorate in the Arabian Peninsula, Oman has been ruled by Qaboos ever since a bloodless coup in 1970 enacted with the help of Britain. He has travelled abroad for medical reasons at least twice since 2014.
Qaboos has no children and has not publicly appointed a successor but he secretly recorded his choice in a sealed envelope addressed to the royal family council. The Al Said dynasty has ruled Oman since the mid-18th century.
Article 6 of the sultanate’s basic law says the royal family should choose a new sultan within three days of the position falling vacant. Should they fail to reach an agreement, the nation’s defence council, the head of the supreme court and the heads of the two chambers of the consultative council would together open the first envelope containing Qaboos’s choice and then enthrone the person he designated.
The purpose of keeping his preferred successor’s name secret is to ensure the authority of the sultan during his lifetime.
There are said to be two sealed envelopes, with the second held in a different royal palace in the southern port city of Salalah. Reports circulating at the weekend suggested that the second duplicate letter is being readied to be taken to Muscat in preparation for opening because of the seriousness of the sultan’s condition and the unresolved disputes within the council.
Most reports said it will contain the same name and that it exists only in case the first envelope cannot be found or if the first letter needs authenticating.
Under Qaboos, who was educated in Britain, Oman has maintained a largely neutral role and acted as a mediator in the region, notably between Iran and the US over the proposed nuclear deal eventually signed in 2015.
It has also been the site of talks between Saudi Arabia and the Houthi rebels from Yemen. Oman’s policy of “friend to all and enemy to none” has allowed the country to develop economically. It has not taken sides in the two-year dispute within the Gulf Cooperation Council between the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia on the one hand and Qatar on the other.

2019-12-23 4 years ago / 未收藏/ guardian发送到 kindle
A view of a fallen palm tree on the road in Valencia, Spain.
The death toll from storms that have battered Spain, Portugal and France rose to nine on Sunday as the region braced for more violent winds and heavy rain.
Storms Elsa and Fabien have flooded rivers, brought down power lines, uprooted trees and disrupted rail and air travel across the region, leaving more than 118,000 households without electricity.
Two people have died in Portugal and seven have been killed in Spain, the worst affected country, after a fisherman was swept off rocks into the sea in Catalonia.
The local government said three police officers and another fisherman had to be rescued after they tried to save the man in the resort town of Sant Feliu de Guíxols, 70 miles (100km) north-east of Barcelona.
Sea foam covers the streets in Bayona, Galicia.
Sea foam covers the streets in Bayona, Galicia. Photograph: SXENICK/EPA
The deaths in Spain include a South Korean woman killed by debris falling from a building in Madrid and a Dutch man who drowned windsurfing in rough weather off the Andalusian coast.
As a weakened Storm Elsa moved over Britain on Saturday, Storm Fabien quickly moved in, bringing winds of 170km/h to Galicia in north-western Spain, forcing the cancellation of 14 flights.
Eight thousand households in Galicia were without power due to damage caused to power lines by the wind, local officials said.
Eight Madrid city parks were shut on Saturday because of the strong winds. However, Spanish officials said on Sunday that Fabien was moving away quickly.
Parks and cemeteries were also closed in Bordeaux, in south-western France, while the Arlette Gruss circus, which had set up in a big tent in the city’s main square, cancelled three performances.
France’s weather office placed 15 regions in the south-west of the country on orange alert on Saturday, as the storm battered its Atlantic coast.
A closed pier in the city of Andernos, France, on the morning after Storm Fabien.
A closed pier in the city of Andernos, France, on the morning after Storm Fabien. Photograph: Nicolas Tucat/AFP via Getty Images
The winds were as fast as 148km/h at Socoa, in the south-west, near the border with Spain. On the north-west coast of Brittany winds reached up to 120km/h. The region was still being buffeted by gusts of up to 90km/h on Sunday.
Across south-western France, violent winds left 110,000 households without electricity, officials said on Sunday.
France’s SNCF rail network cancelled services between Bordeaux, Toulouse and Hendaye in the south-west because of the likelihood of winds blowing trees on to the line.
Officials on the French Mediterranean island of Corsica closed all the island’s airports because of the approaching storm. Ferry services to the mainland were also suspended.
2019-12-23 4 years ago / 未收藏/ guardian发送到 kindle
Boris Johnson and Evgeny Lebedev
It was the equivalent of a V-sign cheerfully flashed at his critics. The day after his landslide election victory, Boris Johnson and his girlfriend Carrie Symonds dropped into a caviar-fuelled Christmas party in London hosted by former KGB agent Alexander Lebedev and his son Evgeny.
During the campaign Johnson had stubbornly refused to publish the Russia report, written by the last parliament’s intelligence and security committee.
Its contents have still not been revealed. But it is understood to examine the extent of Moscow influence on British politics – and the way in which the Russian elite has established a powerful lobby in the UK through lavish expenditure and networking.
Boris Johnson and Carrie Symonds attend Evgeny Lebedev’s Christmas party a day after Johnson’s landslide election win.
Boris Johnson and Carrie Symonds attend Evgeny Lebedev’s Christmas party a day after Johnson’s landslide election win. Photograph: GORC/GC Images
The Lebedev family insist that they are merely entrepreneurs and media proprietors. Nonetheless, the party – held to celebrate Alexander’s 60th birthday – was a practical demonstration of how extensive their connections are, stretching all the way to Downing Street.
Johnson was one of several top politicians who turned up to the event, held at the Lebedev family’s £6m stuccoed mansion overlooking Regent’s Park. Guests included David and Samantha Cameron and George Osborne, now a Lebedev employee as Evening Standard editor. From the Blairite left, Peter Mandelson and Tristram Hunt were also in attendance.
Others invited to the vodka and caviar birthday party included Mick Jagger, Princess Eugenie, the actors Matt Smith and Rosamund Pike, and the model Lily Cole. Comedians Eddie Izzard and David Baddiel, the artist Grayson Perry and sculptor Antony Gormley were also there. Missing this year was the mayor of London, Sadiq Khan.
Johnson and Evgeny Lebedev at a charity event in 2009.
Johnson and Evgeny Lebedev at a charity event in 2009. Photograph: David M Benett/Getty Images
As grand as the list was, the newly elected prime minister’s presence – the night after his election win – was eye-catching. Johnson has long been a celebrity as well as a politician – but for a leader who promised to lead a “people’s government”, to rub shoulders with such an exclusive elite as one of his first public acts after victory might seem a little incongruous.
Jeremy Corbyn was invited, but didn’t attend. (The invite, for the record, shows a youthful Alexander holding a toddler Evgeny.) In the Labour leader’s absence the Lebedevs hired a Corbyn impersonator, who mingled with guests as they sipped Ruinart champagne and tucked into plates of caviar. There was also a Johnson lookalike, perhaps hired just in case the real prime minister didn’t show up.
Johnson’s decision to call in on the Lebedevs might be explained as an act of political homage. The Lebedevs own the Evening Standard. Over the summer the newspaper endorsed Johnson to succeed Theresa May. It backed him again last month as the best candidate to be prime minister, an opinion at odds with the left-leaning, Remain-backing Londoners who form its target audience.
Alexander Lebedev
Johnson went to the champagne-fuelled Christmas party in London on 13 December hosted by former KGB agent Alexander Lebedev. Photograph: Alexander Nemenov/AFP via Getty Images
What lies behind the prime minister’s reluctance to publish the Russia report has yet to be explained. He has dismissed the suggestion of Kremlin interference in the EU referendum vote. And yet on a busy day laced with history, Johnson chose to celebrate with a foreign intelligence officer with the rank of a lieutenant colonel, who graduated from the KGB’s Red Banner Institute.
As a young spy Lebedev served with the KGB’s first directorate. During the late Thatcher years he worked at the Soviet embassy in London, not far from the office in Kensington High Street where the Standard is based today. In the 1990s Lebedev senior swapped cold war spying for banking. In 2009 he bought a majority share in the Standard.
That complicated history has never put Johnson off spending time with the family. As London mayor, Johnson made repeated trips to the Lebedevs’ luxurious palazzo in Ronti, Italy, and to Evgeny’s parties in London in 2010. He was one of an array of celebrities and actors who flew out to the villa for lavish weekends, complete with a Michelin-starred private chef and a dressing-up box filed with exotic costumes. Evgeny’s pet wolves – one of them called Boris – would pad around as the great and the good enjoyed themselves.
Sometimes Johnson took his wife Marina Wheeler, from whom he is now divorcing. But in April 2018, at the height of the crisis over the poisoning of Russian former spy Sergei Skripal, Johnson flew to Perugia on his own. He was foreign secretary. In a highly unusual move, he left his security detail behind. The following morning he was spotted queuing at the airport for a flight home, looking crumpled and hungover.
Johnson, then foreign secretary, on his way back from a Lebedev party in a converted castle near Perugia in Italy
Johnson, then foreign secretary, on his way back from a Lebedev party in a converted castle near Perugia in Italy. Photograph: Supplied
What was the purpose of the trip? Johnson won’t say. In September, Alexander Lebedev told the Guardian he wasn’t at the palazzo. Two months later, speaking at the Moscow launch of his memoir, Hunt the Banker, Lebedev said he did go to the villa/. He didn’t meet Johnson there, he said, instead merely calling in to wish his son a happy birthday.
Guests portray Evgeny as a needy and even lonely figure, craving companionship, and happiest in his Italian home, away from the burdens of being a media owner. They suggest he doesn’t really get politics per se. But, they add, he enjoys the superficial side of mingling with powerful individuals.
Johnson, then foreign secretary, on his way back from a Lebedev party in a converted castle near Perugia, in Italy, spotted looking crumpled and hungover.
Johnson, then foreign secretary, on his way back from a Lebedev party in a converted castle near Perugia, in Italy, spotted looking crumpled and hungover. Photograph: Supplied
Newly arrived visitors are invited to make a Russian-style toast to Evgeny and to perform a ‘turn’ of some kind – a sketch or speech. A lot of drinking goes on, with vodka shots and a mood described by one guest as debauched. Invitees are sometimes stuck there for days, waiting for a lift back on Lebedev’s private jet.
Whether in London or Ronti, Lebedevs’ parties bring together two groups who rarely mingle: celebrities and politicians. One is glamorous, the other not so much; both are curious about each other. The mutual attraction partly explains why so many high-profile individuals accept Lebedev’s invitations.
But others say there is more. One celebrity who has attended the Lebedev parties in the past now declines, arguing “all of these parties seem like covers for meetings” where people can discreetly connect with politicians under the the guise of the event.
Johnson socialises with Evgeny Lebedev at a party along with his sister Rachel Johnson.
Johnson socialises with Evgeny Lebedev at a party along with his sister Rachel Johnson. Photograph: Alan Davidson/REX/Shutterstock
“Evgeny sends cars and flies people around on private jets, he makes people feel important, and always serves tons and tons of caviar, which people love. And there’s usually a photographer there ensuring attendees will get a bit of press,” the celebrity added.
Regular attendees at the Lebedev parties have included the actors Ian McKellen, Keira Knightley, Joan Collins and Ralph Fiennes. One non-actor celebrity – who declined to be named – received an invite out of the blue. When he climbed on board Evgeny’s plane he found that he and the other guests had one thing in common: they were all famous.
Evgeny Lebedev and Alexander Lebedev at the launch of Alexander’s book Hunt the Banker: The Confessions Of A Russian Ex-Oligarch
Evgeny Lebedev and Alexander Lebedev at the launch of Alexander’s book Hunt the Banker: The Confessions Of A Russian Ex-Oligarch. Photograph: David M Benett/Dave Benett/Getty Images
Evgeny’s A-list contacts book is in part due to the Standard’s theatre awards, which have run since 1955 and which he now co-hosts. He also enlists his journalists to pull in big names. His former fixers have included Sarah Sands, who edited the Standard and is now editor of BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, and Amol Rajan, the former Independent editor who is now the BBC’s media editor.
In Russia, Alexander Lebedev depicts himself as a semi-oppositionist and victim of official persecution. His bank has been raided, and he has supported the independent newspaper Novaya Gazeta.
In reality, however, he is on warm terms with the Kremlin. In 2014 he publicly supported Vladimir Putin’s annexation of Crimea, where Lebedev owns a hotel complex in the seaside resort of Alushta. In 2017 he staged a media symposium there. It was arranged – he told Russian state TV – to correct a false impression of Crimea put out by a “biased” western media.
Lebedev shared a panel at the conference with Maria Zakharova, Russia’s foreign ministry spokesperson. She was a guest at his recent Moscow book launch. Zakharova is a hardline exponent of Kremlin policy; last year she denied Russian involvement in the novichok poisoning of Sergei Skripal in Salisbury and suggested that Britain’s spy agencies had kidnapped him.
The Lebedevs say that their forays into the British media are altruistic, and have nothing to do with Moscow’s darker global agenda. Whatever their motives for bringing them together, their remarkably diverse collection of friends – from the British prime minister to senior Putin functionaries – add up to an environment in which gossip, intelligence and information can flow as freely as the champagne.
Alexander Lebedev was contacted for comment.
2019-12-23 4 years ago / 未收藏/ guardian发送到 kindle
Chicago Police Department confirmed that 13 people had been shot on Sunday morning.
A party in Chicago held to memorialize someone who was killed earlier in the year turned into a scene of chaos and violence early Sunday when two gunmen opened fire, picking off partygoers as they fled the scene.
The Chicago Police Department confirmed on Sunday morning that 13 people were wounded by gunfire, with the incident unfolding at multiple locations.
Four are in critical condition in hospital, the rest are in stable condition, CPD’s Fred Waller said in a press briefing. The ages of the victims range from 16 to 48, he said.
Two people were in custody and being questioned on Sunday morning. Police said the incident appeared to be personal, not gang-related as first reported. One of two arrested was apprehended with a weapon, Waller said, while the other was wounded. Officers recovered a revolver.
“There was a dispute where shots were fired inside,” Waller said. “The people started to spill out, and as they spilled out more shots were fired. So we have about three (shooting) scenes.”
Waller said the party was a memorial for someone who had been killed in April. He described a “chaotic” scene but said officers arrived within minutes and were assisting the wounded before ambulances arrived. Some of the outside shooting was caught on police surveillance video, he said.
The shooting stemmed from a dispute at a the party being held to honor the life of a man killed in April, Waller added. “Definitely there were two different shooters. It looked like they were just shooting randomly at people as they exited the party.”
According to police, around 12.35am ShotSpotter technology alerted officers of shots fired in the 5700 block of South May Street in Englewood, a crime-troubled neighborhood about 10 miles from the heart of downtown Chicago.
According to local media reports, the incident occurred at a party in honor of Lonell Irvin, a 22-year-old man fatally shot during an attempted carjacking earlier this year.
Witnesses said shots were fired in the house. As partygoers began to flee, a shooter was seen on video firing more shots. A second shooter was seen firing a weapon.
“From outside, definitely there were two different shooters,” Waller said. “It looked like they were just shooting randomly at people as they exited the party.”

