Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang - 血府逐瘀湯 - Drive out Stasis in the Mansion of Blood Decoction - Achyranthis and Persica Combination - Chinese Herbs - American Dragon - Dr Joel Penner OMD, LAc


English: Drive out Stasis in the Mansion of Blood Decoction
Also Known As: Decoction for Removing Blood Stagnation in the Chest
Persica and Achyranthis Combination
Achyranthis and Persica Combination
Blood Palace Expel Stasis Decoction
Pharmaceutical Latin
Pin Yin
Sm. Persicae Tao Ren 4-15g Dispels Blood Stasis and invigorates Blood.
With Hong Hua and Chuan Xiong, invigorates Blood and dispels Stagnation, especially in the upper body.
With Hong Hua, Dang Gui and Chi Shao, for menstrual pain, amenorrhea or irregular menstruation due to Blood Stasis and trauma with pain.
Flos Carthami Hong Hua 3-12g Invigorates Blood, dispels Blood Stasis and alleviates pain.
With Chuan Xiong, for chest and abdominal pain due to Qi and Blood Stasis.
With Tao Ren, invigorates the Blood for all types of Blood Stagnation such as dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, swollen painful sores and chest and abdominal pain.
With Tao Ren, Dang Gui, Chuan Xiong and Chi Shao, for menstrual pain or amenorrhea.
Rx. Angelicae Sinensis Dang Gui 3-12g Nourishes and invigorates Blood.
With Chi Shao, invigorates Blood primarily in the lower body and nourishes and moistens Dryness.
With Sheng Di Huang, dispels Blood Stasis without injuring Yin and Blood.
With Tao Ren and Hong Hua, for symptoms associated with Blood Stasis.
With Gan Cao, moderates spasms and relieves abdominal pain.
With Chuan Xiong, harmonizes, nourishes and invigorates the Blood, disperses Blood Stasis and treats abdominal pain.
Rz. Chuanxiong Chuan Xiong 1.5-9g Invigorates Blood, regulates Qi and alleviates pain.
With Chai Hu and Chi Shao, for Qi and Blood Stagnation generating headache and/or chest pain.
With Tao Ren, Hong Hua and Dang Gui, for abdominal pain accompanying menstruation, pain due to trauma and headache from Blood Stagnation.
With Tao Ren, Hong Hua, Dang Gui and Chai Hu, for sharp stabbing pain in the chest and hypochondriac area due to Blood Stagnation.
Rx. Paeoniae Rubra Chi Shao 2-12g Activates Blood, dispels Blood Stasis, clears Heat and alleviates pain.
With Chuan Xiong and Dang Gui, for Blood-Stasis induced gynecological disorders such as immobile abdominal masses and amenorrhea with abdominal pain.
With Tao Ren, for Blood Stasis induced menstrual disorders, especially those characterized by early period, excessive bleeding, and thick purple clots.
With Tao Ren, Hong Hua and Chuan Xiong, for Blood Stagnation in the chest.
Rx. Cyathulae Chuan Niu Xi 3-24g Eliminates Blood Stasis, descends Qi and Blood and invigorates Blood.
With Tao Ren, Hong Hua and Dang Gui, for menstrual pain, irregular menstruation and postpartum pain .
(Rx. Achyranthis Bidentatae) (Niu Xi) 3-9g (May substitute for Chuan Niu Xi.)
Rx. Bupleuri Chai Hu 1-12g Spreads Liver Qi, relieves Stagnation, raises Yang and resolves Phlegm.
With Zhi Ke, for a stifling sensation in the chest.
With Zhi Ke and Jie Geng, expands the chest and promotes Qi movement which circulates Blood.
With Gan Cao, for hepatitis and upper right quadrant pain.
Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng 1.5-9g Directs the actions of the formula to the upper body.
Fr. Aurantii Zhi Ke 2-12g Promotes the movement of Qi, reduces distention and pressure and resolves hardenings.
Rx. Rehmanniae Sheng Di Huang 3-30g Cools Blood and clears Heat.
With Niu Xi, powerfully clears Deficiency Fire Blazing Upward with pain and swelling of the gums, epistaxis, hematemesis and other hemorrhage in the upper body.
Rx. Glycyrrhizae Gan Cao 1-6g Regulates and harmonizes the other herbs.
With Jie Geng, for pain and swelling of the throat.
  • Invigorates the Blood
  • Dispels Blood Stasis
  • Spreads Liver Qi
  • Unblocks the channels
  • Stops pain
  • Heart Blood Stagnation
  • Blood Stagnation of the chest and diaphragm
  • Blood Stasis in children, usually when fever, pain and insomnia develop after trauma
  • Chronic stabbing pain in the chest
  • Pain in the hypochondrium
  • Chronic, stubborn headache with a fixed, piercing quality
  • Palpitations
  • Chronic incessant hiccups
  • Five Sole Heat
  • Choking sensation when drinking
  • Dry heaves
  • Depression or low spirits with a sensation of warmth in the chest
  • Chest distention
  • Dry, scaly skin
  • Dark rings under the eyes
  • Spider naevi on the cheeks, nose, trunk, inner knee and ankle
  • Dizziness
  • Chronic tinnitus
  • Chronic gum disease with dark, purplish, patchy or dark, red atrophic gums
  • Loose teeth
  • Painful receding gums
  • Frequently bleeding gums
  • Vomiting after intake of water
  • Persistent daytime drowsiness
  • Insomnia (persistent with much dreaming)
  • Restless sleep
  • Forgetfulness
  • Irritability
  • Fidgeting
  • A bad temper
  • Extreme mood swings
  • Evening tidal fever
  • Dark or purplish lips, conjunctiva or nail beds
  • Dark complexion
  • Dark sclera
  • Hair loss on the head and body
  • T: Dark-red with purple spots on the edges
  • P: Choppy or Wiry and tight or Wiry and choppy or thready or Deep and choppy or Wiry
  • Contraindicated during pregnancy.
  • Contraindicated for those with Excess menstrual bleeding.
  • Contraindicated for the weak or debilitated.
  • Contraindicated for those with active hemorrhage disorders.
  • This is an excellent formula for all Blood Stagnation problems, particularly those affecting the upper body.
