KRON 4 News Weekend : KRON : July 24, 2021 7:00am-10:01am PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive Skip to main content

tv   KRON 4 News Weekend  KRON  July 24, 2021 7:00am-10:01am PDT

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>> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron 00:00am morning news at 7. >> good morning to you. thanks for joining us here on the kron 4 morning news. i'm noelle bellow. it is saturday. july 24th. last weekend july almost got a lot to get to this morning, but we do want to start off by getting a look at the weather forecast. dave spahr standing by with a little bit more detail morning. dave. >> good morning and welcome morning, everybody. and off to a pretty decent day going on here for today. lots of sunshine for you. once we shake off that morning fog little bit thicker this morning. it is then it was from yesterday. however, looking upstream. it looks
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like another monsoon outbreak going on here for us. but for right now, details still being worked on about the total impact will get from it first things first, what does it look like? here's half moon bay. of course, obviously all the fog pretty much in place. temperatures are pretty much behave themselves. golden gate bridge is all covered up with the surface fog that we're dealing with right now. but there it is to the lower right hand side of your screen with the little app icon is that's the thunder shower action. the 4 corner states with the next month. soon event temperature check. we have 50's over most of the real estate 60 going on for a little more 63 antioch 50's. meanwhile, up to the north bay. these numbers are a little bit warmer than they were this time from yesterday, though, breaking today down for it's plenty of sunshine inland. we'll see a couple of 90's going on but will be a lot of upper 80's as well be temperatures pretty much into the 70's. we'll break this forecast down for you and also investigate what's latest on the monsoon noel. thanks, dave. breaking news overnight. 2 people are dead and 4 others
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injured. >> following a shooting in downtown sandra fell. it happened just before 1045. last night near 3rd street and lou tons place. now this is video from the citizen app of the scene. police were able to catch up with the black dodge charger speeding away from this scene. officers found 4 people inside 2 of them suffering from gunshot wounds. another injured victim was then found inside the parking structure on lou tons place and that about the same time officers responding to a nearby crash located 2 victims inside a vehicle. one of them dead at the scene from gunshot wounds. the other suffering from minor injuries officers then learned of a 6th victim who had been dropped off at a nearby hospital. that person also died from his injuries. police say many of the victims had been attending a rap concert at a downtown bar and an investigation is ongoing. also breaking overnight, some east oakland residents waking
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up this morning without power after firefighters responded to a large warehouse fire late last night. they were able to get that 3 alarm blaze under control around one 30 this morning. kron four's camila barco joining us live this morning with more details. camila. >> while noel oakland fire says its defensive attacked help save that structure and prevented others in the area from burning fire crews were able to get the situation control in just about an hour. but this was the scene when they arrived to 45th avenue and east 12th street in east oakland early this morning. flames involved this large warehouse, some of them touched the overhead power lines, firefighters doused the height of the flames with water from ladder trucks and officials say other buildings across the street. we're starting to catch on fire. but there were enough fire engines nearby to stop it from spreading 50 firefighters on scene were able to contain it
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to just the warehouse. however, the fire down several power lines and for a number of transformers knocking out power for many in the area. >> then the larger was is a commerci l area down lots of power poles. we had a lot of transformers there's a lot of downed lines in the street. so we're going place, you know, 3 or 4 polls a significant >> now as of this morning, there are about a 150 people still without power. but the county fire chief says none of their man or woman were hurt. now while this fire is under investigation. but the battalion fire chief says the area has plenty of homeless encampments and they're considering all leagues. well, back to you. alright camila, thank you for that report. >> now to our other top story this morning california health officials are pleading with the public to get themselves
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vaccinated the state recorded nearly 8,000 new cases in the last 24 hours, the average positive test rate over 7 days is now more than 5%. that's nearly 5 times higher. then it was a month ago. most cases are among the unvaccinated and they're dominated by the delta variant. but there is some good news on the national scale. according to the cdc more than 2 million people got their first shot this week and that's up 14% from the week prior, however, a new poll does reveal a lot of people who have not gotten their vaccine yet are not planning to do so in that associated press poll, 45% of americans who have not yet received the covid-19 vaccine say they definitely will not get one. 35% say they probably won't 16% say they probably will. and just 3% say they definitely plan to get their shot. now, infectious disease
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experts say while these numbers are a bit disappointing. there is reason to believe they'll change. >> i'm going to stay hopeful that we're getting that people are hearing the news hearing about the venerable deaths and thinking about getting the shot. things change in society. for example. >> more and more businesses say that you have to be. vaccinated if you want to work here or businesses say you're you have to be vaccinated if you want to come in here. i think people are going to change their attitudes pretty quickly. >> here at home. 1 million alameda county residents are now fully vaccinated from covid-19 that makes up 70% of eligible residents public health officials say vaccination rates vary across communities in the county and they are seeing an increase in cases in areas where vaccination rates are lowest. they say most recent cases are among unvaccinated people now in an effort to up the numbers. there is a pop-up vaccine clinic today at the oakland zoo. you can get your
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free shot anytime between 09:00am and 2.30, this afternoon. also receive a free oakland zoo family pass which includes 2 tickets for 2 adults and 2 children. in the meantime, in the south bay, santa clara county will be requiring all 22,000 county employees to get a covid vaccine. in a statement, the county says due to the delta variant covid-19 cases have been on the rise since the relaxing of community and workplace transmission protections in mid-june counties also recommending the wearing of face coverings in indoor public areas for everyone. the county also urged employers to consider implementing workplace covid-19 vaccine requirements for all employees. this push comes after san francisco announced a plan to mandate for its government workers last month. the next step when this will be required and if there's going to be any push back. >> with the drugs still only approved by an emergency use authorization. someone can say
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i right under the food drug and cosmetic to not take the vaccine question. is there a lawsuit there because you're mandating i do something which federal law says i don't have to do. >> santa clara county officials say the specific vaccine policy and timeline are still being worked out. san francisco officials say they're going to be requiring employees get vaccinated only after the shots get full approval from the fda. up in the north bay. marin county has reported its first covid death and about 2 months. the person who died wednesday was on vaccinated and admitted to the hospital with respiratory issues. it marks the county's 186 covid deaths since the pandemic began every death there in the county has been an unvaccinated person. coming up next for the first time in 2 years. the gilroy garlic
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festival has returned. >> but it looks a lot different this year. we're going to show you how organizers had to re. imagine the event. what if you could push a button and less carbon would be put into the air. if there were a button that would help you use less energy, breathe cleaner air, and even take on climate change... would you press it?
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so, you have diabetes, here are some easy rules. no sugar. no pizza. no foods you love. stressed? no stress. exercise. but no days off! easy, no? no. no. no. no. but with freestyle libre 14 day, you can take the mystery out of your diabetes. now you know. sir, do you know what you want to order? yes. freestyle libre 14 day. try it for free. >> welcome back. after 2 years off the gilroy garlic festival is officially underway this weekend. it's a much smaller venue this year. but it's still a pretty big celebration this year. you'll have to
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drive through to get your food. and if you are hoping to get some of the festival signature column. are you're gonna be out of luck. organizers feared. it would be to robbery by the time cars pulled through. but there are several other dishes on the table. the festival has moved locations this year from christmas hill park to gilroy presbyterian church. one plus side of the new changes, though festival is now spread out over 2 weekends the times for each day are there on your screen. the go or garlic festival is going to run today through sunday. and then again next weekend, the food is pretty good down that way. dave is going to be pretty warm. >> you know, we'll see some, you know, typical like july, like whether is what we're expecting tomorrow a little bit more in the way of a few little clouds in there will kind of break this all down for you today. lots of for you today. lots of sunshine as we get to a
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[hippo groans melodically] [iguana belts major 3rd] [gator reverb] [splash] [singing indri sings] [elephant trumpets] [buffalo punish timpani] [cassowary crescendo] ♪ [goat does a sick vibrato] ♪
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oroweat small slice. i wonder if this has the same quality ingredients as the original whole grains bread? great question, dad. and it does. it has all the same nutritious deliciousness as the original slice but only a little bit smaller. just like timmy here. my name's lucas. it sure is bobby.
