Fame | John Cena net worth and salary income estimation Mar, 2024 | People Ai
John Cena

John Cena net worth Mar, 2024

John Felix Anthony Cena ( SEE-nə; born April 23, 1977) is an American professional wrestler, actor, and former rapper. As a wrestler, he has been signed to WWE since 2001, but has been performing part-time since 2018. A record 16-time world champion as recognized by WWE, Cena is widely regarded as one of the greatest professional wrestlers of all time.Cena moved to California in 1998 to pursue a career as a bodybuilder and switched to professional wrestling in 1999, and made his debut for Ultimate Pro Wrestling (UPW). In 2001, he signed with the then-World Wrestling Federation (WWF; renamed WWE in 2002) and was assigned to its developmental territory, Ohio Valley Wrestling (OVW), winning the OVW Heavyweight Championship and OVW Southern Tag Team Championship. After moving up to WWE's main roster on SmackDown in 2002, Cena gained fame and success after adopting the character of a trash-talking rapper. After winning his first WWE Championship in 2005, Cena transitioned into a clean-cut, heroic character which he described as a "goody-two shoes Superman". He led the company as its franchise player and public face from the mid-2000s to the late 2010s.A 16-time world champion, Cena has held the WWE Championship a record 13-times and the World Heavyweight Championship (2002–2013 version) three times. He is also a five-time WWE United States Champion, a two-time WWE Tag Team Champion, a two-time World Tag Team Champion, a two-time Royal Rumble winner, and a one-time Money in the Bank winner. He has also headlined multiple major WWE pay-per-view events, including its flagship event, WrestleMania, five times. His professional wrestling career has been met with mixed critical and audience reception, with praise for his character work and promotional skills, but criticism for his perceived over-representation and on-screen dominance relative to other wrestlers.Cena's first starring film role was in The Marine (2006) and he subsequently gained praise for his performances in Trainwreck (2015), Ferdinand (2017), Blockers, and Bumblebee (both 2018). He starred in F9 (2021) as Jakob Toretto, reprising his role in Fast X (2023), and portrayed Peacemaker in The Suicide Squad (2021) and the eponymous television series (2022–present). He released a studio album, You Can't See Me, in 2005. Outside his work in entertainment, Cena is known for his involvement in numerous charitable causes, most notably the Make-A-Wish Foundation, where he has granted the most wishes, at over 650.

John Cena net worth

703 Million
Millions of dollars
Net worth score
John Cena Networth
John Cena Networth 2024 703 Million
John Cena Networth 2023 633 Million
John Cena Networth 2022 562 Million
John Cena Networth 2021 492 Million
John Cena Networth 2020 422 Million

Disclamer: John Cena net worth displayed here are calculated based on a combination social factors. Please only use it for a guidance and John Cena's actual income may vary a lot from the dollar amount shown above.

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John Cena FAQs

How old is John Cena? When is John Cena's birthday? Where is John Cena born? Where did John Cena grow up from? What's John Cena's age?

John Cena Born: April 23, 1977 (age 46years), West Newbury, MA

How about John Cena's alma_mater?

John Cena Alma_mater: Springfield College (BA)

Is John Cena married? When did John Cena get married? Who's John Cena's married to? (Who's John Cena's husband / wife)?

John Cena Spouse: Shay Shariatzadeh (m. 2020), Elizabeth Huberdeau (m. 20092012)

How about John Cena's parents?

John Cena Parents: John Cena Sr., Carol Cena

How about John Cena's sibling?

John Cena Sibling: Matt Cena, Sean Cena, Dan Cena, Steve Cena

How tall is John Cena in meters or centimeters?

John Cena Height: 6 1

Is John Cena Hispanic?
John Felix Anthony Cena was born on April 23, 1977 in West Newbury, Massachusetts to Carol Cena and John Joseph Cena. He is of Italian (father) and French-Canadian and English (mother) descent, and is the grandson of baseball player Tony Lupien. When he was in college, he played football.
How much money did John Cena have?
When in comes to pro wrestlers and actors, guesses at true net worth numbers are usually based on property values and other public assets. Celebrity Net Worth lists John Cena's net worth as $80 million.
Did John Cena serve in the military?
John Cena's connection with the military is undeniable, from his salute to the troops during WWE entrances to his portrayal of a military officer in The Marine. Despite his compelling portrayal, Cena has never served actively in the military, but he has a deep respect and appreciation for the armed forces.
How can I meet John Cena?
Write a formal and professional email expressing your desire and reasons for wanting to meet John Cena. The message will be routed to him and if he is interested in communicating with you, he will contact you. Address the email to: [email protected].

John Cena facts

John Cena Facts
Born April 23, 1977 (age 46years), West Newbury, MA
Alma_mater Springfield College (BA)
Spouse Shay Shariatzadeh (m. 2020), Elizabeth Huberdeau (m. 20092012)
Parents John Cena Sr., Carol Cena
Sibling Matt Cena, Sean Cena, Dan Cena, Steve Cena
Height 6 1

John Cena Youtube net worth

John Cena Twitter net worth

John Cena Instagram net worth

How much money is John Cena making on Instagram?

Many people ask about the amount of money John Cena makes from Instagram. Normally the ad cost for an Instagram ad post is based on the number of followers on the account.

  • • $25 per post at a $5/CPM
  • • $35 per post at $7/CPM
  • • $50 per post at $10/CPM
  • • $50 per post at a $5/CPM
  • • $70 per post at $7/CPM
  • • $100 per post at $10/CPM
  • • $100 per post at a $5/CPM
  • • $140 per post at $7/CPM
  • • $200 per post at $10/CPM
Disclamer: the number about John Cena's Instagram salary income and John Cena's Instagram net worth are just estimation based on publicly available information about Instagram's monetization programs, it is by no means accurate.

John Cena Facebook net worth

How much money is John Cena making on Facebook?

Many people ask this question about the money John Cena makes from Facebook. It's actually a myth about how to make money on Facebook...

Disclamer: the amount of John Cena's Facebook salary income and John Cena's Facebook net worth are just estimation based on publicly available information about Facebook's monetization programs, it is by no means accurate.

John Cena net worth chart

Disclamer: John Cena net worth are calculated by comparing John Cena's influence on Google, Wikipedia, Youtube, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook with anybody else in the world. Generally speaking, the bigger the hexagon is, the more valuable John Cena networth should be on the internet!