For hard chest and abdominal lumps: For amenorrhea or dysmenorrhea:
+ Rx. Curcumae Yu Jin - Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng
+ Rx. Salviae Miltiorrhizae Dan Shen + Rz. Cyperi Xiang Fu
+ Hb. Leonuri Yi Mu Cao
- Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng + Hb Lycopi Ze Lian
+ Rx. Curcumae Yu Jin + Rx. Linderae Wu Yao
+ Rx. Salviae Miltiorrhizae Dan Shen
For hypochondriac pain:
- Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng
+ Rx. Curcumae Yu Jin + Rz. Cyperi Xiang Fu
+ Bul Allii Xie Bai + Hb. Leonuri Yi Mu Cao
For headache:
+ 9g Fr. Viticis Man Jing Zi - Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng
+ 9g Fr. Tribuli Bai Ji Li + Rz. Cyperi Xiang Fu
For rheumatic valvular heart disease:
+ Hb Lycopi Ze Lian
- Rx. Cyathulae Chuan Niu Xi
For angina pectoris due to coronary artery disease:
- Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng + More Flos Carthami Hong Hua
- Rx. Bupleuri Chai Hu + More Rz. Chuanxiong Chuan Xiong
+ Rx. Codonopsis Dang Shen + Rx. Salviae Miltiorrhizae Dan Shen
+ Sm. Zizyphi Spinosae Suan Zao Ren
For hypochondriac pain due to hepatomegaly:
+ Rx. Aconiti Lateralis Preparata Zhi Fu Zi + Rx. Salviae Miltiorrhizae Dan Shen
+ Ram. Cinnamomi Gui Zhi + Rx. Curcumae Yu Jin
For post concussion complications:
+ Tabanus Meng Chong
+ Scorpio Quan Xie + Aspongopus Jiu Xiang Chong
+ Rz. et Rx. Ligustici Gao Ben
For allergic purpura:
For frontal headache due to Heat and Blood Stagnation:
+ Rx. Isatidis Ban Lan Gen
+ Rx. Angelicae Dahuricae Bai Zhi + Rx. Gentianae Macrophyllae Qin Jiao
+ Gypsum Fibrosum Shi Gao
For vertex headache due to Wind:
For headache with dizziness:
+Rz. et Rx. Notopterygii Qiang Huo
+ Flos Chrysanthemi Ju Hua + Rx. et Rx. Ligustici Gao Ben
+ Ram. Uncariae cum Uncis Gou Teng
For constipation:
+ Spica Prunellae Xia Ku Cao + Rx. et Rz. Rhei Da Huang
For Cold:
For Blood Stagnation with Qi Deficiency:
+ Ram. Cinnamomi Gui Zhi + Rx. Ginseng Ren Shen
+ Rz. Zingiberis Recens Sheng Jiang + Rx. Astragali Huang Qi
For angina:
+ Rx. Aconiti Lateralis Preparata Zhi Fu Zi + Rx. Salviae Miltiorrhizae Dan Shen
+ Ram. Cinnamomi Gui Zhi + Lignum Dalbergiae Odoriferae Jiang Xiang
For Blood Stagnation with Yin Deficiency:
For insomnia and excessive dreams:
+ Six-Ingredient Pill with Rehmannia
Liu Wei Di Huang Wan
+ Caulis Polygoni Multiflori Ye Jiao Teng
For feelings of distention, oppression and pain in the chest:
+ Cx. Albizziae He Huan Pi
+ Fr. Toosendan Chuan Lian Zi
For palpitations:
+ Rz. Corydalis Yan Hu Suo + Poria Pararadicis Fu Shen
For hard clots:
+ + Sm. Platycladi Bai Zi Ren
+ Hirudo Shui Zhi
For Yang Deficiency:
+ Tabanus Meng Chong + Rx. 15g Salviae Miltiorrhizae Dan Shen
+ Rx. et Rz. Rhei Da Huang + Rz. 9g Corydalis Yan Hu Suo
+ Eupolyphaga Tu Bie Chong + 6g Lignum Aquilariae Chen Xiang
For bone steaming fever:
+ 9g Rz. Curcumae Longae Jiang Huang
- Rx. Bupleuri Chai Hu + 9g Olibanum Ru Xiang
- Rz. Platycodi Jie Geng + 9. Flos Rosae Chinensis Yue Ji Hua
- Fr. Aurantii Zhi Ke
For Qi and Blood Deficiency:
+ Cx. Moutan Mu Dan Pi + Rx.15g Salviae Miltiorrhizae Dan Shen
+ Rz. Anemarrhenae Zhi Mu + Rz. 9g Corydalis Yan Hu Suo
+ Cx. Phellodendri Huang Bai + 6g Lignum Aquilariae Chen Xiang
For Blood Dryness due to Heat or Yin Deficiency:
+ Caulis Spatholobi Ji Xue Teng
+ Rx.15-30g Salviae Miltiorrhizae Dan Shen
For Heat:
+ Rx. Scutellariae Huang Qin
+ Rz. 9g Corydalis Yan Hu Suo + Rx. Gentianae Long Dan Cao
+ 6g Lignum Aquilariae Chen Xiang + Cx. Moutan Mu Dan Pi
+ 15g Rx. Curcumae Yu Jin
For severe pain:
+ 9g Rx. Scutellariae Huang Qin
+ Rx.15g Salviae Miltiorrhizae Dan Shen + Rx.12g Salviae Miltiorrhizae Dan Shen
+ Rz. 9g Corydalis Yan Hu Suo
+ 6g Lignum Aquilariae Chen Xiang + 9g Rx. Scutellariae Huang Qin
+ 9g Fr. Toosendan Chuan Lian Zi
+ 9g Fr. Gardeniae
Zhi Zi
+ 9g Myrrh Mo Yao
For coronary Heart disease:
+ 9g Olibanum Ru Xiang
+ Sudden Smile Powder
Shi Xiao San
+ 6g Per. Citri Reticulatae Viride Qing Pi + Rx. Curcumae Yu Jin
For Heart Qi Deficiency:
+ 6g Sm. Sinapis Bai Jie Zi - Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng
- Rx. Bupleuri Chai Hu
+ 6g. Pollen Typhae Pu Huang - Fr Aurantii Zhi Ke
+ 6g Faeces Trogopterori Wu Ling Zhi + 30g Rx. Codonopsis Dang Shen
+ 12g Rz. Polygonati Huang Jing
+ Sudden Smile Powder
Shi Xiao San
+ 30 g Rx. Astragali Huang Qi
For Phlegm:
For Heart Yang Deficiency or Cold:
+ 9g Rx. Pinelliae Preparatum Zhi Ban Xia
- Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng + 6g Per Citri Reticulatae Chen Pi
- Rx. Bupleuri Chai Hu + 6g Sm Sinapis Bai Jie Zi
+ 6g Rx. Aconiti Lateralis Preparata Zhi Fu Zi
For Yin Deficiency:
- Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng
+ 3g Cx. Cinnamomi Rou Gui - Rx. Bupleuri Chai Hu
+ 12g. Hb. Epimedii Yin Yang Huo - Fr Aurantii Zhi Ke
+ 9g Rx. Morindae Ba Ji Tian - Rz. Chuanxiong Chuan Xiong
+ 10g Rx. Ophiopogonis Mai Men Dong
+ 6g Rx. Aconiti Lateralis Preparata Zhi Fu Zi + 10 g Rz. Polygonati Odorati Nu Zhen Zi
+ 9g Ram. Cinnamomi Gui Zhi + 10g Hb. Ecliptae Mo Han Lian
For severe insomnia:
+ 12g Cx. Albizziae He Huan Pi + 12g Rx. Rehmanniae Sheng Di Huang
+ 20g Fr. Zizyphi Spinosae Suan Zao Ren + 12g Rx. Salviae Miltiorrhizae Dan Shen
For Qi Stagnation:
+ 9g Cx. Moutan Mu Dan Pi
+ 9g Per. Citri Reticulatae Viride Qing Pi
For Liver Heat:
+ Rx. Curcumae Yu Jin
+ 6g Per Citri Reticulatae Chen Pi
