William Manson Obituary (1932 - 2021) - Groton, CT - Foster's Daily Democrat

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William Charles "Bill" Manson

1932 - 2021

William Charles "Bill" Manson obituary, 1932-2021, Groton, CT





William Manson Obituary

William Charles "Bill" Manson
On Sunday, April 11, 2021, William Charles "Bill" Manson passed away peacefully at the age of 88. Born on August 13, 1932, in Cambridge MA, Bill graduated from Malden HS and entered the US Air Force, retiring after 20 years of service. He married the love of his life, Ann Atkinson, on February 5, 1955, in Malden, MA, and celebrated 66 years of marriage together.
He was known for his quiet demeanor, quick wit, mischievous grin, and his kind and compassionate spirit. He was deeply loved by family and friends and quickly "adopted" by friends of the family. A native New Englander, Bill traveled the country with the Air Force, living in Louisiana for 20 years before retiring in Milton, NH, finally relocating to Groton, CT to be closer to his daughter.
Bill is survived by his wife Ann, his three children, Susan (and Jim) Rickards, Sharon Manson, and Chuck (and Kathy) Manson, and four grandchildren, William "Loren" and Charles "Hunter" Rickards, and Stephanie and Dylan Manson.

Published by Foster's Daily Democrat from Apr. 18 to Apr. 19, 2021.

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