I keep seeing people get angry over how white people wear their hair or specifically embracing other parts of black culture. Hair styles aren't exclusive to anyone and honestly there are real issues going on in the world with racism, when people focus on these trivial issues it makes no sense. In the past if white children tried to embrace black culture they would likely be punished by their parents, now it is much more acceptable so I don't see how that is negative in any way. People should be proud that their culture is so influential that it spans across demographics. Beyond that I hear all the time that "white people have no culture".. so maybe they want some culture lol.

Edit: Many points here and perspectives that I can definitely understand. I am also not arguing that it doesn't exist in any situation at all, essentially the view became much broader to encompass things that are appreciation as appropriation. Didn't think this post would even get traction. Thanks for people that actually posted an opinion with logic. For the people that just called me racist or a trump supporter for having this opinion, go be emotional somewhere else.