For insomnia or depression:
+ 12g Cx. Albizziae He Huan Pi
+ 9g Rz. Cyperi Xiang Fu
For Blood Deficiency:
For gingivitis and periodontitis:
+ 15g Rx. Rehmanniae Preparata Shu Di Huang
+12-15g Rz. Cibotii Gou Ji
+ 12-18g Rz. Drynariae Gu Sui Bu + 15g Fr. Lycii Gou Qi Zi
For gingivitis and periodontitis with persistent bleeding:
+ 15g Rx. Polygoni Multiflori He Shou Wu
+12-15g Rz. Cibotii Gou Ji
For promoting healing of gingivitis and periodontitis:
+ 12-18g Rz. Drynariae Gu Sui Bu
+ 12-15g Rx. Rubiae Qian Cao Gen +12-15g Rz. Cibotii Gou Ji
For gingivitis and periodontitis with pain:
+ 12-18g Rz. Drynariae Gu Sui Bu
+12-15g Rz. Cibotii Gou Ji + 6-9g Olibanum Ru Xiang
+ 12-18g Rz. Drynariae Gu Sui Bu + 6-9g Myrrh Mo Yao
+ 6-9g Olibanum Ru Xiang
For gingivitis and periodontitis with Heat in the Liver:
+ 6-9g Myrrh Mo Yao
+ Rz. Corydalis Yan Hu Suo +12-15g Rz. Cibotii Gou Ji
For gingivitis and periodontitis with Yin Deficiency:
+ 12-18g Rz. Drynariae Gu Sui Bu
- Rx. Bupleuri Chai Hu + 9-12g Rx. Curcumae Yu Jin
- Rz. Platycodi Jie Geng
For gingivitis and periodontitis with Yang Deficiency or Cold:
- Rx. Chuanxiong Chuan Xiong
- Fr. Aurantii Zhi Ke - Rx. Bupleuri Chai Hu
+12-15g Rz. Cibotii Gou Ji - Rz. Platycodi Jie Geng
+ 12-18g Rz. Drynariae Gu Sui Bu +12-15g Rz. Cibotii Gou Ji
+ 9-12g Rx. Ophiopogonis Mai Men Dong + 12-18g Rz. Drynariae Gu Sui Bu
+ 6-12g Rx. Aconiti Lateralis Preparata Zhi Fu Zi
+ 12-15g Fr. Ligustri Lucidi Nu Zhen Zi
+ 3g Cx. Cinnamomi Rou Gui
+ 12-15g Rz. Polygonati Odorati Yu Zhu + 12-18g Hb. Epimedii Yin Yang Huo
+ 9-12g Rx. Morindae Officinalis Ba Ji Tian
+ 9-12g Hb. Ecliptae Mo Han Lian
For obesity:
For gingivitis and periodontitis with Yin Deficiency:
+ Rx. Salviae Miltiorrhizae Dan Shen
+12-15g Rz. Cibotii Gou Ji
For fibromyalgia due to Cold Stagnation Blocking the Channels:
+ 12-18g Rz. Drynariae Gu Sui Bu
+ Ephedra, Prepared Aconite and Asarum Decoction
Ma Huang Fu Zi Xi Xin Tang
+ 12-18g Rx. Rehmanniae Preparata Shu Di Huang
+ Pinellia Decoction to Extend Life
Yan Nian Ban Xia Tang
+ 9-12g Fr. Lycii Gou Qi Zi
+ 9-12g Rx. Polygoni Multiflori He Shou Wu
For fibromyalgia due to Spleen and Kidney Deficiency:
For fibromyalgia due to Blood Deficiency:
+ Ginseng, Poria and Atractylodes Macrocephalae Powder
Shen Ling Bai Zhu San
+ Ephedra, Apricot Kernel, Coicis and Licorice Decoction
Ma Xing Yi Gan Tang
+ Improve Vision Pill with Rehmannia
Ming Mu Di Huang Wan
+ Restore the Spleen Decoction
Gui Pi Tang
+ Ginseng, Poria and Atractylodes Macrocephalae Powder
Shen Ling Bai Zhu San
+ Tangkuei Decoction to Tonify the Blood
Dang Gui Bu Xue Tang
+ Improve Vision Pill with Rehmannia #2
Ming Mu Di Huang Tang #2
+ Moisten the Intestines Pill
Run Chang Wan
For dysmenorrhea with lumbar pain:
- Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng
+ Tangkuei Decoction to Tonify the Blood
Dang Gui Bu Xue Tang
+ Rz. Cyperi Xiang Fu
+ Fr. Foeniculi Xiao Hui Xiang
+ Moisten the Intestines Pill #1
Run Chang Wan #1
+ Sm. Citri Reticulatae Ju He
For dysmenorrhea with pain in the thighs:
- Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng
+ Tangkuei Decoction to Tonify the Blood
Dang Gui Bu Xue Tang
+ Rz. Cyperi Xiang Fu
+ Rx. Gentianae Macrophyllae Qin Jiao
+ Moisten the Intestines Pill #2
Run Chang Wan #2
For amenorrhea with Blood stasis worse than Qi stagnation, with lower abdominal pain with guarding:
For amenorrhea with Qi stagnation worse then Blood stasis, with marked chest, subcostal and lower abdominal distention:
+ 10g Rz. Sparganii San Leng + 10g Rz. Curcumae E Zhu
+ 10g Rz. Curcumae Longae Jiang Huang + 10g Per. Citri Reticulatae Viride Qing Pi
For polycystic ovary syndrome with Heat:
+ 15g Rx. Aucklandiae Mu Xiang
+ Rx. Scutellariae Huang Qin
For acne vulgaris:
+ Fr. Gardenia Zhi Zi + Sargassum Hai Zao
For polycystic ovary syndrome with constipation:
+ Concha Ostreae Mu Li
+ Rz. Sparganii San Leng
+ 1-2g Rx. et Rz. Rhei Da Huang + Pheretima Di Long
For breast cancer:
+ Rz. Pinelliae Preparatum Zhi Ban Xia
+ Five Ingredient Decoction to Eliminate Toxin
Wu Wei Xiao Du Yin
+ Hb Taraxaci Pu Gong Ying
For bartholinitis:
+ Hb. Violae Zi Hua Di Ding
- Rz. Chuanxiong Chuan Xiong + Flos Chrysanthemi Indici Ye Ju Hua
- Rx. Glycyrrhizae Gan Cao
- Rx. Rehmanniae Sheng Di Huang
For bartholinitis with severe pudendal pruritis:
+ 10g Rx. Rehmanniae Preparata Shu Di Huang - Rz. Chuanxiong Chuan Xiong
+9g Stir-baked Cx. Phellodendri Huang Bai - Rx. Glycyrrhizae Gan Cao
+ 20g Sm. Coicis Yi Yi Ren - Rx. Rehmanniae Sheng Di Huang
For bartholinitis with longer duration and a larger pudendal cocoon:
+ 10g Rx. Rehmanniae Preparata Shu Di Huang
- Rz. Chuanxiong Chuan Xiong +9g Stir-baked Cx. Phellodendri Huang Bai
- Rx. Glycyrrhizae Gan Cao
- Rx. Rehmanniae Sheng Di Huang + 20g Sm. Coicis Yi Yi Ren
+ 10g Rx. Rehmanniae Preparata Shu Di Huang + 10g Rz. Atractylodis Cang Zhu
+ 6g Hb Schizonepetae Jing Jie
+9g Stir-baked Cx. Phellodendri Huang Bai + 10g Fr. Kochiae Di Fu Zi
For chest pain:
+ 20g Sm. Coicis Yi Yi Ren + Rz. 9g Corydalis Yan Hu Suo
+ 6g Eupolyphaga/ Steleophaga Tu Bie Chong + 6g Myrrh Mo Yao
+ 6g Olibanum Ru Xiang
+ 6g Roasted Ram. Cinnamomi Gui Zhi
+ Rz. 9g Corydalis Yan Hu Suo
+ 15g Hb. Salviae Chinensis Shi Jian Chuan + 6g Myrrh Mo Yao
+ 6g Olibanum Ru Xiang
+ 10g Cx. Moutan Mu Dan Pi + 9g Faeces Trogopterori Wu Ling Zhi
+ 10g Faeces Trogopterori Wu Ling Zhi
