MUS 1030 Part 1 Ch 2 Flashcards | Quizlet

MUS 1030 Part 1 Ch 2

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The correct definition for "syncopation" is
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Terms in this set (38)
The correct definition for "syncopation" is
placing an accent on a weak beat or between the beats.
Which definition for "measure" is correct?
a group of beats that serves as a continual unit of measurement in music
"Meter" is defined as
the gathering of beats into regular groups.
Which statement accurately describes "downbeat"?
the first beat of each measure
What is a "meter signature" ("time signature")?
a symbol that tells the performer what note value is carrying the beat and how the beats are to be grouped
What information does the lower number in a "meter signature" ("time signature") convey to the performer of a piece of music?
which note value receives the beat
Identify the definition that applies to "beat."
an even pulse in music that divides the passing of time into equal units
Which term is synonymous with "bar"?
Identify the meter of the listening example.
Identify the meter of the listening example.
What is "melody"?
a series of notes arranged in order to form a distinctive, recognizable musical unit; the tune
The "octave" is
the interval comprising the first and eighth tones of the Western major and minor scale.
What is the "treble clef"?
the sign placed on a staff to indicate the notes above middle C
What is the "great staff"?
a large musical staff that combines both the treble and the bass clefs
"Key" is defined as
a tonal center built on a tonic note and making use of a scale.