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>> welcome back. 7.15 here on this saturday morning. it's time for another check of your weather forecast. meteorologist dave spahr giving us a closer look what we can expect on this weekend payday for a good well, good morning, everybody. in our traditional fog showing up again this morning. it's a little thicker than what we saw from yesterday. everybody shifting into a mostly sunny mode as we get into the afternoon for today. >> temperatures going to shave off a little bit for tomorrow. but you'll see the intrusion of kind of a little bit of that monsoon coming on in. you're going to mostly
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recognize that in terms of some scattered clouds and also slightly more humid in some spots, too. again, there's half moon bay for us going gate bridge the towers, all secured by this morning. fog temperature. check for you. mostly in the 50's. for now. so not bad. 66 antioch 59 going on for concord. 64 livermore got those 50's up to the north. they do have those good on shore. winds have been working all last night, although they're technically little variable off to the east bay a little bit. and of course, still research up into the afternoon. stormtracker 4 again, all of the action is far down to the south. this is expected bubble up in the form of cloud cover later today and to be able to make it out here on future cast for for today. now, not too impressive at all. our fog mixes out the traditional shower activity. as you can see off to the mountains with daytime heating. but look at this next batch. a little bit more carefully as we get to tonight. and then into sunday, you can kind of see the rotation around everything. now all we're getting some scattered clouds. some of this is coastal drizzle kind of
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left over and it may be tougher to fight the clouds at the coast a little bit more tomorrow. there's themflare up of some thunder showers note to the north are actually having a fire weather watch that's been posted up at around eureka. that's just kind of us a precaution as they see all of this go forward. but it is a window that we're going to want to watch too, really from sunday night all the way to about maybe tuesday morning with this resurgence here and then it takes a breather and then there's another one that comes friday and into early next weekend. today mostly sunny post early fog. that's this business here. you can see off in the distance and the east bay shoreline is all covered up with the fog and then tomorrow, some scattered clouds slight temperatures slide and the next week. it's the monsoon clouds to deal with. and it looks like it will be monday and tuesday. the first resurgence isolated showers through the forecast officially. but then another little resurgence we see happening again towards the end of the week for today, 64 san francisco 71 oakland san jose 81 by be dropping to the upper 70's tomorrow. wider view of everything. we do see some 90's poking out 95
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antioch 92 for concord livermore at 92, but mostly 80's up to the north bay course we're getting all to this in the 4 zone forecast coming up a bit and check out the extent of noel. thanks, dave. a bay area family is vowing never to fly southwest airlines again. >> after they had to exit their flight because their 3 year-old son wouldn't wear a mask. eric hanson says his family was on a plane leaving las vegas for san jose and was having trouble getting the 3 year-old to wear his mask. he says 2 flight attendants and a gate agent treated them like criminals. and when they feared police were being called to arrest them. they voluntarily got off their flight and had to spend an extra night in las vegas without any of their checked luggage. >> they should giving us some more time they should have walked away. maybe said, ok, we'll give you 5 minutes or 10 minutes, but their flight was late. another an hour late. so i think they're just trying to make time and they wanted us off the plane. they didn't
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give us any time to sit there with them and talking through it and try to get him to put it on. >> hansen complain to southwest management which sent him this e-mail apologizing for his experience. however, the airline explained to the employees were simply following the federal mask mandate and everyone over the age of 2 bust wear a mask while on public transit, the faa says they have a 0 tolerance policy for passengers who do not comply with the mask mandate. a new exclusive inside california politics and emerson college poll suggests californians are split right now on a potential statewide indoor mask mandate. but the numbers show the state's leaning more in favor of a mask mandate. we surveyed more than 1000 california voters this week, 49% said they would support such a mandate while 39% say they're against it now. analysts say it's a move. governor newsome
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won't make lightly, especially considering his recall election less than 2 months away. >> well, if he had to go in one direction, he would probably go towards the mask mandate as he would have more support for that mandate. the problem is the opposition towards the mask mandate might be more intense than the people that actually want the mandate. so if he creates the mandate, those who are opposed to about 40%. they might actually vote at a higher propensity come the recall election. >> now, we also asked california voters how they feel about possible vaccine mandates. a slim majority. 51% said shops, restaurants and offices should not require proof of vaccination. 35% said they should. when that same question was asked, though, for large public venues like concert halls are stadiums. 49% said those venues should require proof and 40% said they should not. governor newsom says there is no plan for any kind of statewide vaccine passport system. he's
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also said he will not bring back any type of lockdown measure or physical to sting with distancing restrictions. still ahead here on the kron 4 morning news the giants back at home looking to continue their hot streak. >> taking on the pirates will have the highlights right after the break. expertly tailored eye care. state-of-the-art eye exams. high quality lenses and frames.
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>> and now 4 sports brought to you by xfinity. >> there's a giants fan known as red rhino. read. right now, is ready to roll and the giants and they did. you read the roll again. 7th and lamont wade junior can't. figure it out. defensively giants have been good with the gloves, but rather comes in from second. he scores three-run 7th inning for pittsburgh. they take a 6, 3 lead. bottom 9 now a little life for the giants wade try to make up for drives one into the right center field gap know what he gets at darin ruf comes into score way junior in the 3rd rbi triple giants. can they do it? you strip ski. with 2 outs in the 9th. it caught the court. the inside corner yes, doesn't like it. but. call them out and the judge really can't complain pyres calls after the tuesday
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got giants fall. 64 still first place in their division game 2 of the series tonight here in city, ace taking on the mariners game 2 of their 4 game set in seattle. top of the 5th phase down by a run one on for chapman who lined it into left. it will kick up their right against the wall. run comes into score a's tied bottom. 7 now seattle with a runner on 3rd and jake diekman that is not how you do it. 35. it's in the dirt gets past catcher. sean murphy, the run scores and just like take a 4, 3, lead and that is all they would a fall for 3 and they're now 3 and a half games back in the al west after the astros, one their gate. alright basketball now warriors. who are they going to add those draft picks are maybe a veteran help, you know, steph klay and has their in their prime get another ring. well,
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bradley beal is a stock and he's reportedly on the top of the dubs wish lists. the state willing to trade bunch of draft picks. 7. certainly 7.14. may be a number one down the road. maybe james wiseman to get that veteran presence. that report according to marcus thompson of the athletic deal that was supposed to be on team usa in tokyo and he was with team usa but had to be placed on covid protocol list shortly after. >> it was determined that he wouldn't be able to make the trip to tokyo with the rest of the because of pandemic related issues. too bad they're back to baseball person. cleveland indians announcing they will officially change their name to the cleveland guardians next season. you see some of the new designs of the logo that cleveland will done next season. the team had been known as the indian since 1915 in the team's new name references, the guardians of traffic statues near progressive field which is located on the hope memorial bridge. so there's that.
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they're out of a job. these 2 nfl coaches not head coaches but assistance. well paid out of a job because of their decisions related to the vaccine. don't want it patriots. co offensive line coach cole popovich. we saw there on the right and the vikings assistant. he's offensive line running game coach rick dennison. both said no thanks to the vaccine and in turn they were relieved of their respective positions. this comes a day after the nfl announced that if a covid outbreak occurs among or is sparked by unvaccinated players and staff. and that outbreak results in the team not having enough players to compete in a scheduled game. the team well, then have to forfeit the game. it would be a loss. the players would not get paid. now players do have the option to get vaccinated or not. but coaches staff members organizational personnel. they have to get vaccinated. those 2 guys said no thanks. the team said no thanks. that's sp
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managing type 2 diabetes? you're on it. staying active and eating right? yup, on it there, too. you may think you're doing all you can to manage type 2 diabetes and heart disease but could your medication do more to lower your heart risk? jardiance can reduce the risk of cardiovascular death for adults who also have known heart disease. so, it could help save your life from a heart attack or stroke. and jardiance lowers a1c. jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration, genital yeast or urinary tract infections, and sudden kidney problems. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. a rare but life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this bacterial infection, ketoacidosis or an allergic reaction, and don't take it if you're on dialysis
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or have severe kidney problems. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. lower a1c and lower risk of a fatal heart attack? on it with jardiance. ask your doctor about jardiance. >> welcome back. it is 7.30 on this saturday morning. let's start you off this half hour with a look at the forecast. dave spahr in the weather center with the latest. hi, dave. hey, good morning and welcome morning, everybody. and we're starting off with our traditional fog yet again for this morning. now that should mix out in the next couple of hours here as we go into mostly sunny for this afternoon. temperatures behaving themselves, though. >> looks pretty good. except a little bit warm in london's a couple of a selective spots.