Local resident Terrence Daniely told WLS Chicago: “I was awoken by the sound of, seemed like 4, 5, or 6 gunshots and it seemed pretty loud, so it seemed kind of close.”

He added: “I heard the sounds of people screaming and running from a party on the street,” he said. “The police response was amazing, it seemed like there were 100 police officers running to the scene.”
The Rev Michael Pfleger, pastor of nearby Saint Sabina Church, said that guns are too often used to express “pain, anger and frustration”.
“They were gathered to remember someone else who was Killed,” Pfleger posted on Facebook.
He continued: “So this is how we remember??? When do we end this GUN MADNESS? Anywhere else in the Country this is a Mass Shooting, in Chicago it’s just Another Shooting.”
According to The Chicago Tribune, 2,594 people have been shot in the city this year, which includes deaths and woundings. That is 248 fewer than 2018 and is the third straight year of significant decline in the numbers, with the improvement being felt across the city, including in high-crime areas.
Police have credited Chicago’s drop in crime to the use of technology used to predict where shootings might occur, while experts also credit anti-violence programs that offer jobs and gang conflict mediation.
But homicide totals are still significantly higher for Chicago than comparable metropolitan areas, such as New York or Los Angeles.
In New York, figures compiled by police officials show the city has recorded 249 murders between 1 January and 6 October , up just over 1% from 246 murders in the same period in 2018.
  • This article was modified on 22 December to reflect more accurately the shooting statistics for Chicago.
2019-12-23 4 years ago / 未收藏/ guardian发送到 kindle
Emanuel Ungaro
Emanuel Ungaro, the French fashion designer who described himself as a sensual obsessive, has died in Paris at the age of 86.
Ungaro was a giant of old-school fashion, once memorably declaring: “One should not wear a dress, one should live in it.”
He retired in 2004 and died on Saturday after two years in a weakened state of health, his family said.
Ungaro was born in Aix-en-Province in southern France in 1933 to a family of Italian immigrants. He moved to Paris when he was 22 and learned his trade under the tutelage of the great Spanish couturier Cristóbal Balanciaga.
Balanciaga was a genius, Ungaro once told the Guardian. He “never talked. You had to learn and take from it the sense of quality. He was a very alone, very silent man”.
Ungaro went on to launch his own label, and presented his first collection in 1965. The show was restricted to daywear because his studio in the 17th arrondissement was not big enough for anything else.
He built a reputation for his use of bright colour and mixed prints, creating clothes that had a sensuous old-school glamour. Along with Yves Saint Laurent, Ungaro is seen as someone who helped establish ready-to-wear as an alternative to couture.
His friend and biographer, Christine Orban, once wrote that with Ungaro “sensuality is everywhere”.
“Emanuel … will create a garment too beautiful to be torn off, but clever enough to suggest to take it off with tenderness,” she wrote.
In 2001, Ungaro was the first fashion designer to be invited to address the Oxford Union.
When asked how important he thought it was to communicate femininity through clothes, he quoted Jean-Paul Sartre and Pablo Picasso, saying: “There are no rules and we have no one answer. You have to be your own critical mirror.”
Ungaro built a fashion empire that has since extended into perfumes, shoes, furniture, candles and glasses. His label was bought in 1996 by the Ferragamo family.
He officially retired in 2004 complaining the world of haute couture no longer matched “the expectations of today’s women”. He leaves a wife and a daughter.
2019-12-23 4 years ago / 未收藏/ gdoodle发送到 kindle
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2019-12-22 4 years ago / 未收藏/ gdoodle发送到 kindle
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Happy Holidays from Google 2003 - 1
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Teresa Carreño’s 165th Birthday
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Mother's Day 2018 (Indonesia)
Herman Potočnik's 120th Birthday
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Mother's Day 2016 (Indonesia)
Mother's Day 2014 (Indonesia)
Marko Vovchok’s (Mariya Vilinska) 183rd Birthday
Summer Solstice 2015 (Southern Hemisphere)
Happy Holidays from Google 2005 - 3
Teacher's Day 2016 (Israel)
Srinivasa Ramanujan's 125th Birthday
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2019-12-22 4 years ago / 未收藏/ gdoodle发送到 kindle
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This day in history

Happy Holidays from Google 2003 - 1
Happy Holidays from Google 2000
Teresa Carreño’s 165th Birthday
Happy Holidays from Google 2007 - 2
Mother's Day 2018 (Indonesia)
Herman Potočnik's 120th Birthday
Happy Holidays from Google 2004 - 3
Happy Holidays from Google 2006 - 2
Happy Holidays from Google 2009 - 2
Happy Holidays from Google 2001 - 3
Winter Solstice 2015 (Northern Hemisphere)
Mother's Day 2015 (Indonesia)
Mother's Day 2016 (Indonesia)
Mother's Day 2014 (Indonesia)
Marko Vovchok’s (Mariya Vilinska) 183rd Birthday
Summer Solstice 2015 (Southern Hemisphere)
Happy Holidays from Google 2005 - 3
Teacher's Day 2016 (Israel)
Srinivasa Ramanujan's 125th Birthday
Happy Holidays from Google 2008 - 2

This Doodle's Reach


2019-12-22 4 years ago / 未收藏/ gdoodle发送到 kindle
Doodle Type : simple

This day in history

Happy Holidays from Google 2003 - 1
Happy Holidays from Google 2000
Teresa Carreño’s 165th Birthday
Happy Holidays from Google 2007 - 2
Mother's Day 2018 (Indonesia)
Herman Potočnik's 120th Birthday
Happy Holidays from Google 2004 - 3
Happy Holidays from Google 2006 - 2
Happy Holidays from Google 2009 - 2
Happy Holidays from Google 2001 - 3
Winter Solstice 2015 (Northern Hemisphere)
Mother's Day 2015 (Indonesia)
Mother's Day 2016 (Indonesia)
Mother's Day 2014 (Indonesia)
Marko Vovchok’s (Mariya Vilinska) 183rd Birthday
Summer Solstice 2015 (Southern Hemisphere)
Happy Holidays from Google 2005 - 3
Teacher's Day 2016 (Israel)
Srinivasa Ramanujan's 125th Birthday
Happy Holidays from Google 2008 - 2

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Argentina Bolivia Brazil Chile Paraguay Peru South Africa Uruguay

2019-12-22 4 years ago / 未收藏/ mobilesite发送到 kindle








































































上校聪明绝顶,怎么可能不懂这道理?他就藏在大陈村,和老母亲一起落脚在当地一个老庙里,庙里的大和尚是他母亲在普陀山修行时相识的。大和尚背上长一个瘤子,活的,年年在长个儿,已经大得像一只老太婆的瘪奶子,耷拉下来,走路晃荡晃荡的。天大地大,上校哪儿不去,偏投奔这儿,正是得知这情况,他可以帮大和尚驱病消灾,建立交情,然后留下来。 这里,我们的公安管不到,大街上没有通缉他的头像,没人知晓他是罪犯。一年多来,他天天晨早傍晚扫地,白天夜里陪母亲念经,念经的水平已追上大和尚。他甚至已经学会一口地道的萧山话,剃一个光头,穿一身僧服,没人看得清他的来历,也没人去看去想。





















































