Psychology B - Unit 2 Learning and Language Flashcards | Quizlet

Psychology B - Unit 2 Learning and Language

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Lesson 6: Classical Conditioning
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Lesson 6: Classical Conditioning
Which best describes classical conditioning?
Two stimuli are paired to make a new learned response.
Which is a difference between classical conditioning and operant conditioning?
Learning from classical conditioning is based on what happens before a response, while learning from operant conditioning is based on what happens after a response.
Lesson 7: Operant Conditioning
Which is the correct description of operant conditioning?
learning that is based on the consequences that occur after a behavior
Which is an example of the Law of Effect showing a negative behavior that is likely to be repeated because it was reinforced?
A mother gives a toddler a lollipop in the frocery store to try to quiet him during a tantrum.
Which are examples of common situations that use operant conditioning?
Select all that apply.
- A teacher gives out gold stars for students that follow the classroom rules.
- A woman rewards herself with a new outfit after exercising every day for a month.
- A student had her phone taken away by her parents after she failed her biology class.
Checkpoint 3: Classical And Operant Conditioning
Which word correctly completes the sentence?
Classical conditioning and operant conditioning are forms of (associative) learning.
Which is an example of classical conditioning?
A dog is taught to salivate to a flashing light.
Which answer best completes this sentence?
Ben is afraid of dogs. If classical conditioning was used to explain his fear, then at some point in his childhood, (a scary incident) was paired with a dog.
Which is the correct definition of reinforcement?
a consequence that will increase or strengthen a behavior
Which word best completes the sentence?
Punishment is a consequence that will (decrease) behavior.
Add the midding terms to complete the sentence about operative conditioning.
When operant conditioning is used to change behavior, positive reinforcement means to (add), and negative means to (take away).
Which situation are examples of negative punishment?
Select all that apply.
- taking away a toy after siblings fight with one another
- taking away a driver's license after repeated speeding tickets