+ 3g Rx. Notoginseng San Qi
For sharp chest pain:
For chest pain with restlessness:
+ Rz. 9g Corydalis Yan Hu Suo + Rz. 9g Corydalis Yan Hu Suo
+ 6g Myrrh Mo Yao + 6g Myrrh Mo Yao
+ 6g Olibanum Ru Xiang + 6g Olibanum Ru Xiang
+ 9g Faeces Trogopterori Wu Ling Zhi + 9g Faeces Trogopterori Wu Ling Zhi
+ 3g Rx. Notoginseng San Qi + 3g Rx. Notoginseng San Qi
+ 9g Rz. Cyperi Xiang Fu + 9g Rx. Curcumae Yu Jin
+ 6g Sanguis Draconis Xue Jie + 15g Caulis Spatholobi Ji Xue Teng
For severe chest pain at night:
For cough:
+ Rz. 9g Corydalis Yan Hu Suo + 9g Sm. Armeniacae Xing Ren
+ 6g Myrrh Mo Yao
For cough with Blood-streaked mucus or dark, clotted material in the mucus:
+ 6g Olibanum Ru Xiang
+ 9g Faeces Trogopterori Wu Ling Zhi + 9g Sm. Armeniacae Xing Ren
+ 5g Powdered Rx. Notoginseng San Qi Fen
+ 3g Rx. Notoginseng San Qi
+ 18g Rx. Salviae Miltiorrhizae Dan Shen + 9g Rz. Imperatae Bai Mao Gen
For hiccups:
+ 1g Borneolum Bing Pian - Rz. Chuanxiong Chuan Xiong
For hiccups with a tendency towards Heat:
- Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng
- Rz. Chuanxiong Chuan Xiong - Rx. Glycyrrhizae Gan Cao
- Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng + 12-15g Flos Inulae Xuan Fu Hua
- Rx. Glycyrrhizae Gan Cao
For hiccups with a tendency towards Cold:
+ 12-15g Flos Inulae Xuan Fu Hua - Rz. Chuanxiong Chuan Xiong
+ 9-12g Caulis Bambusae in Taeniam Zhu Ru - Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng
- Rx. Glycyrrhizae Gan Cao
For hiccups with Qi Deficiency:
+ 12-15g Flos Inulae Xuan Fu Hua
- Rz. Chuanxiong Chuan Xiong + 6-9g Fr. Amomi Rotundus Bai Dou Kou
- Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng
- Rx. Glycyrrhizae Gan Cao + 3-6g Flos Caryophylli Ding Xiang
+ 12-15g Flos Inulae Xuan Fu Hua + 9-12g Rz. Pinelliae Preparatum Zhi Ban Xia
+ 18-30g Rx. Astragali Huang Qi
+ 12-15g Dry-fried Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Chao Bai Zhu
For hiccups with Yin Deficiency:
- Rz. Chuanxiong Chuan Xiong
+ 15-18g Rz. Polygonati Huang Jing - Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng
For hiccups with pain:
- Rx. Glycyrrhizae Gan Cao
- Rz. Chuanxiong Chuan Xiong + 12-15g Flos Inulae Xuan Fu Hua
- Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng + 9-12g Rx. Glehniae/ Adenophorae Sha Shen
- Rx. Glycyrrhizae Gan Cao
+ 12-15g Flos Inulae Xuan Fu Hua
For hiccups with pain:
+ 9-12g Rz. Corydalis Yan Hu Suo - Rz. Chuanxiong Chuan Xiong
- Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng
- Rz. Chuanxiong Chuan Xiong - Rx. Glycyrrhizae Gan Cao
- Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng - Fr. Aurantii Zhi Ke
- Rx. Glycyrrhizae Gan Cao + 12-15g Flos Inulae Xuan Fu Hua
+ 12-15g Flos Inulae Xuan Fu Hua + 9-12g Per. Citri Reticulatae Viride Qing Pi
+ 6-9g Olibanum Ru Xiang
+ 6-9g Myrrh Mo Yao
For hiccups following a traumatic injury:
For hiccups following a traumatic injury with extensive bruising:
- Rz. Chuanxiong Chuan Xiong
- Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng
- Rz. Chuanxiong Chuan Xiong - Rx. Glycyrrhizae Gan Cao
- Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng + 12-15g Flos Inulae Xuan Fu Hua
- Rx. Glycyrrhizae Gan Cao + 3-6g Rx. Notoginseng San Qi
+ 12-15g Flos Inulae Xuan Fu Hua + 6-9g Sm. Vaccariae Wang Bu Liu Xing
+ 3-6g Rx. Notoginseng San Qi
For hematemesis:
+ 6-9g Sm. Vaccariae Wang Bu Liu Xing + 12-15g Rx. Rubiae Qian Cao Gen
+ 6-9g Processed Rx. et Rz. Rhei Zhi Da Huang + 3-6g Rx. Notoginseng San Qi
For hematemesis with pain:
+ 9g Ram. Cinnamomi Gui Zhi + 12-15g Rx. Rubiae Qian Cao Gen
For hematemesis with persistent focal gnawing pain and bleeding:
+ 3-6g Rx. Notoginseng San Qi
+ 9-12g Rz. Corydalis Yan Hu Suo
+ 12-15g Rx. Rubiae Qian Cao Gen
+ 3-6g Rx. Notoginseng San Qi + 12-15g Rx. Rubiae Qian Cao Gen
+ 6g Endoconcha Sepiae Hai Piao Xiao + 3-6g Rx. Notoginseng San Qi
+ 6g Olibanum Ru Xiang
+ 6g Unprocessed Rx. et Rz. Rhei Sheng Da Huang + 6g Myrrh Mo Yao
For hematemesis with mild signs of Heat:
+ 12-15g Rx. Rubiae Qian Cao Gen
+ 12-15g Rx. Rubiae Qian Cao Gen + 3-6g Rx. Notoginseng San Qi
+ 3-6g Rx. Notoginseng San Qi + 9-12g Pollen Typhae Pu Huang
+ 9-12g Cx. Moutan Mu Dan Pi + 9-12g Dry-fried Faeces Trogopterori Chao Wu Ling Zhi
+9-12g Rx. Curcumae Yu Jin
For hematemesis with Food Stagnation:
For hematemesis with Yin Deficiency:
+ 12-15g Rx. Rubiae Qian Cao Gen - Rx. Bupleuri Chai Hu
+ 3-6g Rx. Notoginseng San Qi - Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng
+ 15g Massa Medicata Fermentata Shen Qu - Rz. Chuanxiong Chuan Xiong
- Fr. Aurantii Zhi Ke
+ 15g Fr. Crataegi Shan Zha + 12-15g Rx. Rubiae Qian Cao Gen
For hematemesis with Yang Deficiency or Cold:
+ 3-6g Rx. Notoginseng San Qi
- Rx. Bupleuri Chai Hu + 9-12g Rx. Ophiopogonis Mai Men Dong
- Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng
+ 12-15g Rx. Rubiae Qian Cao Gen + 12-15g Rz. Polygonati Odorati Yu Zhu
+ 3-6g Rx. Notoginseng San Qi
+ 6-12g Rx. Aconiti Lateralis Preparata Zhi Fu Zi + 9-12g Fr. Ligustri Lucidi Nu Zhen Zi
+ 3g Cx. Cinnamomi Rou Gui + 9-12g Hb. Ecliptae Mo Han Lian
+ 12-18g Hb. Epimedii Yin Yang Huo
For hematemesis with Blood Deficiency:
+ 9-12g Rx. Morindae Officinalis Ba Ji Tian + 12-15g Rx. Rubiae Qian Cao Gen
+ 3-6g Rx. Notoginseng San Qi
For Behcet's disease:
+ 12-18g Rx. Rehmanniae Preparata Shu Di Huang
+ Eight Treasures Decoction
Ba Zhen Tang
+ 9-12g Fr. Lycii Gou Qi Zi