** 父亲说完二嫂的死,我已经被死人包围,心里已胆怯得发抖,不敢去想大哥。看屋里这惨恻的败象,也不像有大哥大嫂鲜活的样子——当然可能根本就没有大嫂这个人。我问大哥是不是也走了,结果父亲说:“是走了,但人还在。”顿了顿,又说:“幸亏走,否则也活不成,你也一样。”++我一下泪满眼眶,好像在战场上,全军覆没,终于保下来一个也终于保住了我千辛万苦回来的价值。++父亲这样子,哪是欢迎我回来的样子——对他,我回来的价值是个负数,他巴不得我别回来呢。后来他告诉我,所以这么多年没让人给我回一封信,就是不想让多一个人知道我还活着。他怕死神恶鬼对着地址去寻我,追杀我。他已经认定,这村子是克我们一家的,他怕我回来,沾了晦气,活不成。**



















































半夜里有人嘭嘭嘭敲门,说有急救手术,要我们出两人去配合。三轮摩托停在门口,引擎响着,看样子是很紧急。我和另一人去,坐上摩托,两分钟就到。手术室在一楼,我们进去,看到地上、手术台上、医生白大褂上全是血,像刚杀完猪。伤员死猪一样躺着,无声无息,奄奄一息。医生背影高大,手里捧着一堆肠子,翻着,动作麻利,在找创口。我们哪见过这场面,同去的人当场啊啊地呕吐,引得医生回头看。他戴口罩、头罩、手套,只露出一双眼睛:即使在雪亮的手术灯下,这眼睛依然放出亮光,像两只通电的电珠。他朝我甩头叫我快去帮他。我赤手空拳上去,他又朝我甩头,示意我戴口罩、头罩、手套。东西都是齐备的,就在旁边推车的托盘里。我全套戴好,配合他挖开肚皮,把更多的肠子拎起来。他很快找到创口,夸我手气好。然后三个多小时,他埋头操作各种手术器具,我负责递接。经常递错,他也不骂人,只说一个字:错。天毛毛亮时,手术终于结束,我替他摘去头罩、口罩、手套,脱下血淋淋的白大褂,看到他脸色苍白,面容僵硬,是一副累极的样 子。他没穿制服,白大褂里面是一件脱壳绒衣,大概跟我一样是临时从床上拉来的。绒衣洗过多次,黄色褪成灰色,看上去土相。他吩咐我一番护理的要求,叼着一根烟走了。我回头收拾手术台时才发现,整套手术器具,剪刀、镊子、切刀、缝针,大大小小,都是金子打的,刚才太紧张,没注意到。












































中间有一天他把我给他的十几封信还了我,那天,我把那日记本和这些信统统烧掉 ,完了去澡堂好好洗了个澡。我要把自己洗得干干净净,开始迎接新的生活。





























































2019-12-23 4 years ago / 未收藏/ xiaozhou发送到 kindle


自从 2013 年入手 HHKB Pro2,以及后续入手 HHKB Pro Type-S以来,HHKB 已经成为我日常工作的主力键盘。尽管后续官方还推出了 HHKB 的蓝牙版本,考虑再三,我也没有继续再入手了。原因是官方的蓝牙版 HHKB 有一个凸起的电池仓,由两节电池进行供电。相比起有线版本,凸起的电池仓有点影响美观。

要是 HHKB 的蓝牙版能通过内置锂电池的方式对键盘进行供电,并去掉那个电池仓的话,那岂不是更好?
事实上,虽然官方并没有推出这样的版本,但是民间已经有很多 DIY 的方案,对有线 HHKB 进行改造了。之前看到过网上的一些方案,感觉并不是很成熟,直到最近一个叫YDKB的改造方案,引起了我的兴趣。
YDKB 是由国人 Yang 开发键盘的主控芯片,其中针对 HHKB 进行蓝牙改造的主控模块,叫做HHKB BLE Mod。通过替换掉 HHKB 官方原厂的主控芯片,你的 HHKB 立马就能从有线变为蓝牙/有线的双模版本,意思是既可以保留之前有线的功能,通过 USB 连接电脑使用,也可以通过蓝牙无线的方式连接电脑使用,所谓一举两得的解决方案。
其实从 10 月下旬,我就购买了 YDKB 的改装套件,包括:一个主控芯片,卖家代焊接 3 个 LED 灯,并买了一块内置锂电池。由于我现在在新加坡,而淘宝并不支持跨国邮寄锂电池,只好先下单将套件邮寄到国内。11 月底刚好回国一趟,然后人肉将 YDKB 的改装套件带了过来……


YDKB 的这款HHKB BLE Mod是一个集成度较高的主控模块,所以在安装上没有太大难度。我没有电烙铁,也想偷懒,于是让卖家帮焊上了 LED 灯,有兴趣的同学可以自己 DIY 一下 LED 灯。
HHKB 的背面只有三颗螺丝,拆开后,可以看到内部结构其实也挺简单。

原厂的主控芯片其实没多大体积,我们的目标,就是要拆下那块原厂主控,安装上 YDKB 的主控。


接着是安装 YDKB 的主控,用螺丝固定,插上数据排线。电池正刚好可以放在左边空余的位置,注意将电池的线接上主控。卖家还附送了胶条,用来把电池粘在键盘外壳的内壁上。为了不让电池接触到键盘,垫了一层塑料纸。
接下来的过程就简单了,对齐 LED 灯,合上盖子,拧好螺丝。然后拨开那个主控芯片上的开关,不出意外的话,键盘开始工作,并进入蓝牙匹配状态。

在 Mac Book 的蓝牙设置中,找到HHKB BLE并匹配连接,大功告成!
由于是第一次使用,锂电池的电量不一定是满电状态,所以可以接上 USB 给锂电池充电。

从键盘的背后来看,除了能看到 LED 指示灯,其他的样子和改造前无异。另外,开关被隐藏在了之前调整 DIP 开关的盖子里面。这个开关就是整个主控电源的总开关了。之前的 DIP 开关在改造后已经被去掉,因为 YDKB 可以通过刷固件的形式,支持更多的自定义功能,之前官方 DIP 调节键位设置的功能也略显鸡肋。


这款 YDKB 主控强大的地方不仅在于支持有线和蓝牙双模,更方便的地方还在于支持更丰富功能的自定义按键和更方便的固件烧写方式,这也是前面提到的完胜官方DIP开关的功能。
YDKB 默认支持 8 层的自定义按键设置,甚至还支持 LED 灯的设置。访问官网 http://ydkb.io,可以对你的 HHKB 每一层按键进行配置。其实对于我来说,两层已经够我用了。

值得一提的亮点还是固件烧写的方式,真的非常方便,通过同时按住左右Shift键和b键,键盘会重启,此时立马再按住Esc键不放,键盘就会进入 U 盘刷机模式。在 Mac 的笔记本下,你会发现文件浏览器里面多出了一个可以移动设备。

从 YDKB 的网站上设置好你的自定义键位,下载得到一个 HHKB_BLE.BIN 文件,替换掉移动设备里面那个文件,然后退出移动设备,这样键盘的固件就算是刷写成功了,不得不说,实在是非常的方便。


HHKB 改造成蓝牙无线后,日常工作用来码字和写代码,没有感觉到因为无线而带来的明显延迟。由于没有了连线,键盘的摆放位置变得更加随意起来,可以放在MacBook上,或者桌子上用,甚至是腿上用。众所周知,新款的MacBook去掉了USB接口,之前为了接键盘,还得适配器来转接。现在有了蓝牙,更是方便多了,我甚至更愿意特地把键盘放包里背到任何地方拿出来使用。
此外,内置的锂电池也是我喜欢的一点,没有官方突出的电池仓,也不用换电池,相对来说更加的经济和环保。内置的锂电池是 2500mAh 的型号,经过接近一个月的测试,充满一次电量大概需要几小时,满电估计能续航一个多月左右,续航表现也是令人满意的。
YDKB 还为电池续航提供了一些省电的设计。平日离开的时候,可以通过快捷键让键盘进入低功耗省电模式,重新激活键盘,同时按住F键和J键保持三秒左右,即可重新激活键盘,非常方便。
唯一感觉不足的地方,是电池充满电之后,一直显示电量为 90,而不是 100,这一点也在群里跟作者确认过了,90 即表示满电状态,并不是 100,也许这是对于强迫症的我来说,唯一的一点小缺憾吧,但是完全不影响使用。


不得不说 YDKB 是一款比较完善的 HHKB 蓝牙改造方案,通过改造,让你的 HHKB 键盘同时支持有线和蓝牙的连接方式,实在是让 HHKB 得到了质的飞跃,有兴趣将 HHKB 改造为无线蓝牙的同学可以考虑入手。


《码农神器 HHKB Pro2 入手与开箱》
《终极退烧利器 HHKB Pro Type-S 入手与开箱》

<a href="https://linux.cn/" target=_blank>Linux中国</a> / 2019-12-23 4 years ago / 未收藏/ linuxChina发送到 kindle

几周前,我见证了两位同事之间一次有趣的互动,他们分别是 Jason,我们的一位美国员工,和 Raj,一位来自印度的访问工作人员。
Raj 在印度时,他一般会通过电话参加美国中部时间上午 9 点的每日立会,现在他到美国工作了,就可以和组员们坐在同一间会议室里开会了。Jason 拦下了 Raj,说:“Raj 你要去哪?你不是一直和我们开电话会议吗?你突然出现在会议室里我还不太适应。” Raj 听了说,“是这样吗?没问题。”就回到自己工位前准备和以前一样参加电话会议了。
我去找 Raj,问他为什么不去参加每日立会,Raj 说 Jason 让自己给组员们打电话参会,而与此同时,Jason 也在会议室等着 Raj 来参加立会。
到底是哪里出的问题?Jason 明显只是调侃 Raj 终于能来一起开会了,为什么 Raj 没能听懂呢?
Jason 明显是在开玩笑,但 Raj 把它当真了。这就是在两人互相不了解对方文化语境时发生的一个典型误会。
在 Ricardo Fernandez 的TED 演讲“如何管理跨文化团队” 中,他提到了自己与一位南非同事发生的小故事。那位同事用一句“我一会给你打电话。”结束了两人的 IM 会话,Ricardo 回到办公室后就开始等这位同事的电话,十五分钟后他忍不住主动给这位同事打了电话,问他:“你不是说要给我打电话吗?”,这位同事答到:“是啊,我是说以后有机会给你打电话。”这时 Ricardo 才理解那位同事说的“一会”是“以后”的意思。
到底是什么因素让全球化交流间发生误解呢?我们可以参照 Erin Meyer 的书《文化地图》,她在书中将全球文化分为八个类型,其中美国文化被分为低语境文化,与之相对的,日本为高语境文化。









( ↓↓ —— 未完 —— ↓↓ )


<a href="https://linux.cn/" target=_blank>Linux中国</a> / 2019-12-22 4 years ago / 未收藏/ linuxChina发送到 kindle
本文是 24 天 Linux 桌面特别系列的一部分。如果你还在怀念 GNOME 2,那么 Mate Linux 桌面将满足你的怀旧情怀。