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let's give you a little shot of what's going on. east bay along the east bay shoreline. normally you can see something but no fog all covered up for now. meanwhile, there's the action down in the our perspective with thunder showers in the monsoon. the 4 corner states. we expect a surge of this tomorrow night. into monday and a little bit maybe lingering into tuesday as well. from our perspective, we're probably just going to some cloud cover from it and a slight reduction of temperatures. yeah. i like to get some rain from that. but we don't want the instability. that's the real problem got 50's across most of the bay's. you can see 66 for antioch 60 at this hour. livermore, there are your winds pretty much an onshore wind event. as we've been seeing a little stronger, though, for today than from yesterday, 78 by 11. but a quick warm up to 90 by the mid afternoon, although not everybody in that are going to see. it's pretty much going to be through contra costa county little bit in solano county. and we'll have all that for you in the 4 zone forecast and check into that. extended to let you know these monsoon outbreaks. we have 2 of the lookout for noel. >> thanks, dave. our top story
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this half hour san jose. police are once again asking the public to help track down a driver suspected in a fatal hit and run. they say a woman was walking along tully road around 2 o'clock friday morning when she was hit by a red suv. she was taken to a local hospital where she later died. this is san jose's 32nd traffic fatality of the year and the city is seeing for traffic related deaths in just the past 2 weeks. these most recent deaths took place on streets. that city workers say have been flagged for potential upgrades. >> since and has a are very much designed for cars. and when there's an increase in pedestrian fatalities as we have seen. actually a lot of other cities in the u.s. have particularly since 2009. we need to think about how we can redesign the streets to be a lot more friendly to pedestrians. >> this latest fatality marks the 7th fatal hit and run and san jose this year. police say drivers involved in such crashes have a legal duty to
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stop failing to do so could result in felony charges. also in the south bay san jose police say they busted in illegal gambling operations. 3 people have been arrested for this officers confiscated $320,000 in cash. 2 gold bars to assault pistols and 10 gambling machines. over in the east bay. a mother seeking justice after her son was killed last month in walnut creek. 25 year-old stacy corley was a poet and an aspiring rapper has mother. kimberly said stacy was killed. june. 17th while making a delivery for doordash in downtown walnut creek. she says he was involved in a road rage incident with people in another car, alternately contra, costa county district attorney's office says 18 year-old dylan baker of martinez opened fire killing stacy and although baker has been arrested and charged with
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2 felonies, including murder, stacey's mother says she's frustrated with the investigation. >> it should not have even been a that any of them had to decide that they can pick up a firearm. chase. someone. attempt to end their life. and then make the conscious decision to get out of a car. i can to and some were >> 2 other suspects involved 22 year-old jason clay of martinez and a 17 year-old boy were also taken into custody following the shooting. but those 2 were later released. the district attorney's office says the case remains active. meanwhile on the creek. police have arrested a 22 year-old. brent would man who they say opened fire on a group of people last weekend killing one person and injuring 3 others jose flores was arrested during a traffic stop
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thursday. police say they found a gun and ammo at his home. the shooting happened early sunday morning outside the spoontonic lounge near north main street and san louis road. 25 year-old luce di aboushi was of san pablo was killed. the other 3 victims are expected to be okay. the cause of this shooting is under investigation. in response to a rise in gun violence across the united states. the justice department has officially launch 5 anti-gun trafficking task forces in 5 locations. the bay area los angeles, chicago, washington, dc and new york attorney general merrick garland says they'll be cooperating with local law enforcement to try and crack down on gun trafficking. corridors. >> but here from washington to tell you what to do and hear from washington to find out what we can do. i can help in the federal government have to do everything we can in cooperation with state, local
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partners. i can bring thing that pilots town. >> these strike forces are just one part of the department's broader strategy to prevent violent crime. it also includes community violence intervention programs and stricter penalties for rogue gun dealers. san francisco police have reported a break in at the city's aids foundation happened friday forcing the organization to cancel all of its services for the day at its market street location. this all happened around 9 o'clock in the morning. police say the glass doors and windows were shattered and the office was ransacked with items scattered throughout. it's not clear, though. if anything was actually stolen the investigation is ongoing. >> stick with us. kron 4 morning news continues after morning news continues after the break. morning news continues after the break. -great idea. [gasps] look at the little cutie. -he's coming for a visit. -hi. [chuckles]
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aww! oh! he's leaving! -nice work, guys! -introducing togo's new cheese steak melt, featuring fresh artisan bread, layered with tender seasoned steak, sautéed mushrooms, roasted red peppers, and smothered with melty american cheese. the new cheese steak melt, now at togo's.
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>> a little over a year late. but the 2020 olympic games officially are underway. the opening ceremonies kicked off last night with a fireworks show at olympic stadium as we watch the world's top athletes compete. health officials are still monitoring for potential covid outbreaks. kron four's justin surrency as in tokyo with more. >> for the past 16 months. covid-19 kept the world apart after a yearlong olympic postponement. the opening ceremony proved that for the
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206 nations competing in the olympic games. they're all united. >> 3 motions. we have a great deal of respect for the japanese people who are such a hospitable. people with the light of the called run by naomi osaka, japan greeted the globe to an eye-popping display of culture tradition. innovation and compassion made the games in the competition be as wonderful as we all could anticipate emotions ran high as first responders in children devastated by natural disasters. >> helped carry the torch. a moment of silence paid tribute to lives lost due to the pandemic. >> this and continues to be situation led by four-time olympic gold medalist in basketball players. sue bird alongside her fellow flag bearer. >> baseball player and winter olympic speedskating silver medalist eddie alvarez team usa hit center stage with over 600 athletes team usa brought
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its second largest team in their history, but only 200 chose to walk in the ceremony under the watchful eye of first lady doctor jill biden will follow every protocol. we will follow every rule. >> to ensure that this is a safe and secure games playing it safe when it comes to covid but playing to win in japan. >> is the u.s. coming here hoping to win a lot of mental see that we are in tokyo. i'm just concerned c. >> and another visitor may come bought by as well. we're looking at a tip potentially tropical storm out in that neck of the woods early into next week. i'll be tracking that for you. highs today along with the 4 zone forecast isil sample for you some lower to middle 90's in the far east. a look at your forecast. coming up around the back
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>> 7.44. here on this saturday. turning now to our wildfire coverage. the dixie fire has been burning now for nearly 10 days and has exploded to 167,000 acres. that makes it the largest active wildfire in the state right now. it's expected to get even bigger over the weekend. those flames only 18% contained at this point and have prompted new evacuation orders in the butte meadows butte county with the latest. but i'm not leaving. but in a
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>> the dixie fire spreading a radically prompted the evacuation to butte meadows friday most people left a waiting it out. we're down here at the bam bn. >> on the deck and one of fire engines pulled up. and so that's something that asian and wasn't a surprise. >> the place now becoming the largest wildfire burning in the state so far this year. even though some few meadows homeowners have chosen to go against fire. officials warnings and orders to leave for their safety. they're monitoring this fire very closely at 07:00am. >> 9 miles catch, really small. really quick by money says they're packed and ready to go when the time comes well, we have a degree of choice where work we're choosing to remain and kind of watch and monitor. that's kind of where we are right and of course, if things get worse, if things get worse, there's not a soul here that wants to be a superhero. the dixie fire has burned more than 167,000
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acres in butte and plumas counties. and it isn't letting up. >> as of last night to this morning. it grew nearly 30,000 acres so far says weather hasn't been cooperating with those winds to come up. it's burning so hot that those numbers are able to kind of get sent out. you know, start spot fires. the dixie fire has yet to arrive in this town of jonesville. but fire crews are here on scene. >> doing structure protection just in case in the meantime, homeowners are checking their phones. social media is your friend get you first hand me the information. >> from all the resources that you need to know. you county sheriff page, the plumas county sheriff page. >> and most county has added some evacuation orders. so looking at their sites as well. >> that was gurajpal sangha reporting for us this morning. meantime, there is new video from the scene of the tamarack fire just south of lake tahoe.
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firefighters say fire nato's like this one are capable of spreading the fire even quicker over a large area tamarack fire was sparked by a lightning strike on july 4th. it's now burned more than 90 square miles and destroyed at least 10 buildings. the fire is 4% contained. in the meantime, governor newsom has secured 12 additional firefighting aircraft to support the state's wildfire response this year. 9 of the 12 have already been dispatched to aid crews in the ongoing firefights. authorities say the additional resources are a welcome tool to their arsenal, especially when battling fires in more remote areas of the state, but they also say california's bone-dry conditions may containment efforts far more difficult. >> these fires that were seen in continuing to see as we
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deeper into the summer and >% into the warmer parts of year. and we're just indicative of the conditions that we are facing regardless of the location. >> cal fire says one of the biggest wildfire threats they face is human activity. they urge everyone to take caution as we head into another dry that dry we those dry weekend conditions. they show no signs of stopping dave spahr as a little bit more detail. hey, dave. >> hey, good morning. and good morning, everybody. i'm just as a side there is a fire weather watch that's far up to the north around eureka. now, that's due to the fact that this month soon bubbling up and the potential for maybe sparking off some dry lightning the bay area zones. not in awe any of this for right now. it doesn't look like we're going to have the dynamics for that. good news there. what's all of that that's fog along the east bay shoreline little thicker going on this morning as what we see and that will continue. it looks like a little bit into tomorrow, too. so here's where it's all hiding out. the 4 corner states quite active in arizona, as you can see. but the other thing to make note of this. we don't see any
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tropical activity down here, which is kind of good news because sometimes some of that could be thrown into the upper layers to this ad and instability with all of this. meanwhile, let's send you to the far east. now we have partake. this is a new tropical storm to make note of and it is making a beeline to tokyo. looks like it's going to be crossing just to the north. here's what the forecasts projections are. this is from the japanese forecast center when they're monitoring the kind of activity as well. this is a projected tuesday. their time tuesday night at 9 is what we're seeing in this is about the closest approach tokyo's just to the south. so most of the heavier weather will be north of this still maintaining tropical storm strength forecast strength. will be just at the threshold of tropical storm before dropping down to tropical depression. now, what you have there in the topography is kind of analogous to our east coast yeah. the creation current that comes up from the south and it gets sent out to see. that's what these tropical systems need. but to the north, like our labrador current and new england is
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coming down to the south. there. so that's right there around cape hatteras where you see this from our case where all that warmer water gets sent out to see a little bit. but that's just what the tropical systems need that warmer water. so this has to be watched the next about 4848 or 72 hours here because it looks like they're at least going to get rain from this system back to the west coast or west coast. that is there's the sergeant's a monsoon that we talked about with this. this looks to be benign from our standpoint here. lots of cloud cover and all of that. all the action to the north and to the south of us. but there's another resurgence as we get into thursday and a little bit into friday. but again, most of the fireworks far off towards the east. as you can see in the sierra but looks like it's also carrying good rain with that will take 4 zone forecast checking into that. here for your saturday. 64 san francisco lower 60's cover the coast along the bay side peninsula 77 burlingame to the south. what about 82 redwood city? 83 palo alto. in the south bay readings in the
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lower 80's san jose 8183 for milpitas. also cupertino east bay shoreline to the south, popping about 80 tri valley. you're looking at lower 90's 94 walnut creek 92 for concord, 66 for berkeley. 70 going on for ballet hold 90 for fairfield, not about rosa with middle 80's heading down to the south jumping over to your 7 day forecast. there's the traffic from the monsoon early on. we take a breather. let's throw in a little bit more as we get into next friday in the following weekend, daytime highs in the lower 90's inland kind of typical for late july weather. noel, thanks, dave. >> the severe drought like conditions are leading to a new problem now, including water theft, both state and local officials say thieves are making off with billions of gallons of water by tapping into fire hydrants rivers and even stealing from family homes and farms in some areas of the state officials are having to place locks on fire hydrants or remove them all
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together. they say water theft is an ongoing problem, but it's magnified now that the state's water supply is so scarce. it's estimated more than 12 billion gallons of water have been stolen across the state since 2013. we'll be right back after the break.
