Existential Therapy Flashcards | Quizlet
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Which person is not associated with the existential movement?

​A. Rollo May

​B. Victor Frankl

​C. Irvin Yalom

​D. B. F. Skinner
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Which person is not associated with the existential movement?

​A. Rollo May

​B. Victor Frankl

​C. Irvin Yalom

​D. B. F. Skinner
The central goal of existential psychotherapy is to:​

A. ​decrease self-awareness.

B. ​increase awareness.

​C. help clients reject the responsibility of choosing.

​D. keep the client from experiencing authentic existence.
b. increase awareness
Finding the "courage to be" involves:​

​A. confronting a specific phobia.

​B. learning to be alone.

​C. discarding old values.

​D. developing a will to move forward in spite of anxiety-producing situations.
d. developing a will to move forward in spite of anxiety producing situations
The British scholar working to develop training programs in existential therapy is:​

​A. Roll May.

​B. Irvin Yalom.

​C. Emmy van Deurzen.

​D. J. Michael Russell.
c. emmy van deurzen
Which is not an essential aim of existential-humanistic therapy?​

​ A. To help clients become more present to both themselves and others

​ B. To assist clients in identifying ways they block themselves from fuller presence

​ C. To dispute clients' irrational beliefs

​ D. To challenge clients to assume responsibility for designing their present lives
c. to dispute clients irrational belies
Existential therapy is best considered as:​

a.​ an approach to understand the subjective world of the client.

b. ​ a school of therapy.

​c. a system of techniques designed to create authentic humans.

​ d. a strategy for uncovering dysfunctional behavior.
a. an approach to understand the subjective world of the client
Which of the following was not part of Stan's work in existential therapy? ​

​ a. Challenging his feelings of loneliness

​ b. Working on his inauthentic relationship with his siblings

​ c. Confronting his responsibility for his drug and alcohol use

​ d. Exploring Stan's human potential
b. working on his inauthentic relationshis with his siblings
The characteristic existential theme includes: ​

​a. freedom and responsibility.

b. ​resistance.

c. ​transference.

​d. examining irrational beliefs.
a. freedom and responsibility
According to the existential viewpoint, death: ​

​a. makes life absurd.

​b. makes life meaningless and hopeless.

​c. gives significance to living.

​d. should not be explored in therapy.
__________ emphasizes the subjective and spiritual dimensions of human existence. ​

​ a. Existential analysis

​ b. Existential anxiety

​ c. Self-awareness

​ d. Existential guilt
Existential therapy is: ​

​ d. a deterministic approach to therapy.

​ b. an expansion of the Adlerian school of therapy.

​c. a phenomenological approach to therapy.

​ d. a structured approach to therapy.
When is the counseling process at its best from an existential viewpoint?​

​ a. When the client feels comfortable enough to engage in shame-attacking exercises outside of counseling sessions.

​ b. When the deepest self of the therapist meets the deepest part of the client.

c. ​ When the therapist uses his or her influence to convince the client to let go of his or her anxiety.

​ d. When sessions begin with progressive muscle relaxation exercises.
Viktor Frankl's approach to existential therapy is known as:​

​ a. individual psychology.

​ b. logotherapy.

​ c. reality therapy.

​ d. redecision therapy.
In regards to freedom and responsibility, existential therapy embraces three values. Which of the following is not one of these values?​

a.​ The freedom to become within the context of natural and self-imposed limitations

​ b. The capacity to reflect on the meaning of our choices

​ c. The capacity to act on the choices we make
​ d. The freedom to choose our past and the choices of our parents
Ursula lived in New York City on 9/11. Ever since experiencing the aftermath of the terrorist attacks, she has felt anxiety about going to the upper level floors of tall buildings. As an existentially oriented therapist, you might conclude that:​

​ a. Ursula is highly neurotic.

​ b. Ursula's fears are completely unfounded.

​ c. Ursula's anxiety is normal in light of the traumatic experience she had on 9/11.

​ d.Ursula is on the verge of becoming psychotic.