如果你以前听过这个传闻:当 GNOME3 第一次发布时,很多 GNOME 用户还没有准备好放弃 GNOME 2。Mate(以马黛茶yerba mate植物命名)项目的开始是为了延续 GNOME 2 桌面,刚开始时它使用 GTK 2(GNOME 2 所基于的工具包),然后又合并了 GTK 3。由于 Linux Mint 的简单易用,使得该桌面变得非常流行,并且从那时起,它已经普遍用于 Fedora、Ubuntu、Slackware、Arch 和许多其他 Linux 发行版上。今天,Mate 继续提供一个传统的桌面环境,它的外观和感觉与 GNOME 2 完全一样,使用 GTK 3 工具包。
你可以在你的 Linux 发行版的软件仓库中找到 Mate,也可以下载并安装一个把 Mate 作为默认桌面的发行版。不过,在你这样做之前,请注意为了提供完整的桌面体验,所以许多 Mate 应用程序都是随该桌面一起安装的。如果你运行的是不同的桌面,你可能会发现自己有多余的应用程序(两个 PDF 阅读器、两个媒体播放器、两个文件管理器,等等)。所以如果你只想尝试 Mate 桌面,可以在虚拟机(例如 GNOME box)中安装基于 Mate 的发行版。

Mate 桌面之旅

Mate 项目不仅仅可以让你想起来 GNOME 2;它就是 GNOME 2。如果你是 00 年代中期 Linux 桌面的粉丝,至少,你会从中感受到 Mate 的怀旧情怀。我不是 GNOME 2 的粉丝,我更倾向于使用 KDE,但是有一个地方我无法想象没有 GNOME 2:OpenSolaris。OpenSolaris 项目并没有持续太久,在 Sun Microsystems 被并入 Oracle 之前,Ian Murdock 加入 Sun 时它就显得非常突出,我当时是一个初级的 Solaris 管理员,使用 OpenSolaris 来让自己更多学会那种 Unix 风格。这是我使用过 GNOME 2 的唯一平台(因为我一开始不知道如何更改桌面,后来习惯了它),而今天的 OpenIndiana project 是 OpenSolaris 的社区延续,它通过 Mate 桌面使用 GNOME 2。
Mate on OpenIndiana
Mate 的布局由左上角的三个菜单组成:应用程序、位置和系统。应用程序菜单提供对系统上安装的所有的应用程序启动器的快速访问。位置菜单提供对常用位置(如家目录、网络文件夹等)的快速访问。系统菜单包含全局选项,如关机和睡眠。右上角是一个系统托盘,屏幕底部有一个任务栏和一个虚拟桌面切换栏。
就桌面设计而言,这是一种稍微有点奇怪的配置。它从早期的 Linux 桌面、MacFinder 和 Windows 中借用了一些相同的部分,但是又创建了一个独特的配置,这种配置很直观而有些熟悉。Mate 执意保持这个模型,而这正是它的用户喜欢的地方。

Mate 和开源

Mate 是一个最直接的例子,展示了开源如何使开发人员能够对抗项目生命的终结。从理论上讲,GNOME 2 会被 GNOME 3 所取代,但它依然存在,因为一个开发人员建立了该代码的一个分支并继续发展了下去。它的发展势头越来越庞大,更多的开发人员加入进来,并且这个让用户喜爱的桌面比以往任何时候都要更好。并不是所有的软件都有第二次机会,但是开源永远是一个机会,否则就永远没有机会。
使用和支持开源意味着支持用户和开发人员的自由。而且 Mate 桌面是他们的努力的有力证明。

via: https://opensource.com/article/19/12/mate-linux-desktop
作者:Seth Kenlon 选题:lujun9972 译者:mayunmeiyouming 校对:wxy
本文由 LCTT 原创编译,Linux中国 荣誉推出


<a href="https://linux.cn/" target=_blank>Linux中国</a> / 2019-12-22 4 years ago / 未收藏/ linuxChina发送到 kindle

62 岁的前西门子合同工 David A. Tinley 因为植入逻辑炸弹的阴谋而被判六个月徒刑七千美元罚款。他在今年 7 月认罪。Tinley 为西门子在 Monroeville 的办事处服务了将近 10 年的时间,他曾被要求为公司创建管理订单的电子表格,包括了自定义脚本可以根件据储存在其他文的当前订单去更新文件,让公司自动化库存和订单管理。
他的电子表格正常工作了多年,直到 2014 年开始出现问题。他植入的逻辑炸弹导致了在特定日期后电子表格崩溃。每次崩溃,西门子都会联络他来修复,他会收修复费用。
他的阴谋暴露是因为有一次电子表格崩溃而他不在城里,不得不将电子表格的管理密码交给公司的 IT 工作人员去执行紧急修复。西门子的 IT 雇员发现了逻辑炸弹。  


千余款 App 平均申请 25 项权限 某银行竟需获取性取向
使用银行 App 还需要获取性取向、婚史、好友列表、精准定位信息?近日,据国家网络安全通报中心透露,又有100款违法违规采集个人信息的App被查处整改,光大银行、更美、考拉海购、微店等知名App在列。通告指出,此次集中整治,重点针对无隐私协议、收集使用个人信息范围描述不清、超范围采集个人信息和非必要采集个人信息等情形。

加州新法允许互联网用户删个性数据 影响有多大?
据《财富》网站报道,到 2020 年,许多美国人将得到一个强大工具来保护他们的在线隐私。美国加州出台了一项新法律,将要求企业告诉消费者它们收集了消费者哪些数据,而且消费者可要求删除这些数据。这部被称为《加州消费者隐私法》(CCPA)的法律可能会对网络经济造成严重破坏,因为很多公司——从科技巨头到普通零售商——都依赖定向推送广告。如果人们要求公司删除他们的数据,这些广告的效果就会下滑。

卧底调查身份证买卖 这个暴利黑产手段真的脏

10 月 31 日至 11 月 29 日,民法典婚姻家庭编草案通过中国人大网向社会公开征求意见,“共收到 198891 位社会公众网上提出的 237057 条意见和 5635 封群众来信。意见主要集中在完善近亲属的范围、修改可撤销婚姻的撤销机关、进一步完善夫妻共同债务、同性婚姻合法化等方面。



四月的奥德赛 / 2019-12-14 4 years ago / 未收藏/ azurew发送到 kindle
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四月的奥德赛 / 2019-12-14 4 years ago / 未收藏/ azurew发送到 kindle
VMware 7.0 Beta 版 Build号 VMware-VMvisor-Installer-7.0.0 […]
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笔者安装好vSphere 7.0 Bet后,调整了硬盘到200G,才显示存储。     可是笔者明明是200G […]
2019-12-23 4 years ago / 未收藏/ Feed for FT中文网 - 双语阅读发送到 kindle

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Read the full story here.

【黑果小兵】macOS Catalina 10.15.2 19C57 正式版 with Clover 5100原版镜像[双EFI双平台版]

macOS Catalina正式版

Mac 上你喜爱的一切,都因 macOS Catalina 而变得更精彩。你可以享用两款全新媒体 app;用新的查找 app 定位遗失的 Mac;而你常用的 iPad app 现在也有了 Mac 版。你甚至可以将 iPad 当作第二个显示屏,扩展桌面空间。现在,无论做什么,你将拥有远超以往的体验

Apple Music

• 订阅 Apple Music,在线聆听并下载上千万首歌曲。
• 优化后的资料库井然有序,轻松查找你所有下载的或从 CD 导入的音乐。

Apple 播客

• 通过节目的名称、主题、嘉宾、主持人或内容搜索播客。
• 订阅喜爱的播客,自动接收上新通知。
• 你可以在 Mac 上开始听一集节目,然后随时利用 iPhone、iPad 或 Apple Watch 继续收听。


• 当 iPhone 或 iPad 连接上 Mac 时,可在访达中同步内容,进行备份、更新,或恢复软件。

Mac Catalyst

• 你现在可以在 Mac 上,畅享多款你常用 iPad app 的 Mac 版。


• 将你的 iPad 用作 Mac 的第二个显示屏,从而扩展工作空间。
• 可在每个屏幕上各运行一个 app;也可在 iPad 上使用工具和调色板,在 Mac 上进行绘画创作。
• 操作你常用的创意类专业 Mac app 时,以 Apple Pencil 在平板电脑上进行输入。


• 在 iPad 或 iPhone 上进行速绘,然后将其插入到 Mac 的任何文档中。
• 使用 iPad 或 iPhone 来签署 Mac 上的 PDF 或标记 Mac 上的截屏。


• 利用语音控制功能,通过你的语音全权掌控 Mac。
• 启用悬停文本,可在一个专用窗口里显示高分辨率大字体。
• 当使用两个屏幕时,利用放大显示功能,可将其中一个屏幕上的内容放大,以便阅读。


• 你所用的 app 均已由 Apple 事先检查是否含有已知恶意软件,让你安心使用。
• 当 app 要求访问数据时,将基于新的数据保护功能进行授权。


• 借助简单易用的新 app,追踪你的设备或寻找亲友。
• 即使设备未连接无线局域网或蜂窝网络,也能帮你定位。
• 可使用激活锁,保护搭载 Apple T2 安全芯片的 Mac 机型。


• 呈现你的精彩照片和回忆,带给你活泼生动、引人入胜的新体验。
• 浏览“回忆影片”,更可编辑影片时长、风格和标题。

Safari 浏览器

• 使用优化的起始页面浏览历史记录、书签、阅读列表、iCloud 标签页中显示的站点,甚至你在信息 app 中收到的链接。
• 使用 Safari 浏览器建议的强密码,有助保护账户安全。


• 在画廊视图中,浏览以缩略图呈现的备忘录。
• 尽享更强大的搜索功能,可识别扫描件中的文字和图像中的物体。
• 使用共享文件夹,可分享整个备忘录文件夹。
• 轻松地将核对清单项目重新排序或缩进排版,并自动将已完成的项目移动到底部。


• 使用新的编辑按钮,为提醒事项添加日期、位置、旗标和附件等。
• 智能列表可自动整理并显示临近的提醒事项,方便你及时跟进。


• 通过邮件主题静音、屏蔽发件人或从商业推广列表中取消订阅,全权掌控你的收件箱。


• 透彻了解在 app 和网站上花费的时间,并设定使用限额。
• 设置家人共享,为家人的设备设定屏幕使用时间。


  • 恢复在“照片”的“所有照片”视图中查看文件名的功能
  • 恢复在“照片”的“天”视图中按收藏夹,照片,视频,已编辑和关键字进行过滤的功能
  • 修复了启用重复警报选项时消息仅发送单个通知的问题
  • 解决了导致联系人启动到先前打开的联系人而不是联系人列表的问题
  • 在Apple News中添加了两指轻扫手势以用于向后导航
  • 解决了在文件夹中显示播放列表并在“歌曲”列表中显示新添加的歌曲时在“音乐”应用中可能出现的问题
  • 提高了将iTunes资料库数据库迁移到音乐,播客和电视应用程序的可靠性
  • 修复了电视应用程序的“下载”文件夹中看不到下载标题的问题






@宪武 提供的hotpatch的全套方法:

10.15.2 19C57 双EFI分区版下载链接

迅雷离线下载:[请点击下载] 感谢@难忘情怀提供下载资源
http下载链接:请点击下载 感谢@难忘情怀提供下载资源
百毒云下载链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1LVbWZ-qLd8xQwQCsJct_bA 提取码: rk3d
MD5 (macOS Catalina 10.15.2(19C57) Installer for Clover 5100 and WEPE.dmg) = 1b517732c6ab2155f3673aaeb33cd45a
2019-12-23 4 years ago / 未收藏/ pentester发送到 kindle
Hey hackers! These are our favorite resources shared by pentesters and bug hunters last week.
This issue covers the week from 06 to 13 of December.