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california, did you know our homes share power? but when we try to stay cool in a heat wave our supply is pushed to the limit. but you have the power to keep us up and running! “i do?” yup, we all do! with flex alerts. they notify us when to shift our energy use if our power supply is stretched. so from pre-cooling our homes, to using less energy from 4-9pm, together, let's flex our power to save our power. sign up for flex alerts today.
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take a look at this. a stockton restaurant hit hard by the labor shortage is turning to technology for help. they're now using a food delivery robot the restaurant bought the robot to help support. they're limited staff. surfers can load up the robot with food and drinks and then send it to the customers with the touch of a button. the restaurant says feedback from customers has been pretty positive and they jusa love interacting with the robot. >> the reasons i'm set to a fan of this restaurant. it's because of the people here. they make you feel at home >> somebody says well, hello antoine, it's like, oh, my know who i am. you know, it makes me feel important. but this second is the wave of the future. her her member after >> the restaurant says they haven't named their new robot server just yet. but they say customers can actually said submit suggestions for a name when they come in. that's
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pretty cool. hey, if you want to go to space. a luxury travel agency is now selling tickets for you to fly. virgin galactic into space. it's a one hour trip just like the one richard branson took a couple weekends ago. there is no age restriction on this. they only require you need to be physically fit and you can't go if you've recently had an operation, we ought to be able to afford it as well. $250,000 per person for ticket. so far, 8 tickets have been sold. you may remember that dutch teenager who became the youngest person to ever travel to space after winning a ride on jeff bezos is blue origin rocket. well, it turns out the teen actually shocked the billionaire when he told a mess. i thought jeff, like am i actually never both i think. and it was like, oh, well. >> 18 year-old physics student oliver daemen scored a seat on
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tuesday's 10 minutes space trip after the original winner of the blue origin auction canceled at the last minute damon's father, the next highest bidder become the winner. he in turn led his son b, the passenger and said damon rode along with brother an 82 year-old wally funk, who was the oldest person to ever go to space. still ahead here in the next hour, the kron 4 morning news, a surge in delta variant cases doesn't appear to be enough to convince unvaccinated people to sign up for a vaccine. >> how many say they'll never get one. we've got the answer. plus 2 people are dead and 4 others injured following a shooting in downtown sandra fell. we have full details coming up. also, fire officials in oakland looking into what caused a 3 alarm warehouse fire that left hundreds without power overnight. hear what they believe, what they believe might have caused it. stick with us proper morning news continues after the break.
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if there were a button that would help you use less energy, breathe cleaner air, and even take on climate change... would you press it?
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monitor, check and lock down you money with security from chase. control feels good. chase. make more of what's yours. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron 00:00am morning >> good saturday morning to you. thanks for joining us here on the kron 4 morning news. i'm noelle bellow is july 24th. we've got a lot to get to this morning, but we want to start you off. but getting a look at the weather forecast. it's going to be
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pretty nice weekend talked. it looks like it. yeah. we're going just a couple clouds in there for tomorrow. that's just the monsoon saying hi and all but temperatures will be pretty close close to what they are. >> today. maybe a degree or so below which will take that as well. but for today, lots of sunshine going on here for you. don't let the fog spoil your fun even around the bay will be seeing that clear out the coast is always a problematic issue, though probably some fog clouds lingering. so there you have it. east bay with the fog all filled up there. we can't even see the east bay shoreline itself very well. golden gate bridge. the towers are all skewered by this fog. big picture of the satellite. what we're watching is that a cluster of rain you see in arizona. some of that moisture bubbling up here tomorrow into zone from tomorrow say to about early on tuesday and then they'll be another little wave to look for the end of the week. 58 this hour in oakland 56 for vallejo. 66 already antioch 61 concord. 63 also for livermore, a little cooler up in the north and the
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east bay shoreline a touch there. a little warmer as you see well, inland breaking it down today 83 by noon by 3 at about 92 to coming up in a bit. we'll take a look what we're talking about here for the next few days and also investigate what it looked like in your extended. well, thanks, dave. >> breaking news overnight. 2 people are dead and 4 others injured following a shooting in downtown sandra fell. it happened just before 1045. last night near 3rd street and lou tons place this is video from the citizen app of the scene. police were able to catch up with a black dodge charger that was speeding away from the scene once they caught up with them. officers found 4 people inside that car. 2 of them suffering from gunshot wounds. another injured victim was then found inside the parking structure on losing its place and on about the same time other officers responding to a nearby crash located. 2 gunshot victims inside a vehicle. one of those victims was dead at the scene. the other suffering from minor
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injuries officers then learned of a 6th victim who had been dropped off at a nearby hospital that person also died from his injuries. police say many of the victims have been attending a rap concert at a downtown bar. the investigation is ongoing. we do have kron four's, camila barco headed there to sandra fell. she's going to be speaking with police and will have an update in the next hour. also breaking overnight, some east oakland residents are waking up without power this morning after firefighters responded to a large warehouse fire late last night. they were able to get that 3 alarm blaze under control around one 30 this morning. this is the scene when they arrived at 45th avenue and east 12th street just after midnight. officials say other buildings across the street were starting to catch on fire. but there were enough engines nearby to stop those flames from spreading. >> defensive tactics on the fire building. as you can see
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behind me, we were able to put matter pipes up in position to be able find the fire ice tribute to the building and we had other buildings across the street starting catch on fire. but we engines in the right to be able to ensure we had no extension. are the >> the time fire chief says none of their men or women were hurt. the fire is under investigation. but the battalion fire chief says the area does have plenty of homeless encampments and they're considering. >> all leaves. now to our other top story this morning. california health officials pleading with the public to get vaccinated. the state recorded nearly 8,000 new cases in the last 24 hours. the average positive test rate over 7 days is now more than 5%. that's nearly 5 times higher. then just a month ago, most cases are among the unvaccinated and they're dominated by the delta variant. but there is some
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good news on the national scale. according to the cdc, more than 2 million people got their first dose this week that up 14% from the week prior. however, a new poll also reveals a lot of people who haven't gotten the vaccine. >> aren't planning to do so in the associated press poll, 45% of americans who have not yet received a covid-19 vaccine say they will definitely not get one. 35% say they probably won't 16% say they probably will get their shot and just 3% say they definitely will infectious disease. experts say while the numbers are pretty disappointing. there is reason to believe they'll change. >> i'm going to stay hopeful that we're getting that people are hearing the news hearing about the venerable deaths and thinking about getting the shot. things change in society. for example. >> more and more businesses say that you have to be. vaccinated if you want to work here or businesses say you're
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you have to be vaccinated if you want to come in here. i think people are going to change their attitudes pretty quickly. >> here at home. 1 million alameda county residents are now fully vaccinated from covid-19 that makes up 70% of eligible residents public health officials say vaccination rates vary across communities in the county and they are seeing an increase in cases in areas where vaccination rates are lowest. they say most recent cases are among unvaccinated people now in an effort to up their numbers. there is a pop-up vaccine clinic today at the oakland zoo. you can get your free shot anytime between 09:00am and 2.30, this afternoon. you'll also receive a free oakland zoo family pass which includes tickets for 2 adults and 2 children. in the meantime, in the south bay, santa clara county is going to be requiring all 22,000 county employees to get the covid
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vaccine. in a statement, the county said due to the delta variant covid-19 cases have been on the rise since the relaxing of community and workplace transmission protections in mid-june. the county is also recommending the wearing of face coverings in indoor public areas for everybody. it also urged employers to consider implementing workplace covid-19 vaccine requirements for all employees. the push comes after san francisco announced a similar plan mandate for its government workers last month. the next step is one. this will be required. and if there's going to be any push back. >> with the drugs still only approved by an emergency use authorization. someone can say i have right under the food drug and cosmetic to not take the vaccine question. is there a lawsuit there because you're mandating i do something which federal law says i don't have to do. >> santa clara county officials say the specific vaccine policy and timeline are still being worked out in
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san francisco. officials are going to be requiring employees to get vaccinated only after the shots get full approval from the fda. up in the north bay. marin county has reported its first covid death in about 2 months. the person who died wednesday was unvaccinated and admitted to the hospital with respiratory issues. it marks the county's 186 the covid death since the pandemic began every death has been an unvaccinated person. coming up next for the first time in 2 years. the gilroy garlic festival has returned, but. >> it looks a lot different this year. we're going to show you how organizers re imagined the event.
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>> after 2 years off the gilroy garlic festival is officially underway. it's a much smaller venue this year, but it's still a big celebration. instead of eating on site. you will have to drive through to get your food as for the the festivals signature calamari not available this year. unfortunately, organizers feared it would be a bit too robbery by the time cars pulled through. so they left it off the menu. but there are several other dishes you can still order. now the festival has moved locations this year. it's now being held at the gilroy presbyterian church. one plus side of the new changes. the festivals now
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spread out over 2 weekends the times for each day. are there on your screen. the garland of the gilroy garlic festival will run today through sunday and then again next weekend as well. dave. hopefully it's going to be a pretty nice down that way. yeah. you know, they're worried about quality control there. so it's not just like fast food here. this is really quality couple. hey, we've got 83 going on by high noon to 3 o'clock. 92. >> temperatures off slightly for tomorrow. but we're really watching a little surge of monsoon moisture making a beeline up here. before that coming up in just a bit.