For Behcet's disease with bleeding:
+ 9-12g Rx. Polygoni Multiflori He Shou Wu
+ Eight Treasures Decoction
Ba Zhen Tang
For Behcet's disease with decreased visual acuity:
+ Pollen Typhae Pu Huang
+ Nodus Nelumbo Rhizomatis Ou Jie
+ Eight Treasures Decoction
Ba Zhen Tang
For schizophrenia:
+ 15g Fr. Lycii Gou Qi Zi
+ 6g Hirudo Shui Zhi + 15g Fr. Ligustri Lucidi Nu Zhen Zi
For schizophrenia with a bitter taste in mouth, dry throat, short reddish urination and a feeling of brewing Heat internally:
For schizophrenia with excitation, restlessness and lack of calm:
+ 6g Hirudo Shui Zhi + 6g Hirudo Shui Zhi
+ Caulis Akebiae Mu Tong + Cx. Moutan Mu Dan Pi
+ Rx. Scutellariae Huang Qin
For schizophrenia with restless sleep, depression, oppression and discomfort:
For schizophrenia with scanty speech, scanty movement, lusterless complexion and fatigue:
+ 6g Hirudo Shui Zhi
+ 6g Hirudo Shui Zhi + Cx. Albizziae He Huan Pi
+ Rx. Astragali Huang Qi + Cauli8s Polygoni Multiflori Ye Jiao Teng
+ Rx. Angelicae Sinensis Dang Gui
For severe pain:
For cervical spondylitis and chest pain and oppression:
+ 9g Rx. Curcumae Yu Jin
+ 9g Fr. Toosendan Chuan Lian Zi - Rx. Cyathulae Chuan Niu Xi
+ 9g Myrrh Mo Yao - Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng
+ 9g Olibanum Ru Xiang - Rx. Rehmanniae Sheng Di Huang
+ 6g Bul. Allii Xie Bai +10g Rx. Angelicae Dahuricae Bai Zhi
For palpable hypochondriac masses or nodular hepatomegaly:
+ 12g Rx. et Rz. Notopterygii Qiang Huo
+ 9g Rz. Sparganii San Leng
+ 9g Rz. Curcumae E Zhu + 10g Fr. Liquidamberis Lu Lu Tong
+ 9g Eupolyphaga/ Steleophaga Tu Bie Chong
For severe palpable hypochondriac masses or nodular hepatomegaly:
+ 9g Rz. Sparganii San Leng
For chronic glomerulonephritis:
+ 9g Rz. Curcumae E Zhu
- Rx. Glycyrrhizae Gan Cao + 9g Eupolyphaga/ Steleophaga Tu Bie Chong
For chronic glomerulonephritis with Qi Deficiency and fatigue:
+ Rhubarb and Eupolyphaga Pill
Da Huang Zhe Chong Wan
- Rx. Glycyrrhizae Gan Cao
+18g Rx. Astragali Huang Qi
+ 12g Rx. Pseudostellariae Tai Zi Shen + 9g Rz. Sparganii San Leng
+ 9g Rz. Curcumae E Zhu
For chronic glomerulonephritis with Qi Stagnation and abdominal or costal distention and pain:
+ 9g Eupolyphaga/ Steleophaga Tu Bie Chong
+ Turtle Shell Pills
Bie Jia Wan
- Rx. Glycyrrhizae Gan Cao
+ 12g Rz. Cyperi Xiang Fu
For chronic glomerulonephritis with edema:
+ 12g Rx. Curcumae Yu Jin - Rx. Glycyrrhizae Gan Cao
+ 12g Per. Arecae Da Fu Pi + 9g Rx. Stephaniae Tetrandrae Han Fang Ji
For chronic glomerulonephritis with Phlegm-Heat with nausea, chest and Stomach fullness and oppression, a bitter taste and a sticky feeling in the mouth:
+ 12g Rz. Alismatis Ze Xie
+ 12g Polyporus Zhu Ling
- Rx. Glycyrrhizae Gan Cao + 12g Hb. Lycopi Ze Lan
+ 6g Rz. Coptidis Huang Lian
For bradycardia:
+ 6-9g Per. Citri Reticulatae Chen Pi - Rx. Bupleuri Chai Hu
- Fr. Aurantii Zhi Ke
+ 6g Rz. Pinelliae Preparatum Zhi Ban Xia - Rx. Rehmanniae Sheng Di Huang
+ 10g Rx. Aconiti Lateralis Preparata Zhi Fu Zi
+ 6g Caulis Bambusae in Taeniam Zhu Ru
+ 10g Per. Trichosanthis Gua Lou Pi
For hepatitis with a dry mouth, a bitter taste, yellow urine and a greasy, yellow tongue coat:
+ 15g Rx. Astragali Huang Qi
For hepatitis with abdominal fullness, loose stools and a pale tongue with a white coat:
+ Rx. Scutellariae Huang Qin
+ Fr. Gardeniae Zhi Zi + Poria Fu Ling
For hepatitis with low back pain, Five sole Heat and a red tongue with a thin coat:
+ Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Bai Zhu
+ Rx. Rehmanniae Preparata Shu Di Huang
For headache with Liver Yang Rising:
+ Concha Haliotidis Shi Jue Ming
+ Fr. Lycii Gou Qi Zi + Ram. cum Uncis Uncariae Gou Teng
For headache with Kidney Deficiency:
+ Fr. Corni Shan Zhu Yu
For headache with Turbid Dampness:
+ Fr. Lycii Gou Qi Zi + Cx. Magnoliae Officinalis Hou Po
For headache with External Wind-Cold:
+ Rx. Angelicae Dahuricae Bai Zhi + Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Bai Zhu
+ Rz. et Rx. Ligustici Gao Ben
For vascular headache:
For frontal vascular headache:
+ Rx. et Rz. Rhei Da Huang
+ Rx. Angelicae Dahuricae Bai Zhi
For occipital vascular headache:
+ Rz. et Rx. Notopterygii Qiang Huo
+ Rz. Gastrodiae Tian Ma + Rx. Angelicae Pubescentis Du Huo
+ Hb. cum Rx. Asari Xi Xin
For temporal vascular headache:
For vertex vascular headache:
+ Fr. Viticis Man Jing Zi + Rz. et Rx. Ligustici Gao Ben
+ Flos Chrysanthemi Ju Hua
For insomnia:
+ Rx. Gentianae Long Dan Cao - Rx. Bupleuri Chai Hu
For insomnia with Qi Deficiency:
- Rz. Chuanxiong Chuan Xiong
- Rx. Bupleuri Chai Hu + Caulis Polygoni Multiflori Ye Jiao Teng
- Rz. Chuanxiong Chuan Xiong
+ Caulis Polygoni Multiflori Ye Jiao Teng + Succinum Hu Po
For insomnia with Blood Deficiency:
+ Succinum Hu Po - Rx. Bupleuri Chai Hu
+ Rx. Astragali Huang Qi - Rz. Chuanxiong Chuan Xiong
+ Rx. Codonopsis Dang Shen + Caulis Polygoni Multiflori Ye Jiao Teng
For insomnia with Yin Deficiency:
- Rx. Bupleuri Chai Hu + Succinum Hu Po
- Rz. Chuanxiong Chuan Xiong + Rx. Rehmanniae Preparata Shu Di Huang
+ Caulis Polygoni Multiflori Ye Jiao Teng
+ Colla Corii Asini E Jiao
+ Succinum Hu Po
For insomnia with Phlegm-Heat:
+ Fr. Lycii Gou Qi Zi - Rx. Bupleuri Chai Hu
+ Fr. Corni Shan Zhu Yu - Rz. Chuanxiong Chuan Xiong
For phlebitis with Blood Heat:
+ Caulis Polygoni Multiflori Ye Jiao Teng
+ Cx. Moutan Mu Dan Pi
For phlebitis with Blood vessel pain with swelling and inflammation:
+ Succinum Hu Po
+ Per. Citri Reticulatae Chen Pi
+ Rx. Notoginseng San Qi + Rz. Pinelliae Preparatum Zhi Ban Xia
For phlebitis with a thready and weak pulse:
+ Rx. Astragali Huang Qi
For phlebitis:
For mammary gland hyperplasia:
+ Bul. Fritillariae Thunbergii Zhe Bei Mu
- Rx. Rehmanniae Sheng Di Huang
- Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng + Pheretima Di Long
+ Rz. Sparganii San Leng
For pelvic inflammatory disease with Cold sensations in the lower abdomen:
+ Rz. Curcumae E Zhu
For pelvic inflammatory disease with Toxic Heat:
+ Fr. Foeniculi Xiao Hui Xiang
+ Rz. Zingiberis Preparatum Pao Jiang
+ Hb. Taraxaci Pu Gong Ying
+ Hb. Violae Zi Hua Di Ding
For pelvic inflammatory disease with Dampness:
For concussion:
+ Sm. Coicis Yi Yi Ren
+ 10g Rz. Acori Tatarinowii Shi Chang Pu
For cerebral atherosclerosis:
- Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng
+ 15g Rx. Polygalae Yuan Zhi + 5g Rz. Gastrodiae Tian Ma
+ 25g Rx. Salviae Miltiorrhizae Dan Shen + 15-30g Rx. Salviae Miltiorrhizae Dan Shen
+ 16g Rx. Ophiopogonis Mai Men Dong
For endometriosis with Cold:
+ 13g Sm. Zizyphi Spinosae Suan Zao Ren + Hb. cum Radix Hb. cum Rx. Asari Xi Xin
+ Rx. Aconiti Lateralis Preparata Zhi Fu Zi
For endometriosis with Qi and Blood Stagnation:
+ Fr. Toosendan Chuan Lian Zi
For endometriosis with Blood Stagnation and Heat:
+ Pollen Typhae Pu Huang
+ Faeces Trogopterori Wu Ling Zhi + Caulis Sargentodoxae Hong Teng
For endometriosis with Qi Deficiency:
+ Hb. Patriniae Bai Jiang Cao
+ Rx. Astragali Huang Qi
For endometriosis with nodules and cysts:
+ Rx. Codonopsis Dang Shen + Rz. Sparganii San Leng
+ Rx. Aucklandiae Mu Xiang + Rz. Curcumae E Zhu
For endometriosis with infertility:
For hemorrhoids due to Qi and Blood Stagnation:
+ Hb. Epimedii Yin Yang Huo + 9-15g Rx. Sanguisorbae Di Yu
+ Rz. Curculiginis Xian Mao
+ Sm. Cuscutae Tu Si Zi + 9-15g Flos Sophorae Immaturus Huai Hua Mi
For forgetfulness due to head trauma:
- Rz. Chuanxiong Chuan Xiong
For dizziness and vertigo with Qi Deficiency:
- Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng + 24-30g Rx. Astragali Huang Qi
+ 15g Rx. Salviae Miltiorrhizae Dan Shen
For dizziness and vertigo with Cold:
+ 6g Rx. Aconiti Lateralis Preparata Zhi Fu Zi
+ 9g Rz. Corydalis Yan Hu Suo
+ 6g Rz. Acori Tatarinowii Shi Chang Pu + 9g Ram. Cinnamomi Gui Zhi
For dizziness and vertigo with bone-steaming fever:
For hypertension:
- Rx. Bupleuri Chai Hu - Rx. Bupleuri Chai Hu
- Rx. Glycyrrhizae Gan Cao - Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng
+ 15g Carapax Trionycis Bie Jia + 9g Cx. Moutan Mu Dan Pi
+ 15g Plastrum Testudinis Gui Ban + 9g Rz. Anemarrhenae Zhi Mu
+ 9g Cx. Phellodendri Huang Bai
+ 15g Rx. Salviae Miltiorrhizae Dan Shen
For hypertension with chest pain:
- Rx. Bupleuri Chai Hu
+ 9g Rx. Curcumae Yu Jin - Rx. Glycyrrhizae Gan Cao
For hypertension with cyanotic lips and nails and tachycardia:
+ 15g Carapax Trionycis Bie Jia
+ 15g Plastrum Testudinis Gui Ban
- Rx. Bupleuri Chai Hu
- Rx. Glycyrrhizae Gan Cao + 15g Rx. Salviae Miltiorrhizae Dan Shen
+ 15g Carapax Trionycis Bie Jia
+ 15g Plastrum Testudinis Gui Ban + 9g Rx. Curcumae Yu Jin
+ 9g Faeces Trogopterori Wu Ling Zhi
+ 15g Rx. Salviae Miltiorrhizae Dan Shen
+ 9g Pollen Typhae Pu Huang
+ 9g Rx. Curcumae Yu Jin
For hypertension with Qi Deficiency:
+ 3g Rx. Notoginseng San Qi - Rx. Bupleuri Chai Hu
For cervical spondylitis dizziness and/or chest pain and oppression:
- Rx. Glycyrrhizae Gan Cao
+ 15g Carapax Trionycis Bie Jia
- Rx. Cyathulae Chuan Niu Xi + 15g Plastrum Testudinis Gui Ban
- Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng
- Rx. Rehmanniae Sheng Di Huang + 15g Rx. Salviae Miltiorrhizae Dan Shen
+10g Rx. Angelicae Dahuricae Bai Zhi
+ 9g Rx. Curcumae Yu Jin
+ 12g Rx. et Rz. Notopterygii Qiang Huo + 15g Rx. Astragali Huang Qi
+ 15g Rx. Codonopsis Dang Shen
+ 10g Fr. Liquidamberis Lu Lu Tong
For insomnia:
+ 6g Fr. Aurantii Zhi Ke + 15g Rx. Salviae Miltiorrhizae Dan Shen
+ 10g Rx. Bupleuri Chai Hu
+ 6g Rx. Glycyrrhizae Preparata Zhi Gan Cao +20g Sm. Zizyphi Spinosae Suan Zao Ren
For thrombocytopenic purpura:
For thrombocytopenic purpura with Qi Deficiency:
- Rx. Cyathulae Chuan Niu Xi
- Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng - Rx. Cyathulae Chuan Niu Xi
+ 18g Rx. Salviae Miltiorrhizae Dan Shen - Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng
+ 18g Rx. Salviae Miltiorrhizae Dan Shen
+ 12g Cx. Moutan Mu Dan Pi
+ 12g Rz. Curcumae Yu Jin + 12g Cx. Moutan Mu Dan Pi
+ 6g Lignum Dalbergiae Odoriferae Jiang Xiang + 12g Rz. Curcumae Yu Jin
+ 6g Lignum Dalbergiae Odoriferae Jiang Xiang
For thrombocytopenic purpura with splenomegaly:
+ 15g Rx. Astragali Huang Qi
- Rx. Cyathulae Chuan Niu Xi + 15g Hb. Agrimoniae Xian He Cao
- Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng + 15g Hb. Leonuri Yi Mu Cao
+ 18g Rx. Salviae Miltiorrhizae Dan Shen
For thrombocytopenic purpura with constipation:
- Rx. Cyathulae Chuan Niu Xi
+ 12g Cx. Moutan Mu Dan Pi - Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng
+ 12g Rz. Curcumae Yu Jin + 18g Rx. Salviae Miltiorrhizae Dan Shen
+ 6g Lignum Dalbergiae Odoriferae Jiang Xiang
+ 12g Cx. Moutan Mu Dan Pi
+ 15g Carapax Trionycis Bie Jia + 12g Rz. Curcumae Yu Jin
For thrombocytopenic purpura with splenomegaly:
+ 6g Lignum Dalbergiae Odoriferae Jiang Xiang