Our favorite 5 hacking items

1. Tutorial of the week

Quality of Life Tips and Tricks - Burp Suite

These tips are very helpful for improving your Burp experience. Some are old news but I’m discovering others for the first time:
  • How to reduce the size of Burp projects for long term storage (Burp project hoarders, hello!)
  • How to leverage Match and Replace for simplifying the use of complex or long test username/passwords (Simple yet genius! Useful especially with mobile tests)
  • How to rearrange Burp Repeater request and response tabs (So useful for taking screenshots for reports!)

2. Tool of the week


Have you ever used Burp Repeater as a bookmarking feature? I do, and the result is not pretty. Tens of tabs open, which is not practical and slows down Burp.
So, this bookmarking extension can be life-changing. It allows you to save interesting requests/responses, replay requests directly in the extension’s tab, sent it to Repeater/Intruder, and highlight the request in Burp Proxy.

3. Video of the week

Docker For Pentesting And Bug Bounty Hunting & Bug Bounty Toolkit

This is an excellent introduction to Docker. If you are not already using it, you can learn in less than 40 minutes why and how to leverage it for pentest and bug bounty.
An example toolkit is also provided. It basically allows you to customize any Linux distribution by adding tools. The list of tools installed can be modified. This would be a good exercise for practicing with Docker.

4. Tip of the week

Trying to use Masscan through a VPN client? Use -e to specify the interface. Similarly, Nessus won’t scan over a VPN interface unless you set the source_ip setting in the advanced options to your VPN interface’s IP.

Tip added to knowledge base! This is good to know and might save me (and you maybe?) time when using a VPN for either pentest or bug bounty.

5. Non technical item of the week

Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects & @knoxxs’s notes

I know someone who can literally learn anything in a very short period of time. I don’t think it is due to an abnormal intelligence or anything, but because of skills like the ability to detect the missing knowledge, where to get it and what to prioritize to get quick results.
These skills can be taught. This free Coursera course is an excellent start. Personally, I’ve added it to my list of online courses to go through in 2020. It explains both theory and practical techniques to improve learning, tackle procrastination, and understand how memory works.

Other amazing things we stumbled upon this week



Webinars & Webcasts


Slides only


Medium to advanced

Beginners corner


Challenge writeups

Pentest writeups

Responsible(ish) disclosure writeups

Bug bounty writeups

See more writeups on The list of bug bounty writeups.


If you don’t have time

More tools, if you have time

Misc. pentest & bug bounty resources




Bug bounty & Pentest news



Breaches & Attacks

Malicious apps/sites

Other news

Non technical

Tweeted this week

We created a collection of our favorite pentest & bug bounty related tweets shared this past week. You’re welcome to read them directly on Twitter: Tweets from 12/06/2019 to 12/13/2019.

Curated by Pentester Land & Sponsored by Intigriti

Have a nice week folks!
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Tim Nolet / 2019-12-17 4 years ago / 未收藏/ checklyhq发送到 kindle
An in depth teardown of hosting, software and other cost at the developing stage of a developer focuses SaaS. And the nuance of it all....
Marcin Wanago / 2019-12-16 4 years ago / 未收藏/ wanago发送到 kindle
The hooks are an exciting addition to React and undoubtedly one that helps us to separate the logic from the template. Doing so makes the above logic more testable. Unfortunately, testing hooks does not prove to be that straightforward. In this article, we look into how we can deal with it using react-hooks-testing-library. Identifying the tricky […]
The post JavaScript testing #5. Testing hooks with react-hooks-testing-library and Redux appeared first on Marcin Wanago Blog - JavaScript, both frontend and backend.
2019-12-23 4 years ago / 未收藏/ zdyxry发送到 kindle


之前已经介绍过 ClusterAPI 及相应实现方式,但是针对使用 ClusterAPI 部署的 K8s 集群社区中一直没有升级方案,其中 vmware 实现了一个简单的升级工具,可以在社区没实现之前提供使用,今天来看下这个工具是如何实现的。


master ✔ $ tree .
├── Dockerfile
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── hack
│   └── tools
│   ├── go.mod
│   ├── go.sum
│   └── main.go
├── LICENSE.txt
├── main.go # 命令行入口
├── Makefile
├── NOTICE.txt
├── pkg
│   ├── internal
│   │   └── kubernetes
│   │   ├── client.go # 获取 client
│   │   └── pod_exec.go
│   ├── logging
│   │   └── logrus_logr.go
│   └── upgrade
│   ├── config.go
│   ├── control_plane.go # 主要升级逻辑
│   └── control_plane_test.go
├── README.md
└── test
└── integration
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
└── main_test.go


首先在 main.go 封装了相应的命令行用于升级,获取到相应配置后,开始升级:
upgrader, err := upgrade.NewControlPlaneUpgrader(newLogger(), finalConfig)
if err != nil {
return err

return upgrader.Upgrade()
在 control_plane.go 文件中是升级的主要逻辑,所有的步骤都是顺序执行的,摘要下主要的步骤:
// Upgrade does the upgrading of the control plane.
func (u *ControlPlaneUpgrader) Upgrade() error {
machines, err := u.listMachines()
if err := u.reconcileKubeadmConfigMapAPIEndpoints(); err != nil {
err = u.updateKubeletConfigMapIfNeeded(u.desiredVersion)
err = u.updateKubeletRbacIfNeeded(u.desiredVersion)
if err := u.etcdClusterHealthCheck(15 * time.Second); err != nil {
if err := u.UpdateProviderIDsToNodes(); err != nil {
return updateKubeadmKubernetesVersion(in, "v"+u.desiredVersion.String())
if err := u.updateMachines(machines); err != nil {
if err := u.reconcileKubeadmConfigMapAPIEndpoints(); err != nil {
  1. u.listMachines获取 TargetCluster 所有的 ControlPlane 节点
    a. 通过 label 来进行 machine 过滤
    b. 如果 Machine 的 DeletionTimestamp 字段为 0,则追加到列表中
  2. u.reconcileKubeadmConfigMapAPIEndpoints 这里主要是确保对应的 APIEndpoints 节点都在 k8s 集群中,通过对比 nodeList 与 APIEndpoints 来进行过滤
  3. u.updateKubeletConfigMapIfNeeded 在 k8s 中,在 ConfigMap 中是有保存 kubelet 配置信息的,在升级过程中,需要重新创建对应版本的 kubelet 配置信息,这个函数中直接将原版本的 kubelet 复制了一份,创建一份目标版本的 kublet 配置 ConfigMap
  4. u.updateKubeletRbacIfNeeded 创建目标版本的 Role 和 RoleBinding 资源
  5. u.etcdClusterHealthCheck 检查 etcd 集群是否健康,这里主要通过 endpoint health --endpoints 来检查 etcd 是否健康
  6. u.UpdateProviderIDsToNodes 通过 Cluster-API 创建出来的节点,需要设置 node.ProviderID 才可以被 Cluster-API 识别为 running 状态,ProviderId 格式为:vmware://xxxxx ,这里根据 ProviderID 来检测出具体的 ID,并将其作为一个 map 返回
  7. u.updateKubeadmKubernetesVersion 将 kubeadm ConfigMap 中的 kubernetesVersion 字段更新为目标版本,便于后续添加节点时指定的是目标版本
  8. u.updateMachines 在所有配置文件已经准备、更新完成后,开始做整个升级中最重要的部分,节点(Machine)升级,首先遍历所有 Machine 资源,针对每个 Machine,进行如下动作:
    a. u.etcdClusterHealthCheck 检查 etcd 集群是否健康,如果不健康,则退出升级
    b. generateReplacementMachineName 生成替代 Machine 相应配置信息,如 MachineName
    c. u.updateInfrastructureReference 创建替代 Machine 的 Infrastructure Object
    d. u.updateBootstrapConfig 创建替代 Machine 的 Bootstrap Config,因为默认 Cluster-API 使用的 kubeadm Bootstrap,所以这里其实是生成替代 Machine 执行的 kubeadm 配置
    e. u.updateMachine 真正创建替代 Machine 的步骤,创建对应的目标虚拟机,等待目标虚拟机添加到 K8s 集群中且处于 Ready 后,将原虚拟机对应 etcd 节点从 etcd 集群中移除,随后将原虚拟机对应节点从 K8s 集群中移除
  9. u.reconcileKubeadmConfigMapAPIEndpoints 等待所有 Machine 替换完成后,重新配置 kubeadm ConfigMap 保证 kubeadm ConfigMap 中保存所有的 APIEndpoints 信息。


Cluster-API 作为 K8s cluster-lifecycle SIG 的一个还处于 Alpha 阶段的项目,还处于一个快速更新迭代的状态,因此最终升级流程是怎样还不确定,但是从 vmware 的这个工具来看,后续很有可能采用这种方案,毕竟 Cluster-API 不想通过 SSH 这种比较麻(恶)烦(心)的方式对节点进行管理,从 kubeadm Bootstrap 使用 Cloud-init 就可以看出,尤其是当支持多种 Linux 发行版后,可以预想这是一个灾难。因此使用这种节点逐一替换的方式是很方便的,具体实现看 v1alpha3 发布之后社区的讨论结果吧。
Cluster-API 项目在代码中很少使用缩写,带来的好处很明显,易读易懂,上手容易,我自己的项目也一直秉承着这种观点,但是当我看到 reconcileKubeadmConfigMapAPIEndpoints 这种长度的变量名,还是很崩溃的。


2019-12-22 4 years ago / 未收藏/ economistp发送到 kindle
FOR SEVERAL years, beginning in the mid-2000s, devotees of Chinese food on America’s east coast obsessed over a mystery: Where was Peter Chang? A prodigiously talented—and peripatetic—chef, Mr Chang bounced around eateries in the south-east. One day diners at a strip-mall restaurant in suburban Richmond or Atlanta might be eating standard egg rolls and orange chicken; the next, their table would be graced by exquisite pieces of aubergine the size of an index finger, greaselessly fried and dusted with cumin, dried chillies and Sichuan peppercorns. Or by a soup made of pickled mustard greens and fresh sea bass, in its way as hauntingly perfect and austere as a Bach cello suite. A few months later, Mr Chang would move on.
He now seems to have settled down, running a string of restaurants bearing his name between Rockville, Maryland, and Virginia Beach. His latest—Q by Peter Chang—in the smart Washington suburb of Bethesda, may be his finest. The space is vast and quasi-industrial, with brushed concrete floors, massive pillars and not a winking dragon in sight. Order a scallion pancake, and what appears is not the typical greasy disc but an airy, volleyball-sized dough sphere. Jade shrimp with crispy rice comes under what looks like an upturned wooden bowl (perhaps, you think, for the shells). On inspection the bowl turns out to be the rice. Thumping through it with a spoon reveals perfectly cooked shrimp floating in shamrock-green sauce.