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>> welcome back. just about to be 8.15, here on this saturday morning and it's time for another check of your weather forecast. dave, it's a little foggy in some spots this morning. your fog this morning as a little thicker than we saw from yesterday. that, again will be mixing out for some late morning hours and turning to the mostly sunny mote. here's the picture you see from half moon bay and. >> kind of overcast as what we've got going on up the coast is always how hard to fight that fog going on a course. we take it because it helps us cool off a little bit overnight. that's certainly good news story. july now as we go forward in the forecast bubble them us month soon coming in. let's go through a little bit. the way some cloud cover a law for us at this point that looks like it. however, still going to watch out for any instability going on. here is the golden gate bridge. you can see the southern bit of that. it's all pretty blocked out their 50's
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up in the north bay 58 going on for oakland 61 conquered 69 already for antioch with 63 off to livermore. our winds to kind of variable here. but the general pattern has been on shore. it was a little stronger last night to give us a little bit of a thicker marine layer here as we start the day here and on storm tracker, all of that moisture is bottled up in the 4 corner states for now, spreading out some of that moisture fairly quickly over the next about 26 to 24 to 36 hours or so. so again, that that fog mixes out, it will some token showers going on up in the mountains. no major deal there. but it's going forward saturday night as we get into sunday and then sunday night, a little bit of rotation working here on the backside of this high now in our positioning to really get anything from the monsoon, really everything kind of has to line up early perfectly which didn't happen last go around. no complaints. keeping that dry lightning down, which is what we want to get a stray shower. great. but i mean, we don't want the instability that's we're looking at of
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course, the mountains will continue to fire up with all of this going forward. that's the first resurgence early in the week. there's a break and then there's another one as we get into friday and saturday of next week. so mostly sunny get past this nonsense post early fog that is got those temperatures in the 70's and the 80's a few 90's happening inland slightly cooler tomorrow. you'll notice a few scattered clouds out there just for good measure. then into next week. it's really we get sunday night monday and all the way to about tuesday morning. is where that will opportunities for some will call just monsoon clouds for now. there is a little bit of the so-called silent pots. as we say on chance precipitation kind of thing. they're popping up to the 10's and 20% range just because a little outburst. so what we call that sometimes asylum pops thing, particularly in some parts of the country where they always have that moisture around. so it's a little bit different for us a little bit unusual. so just making note of that chance of a little isolated showers. 64 san francisco 71 for oakland 81 san jose. and then tomorrow we shave off a couple degrees from the all of
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this part because the cloud cover got 79 going on for hayward inland. we're still popping in the lower to middle 90's there in the east bay. meanwhile, it's a tease up to the north bay. of course, we'll have more on this in the 4 zone forecast in a bit and check on that. tropical storm near the olympics. what's going on with that as well. noel. all right. thanks, dave. >> the friendly skies quickly turned on one bay area family after a confrontation on a southwest flight. the parents say they have to exit their flight because their 3 year-old son would not wear a mask. kron four's. dan kerman has the story from san francisco international airport. >> was advocate of their airline. i look them for such a long time and now completely flipped around from one experience that i've had with them, which is a very, very bad experience. bay area resident eric hanson says he won't fly southwest airlines again. >> after he and his family had to exit the san jose bound plane when he couldn't get his 3 year-old son to put his mask
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on before takeoff. he says 2 flight attendants and gate agent treated them like criminals use very intimidating. you saying that he needs to put it in the past on. >> and you know, we can get it on. so then he's radioing in to somebody else. out of his. the police are watching the oven on complaint passenger on the flight and he's talking about our 3 year-old son. >> that point, the family voluntarily got off the flight and had to spend an extra night in las vegas without any of their checked luggage. >> and i don't think the masking policy is bad. >> hansen says the airline should have treated his family better and given them more time to comply. he made that clear to southwest management which sent him this e-mail in response apologizing for his experience. but indicating under the cdc's federal mask mandate. all customers aged 2 or over are required to wear a mask if the customer just not comply with crew member instructions. we may refuse
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transportation. but hansen says southwest is inconsistent when it comes to enforcing this policy since they had no problem. and there are other flights feel like we're targeted on that flight when when other flights and we took. >> going out today coming back on another flight. my son was unable to put his mask on and it was a non-issue. but this plane individually is is a big deal. understand that's tough. yeah. travelers at sfo friday agreed it can be difficult and flying with kids. but those we spoke with supported the mask policy. i wouldn't travel without it. >> i don't have a problem with it being enforced in asking people to not take public airlines if they are not going to follow masking role. absolutely. it should apply to they are spread years as so, you know, the more people that we can keep healthy the better. >> the faa tells kron 4 news they have a 0 tolerance policy when it comes to passengers, not complying with instructions from flight attendants. they also say
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since january. 1st they've had more than 2600 reports dealing with passengers not complying with federal mask mandates at sfo. dan kerman kron 4 news. >> still ahead here on the kron 4 morning news the giants back at home looking to continue their hot streak taking on the pirates were going to have all your highlights after the break.
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>> and now 4 sports brought to you by xfinity. >> there's a giants fan known as red rhino. read. right now, is ready to roll and the giants and they did. you ready to roll again. 7th and lamont wade junior can't. figure it out. defensively giants have been good with the gloves, but rather comes in from second. he scores three-run 7th inning for pittsburgh. they take a 6, 3, lead. bottom 9 now a little life for the giants wade try to make up for drives one into the right center field gap know what he gets at darin ruf comes into score way junior in the 3rd rbi triple giants. can they do it. your strengths key. with 2 outs in the 9th.
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it caught the court. the inside corner yes, dead like it. but. call them out and the judge really can't complain pyres calls after the tuesday got giants fall. 64 still first place in their division game 2 of the series tonight here in cities. a stake in on the mariners game 2 of their 4 game set in seattle. top of the 5th phase down by a run one on for is chapman who lined it into left. it will kick up their right against the wall. run comes into score a's tied bottom. 7 now seattle with a runner on 3rd and jake diekman that is not how you do it. 35. it's in the dirt gets past catcher. sean murphy, the run scores and just like take a 4, 3, lead and that is ll they would a fall for 3 and they're now 3 and a half games back in the al west after the astros, one their gate. alright basketball now
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warriors. who are they going to add those draft picks are maybe a veteran help, you know, steph klay and has their in their prime get another ring. well, bradley beal is a stock and he's reportedly on the top of the dubs wish lists. the state willing to trade a bunch of draft picks. 7. certainly 7.14. may be a number one down the road. maybe james wiseman to get that veteran presence. that report according to marcus thompson of the athletic deal was supposed to be on team usa in tokyo and he was with team usa but had to be placed on covid protocol list shortly after. >> it was determined that he wouldn't be able to make the trip to tokyo with the rest of the because of pandemic related issues. too bad they're back to baseball person, cleveland indians announcing they will officially change their name to the cleveland guardians next season. you see some of the new designs of the logo that cleveland will done next season. the team had been known as the indian since 1915
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in the team's new name references, the guardians of traffic statues near progressive field which is located on the hope memorial bridge. so there's that. they're out of a job. these 2 nfl coaches not head coaches but assistance. well paid out of a job because of their decisions related to the vaccine. don't want it patriots. co offensive line coach cole popovich. we saw there on the right and the vikings assistant. he's an offensive line running game coach rick dennison. both said no thanks to the vaccine and in turn they were relieved of their respective positions. this comes a day after the nfl announced that if a covid outbreak occurs among or is sparked by unvaccinated players and staff. and that outbreak results in the team not having enough players to compete in a scheduled game. the team well, then have to forfeit the game. it would be a loss. the players would not get paid. now players do have the option to get vaccinated or not. but coaches staff
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members organizational personnel. they have to get vaccinated. those 2 guys said no thanks. the team said no no thanks. the team said no attention, california. new federal funding of $3 billion is available to help more people pay for health insurance — no matter what your income. how much is yours? julie and bob are paying $700 less, every month. dee got comprehensive coverage for only $1 a month. and the navarros are paying less than $100 a month. check to see your new, lower price. the sooner you sign up the more you save. only at covered california. this way to health insurance. california, did you know our homes share power? but when we try to stay cool thin a heat wavee. our supply is pushed to the limit. but you have the power to keep us up and running! “i do?” yup, we all do! with flex alerts. they notify us when to shift our energy use if our power supply is stretched.
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so from pre-cooling our homes, to using less energy from 4-9pm, together, let's flex our power to save our power. sign up for flex alerts today.
