Curriculum Activities in Early Childhood Flashcards | Quizlet

Curriculum Activities in Early Childhood

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Select the statement about children's woodworking activities that is developmentally correct.
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Terms in this set (25)
Select the statement about children's woodworking activities that is developmentally correct.
Both boys and girls should be encouraged to develop woodworking skills.
Literacy involves the skills of:
Listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
To encourage creative development, it is most important to emphasize:
Teachers who are prepared to let children experiment know that they must provide plenty of different materials, as well as:
Setting up a supermarket in a dramatic play center would be appropriate for:
Logical-mathematical reasoning in children is best developed through having them:
Solve problems
An anecdotal record is:
An informational narrative account of an incident of a child's behavior.
Developmentally appropriate art activities are shares with children when teachers use a variety of strategies to increase children's awareness and appreciation of the arts, including:
Displaying prints of fine arts, taking field trips to galleries and museums and inviting community artists to visit.
Teachers can foster children's understanding of democratic processes and attitudes in concrete experiential ways when they:
Provide opportunities for children to learn to listen to other's ideas and perspectives and encourage children to participate in setting rules.
If a child wants to leave the group during story time it is best to:
Gently encourage her to stay,but do not insist
Music, as a language, is communicated through tone, rhythm, volume, range, tempo, and:
The Caldecott Medal is:
Presented annually to the artist with the most distinguished picture book for children.
Which of the following statements best describes how a teacher should approach a child's art?
Let the child decide whether to talk about her art.
In developmentally appropriate practice, the curriculum helps young children achieve goals that are significant both developmentally and:
According to Piaget, logic-mathematical knowledge involves:
Classification, counting,and comparing