A tab for two at Q can easily top three figures—several times the outlay on an average Chinese meal. Nor is Mr Chang’s the only such restaurant in the area: like many big American cities, Washington has seen a rise in high-end Chinese cuisine. That is good news, and not just for well-heeled gourmands who can tell shuijiao from shuizhu. The culinary trend is underpinned by two benign social ones. Chinese-Americans are becoming wealthier and more self-confident; and customers are shedding old stereotypes about Chinese food. To put it another way: sometimes a dumpling is more than just a dumpling.

The comfort of strangers

Chinese restaurants began to open in America in the mid-19th century, clustering on the west coast where the first immigrants landed. They mostly served an Americanised version of Cantonese cuisine—chop suey, egg fu yung and the like. In that century and much of the 20th, the immigrants largely came from China’s south-east, mainly Guangdong province.
After the immigration reforms of 1965 removed ethnic quotas that limited non-European inflows, Chinese migrants from other regions started to arrive. Restaurants began calling their food “Hunan” and “Sichuan”, and though it rarely bore much resemblance to what was actually eaten in those regions, it was more diverse and boldly spiced than the sweet, fried stuff that defined the earliest Chinese menus. By the 1990s adventurous diners in cities with sizeable Chinese populations could choose from an array of regional cuisines. A particular favourite was Sichuan food, with its addictively numbing fire (the Sichuan peppercorn has a slightly anaesthetising, tongue-buzzing effect).
Yet over the decades, as Chinese food became ubiquitous, it also—beyond the niche world of connoisseurs—came to be standardised. There are almost three times as many Chinese restaurants in America (41,000) as McDonald’s. Virtually every small town has one and, generally, the menus are consistent: pork dumplings (steamed or fried); the same two soups (hot and sour, wonton); stir-fries listed by main ingredient, with a pepper icon or star indicating a meagre trace of chilli-flakes. Dishes over $10 are grouped under “chef’s specials”. There are modest variations: in Boston, takeaways often come with bread and feature a dark, molasses-sweetened sauce; a Chinese-Latino creole cuisine developed in upper Manhattan. But mostly you can, as at McDonald’s, order the same thing in Minneapolis as in Fort Lauderdale.
Until recently, the prices varied as little as the menus—and they were low. Eddie Huang, a Taiwanese-American restaurateur turned author and presenter, recounts how his newly arrived father kept his prices down because “immigrants can’t sell anything full-price in America.”
That, in truth, was a consoling simplification. Americans have traditionally been willing to pay through the nose at French or Italian joints (where, in fact, Latinos often do most of the cooking). And every city has its pricey sushi bars and exorbitant tapas restaurants (tapas, as one joke goes, is Spanish for “$96 and still hungry”).
But Mr Huang is right that Americans have long expected Chinese food to be cheap and filling. One step up from the urban takeaway, with its fluorescent lighting and chipped formica counter, is the strip-mall bistro with its imposing red doors and fake lions standing guard—sufficiently exotic to be special, but still affordable enough for a family to visit once a week when nobody feels like cooking.

American dreams

Even the superior outlets were cheap for what they served (and often still are). Consider the hand-ripped noodles with lamb at Xi‘an Famous Foods in lower Manhattan. A tangle of long noodles, each about the width of Elvis Costello’s ties in the late 1970s, is tossed with curls of braised lamb and a complex, incendiary sauce laced with cumin and chillies—all for just over $10, a fraction of the price of comparably accomplished dishes at smart restaurants nearby. True, Xi‘an Famous Foods has no waiters (diners carry their plates on plastic trays to bench seating). But its noodles are handmade, and the lamb dish may be the single best thing to eat in New York at any price.
But now things are changing. Mr Huang sells deliciously pillowy stuffed buns in New York and Los Angeles for $5.50 each—or, as he puts it, “full fucking price”—and encourages other immigrants not to undervalue their work. Restaurants in Q’s bracket are cropping up not just in America’s Chinatowns but in the suburbs, where Chinese immigrants and their families have settled, following the classic strivers’ path. The median income of Chinese-Americans’ households is nearly 30% higher than the average. They are more than twice as likely as other Americans to have an advanced degree.
Chef’s special relationship
Meanwhile, although racism persists, the pervasive discrimination of earlier ages has waned. Witness the presidential campaign of Andrew Yang, in which his ethnicity has scarcely been mentioned. Since the Chinese-American population is six times as big as 40 years ago, Americans overall are much more familiar with Chinese people and their cooking. All of which means that, in your correspondent’s fairly extensive experience, the new fancy breed of Chinese restaurants draws a heartening mix of Chinese and non-Chinese diners.
Not everyone is enticed. The same cult of authenticity which decrees that good tacos only come from trucks posits that the best Chinese food is found in humble settings. That is as inaccurate as the snobbery that Mr Huang decries. Chinese chefs are as ambitious as any others; a bowl of noodle soup no more stands for all of Chinese cuisine than a slice of pizza does for Italian.
In any case, authenticity is a slippery commodity. Recipes constantly evolve as people move and mingle. The chillies now considered essential to Sichuan dishes were actually brought to China by Iberian traders in the late 16th century. Hot dogs were originally German, pizza Neapolitan, bagels Polish—but now they are all American, and like America, infinitely varied.
The goat ribs at Duck, Duck Goat, in Chicago’s trendy meatpacking district, are more Chinese-ish than Chinese. So is the place itself—headed by a non-Chinese chef and kitschily decorated with paper lanterns and bright red walls. The ribs come as a mesh of burnished meat stilettos with a wonderful chew, the sweetness of the glaze giving way to the goat’s irresistible gaminess. They spark fights over who gets the last one. They are as inauthentic, and as imaginative and lovingly created, as Mr Chang’s scallion dough sphere—and as delicious, which in the end, is what counts.
This article appeared in the Books and arts section of the print edition under the headline "A bao in every steamer"
2019-12-22 4 years ago / 未收藏/ economistp发送到 kindle
HALFWAY BETWEEN Moscow and the Pacific Ocean sits the city of Krasnoyarsk. At its heart, on the banks of the mighty Yenisei, stands a brutalist building encased in granite. Built in 1987, it was the last of the Lenin Museums that the Soviet Union bestowed on deserving provincial cities to showcase the achievements of socialism. It is now an art museum. And when night falls, giant letters are projected onto one of its stark walls: SVOBODA.
Svoboda, or freedom, is not the first thing which springs to Western minds at the mention of Siberia; the vast region is more readily associated with fetters, exile and suffering. Nor is it a word much associated with present-day Russia. But it is a word that fits.

The projection on the side of the Krasnoyarsk museum is at least as much about geography as politics: a tribute to Siberia’s limitless expanse, its high skies and rivers that flow so fast and so deep that their water will steam rather than freeze. It is a historical statement, too—Siberia has been seen for centuries, by visitors and inhabitants alike, as a place of freedom. But by the same measure it is also an ironic one: Siberia was a place of punishment and exile long before the Soviet Gulag.
Inside the museum you will find a lot more irony. An artistic movement called “Siberian ironic conceptualism” is well represented. “Irony and self-irony is a mode of survival in Siberia,” says Vyacheslav Mizin, an artist from Novosibirsk. He and his partner, who style themselves “The Blue Noses”, produce pieces which populate the Siberian landscape with American rock stars, poking fun at state propaganda and liberal fetishes alike. If you are incapable of irony, Mr Mizin says, “you turn beastly. The harder the conditions, the more you need it.” Whether the conditions are climatic, political or spiritual goes unsaid.
This Siberian school is less intellectual than the conceptual art you find in Moscow. It is more coarsely grotesque and openly mocking. It embodies a Siberian belief held far beyond the world of art galleries: that Siberia is both the essence of Russia and separate from it.
The movement’s most famous piece is called “United States of Siberia”. In the early 2010s Damir Muratov, an artist from Siberia’s ancient capital, Tobolsk, some 1,500km west of Krasnoyarsk, took an old wooden door and painted it with green and white horizontal stripes, a field of snowflakes in the top left corner. It was a homage to the American painter Jasper Johns, who in the 1950s first posed the question of whether a painting of a flag was something different from the flag itself—and if so, what, if anything, such somethings symbolised.
Mr Muratov’s painting was similarly not a flag. It did not represent a country—merely suggested one—and it did not fly free in the wind. For Mr Muratov, the wind is the essence of a flag. “The most important thing is the movement of air,” he says. “Where there is a wind, there is a flag.” But because the windless wooden painting still looks like a flag, it is clearly asking to be taken as a symbol: of a non-state, of artistic freedom, of an anarchy free from any authority other than the endless horizons of the Taiga forests and the patterns of falling snow.

New worlds

The symmetries between Siberia and North America date back centuries. Russia’s colonisation of Siberia began in the reign of Ivan the Terrible—roughly at the same time as Elizabethan England began to explore its new world. Siberia’s Walter Raleigh was an audacious Cossack called Yermak. Previously a raider on the Volga river, he was hired by the Stroganov family in a bid to expand its fur trade by taking on the Khanate of Sibir. In 1582, accompanied by about 800 men, he crossed the Urals and established a foothold in Siberia. He drowned three years later, but Russia’s expansion continued at a breakneck speed, pushing aside Mongolian Buryats, Turkic Yakuts, Samoyedic Nenets and other indigenous, or at least established, peoples. By 1648 the territory under their sway stretched all the way to the port of Okhotsk on the Pacific coast.
Much less is known of Yermak than of, say, Raleigh or Sir Francis Drake. But a lack of detailed biography is no obstacle to becoming a folk hero. In the romantic mythology of the 19th century he came to embody the energy and enterprise of the free settlers who had moved east into a land where serfdom was never imposed, fighting, mixing and assimilating with those who the cossacks had displaced as they did so. As Nikolay Yadrintsev, a 19th century historian who did much to create the region’s founding myths, wrote: “Siberia, in its origin, is a product of an independent, rather than state-driven, movement and of the creative forces of the people…that was later hijacked and regimented by the state.”
Regimented—and exploited. Its claim on the lands taken by Yermak and his Cossacks transformed Muscovy, a second-tier duchy, into the world’s largest continental empire. Over the following centuries the bounty of Siberia sustained the Russian, Soviet and post-Soviet empires. A source of valuable furs and salt in the 17th century, precious metals and gold in the 19th century, and oil and gas in 20th century, the vastness of Siberia was to Russia something akin to what the west was to America. It felt similar, too. “My God, how far removed life here is from Russia,” Anton Chekhov wrote as he travelled across Siberia. “I really felt I wasn’t in Russia at all, but somewhere in Patagonia or Texas.”
A key difference, though, is that Russia has not moved beyond the extraction of riches from these empty lands. Up to three-quarters of what the country exports comes from Siberia. The rents extracted from these various trades still allow Russia to deal with economic crises without modernising its economy or renouncing autocracy and state monopoly, just as they did in centuries past.
In a book published in 2003, Clifford Gaddy and Fiona Hill (more noted, recently, for her testimony to Congress during the hearings on the impeachment of President Donald Trump) call this “The Siberian Curse”. Siberia’s size, its extreme climate and its misdevelopment by Russian rulers, they argue, hold all of Russia back. “In essence,” they sum up, “to become competitive economically and to achieve sustainable growth, Russia needs to ‘shrink’. It must contract not its territory, but its economic geography.”
The trade across the Urals was not all one way: in return for its resources, Siberia was sent criminals, prostitutes, dissidents and revolutionaries. In “The House of the Dead”, a history of Siberian exile, Daniel Beer notes that “the metaphors changed over time, but the basic conviction remained that Siberia was a receptacle for the empire’s own disorder.”
This was meant to cleanse Russia, not change Siberia. But some exiles could not help but bring change—none more so than the Decembrists. Young men who had been greeted as liberators across Europe during the Napoleonic wars, they had returned home to Russia infused with the ideals of liberty, nationhood and republicanism. On December 26th 1825 they mounted an armed revolt in St Petersburg. It failed. Five were hanged; 121 were sent east.
Instead of oblivion, they found hope. Nikolai Basargin, a 26-year-old Decembrist, wrote in his diaries, “The further we travelled into Siberia, the more fetching it seemed in my eyes. The common people seemed freer, more lively and more educated than our Russian peasants, especially the serfs.” The locals were, he thought, rather like Americans. “There is no doubt,” Basargin wrote, “that Siberia would stand its own in comparison to the American States, this young republic whose rapid growth in material and political significance is so striking both in terms of its attitude to dignity and to human rights”.