- Rx. Cyathulae Chuan Niu Xi + 6-9g Rx. et Rz. Rhei Da Huang
- Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng
For palpitations with severe chest pain:
- Flos Carthami Hong Hua
+ Sudden Smile Powder
Shi Xiao San
- Sm. Persicae Tao Ren
- Rz. Chuanxiong Chuan Xiong
For palpitations with cyanotic lips and nails and a frequent, racing Heart beat:
+ 15g Pollen Typhae Pu Huang
+ 15g Hb. Agrimoniae Xian He Cao - Rx. Rehmanniae Sheng Di Huang
For palpitations due to Qi Deficiency with shortness of breath and panting which are worse with exertion:
- Rx. Cyathulae Chuan Niu Xi
- Rx. Bupleuri Chai Hu
+ 10g Rx. Salviae Miltiorrhizae Dan Shen
- Rx. Bupleuri Chai Hu
- Fr. Aurantii Zhi Ke
+ 9g Rx. Codonopsis Dang Shen + 3g Rx. Notoginseng San Qi
+ 12g Rx. Astragali Huang Qi
For palpitations due to Blood Stasis with Yang Deficiency:
+ 6g Ram. Cinnamomi Gui Zhi
+ more (9g) Rx. Glycyrrhizae Gan Cao + 6g Rx. Aconiti Lateralis Preparata Zhi Fu Zi
For palpitations due to Blood Stasis with Blood Deficiency:
+ 9g Ram. Cinnamomi Gui Zhi
For palpitations due to Blood Stasis with Yin Deficiency:
- Rx. Bupleuri Chai Hu
- Fr. Aurantii Zhi Ke - Rx. Bupleuri Chai Hu
- Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng - Fr. Aurantii Zhi Ke
+ 15g Rx. Rehmanniae Preparata Shu Di Huang - Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng
+ 9g Rx. Ophiopogonis Mai Men Dong
+ 9g Rx. Polygoni Multiflori He Shou Wu + 9g Fr. Ligustri Lucidi Nu Zhen Zi
+ 9g Hb. Ecliptae Mo Han Lian
For dyspnea and yawning:
For dyspnea and yawning with depression, frequent sighing and irritability:
- Fr. Aurantii Zhi Ke
+ 9g Rx. Curcumae Yu Jin - Fr. Aurantii Zhi Ke
For dyspnea and yawning with a stifling sensation in the chest:
+ 9g Rx. Curcumae Yu Jin
+ 9g Rz. Cyperi Xiang Fu
- Fr. Aurantii Zhi Ke + 9g Cx. Albizziae He Huan Pi
+ 9g Rx. Curcumae Yu Jin
For dyspnea and yawning with chest pain:
+ 9g Per. Trichosanthis Gua Lou Pi - Fr. Aurantii Zhi Ke
+ 9g Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng + 9g Rx. Curcumae Yu Jin
For dyspnea and yawning with palpitations, impaired memory and vexation:
+ Sudden Smile Powder
Shi Xiao San
- Fr. Aurantii Zhi Ke + 10g Faeces Trogopterori Wu Ling Zhi
+ 9g Rx. Curcumae Yu Jin
+ 9g Rx. Salviae Miltiorrhizae Dan Shen + 10g Pollen Typhae Pu Huang
For dyspnea and yawning due to Blood Stasis caused by Qi Deficiency with palpitations which are worse on exertion:
+ 9g Sm. Zizyphi Spinosae Suan Zao Ren
+ 9g Cx. Albizziae He Huan Pi - Fr. Aurantii Zhi Ke
For dyspnea and yawning due to Blood Stasis caused by Blood Deficiency:
- Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng
+ 9g Rx. Curcumae Yu Jin
- Fr. Aurantii Zhi Ke + 9g Rx. Codonopsis Dang Shen
- Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng + 12g Rx. Astragali Huang Qi
+ 9g Rx. Curcumae Yu Jin + more (9g) Rx. Glycyrrhizae Preparata Zhi Gan Cao
+ 12g Rx. Rehmanniae Preparata Shu Di Huang
For dyspnea and yawning with cyanotic lips and nails and a racing Heart:
+ 9g Rx. Polygoni Multiflori He Shou Wu
- Fr. Aurantii Zhi Ke
For upper back pain:
- Rx. Cyathulae Chuan Niu Xi
- Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng - Rx. Bupleuri Chai Hu
- Rx. Rehmanniae Sheng Di Huang + 9g Rx. Curcumae Yu Jin
- Rx. Glycyrrhizae Gan Cao + 10g Rx. Salviae Miltiorrhizae Dan Shen
+ 6g Caulis Spatholobi Ji Xue Teng
+ 6g Olibanum Ru Xiang + 3g Rx. Notoginseng San Qi
For secondary dysmenorrhea with Liver Excess including a bitter taste, a yellow tongue coat and long-lasting, thick, purple menstruation:
For secondary dysmenorrhea with Liver Excess including a bitter taste, a yellow tongue coat, long-lasting, thick, purple menstruation, chest fullness and anorexia:
+ Cx. Moutan Mu Dan Pi + Cx. Moutan Mu Dan Pi
+ Fr. Gardeniae Zhi Zi + Fr. Gardeniae Zhi Zi
For secondary dysmenorrhea with Liver Excess including a bitter taste, a yellow tongue coat, long-lasting, thick, purple menstruation, severe pain and vomiting:
+ Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Bai Zhu
+ Poria Fu Ling
+ Cx. Moutan Mu Dan Pi + Per. Citri Reticulatae Chen Pi
+ Fr. Gardeniae Zhi Zi
For lupus erythematosus:
+ Fr. Evodiae Wu Zhu Yu - Rx. Angelicae Sinensis Dang Gui
+ Rz. Coptidis Huang Lian - Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng
+ Rz. Zingiberis Recens Sheng Jiang - Fr. Aurantii Zhi Ke
For lupus erythematosus with depression and rib and flank distention and pain:
+ 9g Fr. Aurantii Immaturus Zhi Shi
- Rx. Angelicae Sinensis Dang Gui
For lupus erythematosus with aching and pain in the finger tips and/or joint aching and pain:
- Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng
- Fr. Aurantii Zhi Ke - Rx. Angelicae Sinensis Dang Gui
+ 9g Fr. Aurantii Immaturus Zhi Shi - Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng
- Fr. Aurantii Zhi Ke
+ 9g Rx. Curcumae Yu Jin + 9g Fr. Aurantii Immaturus Zhi Shi
+ 9g Rz. Cyperi Xiang Fu
+ 9g Per. Citri Reticulatae Viride Qing Pi + 9-15g Ram. Cinnamomi Gui Zhi
+ 9-15g Fr. Citri Sarcodactylis Fo Shou + 9-15g Ram. Mori Sang Zhi
For long-term lupus erythematosus with cyanosis of the tips of the extremities and greenish-purple skin:
+ 9-15g Rx. Gentianae Macrophyllae Qin Jiao
+ 9-15g Caulis Spatholobi Ji Xue Teng
- Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng + 9-15g Caulis Lonicerae Ren Dong Teng
- Fr. Aurantii Zhi Ke
+ 9g Fr. Aurantii Immaturus Zhi Shi
