Ed Psych Final Flashcards | Quizlet
Which one of the following is the best example of a student attributing success to internal factors?
A. Nita has just gotten an A on her final exam in world history and is feeling very grateful to the teacher for her good grade.
B. Polly's teacher has just told her that she will be the group leader for her reading group next quarter. Polly is glad her teacher is in a good mood today.
C. Renata has just gotten a good grade on her math test and she is glad that her mother got her a math tutor.
D. Sue Ellen has just gotten a good grade on her geography test. She is proud that she did so well and glad that she studied hard.
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Which one of the following is the best example of a student attributing success to internal factors?
A. Nita has just gotten an A on her final exam in world history and is feeling very grateful to the teacher for her good grade.
B. Polly's teacher has just told her that she will be the group leader for her reading group next quarter. Polly is glad her teacher is in a good mood today.
C. Renata has just gotten a good grade on her math test and she is glad that her mother got her a math tutor.
D. Sue Ellen has just gotten a good grade on her geography test. She is proud that she did so well and glad that she studied hard.
From a social cognitive learning theory perspective, which one of the following children most clearly reflects a key ingredient of self-regulation as social cognitive theorist defines it?
A. Anne remembers to do her chores so that she will get her weekly allowance.
B. Bob is proud of the fact that he has met his personal goal of participating regularly in class discussions.
C. Carol is afraid to let her mind wander during class because the teacher will notice that she is not paying attention.
D. Donald refrains from punching a classmate because he thinks his teacher might be watching.
The basic idea underlying operant conditioning is that:

A: Responses are learned primarily through observation.
B: Responses are affected by the consequences that follow them.
C: Intrinsic motivation affects to acquire some behaviors than others.
D: Stimulus-response associations, once learned, are permanent.
Billy discovers that he gets better grades on his chemistry tests if he studies a little bit every night rather than trying to cram at the last minute. He starts applying the same strategy to his physics class as well. From the perspective of operant conditioning, Billy is demonstrating:

A: Discrimination
B: Baseline behavior
C: Shaping
D: Generalization
Listed below are four reasons why Andrew might not want to take his math class seriously or to try very hard to succeed at classroom tasks. Which one of these reasons is consistent with the concept of self-efficacy?

A: Andrew is more interested in horsing around with his friends.
B: Andrew is so anxious in the classroom that he can't process information.
C: Andrew doesn't believe he has the ability to do the math work successfully.
D: Andrew thinks the teacher doesn't like him.
What is the primary purpose of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA, PL 94-142)?
It guarantees an education to students with cognitive, emotional and physical disabilities and establishes educational policies for that purpose.
Kiley is having trouble learning the steps involved in using a microscope correctly. If we consider Vgotsky's description of how children help themselves through difficulty tasks, we should suggest that Kiley
talk herself through the steps.
What is not included in experimental research?
Studying behavior in an actual classroom environment through interviews
Based on Erikson's stages of development, which one of the following fifth graders most clearly shows signs of healthy attachment to one or more parents or other primary caregivers?
Jeffrey is self-confident and often likes to work independently.
Based on Erikson's stages, when do children realize that they can obtain the recognition of teachers and parents by producing things?
Industry vs. inferiority
Which one of the following best illustrates Piaget's concept of accommodation?
Betsy understands the definition of a mollusk using her knowledge on snail.
Which of the following conclusions could be drawn from a descriptive study?
Approximately 80% of the students at Southside High School are planning to go on to college.
Compared to their wealthier peers, students from low-income families are less likely to attend and graduate from college. One reason is that many public schools in low-income neighborhoods are of poor quality. It is important or teachers to incorporate culturally inclusive strategies. Which of the following is NOT an example of a culturally inclusive strategy.
Teachers had lower expectations for students' achievement.
Sandra was referred for special education testing, and the school psychologist gave her the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children test to help determine her level of cognitive functioning. She received a standard score of 94 on the WISC bell curve. What can we assume about her intelligence?
She has average intelligence, and her academic issues are not related to a cognitive deficit.
A high school principal decides to conduct a study in which she examines two chemistry classes in her high school. Her goal is to explore the effectiveness of two different instructional techniques she has become acquainted with and she will determine effectiveness through course grades. One class is taught by Ms. Howes, who will be using an instructional technique called "Chemistry Applications." The other class is taught by Ms. Moore, who will be using an instructional technique called "Chemistry In the Real World." What type of study is the principal planning on conducting?
An experimental study (technically quasi-experimental)