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>> welcome back here to the kron 00:00am morning news 8.30, this morning. let's start you off this half hour with a look at your forecast. morning ddaif. well, good morning welcome morning, everybody. and yes, that thick fog is with us again this morning. it's a little thicker
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than we saw from yesterday. that's all good news showing us that good. nice on shore. flow. that to work. don't worry a little part for us. and back to mostly sunny mode for today. no. it's a little bit more on the way. some scattered clouds kind of thrown in there just for good measure. we're not talking the typical marine layer type of stuff we have here to different type of moisture. it's more the monsoon. it could be in the mid layers of the atmosphere way above us. this is the shot from half moon bay. you can see kind of overcast and there's the moisture for now kind of in southern arizona for right now with showers and thunderstorms in their forecast. 50's cover most of the bay for right now, 60 san carlos inland. you see a plenty of 60's in the far east bay 50's up to the north bay. there's a check and the winds are kind of variable around for right now. the we're looking at 83 biden high noon and 3 o'clock 92 and will be some 90's going on there for the forecast today. one of the 4 zone forecast for you. also check about this tropical storm that may want to attend the olympics going on in tokyo. little bit. noel. >> thanks, dave. breaking
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overnight. 2 people are dead, 4 others injured following a shooting in downtown sandra fell the victims were discovered in several different locations. kron four's, camila barco joining us live now this morning with the very latest camila. what have you learned? >> well, no, we know that officers had a very busy night. and as you said, they responded to 4 different locations as a result of the shooting with me. i have lieutenant dan fink with the sandra fell police department. he hears he he is here to break it all down for us. you guys responded to losing when you were responding to shots fired. that is correct about 1042 last night we got multiple 911, calls. >> shots fired in the area of 3rd and lose in downtown center fell officers flooded the area because of those calls while they were responding. this area. we had a black dodge charger that fled at a high rate of speed from this area assuming it was involved. our officers took chase of that vehicle that was eventually stopped
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and we did locate actual victims from the shooting in that car to victims not car one with life threatening injuries and one with non life threatening injuries and that you guys also responded to another psyche. tell us about that. that's correct. so while we were dealing with that call. we're also down here as well for the shooting. we located a 62 year-old man who was also shot non life threatening injuries as well. and at that same time we got a call from the sense area that law enforcement officers were out with a collision and that had a car that had one person with life threatening injuries and another person with non life threatening injuries as well. >> and then i think the 4th location was wearing marine county sheriff's department answer to that one. if it if i understood correctly that was the one correct. okay. and the 4th location before location was a local area hospital. at the same time what we're doing with the other crime scenes. we had a vehicle drop off a victim of a gunshot wound. >> that vehicle fled the area. also at a high rate of speed after they dropped the victim off and that victim was actually pronounced dead at that local hospitals
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>> it is our understanding right now. that on all of those people were somehow in this area around 1042, to 1040, ish when you guys responded to the as far as we know, our investigation revealed that at least everybody that's been involved victim wise besides the un involve person down here that got shot had some nexus to a concert that was downtown in the local area bar. were you guys right now in the investigation process. any suspects, this point. i don't have any suspects identified our investigations unit has been working through the night to try to get leads in order to solve this crime. >> this is a very serious crime in our downtown area. we take this very seriously. we're looking for anybody that can come forward with any information for us to call us. we have our web site up. we're looking for help from the public on this one. >> and it is also my understanding that the victims who were injured were not from sandra fell. >> the investigation has shown that these except for the person that was down here. they were definitely from out
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of town had come in for the concert when this when shooting happened. and my last question is i mean, what does that say about sandra fell. we were talking right before this interview you were saying how that this is very uncommon to hear of something like this magnitude to happen here. absolutely center fell as a as a very safe community. we have a. >> we enjoy a very good night life down here. this is very uncommon for us. we're definitely going to do everything we can do to solve this heinous crime are definitely our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and the victims family and we will be workina on this case until we solve it. >> well, thank you so much that ended and for your time right if anyone has any information they are encouraged to call the sandra fell police department. we have all this information at our website kron 4 dot com. well, back to camilla. they're able to find the suspects and people responsible for all this. thank you for that live report. we'll check in with you again. >> in the next hour. >> now to another top story. this half hour san jose. police are once again asking the public to help track down a driver suspected in a fatal
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hit and run. they say a woman was walking along tully road around 2 o'clock friday morning when she was hit by a red suv. she was taken to a local hospital where she later died this is san jose's 32nd traffic fatality of the year. city has seen for traffic related deaths in just the past 2 weeks. these most recent deaths took place on streets and city workers say have been flagged for potential upgrades. >> streets in san jose are very. and for cars. and when there's an increase in pedestrian fatalities as we have seen. actually a lot of other cities in the u.s. have particularly since 2009. >> we need to think about how we can redesign the streets to be a lot more friendly to pedestrians. >> now, this latest fatality marks the 7th fatal hit and run in san jose this year. police say drivers involved in such crashes do have a legal duty to stop and failing to do so. could result in felony charges. also in the south bay
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san jose police say they busted in illegal gambling operation. 3 people were arrested and take a look at what they found. officers confiscated 300, $20,000 in cash. 2 gold bars to assault pistols and 10 gambling machines. stick with us. the kron 4 morning news continues after the break.
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>> welcome back. after a yearlong delay due to the pandemic. the tokyo olympics are officially underway. now the opening ceremony yesterday kicked off with a fireworks show at olympic stadium. critics do want the event canceled because of a growing number of covid-19 cases but organizers hope the excitement of the games will offset widespread opposition now in japan. we know that spring time is marked by cherry blossom. trees that bloom every year across the country roughly a million people flock to see those flowers every year in hubs like tokyo even more people do the same thing here on the west coast in cities like portland, oregon, where cherry blossoms are considered a gift elizabeth dehn has the story. blink and you'll miss them. the cherry blossoms are only around for a short period of time. that's why most of the year. >> this is the beautiful get
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along. the waterfront still nice to look at. we just don't have the flowers. along the banks of the willamette river in downtown portland, oregon. >> 100 cherry trees erupt with color every spring. the type of cherry blossom our is a beautiful and delicate gift from the japanese grain importers association to the city. 31 years ago. >> they're full of all to the weather, the rain, the way >> and if you blink, you might miss them. they only stay in bloom for a very short while in japanese culture cherry blossom symbolize the spring a time of renewal in the fleeting nature of life. a 1000 year old custom known not me. >> which translates to flower viewing brings people together to do just that. sit beneath the trees and take it all both
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tourists and portlanders flocked to the japanese american historical plaza to do the same. but the place also serves as a reminder of past struggle and tragedy. >> part of this history that memory to hear this down. it's an engraved with the names of the 10 herman that concentration camps that were located throughout the united states. >> in 1942 roughly 120,000 japanese americans were forced to stay in these camps under tough conditions until world war 2 ended. >> even though many of them fought for the united states. >> we hope that when people come here and contemplate the beauty of these cherry blossoms that they also contemplate what this plaza stands for. our freedom, our democracy. it's just as vulnerable to and racism in by better understanding the past. >> we inch closer toward all the sec symbolizes hope and
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new beginnings and deeper appreciation for the here and now. >> reporting in portland, i'm elizabeth tin. >> and by the way, we're going to be checking into a tropical system. that's kind of going to be me and during around the olympics early into the week as well. high temperatures today. look at this one. the east bay shoreline open goes and 71 antioch 95 changing climate typical kind of situation for us in the summer
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monitor, check and lock down you money with security from chase. control feels good. chase. make more of what's yours.