For long-term lupus erythematosus with more Qi Stagnation and somber, white tips and coldness of the extremities:
+ more (20g) Rz. Chuanxiong Chuan Xiong - Rx. Angelicae Sinensis Dang Gui
- Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng
+ 9g Rz. Sparganii San Leng - Fr. Aurantii Zhi Ke
+ 9g Rz. Curcumae E Zhu + 9g Fr. Aurantii Immaturus Zhi Shi
+ 15g Rx. Notoginseng San Qi
+ more (15g) Rx. Angelicae Sinensis Dang Gui + 9g Cx. Cinnamomi Rou Gui
+ 9g Rx. Aconiti Lateralis Preparata Zhi Fu Zi
+ 6g Olibanum Ru Xiang
+ 6g Myrrh Mo Yao + 9g Caulis Akebiae Mu Tong
For lupus erythematosus with pronounced joint aching and pain:
+ 9g Rx. Aconiti Kusnezoffii Zhi Cao Wu
- Rx. Angelicae Sinensis Dang Gui + 9g Rx. Aconiti Preparata Zhi Chuan Wu
- Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng
- Fr. Aurantii Zhi Ke + 3g Hb. cum Rx. Asari Xi Xin
+ 9g Fr. Aurantii Immaturus Zhi Shi
For urolithiasis due to Qi and Blood Stagnation:
- Rx. Bupleuri Chai Hu
+ 9g Hb. Hedyotis Diffusae Bai Hua She She Cao - Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng
+ 12g Endothelium Corneum Gigeriae Galli Ji Nei Jin
+ 9g Scorpio Quan Xie
+ 9g Scolopendra Wu Gong + 12g Lignum Aquilariae Chen Xiang
For urolithiasis due to Qi and marked Blood Stagnation with severe pain:
+ 9g Sm. Arecae Bing Lang
+9 Poria Rubra Chi Fu Ling
- Rx. Bupleuri Chai Hu + 9g Fr. Foeniculi Xiao Hui Xiang
- Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng + 9g Rx. Aucklandiae Mu Xiang
+ 12g Endothelium Corneum Gigeriae Galli Ji Nei Jin
For urolithiasis due to Qi and Blood Stagnation with chest and flank pain:
+ 12g Lignum Aquilariae Chen Xiang - Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng
+ 9g Sm. Arecae Bing Lang + 12g Endothelium Corneum Gigeriae Galli Ji Nei Jin
+9 Poria Rubra Chi Fu Ling
+ 9g Fr. Foeniculi Xiao Hui Xiang + 12g Lignum Aquilariae Chen Xiang
+ 9g Rx. Aucklandiae Mu Xiang + 9g Sm. Arecae Bing Lang
+ 9g Olibanum Ru Xiang +9 Poria Rubra Chi Fu Ling
+ 9g Myrrh Mo Yao + 9g Fr. Foeniculi Xiao Hui Xiang
For urolithiasis due to Qi and Blood Stagnation with blood clots in the urine:
+ 9g Rx. Aucklandiae Mu Xiang
+ 12g Rx. Paeoniae Alba Bai Shao
- Rx. Bupleuri Chai Hu - Fr. Aurantii Zhi Ke
- Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng + 9g Fr. Aurantii Immaturus Zhi Shi
+ 12g Endothelium Corneum Gigeriae Galli Ji Nei Jin
For urolithiasis due to Qi and Blood Stagnation with hematuria:
+ 12g Lignum Aquilariae Chen Xiang
+ 9g Sm. Arecae Bing Lang - Rx. Bupleuri Chai Hu
+9 Poria Rubra Chi Fu Ling - Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng
+ 9g Fr. Foeniculi Xiao Hui Xiang + 12g Endothelium Corneum Gigeriae Galli Ji Nei Jin
+ 9g Rx. Aucklandiae Mu Xiang
+ 9g Rx. Notoginseng San Qi + 12g Lignum Aquilariae Chen Xiang
For urolithiasis due to Qi and Blood Stagnation with profuse sand or stones:
+ 9g Sm. Arecae Bing Lang
+9 Poria Rubra Chi Fu Ling
- Rx. Bupleuri Chai Hu + 9g Fr. Foeniculi Xiao Hui Xiang
- Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng + 9g Rx. Aucklandiae Mu Xiang
+ 12g Endothelium Corneum Gigeriae Galli Ji Nei Jin + 12g Rz. Imperatae Bai Mao Gen
+ 12g Rx. Cirsii Xiao Ji
+ 12g Lignum Aquilariae Chen Xiang + 9g Rx. Sanguisorbae Di Yu
+ 9g Sm. Arecae Bing Lang
For urolithiasis due to Qi and Blood Stagnation with nausea or vomiting:
+9 Poria Rubra Chi Fu Ling
+ 9g Fr. Foeniculi Xiao Hui Xiang - Rx. Bupleuri Chai Hu
+ 9g Rx. Aucklandiae Mu Xiang - Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng
+ 30g Hb. Lysimachiae Jin Qian Cao + 12g Endothelium Corneum Gigeriae Galli Ji Nei Jin
+ 30g Sm. Plantaginis Che Qian Zi
For cancer pain with irritability and restlessness:
+ 12g Lignum Aquilariae Chen Xiang
+ 9g Sm. Arecae Bing Lang
+ 10g Rx. Salviae Miltiorrhizae Dan Shen +9 Poria Rubra Chi Fu Ling
+ 9g Fr. Foeniculi Xiao Hui Xiang
For severe, cramping cancer pain:
+ 9g Rx. Aucklandiae Mu Xiang
+ 10g Rx. Paeoniae Alba Bai Shao + 9g Rz. Pinelliae Preparatum Zhi Ban Xia
For cancer pain with Liver Yin Deficiency and Liver Qi Stagnation:
+ 9g Rz. Zingiberis Recens Sheng Jiang
+ 10g Rx. Paeoniae Alba Bai Shao
+ 10g Fr. Toosendan Chuan Lian Zi + 9g Per. Citri Reticulatae Chen Pi
For cancer pain with palpable, immobile masses:
+ 10g Rx. Scrophulariae Xuan Shen
For AIDS/HIV/ARC with a predominant fever:
+ 20g Concha Ostreae Mu Li - Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng
+ 10g Fr. Crataegi Shan Zha - Fr. Aurantii Zhi Ke
+ 10g Endothelium Corneum Gigeriae Galli Ji Nei Jin + Fr. Aurantii Immaturus Zhi Shi
+Cx. Moutan Mu Dan Pi
+ 10g Rz. Sparganii San Leng
For amenorrhea due to Qi and Blood Stagnation:
+ 10g Rz. Curcumae E Zhu - Rx. Platycodi Jie Geng
For poor vision associated with AIDS/HIV due to Qi and Blood Stagnation with dark spots moving in front of the eyes, blurred vision, gradual diminishing of sight, exudation, edema, hemorrhage, chest and flank distention and pain, dizziness, a bitter taste in the mouth, a dry throat, echymotic spots on the side of the tongue and a knotted or grating/astringent pulse:
- Rx. Bupleuri Chai Hu
- Rx. Rehmanniae Sheng Di Huang
- Rx. Glycyrrhizae Gan Cao
+ 15g Rx. Salviae Miltiorrhizae Dan Shen
+ 3g Cx. Cinnamomi Rou Gui
- Rx. Cyathulae Chuan Niu Xi + 9g Rz. Cyperi Xiang Fu
+ Rx. Achyranthis Bidentatae Niu Xi + 9g Hb. Leonuri Yi Mu Cao
- Fr. Aurantii Zhi Ke    
- Rx. Rehmanniae Sheng Di Huang    
+ Flos Buddlejae Mi Meng Hua