A spring from December

The legacy of the Decembrists survived the fall of the Russian empire and the Bolshevik revolution. In the 1970s one Decembrist family home in Irkutsk became an atmospheric museum and a place of pilgrimage for the Soviet intelligentsia. In an act of dignity and defiance, a Siberian publishing house brought out a series of Decembrist memoirs. If you see that legacy in Mr Muratov’s snowflakes and stripes, too, you might not be wrong.
When, in 1861, serfdom was abolished in the rest of Russia, millions of the newly free but landless flocked there, assisted by the Russian state. The Trans-Siberian railway, second only to St Petersburg itself as a tsarist imposition of modernity on the landscape, spread them between newly thriving cities and settlements in between. The elegant classical architecture of 19th-century Irkutsk and the delicate ornamentation of wooden Art Nouveau houses in Tomsk still survive among grey Soviet apartment blocks and eclectic post-Soviet monstrosities, testament to the tastes, money and energy that turned frontier forts into prosperous and cultured cities.
Rich as it was in resources and talents, Siberia lacked a wide range of freedoms. It saw itself as a colony and did not like that status, especially when the word was preceded by the modifier “penal”. Siberian intellectuals, students and journalists fostered a new regionalism. They did not want independence. They wanted Siberia to live up to its potential as the best part of Russia—as what Russia might become. As Yadrintsev argued in “Siberia as a Colony”: “The views and horizons of Russian people widen along with the Russian border…Whatever the history of this land, it cannot be deprived of its future.” America was, once again, the model.
On July 4th 1918, in the aftermath of the Bolshevik revolution, Siberia claimed its sovereignty. It could not hold it, and eventually fell to the Bolsheviks, many of whom had spent time imprisoned in the region. They went on to do unto others as had been done unto them on an industrial scale. Tsarist-era exile settlements were turned into slave-labour camps.
Yet even as the country descended into Stalin’s great terror, Siberia retained its romantic allure; its sense of being a place of shelter. Osip Mandelstam, one of Russia’s most significant 20th century poets, who would soon perish in the Gulag, described this paradox in 1931. In Vladimir Nabokov’s translation:
On my shoulders there pounces the wolfhound age,
but no wolf by blood am I;
better, like a fur cap, thrust me into the sleeve
of the warmly fur-coated Siberian steppes,
Lead me into the night where the Enisey flows,
and the pine reaches up to the star,
because no wolf by blood am I,
and injustice has twisted my mouth.

After Stalin’s death in 1953 new hope arose. Novosibirsk, about 800km west of Krasnoyarsk, was chosen as the site for a new, scientific town, or Akademgorodok, that would accelerate the Soviet Union into the communist future. It brought together, among others, nuclear physicists working on thermonuclear fusion and linguists considering how to communicate with aliens in the cosmic future Yuri Gagarin had opened up.
Other futurisms were less welcome. The 1970s saw huge new industrial projects in the region carried out under the aegis of the communist youth league. One of Siberia’s earliest chroniclers had rejoiced that “the air above is cheerful”. Not once the smelters started. The air was poisoned and the rivers dammed, engulfing whole villages. People were enraged and the 19th-century notion of a separate identity resurfaced, notably in the work of the Siberian “village writers”. In 1987 Irkutsk, the city where Alexander Kolchak, the Imperial Army admiral recognised by many countries as Russia’s head of state, was executed in 1920, staged the first mass anti-government demonstration in the history of the Soviet Union. It was aimed at a barbaric plan to dump waste from a paper-processing plant on the shores of Lake Baikal into the river which supplied the city’s water.
When the Soviet empire finally collapsed, Boris Yeltsin, Russia’s new president, promised the country’s regions “as much sovereignty as they could swallow.” Siberia was to get 10% of all the revenues raised from its natural resources. The region’s affinity for the wild West returned with a vengeance as oligarchs, local criminals and chancers tussled for dominance. Tomsk, home to a university that had served as an intellectual hub for regionalism in the 19th century, grew into one of Russia’s most politically vibrant cities, with a critical, independent television channel—TV2—and competitive politics.
All this stacked up against Tomsk when President Vladimir Putin started to consolidate his power. Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the boss of Yukos, Siberia’s largest company, was imprisoned. So was the mayor of Tomsk, his fate a warning to uppity regional politicians. Yukos was dismembered. TV2 was taken off the air in 2014.

The monstration mash-up

In 2004, the year of Mr Khodorkovsky’s first trial, Artem Loskutov, an artist, saw a Soviet-style May Day procession in Novosibirsk in which workers marched under the portraits of their factory bosses and logos of their produce. A poster for a strip-club painted in the style of Great Patriotic War propaganda demanded “capitulation” from its clients and promised a “victorious” shot of vodka. “The whole thing was absurd,” Mr Loskutov recalls. Enthused and amused, he and his friends joined in, carrying posters with slogans such as “Something like this” and “Oh!”. Thus did Novosibirsk’s “Contemporary Art Terrorism” group come into being, deconstructing a demonstration until it was just, as they put it, a “monstration” instead.
At first it was just playful. But as Russia descended deeper into authoritarianism—and with it, state intervention in art—the monstrations grew in size and in substance. “Don’t teach us how to live, or we shall teach you” read their main slogan in 2008. Two years later: “If everyone starts walking like this, what kind of anarchy will it be?!” Other cities started to copy Novosibirsk’s example. Mr Muratov began to paint his “flag”.
Responding to the everyday surrealism of Putin’s Russia, Vasily Slonov, an ironic conceptualist from Krasnsoyarsk (whose heavy-metal crown, poking fun at Western pop culture, is pictured), inverted one of the slogans from Paris in 1968: “Be impossible, demand reality.” Before an exhibition in Moscow in 2018, he displayed a toy bear carrying the slogan in Red Square. The bear was subsequently detained by the police, and has not been heard from since.
In a small, packed Novosibirsk bar ironically (of course) decked out as a Soviet-era pivnaya (beer hole), what strikes you about such artists and their intellectual partners in the resurgence of Siberian regionalism is their self-confidence. They do not debate whether Russia belongs in Europe or in Asia or whether it could ever become a “normal” country—the sort of questions fretted over in trendy Moscow cafés. As far as they are concerned, theirs is a normal country: one called Siberia which is populated by “spontaneous Eurasians”, people who listen to their own common sense rather than the agenda pushed by the Kremlin or Moscow liberals.
When, after the invasion of 2014, Russia’s state propaganda whipped up patriotic hysteria under the slogan “Crimea is ours”, the monstrators responded with “Hell is ours”. When the Kremlin demanded the federalisation of Ukraine, the artists called a march for the federalisation of Siberia and “the creation of the Siberian republic within the Russian Federation”. Its slogan was “Stop feeding Moscow”. The Russian authorities banned the march and blocked the internet page that advertised it. Predictably, this generated a far greater resonance from the media than the march itself would probably have done: conceptual politics born from conceptual art, and all the more powerful for it.
“All Siberian cities have different problems, but they have a common grievance against Moscow,” explains Mikhail Rozhansky, a historian and sociologist in Irkutsk. Yet while on paper Siberia is no different from any other Russian region, in reality it has retained some autonomy. And the harder the Kremlin tries to unify the country, the stronger the sense of separateness becomes. It is perhaps simply a function of size. In a land this large, people rely on themselves and each other; they do not have high expectations of any politician and reject authority as a matter of principle. This gives them the country’s strongest streak of Russia’s most distinctive contribution to political discourse: anarchy.
In 1898 Prince Peter Kropotkin, the father of anarcho-communism, wrote that in Siberia he “understood that the administrative machine [of the state] can do no good for people…In Siberia I lost any faith in state discipline and was ready to become an anarchist”. In the last days of the Soviet Union Grazhdanskaya Oborona (Civil Defence), an iconic punk band from the Siberian city of Omsk, inspired their fans by singing: “Kill the state within yourself” and “Our truth, our faith, our deed is anarchy”.
Protest is currently easier in Siberia than in the rest of Russia, and politics freer, too. For the most part this liberty is exercised only locally. But in 2019 Alexander Gabyshev took it on himself to expand it in a very Siberian way. Though some indigenous Siberians converted to Christianity after the Russians arrived, and some practice Buddhism, some still follow Shamanism. Mr Gabyshev styles himself a shaman warrior. In the spring he set off from his native Yakutia dragging a cart, a dozen followers in his wake. His destination was Moscow, “the heart of evil”; his goal was to exorcise the dark forces embodied by Mr Putin by lighting a fire in Red Square and performing a ritual with a tambourine.
As he went along, his following grew, both on the road and online. “From now on Putin is not a law to you. Live freely. That is the law,” he preached—part Kropotkin, part Aleister Crowley, an occultist. Then one night a SWAT team descended on his camp and packed the shaman back on a plane to Yakutia. There he was briefly incarcerated in a psychiatric ward before being ordered not to leave Yakutia again. Amnesty International declared him a prisoner of conscience.
Mr Gabyshev compares himself to a caterpillar which “knows that what will come out of this cocoon will be faster, stronger and wiser.” The idea of a shaman liberating Russia has a surrealism all of its own.

