"Church Going" - Larkin Flashcards | Quizlet

"Church Going" - Larkin

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"the holy end"
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Terms in this set (16)
"the holy end"
Initial mockery through word choice, trying to convince reader that he has no knowledge of religion
"brass and stuff"
Initial mockery - Larkin would know what the chalice, plate and crucifix are, he is being deliberately obtuse (word choice).
"Move forward"
Respect through structure - takes us literally into this church and metaphorically deeper into Larkin's thoughts on why he feels an "awkward reverence."
Respect through word choice - shows he feels the need to pay respect despite having no faith in God, as does "I take off/ my cycle-clips"
"The echoes snigger briefly."
Respect through imagery and sentence structure -short sentence makes it clear that he feels embarrassed by his attempt to mock, when shouting "'Here endeth' much more loudly than I'd meant". He personifies the atmosphere within the church to suggest that it is laughing at his awkwardness.
"Yet stop I did"
Uncomfortable truth through word choice - the turn connective and the short, broken nature of the sentence stresses that he is pausing for deeper reflection and the twist is coming. He reflects more deeply and gains a better understanding of an aspect of life.
"Cathedrals chronically on show"
Uncomfortable truth through sound effects - the alliteration stresses "chronically" which suggests ideas of dying.
"parchment, plate and pyx" conserved in "locked cases"
Uncomfortable truth through sound effects - the harsh alliteration stresses the bitterness he feels towards churches, whilst showing far more respect and understanding of churches than we saw in the opening and compares churches to museums - places where ancient artefacts are stored - to show how they are things of the past which were left to fall apart but must be cared for.
"randy for antique"
Uncomfortable truth through word choice - forced to feel for churches as architectural salvage profiteers' greedy nature is stressed through the shocking idea that the religious places are being violated, as if in a sexual manner.
"through suburb scrub"
Invaluable churches through word choice - oxymoronic phrase capitulates that the sprawl of modern housing, where many people live, is without a place for them to congregate. The modern urban environment is compared to a wasteland, with the sibilance emphasizing their lack of centre with a heart to bring people together
Invaluable churches through word choice - the demise of churches should be mourned due to their ability to bring people together now being lost. Without them, our communities become fragmented.
"marriage, and birth, and death"
Invaluable churches through structure (list) - communities fragmented, no congregation other than the monumental moments in life: isolated and are almost afterthoughts to society as they are separated by so much time: they are the beginning, middle and end of a long life. The irksome truth is that community spirit is lost with the disappearance of churches.
"special shell"
Tragic truth of loss through sound effects - suggests the value of the places of worship and his use of sibilance stresses how few places there are in today's society where one can go and contemplate.
Tragic truth of loss through word choice - repetition emphasizes the gaping hole that the loss of these places will leave
"hunger in himself to be more serious"
Tragic truth of loss through word choice - the word choice of "hunger" highlights the necessity for churches, as man needs a place for nourishing contemplation in order to survive. It shows how there is now nowhere for this to occur with the dereliction of churches, which once satiated society's need to be a part of something bigger than themselves.