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>> 45 on this saturday morning and fire crews working to control the dixie fire burning in plumas county this morning. the department says crews spent 24 hours protecting critical infrastructure, including pg any power facilities and historical sites. the dixie fire has now grown to 2 hot 223 square miles containment is 18 per cent. this is one of many wildfires burning along the west coast and cal fire officials admit the dry conditions are daunting kron four's terisa stasio has details. >> hazy skies face the nearly 4,000 strong firefighters out on the front lines trying to out the dixie fire burning since july. 13th and now marks the biggest fire burning in the state of california as it has torn through 223 square miles destroyed 8 buildings and currently threatening 1500
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homes. >> again, these fires that were seen in continuing to see as we deeper into the summer and into the warmer parts of year. are just indicative of the conditions that we are facing regardless of the location. >> calfire isaac sanchez says the exceptionally dry conditions created by the state's drought. hans the efforts to get this fire under control. the biggest challenge that we're facing is the receptive field that's out there. >> the drought vegetation that that, you know, essentially covers the wild land areas of california. >> the heat that comes along with the with the dry and warm temperatures and when you add those see those things together. you get a spark in the environment. you're going to have destructive fires like we're seeing. >> the chief says governor gavin newsom's announcement of 12 additional aircraft beefing up the fleet to 60 will make the current air assault even more it adds an additional layer of the look of a firefight resources that are available to us and allows us
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to be aggressive with our initial attacks in our in our of fight. >> against the ongoing fires. but absolutely just another available 12 additional tools that we have in our toolbox. >> as the weekend unfold and the battle continues. chief had this message. >> the biggest threat that we're facing out in the in the in the open spaces and across the state are human activity and that could be something as simple as a car accident reportly maintain vehicle or doing defensible space peer into the wrong time of day. as we very much have a significant role in preventing the next dixie fire. the next that could potentially impact the community or even an individual. >> teresa is stasio kron. 4 news. in the meantime, there's new video from the scene of the tamarack fire just south of lake tahoe. take a look at this. fire. nato's. yeah. firefighters say they're capable of spreading the fire
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even faster over a large area the tamarack fire was sparked by a lightning strike back on july. 4th. it's now burned more than 90 square miles and destroyed at least 10 buildings. the fire is 4% to know that fire was started by a lightning strike and then to see a fire nato, a lot of mother nature just going on over there, dave and i know we're not any time soon. going to see any rain, right. nothing really substantial maybe a little passing showers. a big maybe, and that also underscores the fact all it takes is one strike with this dry air because. >> it's not like it is and more moist parts of the country where the vegetation can handle some of that we don't have that situation it's bone dry. so we have lightning. we need some with a good rain probably before it even happens. and that's just not going to be in the cards. so that's the danger scenario. one strike and we could have problems. that's half moon made by the way. and we do have a resurgence of monsoon. good news is the conventional wisdom for this first surgeons
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that we're getting over the next 72 or whatever hours that does not seem to have the stability. we don't think at this point. so that's good news. let's hope that holds again, overcast as we head to the coast. meanwhile, this is the moisture i'm talking about the monsoon pretty much in arizona and it looks far away. but the models say that this is surging up here real quickly for the early part of the week. now we go to the western sort. yet the western pacific gas part. take. it's tropical storm max winds at 40 watch this going forward here yeah, it's intensifying a little bit. and then it drops back down to 45 again. it pops for 50 or so that you have the current coming from the south like our gulf stream. same kind of scenario that gives fuels to tropical systems like this. however, going over land. that's where it gets chewed up currently the forecast keeps it well north of tokyo, but they may get some weather associated with this that this is even close to what happens. and this
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would be all the way all tuesday night. their time. so expecting some of the weather to go downhill a little bit as early as maybe monday on all of this as the storm approaches the coast. so that's something we'll be watching and that they can discontinue following it. by that point becomes a tropical depression back to our coast and here comes that resurgence of tropical moisture to start things off in the week. that's the one we're really watching good news is it doesn't look like instability for us to the north, maybe then later on in the week. yeah. you get down to around friday and into next weekend there looks to be more that too, will have to be watched as we get into the next weekend. 4 zone forecast for this saturday. 64 san francisco will do the lower 60's along the coast. bayside 77 for burlingame. 72 millbrae 76 for foster city. san carlos 81. we have a couple 80's here to the south, ok 83 for palo alto. police stopped the 90's and the south bay 81 morgan hill at 89, by the way, along with los gatos 83 for cupertino. about 80 for the
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east bay shoreline to the south lower 90's going on in tri valley and we do about a 90 walnut creek 92 for conquered 66 for berkeley, 70 ballet home 90 for fairfield 87 for sonoma, 85 for santa rosa in mid 80's heading to the south. so again, surge one early part of the week. we're just keeping it is muggy with some scattered clouds thrown in there. then we take a breather by friday. we have some more scattered clouds with the next resurgence between there fairly dry as we have a lower 90's kicking in keep it here. there's more straight ahead. the kron 4 morning news continues.
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>> welcome back. hey, you may remember that dutch teenager who became the youngest person temper trap the space after winning a ride on jeff bezos is a blue origin rocket. well turns out the teen actually shocked the billionaire when he told a mess. >> i can. i thought i actually never both i think. and it was like, oh, well. >> like a lot of us are wondering why we've got so much from amazon over the years. 18 year-old physics student oliver daemen scored a seat on the 10 minute space trip that happened on tuesday after the original winner of the auction canceled at the last minute damon's father was the next highest bidder to get on that trip. he in turn let
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his son become the passenger instead damon rode along with bases, brother and 82 year-old wally who was the oldest person to ever go into space. it wasn't exactly a trip to space, but it did take some big horse power to rescue a writer and his animal after they got stuck in a san diego. vali the horse named mackey and its owner were out for a ride thursday when they tumbled down a steep embankment. the dramatic rescue began on the ground and ended with the horse in a harness. as you can see in this video was airlifted to safety. it wasn't easy, though. at one point mackey broke free from the rescuers stumbling and getting tangled up in the harness veterinarians finally were able to get him into a carrier van, though, where he was checked out both mackey and his rider are expected to be okay. check this out. the future of mercedes-benz is
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going green. the luxury car brand says it's pushing to transition to all electric cars by the year 2030, the company planning on investing 48 billion dollars and battery driven cars over the next 60 years. it's setting up 8 factories to help produce electric vehicles. all right. still ahead in the next hour, the kron 4 morning news surgeon delta variant cases. >> is not enough really to convince all unvaccinated people to sign up for their shot. hear how many say they'll never get one. plus 2 people are dead and 4 others injured following a shooting in downtown sandra fell. we have full details in a live report coming up. and fire officials in oakland looking into what caused a warehouse fire that left hundreds without power this morning. hear what they believe may have caused it all. stay with us. the kron 4 morning news continues after the break.
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>> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron 00:00am morning news at 9. >> good saturday morning to you. thanks for joining us here on the kron 00:00am morning news. i'm noelle bellow. it is saturday. july 24th. we've got a lot to get to this morning. want to start off by looking at the weather. dave and i were just talking about streaming services in the way we watch things day. it's going to be a nice weekend, though, to go outside
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right. be a warm inland, but they it's july. so that's coming around with the right here. no triple digit nonsense. but. >> it will be in the 90's and some of those well east bay locations going on here for today. what we're watching, though upstream. you'll see the interference start to build as early as sunday. >> it's resurgence of monsoon moisture and it will be in the mid layers of the atmosphere. but throw some cloud cover our way as early as sunday and type of the temperatures will back off just a little bit compared to what they are for today. first things first got to take care of this fog. we have some coastal fog we're dealing with right now as you can see it half moon bay. they're kind of overcast. yeah, the fog is high now here at the golden gate bridge and how often we see that, ok. and the west coast. what's going on. the big stories that monsoon. you can see in the the lower right hand side of your screen. i know it seems like it's far away, but it will start moving up here to the north throughout the weekend. 60's cover the east bay shoreline. 69 antioch 65 livermore 50's up to the north bay. a good 2 thirds of the bay area are a little cooler this morning. complements of the thicker fog. strong
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onshore wind was working last night. so that's all in tandem. good stuff there. 87 at 1 o'clock by 4. we're talking 92 a look at what you can expect for your weekend little bit more about what's going on with the monsoon. well. >> thanks to a breaking overnight. 2 people are dead, 4 others injured following a shooting in downtown sandra fell kron four's camila barco joining us live now this morning from the scene with the very latest camila. >> well, know all the shooting took place here in this parking lot but it's actually struck 2 businesses here. shattering their glass windows. but we know that this was not the only place that sandra fell police responded to as a result of the shooting took place around 1042 last night. and lou, in some place nearby downtown. and this is the scene when officers arrived. they were responding to a shots fired when they got
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here. they notice that a block dodge charger sped away from the scene. the car eventually stopped and officers found 4 people in the car. 2 are suffering from gunshot wounds. a 3rd victim a 62 year-old man from sandra fell was found at the parking lot here of the scene. he was taken to the hospital. at the same time, officers responded to a car crash near the police department and they found 2 people who had been shot. >> at the initial scene. one was dead and the other was taken to the hospital and then officers were called to a 4th it was a local hospital where they were notified about another victim. the person died from gunshot wounds and all victims were in their mid to late 20's except for the 62 year-old man. here's what the police department had to say about last night's shooting. >> yeah, absolutely. center fell as a as a very safe community. we have a we enjoy a very good night life down here. this is very uncommon for us. we're definitely going
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to do everything we can do to solve this heinous crime are definitely our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and the victims family and we will be working on this case until we solve it. >> now police say that the victims were not from this area. many of them had come to sandra fell to attend a rap concert, but they tell me that they have no suspects in custody. they say anyone with information is encouraged to call the police department noel, back to you. alright camila, thank you for that live report. >> also breaking overnight, some east oakland residents now waking up without power after firefighters responded to a large warehouse fire late last night. they were able to get to the 3 alarm blaze under control around one 30 this morning. but this was the scene when they arrived 45th avenue and east 12th street just after midnight officials say of officials say other buildings across the street. we're starting to catch on fire. but there were enough fire engines nearby to stop it
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all from spreading. >> defensive tactics on the fire building. as you can see behind me, we were able to put ladder pipes up in position to be able find the fire ice tribute to the we had other buildings across the street starting catch on fire. but we engines in the right to be able to make sure know are the >> the battalion fire chief says none of their men or women were hurt in the cause of the fire is under investigation. however, officials do say the area has plenty of homeless encampments and they're considering all potential leads. now to our other top story. california. health officials pleading with the public. now to get vaccinated. the state recorded nearly 8,000 new cases in the last 24 hours. the average positive test rate over 7 days is now more than 5%. that's nearly 5 times higher than one
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month ago. now most cases are among the unvaccinated and they're dominated by the delta variant. but there is some good news on the national scale. now, according to the cdc, more than 2 million people actually got their first shots this week. that's up 14% from the week prior, however, a new poll does reveal a lot of people who have have not gotten the vaccine are not planning to do so in the associated press poll, 45% of americans who have not yet received a covid-19 vaccine say there definitely not going to get one. 35% say they probably won't get a shot. 16% say they probably will. and just 3% say they definitely will be getting their vaccine infectious disease experts say while the numbers are a bit disappointing. there is reason to believe these people will change their minds. >> i'm going to stay hopeful that we're getting that people are hearing the news hearing about venerable deaths and
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thinking about getting the shot. things change in society. for example. >> more and more businesses say that you have to be. vaccinated if you want to work here or businesses say you're you have to be vaccinated if you want to come in here. i think people are going to change their attitudes pretty quickly. >> here at home. 1 million alameda county residents are now fully vaccinated from covid-19 that makes up 70% of eligible residents public health officials say vaccination rates vary across communities in the county and they're seeing an increase in cases in areas where vaccination rates are lowest. they say most recent cases are among unvaccinated people now in an effort to up the numbers of vaccinated. folks. there is a pop-up vaccine clinic today at the oakland zoo. you can get your free shot anytime between 09:00am so right now and 2.30. this afternoon. you'll also receive a free oakland zoo family past which
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includes tickets for 2 adults and 2 children. up in the north bay. marin county has reported its first covid death and about 2 months. the person who died wednesday with unvaccinated and admitted to the hospital with respiratory issues. it marks the county's 186 covid deaths since the pandemic began every death has been an unvaccinated person. >> coming up next, the gilroy garlic festival has returned, but it looks a lot different this year. we're going to show you how organizers had to re. imagine the event.