A valour undreamed of

But he is not the only one to believe that a cleansing can come from the east to the west. In 2013 Vladislav Inozemtsev, a liberal economist, and Valery Zubov, a former governor of the Krasnoyarsk region, wrote a response to “The Siberian Curse” called “The Siberian Blessing”. They argue that, “in a vast and over-centralised country such as Russia, [modernisation] cannot come from the centre, because the centre is the main beneficiary of the rent-seeking system.” Siberia—“the awakening colony that frees itself”—is not an eastern province of Russia. Rather Moscow is a city west of Siberia in dire need of reform and anarchy, cheerful skies and irony, and perhaps a touch of shamanism, too.
As Sergei Kovalevksy, the curator of the museum in Krasnoyarsk, puts it, “In Siberia anything is possible.”
A similar thought occurred to Chekhov when he stopped in Krasnoyarsk. “On the Volga a man started with valour and ended with a moan, which is called a song. On the Yenisei, life started with a moan and will end with valour of a kind we can’t even dream of. This is what I thought standing on the bank of the wide Yenisei: what a full, clever and brave life will light these banks with time!”
Most of the Krasnoyarsk that Chekhov would have seen in the 1890s is long gone. But something of that thought remains, projected every night onto a building that was once Lenin’s Museum.
This article appeared in the Christmas Specials section of the print edition under the headline "The ironies of freedom"
2019-12-22 4 years ago / 未收藏/ economistp发送到 kindle
THE CONSERVATIVE PARTY has been in the business of winning elections since the 1830s. In the 19th century it vied with the Liberals as Britain’s dominant political party, but it was the Liberals who eventually found themselves beached on the shores of modernity. In the 20th century the Conservatives held office for longer than any other party. In the 21st century they are on course to hold power, either in their own right or as the dominant partner in a coalition, for 14 of the first 24 years. Not bad for an outfit that John Stuart Mill dismissed as “the stupid party”.
To be sure, the Tories have had more than their fair share of Chris Grayling-style dunces and time-servers. They have also suffered long periods in the wilderness, particularly after the repeal of the Corn Laws in 1846 and during their long flirtation with imperial preference after 1906. During Tony Blair’s ascendancy the Conservatives were so enfeebled that Geoffrey Wheatcroft wrote a book entitled “The Strange Death of Tory England”, a deliberate echo of George Dangerfield’s rather more enduring “The Strange Death of Liberal England” (1935). But unlike the Liberals, the Conservative Party has always managed to revitalise itself.

Evelyn Waugh once complained that the Tories had never succeeded in turning the clock back for a single minute. But this is exactly why they have been so successful. The party has demonstrated a genius for anticipating what Harold Macmillan once called “the winds of change”, and harnessing those winds to its own purposes.
In the 1840s Robert Peel recognised the rise of industrial capitalism and championed the repeal of the Corn Laws, which had kept the price of grain unreasonably high. This split the party but allowed it to incorporate the new “men of business” in the longer term. In the second half of the 19th century, Benjamin Disraeli and Lord Salisbury recognised not only that democracy was the coming thing but also that, thanks to the conservative instincts of the middle and working classes, it could be used to extend rather than undermine the party’s power. In the 1970s Margaret Thatcher reached the future first in recognising that the post-war consensus was about to give way to a new world of free markets, privatisation and what Peregrine Worsthorne, an old-school Tory, called “get your snouts in the trough with the rest of us” Conservatism.
The Tories have three other great weapons in their arsenal. The first is highlighted in the title of one of the best books on the party, John Ramsden’s “An Appetite for Power”. The Conservatives have always been quick to dump people or principles when they become obstacles to the successful pursuit of power. Theresa May immediately sacked her two chief advisers, Fiona Hill and Nick Timothy, after the party’s poor performance in 2017, whereas Jeremy Corbyn is still clinging on to Karie Murphy and Seumas Milne after Labour’s devastating failure last week.
The second is patriotism. The Tories have always played this card better than any other party, whether in the form of imperialism in the 1870s or retaking the Falkland islands in the 1980s. They have been much aided in this by those radical intellectuals who admire any institution or cause so long as it is not British.
No one should underestimate the party’s third weapon: jollity. The Conservatives have always been the party of “champagne and women and bridge”, to borrow a phrase from Hilaire Belloc, whereas the Liberals and Labour have been the parties of vegetarianism, book clubs and meetings. Conservatives are never happier than when mocking the left for its earnestness.
Boris Johnson fits perfectly into this great Tory tradition. He was one of the first members of his political generation to spot the rising tide of nationalist populism and recognise that it was about to reshape the global landscape. This earned him the hatred of the metropolitan class into which he was born, which is convinced that the future lies with multilateral institutions and globalisation. But it put him at the front of Britain’s Eurosceptic movement, which could have degenerated into a narrow faction under Sir William Cash or a noisy fringe under Nigel Farage, but which entered the Tory mainstream because of Mr Johnson.
He succeeded in this where Mrs May failed because he possessed the other great Tory weapons. He has been willing to sacrifice anything in the pursuit of office. Beneath the bumbling exterior lies a ruthless, power-seeking machine. His withdrawal of the whip from 21 colleagues (some of them close friends) in September made Macmillan’s “night of the long knives” in 1962 look tame. Mr Johnson has never missed an opportunity to wave the flag—even when it has made him look absurd, as when he got stuck on a zip-wire clutching two little Union Jacks. Predictably, the left has played into his hands. Some Remainers have gone out of their way to give the benefit of every doubt to the EU, and Mr Corbyn has devoted his life to supporting anti-Western causes.
Above all, Mr Johnson has embraced the women-and-champagne side of Toryism, if not the bridge. He made his career as a Eurosceptic not by agonising about sovereignty but by making fun of the EU’s (imagined) imperial ambitions to regulate the shape of bananas or the size of condoms. He cracked jokes that were calculated to rile the guardians of political correctness as much as to delight the masses (post-mortems on the election have underestimated the role of these guardians in turning working-class voters against Labour).
The hunt is on to discover the meaning of Johnsonism. How will he flesh out the sketchy promises in his manifesto? What can he do for working-class voters in Blyth Valley? How will he reconcile the free-marketeer and big-government factions of his party? The best way to answer these questions is not just to engage in the British version of Kremlinogy by interrogating every ministerial leak. It is also to study the long history of a party that Mr Johnson now leads with such a resounding mandate.

This article appeared in the Britain section of the print edition under the headline "An appetite for power"
2019-12-22 4 years ago / 未收藏/ economistp发送到 kindle
THE INTENDED destination is not in doubt. Fully 97.7% of voters on the Pacific island of Bougainville opted for independence from Papua New Guinea (PNG) in a referendum held in late November and early December. But how—and how fast—the island will get there remains far from clear. The outcome of the poll is not binding on the government, which inherited Bougainville, part of the archipelago that includes the Solomon Islands, as a quirk of colonial map-making. There will now be a lengthy consultation between the island’s autonomous administration and the national authorities. The ultimate say rests with PNG’s parliament.
There are many reasons for delay. Bertie Ahern, a former Irish prime minister who oversaw the referendum, says the island’s 300,000-odd people are not ready for independence. James Marape, PNG’s prime minister, argues that Bougainville’s economy is too weak and has promised greater spending on infrastructure. The region’s main powers, Australia and New Zealand, fear the creation of a mendicant state on their doorsteps, susceptible, in particular, to Chinese bribes and blandishments. Nearly all of Bougainville’s revenue comes either from the central government or foreign aid.

That was not always the case. Bougainville once boasted the third-largest copper mine in the world. It delivered close to half of PNG’s export revenues in the 1970s. But arguments about the distribution of revenue and jobs from the Panguna mine sparked an insurgency in the late 1980s, which forced the mine to close. PNG’s armed forces struggled to establish control over the island’s mountainous terrain and hostile population. They withdrew in 1990, and blockaded the island by sea instead. When PNG hired mercenaries from a firm called Sandline International to restore order, its own soldiers mutinied, prompting the government of the day to fall and Australia and New Zealand to step in to broker a peace deal.

The agreement, signed in 2001, promised a referendum on independence by 2020 and self-government in the meantime. But the mine did not re-open, leaving the autonomous administration starved of cash. Other big mines and oil- and gasfields were developed on the mainland, diminishing the central government’s incentive to make autonomy work. National leaders’ main concern these days is that Bougainville might inspire other secessionist rebellions, given PNG’s diversity (its 8.5m citizens speak 839 languages), poverty, isolating terrain and dire infrastructure.
The leader of the autonomous government on Bougainville, John Momis, once supported greater autonomy within PNG—the other option on the ballot in the referendum. But the stinginess of PNG’s fiscal transfers and its broader neglect of Bougainville drove him and other voters towards independence instead. Few islanders have confidence in Mr Marape’s promise to fix these problems, having heard such pledges before.
In fact, there is a risk of lack of leadership on both sides. Mr Momis is 81 and must step down by June because of term limits. He has no obvious successor. Bougainville’s people, having voted so emphatically for independence, presumably expect speedy change. The politicians seem unlikely to gratify their desires. The chances of further discord are high.
This article appeared in the Asia section of the print edition under the headline "The 20-year itch"
krunalPatel / 2019-12-23 4 years ago / 未收藏/ icetutor发送到 kindle
This is just to satisfy my own curiosity. Is there an implementation of this: float InvSqrt (float x) { float xhalf = 0.5f*x; int i = *(int*)&x; i = 0x5f3759df - (i>>1); x = *(float*)&i; x = x*(1.5f - xhalf*x*x); return x; } in Rust? If it exists, post the code. I tried it and […]
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I installed vapor via homebrew and then immediately wanted to jump into a project by executing vapor new Hello but then got the following message back in the terminal: dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libssl.1.0.0.dylib Referenced from: /usr/local/bin/vapor Reason: image not found zsh: abort vapor new Hello I tried some approaches to fix this like uninstalling and reinstalling […]
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Currently, I have upgraded version of Django 2.0.6 to 3.0 and suddenly after calling python manage.py shell command got this error: ImportError: cannot import name ‘six’ from ‘django.utils’ (/path-to-project/project/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/utils/init.py) Full trace: Traceback (most recent call last): File "manage.py", line 13, in <module> execute_from_command_line(sys.argv) File "/path-to-project/project/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/core/management/__init__.py", line 401, in execute_from_command_line utility.execute() File "/path-to-project/project/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/core/management/__init__.py", line 377, in execute django.setup() […]
krunalPatel / 2019-12-23 4 years ago / 未收藏/ icetutor发送到 kindle
I created a project with vue-cli 4.1.1, and after running yarn serve, i got the following error Error: [BABEL] C:devvuestudysrcmain.js: Cannot find module './src/data' (While processing: "C:\dev\vuestudy\node_modules\@vue\cli-plugin-babel\preset.js") Any tips on this? Thanks in advance. UPDATE: Kousha and Dave are right,after waiting for the core-js package update, I created a new project, and now it’s working.
krunalPatel / 2019-12-23 4 years ago / 未收藏/ icetutor发送到 kindle
I’m prettye sure that this question has come up at some point, but sadly I haven’t been able to find an explanation. I’m wondering what the error “cannot borrow as mutable while also borrowed as immutable” means in the following case: let mut v: Vec<usize> = vec![1,2,3,4,5]; v[v[1]] = 999; After some digging I found […]
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I’m trying to run npm start but giving me error “An unhandled exception occurred: Could not find module “@angular-devkit/build-angular” I also tried to install it by using npm install @angular-devkit/build-angular but still getting me an error. Error “npm WARN deprecated core-jsMilan Dhameliya.6.11: core-js@&