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>> after a couple years off the gilroy garlic festival officially underway this weekend. it's a much smaller venue this year. but it's still a break. pretty big celebration this year. you will have to drive through to get your food if you are hoping to get some of the festival signature column are you're going to be out of luck, though organizers feared it would going to be a little too robbery by the time cars pulled through. but there are several other dishes available for you to try. the festival has also moved locations from christmas hill park to gilroy presbyterian church. one plus side of this new change, though it's now spread out over 2 weekends the times for each day. are there on your
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screen. the gilroy garlic festival is going to run today through sunday. and then again next weekend, things open up at 11 o'clock this morning and they go until 7 o'clock tonight. it's going to be a pretty nice weather out there hyundai. it looks pretty good. a little bit cooler tomorrow, though. but it will be summer like it looks we're watching some monsoon moisture trying to sneak in here will be talking about it for your saturday 87 by one by 4. >> at 92 some of those inland spots will manage into the 90's. keep it here. your forecast is next.
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>> welcome back. 9 at 14 here on this saturday morning. dave's far as got a look at your furnace was little surprise. we right to me here to so after the she was surprised she thought it was going to see me. we're sure for self you guys ok. all right. with the program now it's taking away day down to me is what we are back to, you a good morning we're still tracking some of that fog going on. as you can see it half moon bay. they're kind of overcast, you know, typical the coast. >> kind of slow kind of lift. and that off as it is slow at the golden gate bridge. you can hardly see any of the the towers at all going on here is the thicker this morning. yeah, you got that we have that strong onshore flow working. pre this monsoon flare up here and that's kind of good news keeps temperatures kind of cool. but
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don't worry, that fog. a mix on where to go to a mostly sunny mode for today. some folks already moving already 74 antioch mid 60's. you can see the far east bay lower 60's line at the east bay shoreline got those 50's up to the north bay. san jose checks in at 62 there are those winds going on here for you. again. a nice good on shore. flow pattern in place. stormtracker 4. can see well. but here's the bubbling up to the monsoon. that's going start moving up probably tomorrow. now let's get through today. first we mix out this fogginess set along the coast might be problematic. little flare up of some showers this afternoon in the mountains tomorrow. look at this. around that high in the back side. it's the typical penn we had before. now for our perspective usually to get these flare ups has to be a special recipe. thank goodness. so to really get much from the monsoon. we can get a little bit of a stray shower or 2. but we're really watching is that dry lightning because all it takes is one. so that's problematic. the
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instability factor. latest looks like this won't have a lot of instability with the good news from our perspective, but up to eureka, they do actually have a fire weather watch has been posted for that potential now for today, mostly sunny. post early fog that things went take care of it. they temps in the 70's few 80's and we got a few 90's going on inland tomorrow will be a little bit more of that kind of pasty white skies at work here. mid level clouds sneaking in here, slight drop in temperatures are probably hardly notice it even inland the next week. the monsoon program here just for insurance. we're throwing in an isolated shower here monday and tuesday. but you're fortunate to get just dirty at the car. little bit. but would right now doesn't winning the lightning strikes with that. then late in the week, there's another resurgence coming on the long-range forecast models as well. that takes us into next week. and by the way, 64 san francisco oakland 7181 san jose. and just shaving a couple degrees off of this for tomorrow. today mid-nineties going on the far east bay. it's mostly 80's program up to the north bay and around the
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media today. temperatures will pretty much stay in the 70's, although cool in half moon bay at 6164 for san francisco course. we'll have the 4 zone forecast coming up for you. bet. and check out that tropical system that may want to attend the olympics itself well, thanks, dave, for your money this morning. if you're still waiting on the child tax credit payments from the government. >> you're not alone. the first round of payments one out last week, but a lot of families still have not received that money. parents who have filed their taxes should automatically get that money added into their bank accounts. if the irs has all of your current information now there are reports the rollout has had some hiccups for those with children who haven't filed their taxes. you can sign up for the tax credit through the irs website. in the meantime, governor gavin newsome has signed a new law expanding access to child care for working families. 200,000 child-care slots will be phased in over the next 5 years. a majority of those
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slots are expected to be available in the next 2 years. >> we've been advocating to raise awareness to to race. consciousness around the essential nature of our care economy broadly defined, but particularly childcare workers. >> more than half a billion dollars will be used to support child care and preschool providers. another 250 million dollars will be used to build and renovate childcare facilities focusing on those in underserved communities. a major change. now to the state's unemployment payouts could unlock money for thousands of californians the employment development department has announced it will no longer freeze payments. meaning thousands of people will continue to receive unemployment even if their eligibility is currently under scrutiny. the change applies only to people who have been certified for benefits and who have already received at least one week of payment in the
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past. many have criticized those extra benefits during the pandemic, though, as providing an incentive for americans to not look for new work. but new data from the census bureau shows cutting the benefits did not result in any significant improvements and people going back into the workforce, at least 25 states have ended the extra $300 a week. unemployment benefit while several other states are expected to do so in the coming months now, the white house announced yesterday weekly jobless claims jumped to 419,000 last week. californians are the biggest losers in the country when it comes to online scams. that's unfortunate identity verification website. social catfish found people lost more than 621 million dollars last year due to scams. that's out of the 4.2 billion dollars americans lost nationwide, the age group that reported the most losses was between 1839
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years old. the most common scams where business emails being compromised romance scams came in second to protect against online scams. always asked to meet whomever, you're interacting with face to face before giving away any of your personal information. still ahead here on the kron 4 morning news, the giants back at home looking to continue their hot streak. >> taking on the pirates will have highlights after the break.
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>> and now kron 4 sports brought to you by xfinity. >> there's a giants fan known as red rhino. read. right now, is ready to roll and the giants and they did. you ready to roll again. 7th and lamont wade junior can't. figure it out. defensively giants have been good with the gloves, but rather comes in from second. he scores three-run 7th inning for pittsburgh. they take a 6, 3, lead. bottom 9 now a little life for the giants wade try to make up for drives one into the right center field gap know what he gets at darin ruf comes into score way junior in the 3rd rbi triple giants. can they do it. your strengths key. with 2 outs in the 9th.
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it caught the court. the inside corner yes, dead like it. but. call them out and the judge really can't complain pyres calls after the tuesday got giants fall. 64 still first place in their division game 2 of the series tonight here in cities. a stake in on the mariners game 2 of their 4 game set in seattle. top of the 5th phase down by a run one on for chapman who lined it into left. it will kick up their right against the wall. run comes into score a's tied bottom. 7 now seattle with a runner on 3rd and jake diekman that is not how you do it. 35. it's in the dirt gets past catcher. sean murphy, the run scores and just like take a 4, 3, lead and that is all they would a fall for 3 and they're now 3 and a half games back in the al west after the astros, one their gate. alright basketball now warriors. who are they going to add those
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draft picks are maybe a veteran help, you know, steph klay and has their in their prime get another ring. well, bradley beal is a stock and he's reportedly on the top of the dubs wish lists. the state willing to trade bunch draft pick 7. certainly 7.14 may be a number one down the road. maybe james wiseman to get that veteran presence. that report according to marcus thompson of the athletic deal that was supposed to be on team usa in tokyo and he was with team usa but had to be placed on covid protocol list shortly after. >> it was determined that he wouldn't be able to make the trip to tokyo with the rest of the because of pandemic related issues. too bad they're back to baseball person. cleveland indians announcing they will officially change their name to the cleveland guardians next season. you see some of the new designs of the logo. the cleveland will done next season. >> the team had been known as the indian since 1915 in the
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team's new name references, the guardians of traffic statues near progressive field which is located on the hope memorial bridge. so there's that. they're out of a job. these 2 nfl coaches not head coaches but assistance. well paid out of a job because of their decisions related to the vaccine. don't want it patriots. co offensive line coach cole popovich. we saw there on the right and the vikings assistant. he's an offensive line running game coach rick dennison. both said no thanks to the vaccine and in turn they were relieved of their respective positions. this comes a day after the nfl announced that if a covid outbreak occurs among or is sparked by unvaccinated players and staff. and that outbreak results in the team not having enough players to compete in a scheduled game. the team well, then have to forfeit the game. it would be a loss. the players would not get paid. now players do have the option to get vaccinated or not. but coaches staff
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members organizational personnel. they have to get vaccinated. those 2 guys said vaccinated. those 2 guys said no thanks. the team said no ♪ ♪ ♪ vaccinated. those 2 guys said no thanks. the team said no ♪ ♪ ♪ deposit, plan and pay with easy tools from chase. simplicity feels good. chase. make more of what's yours.
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what if you could push a button and less carbon would be put into the air. if there were a button that would help you use less energy, breathe cleaner air, and even take on climate change... would you press it?
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>> good morning. 9.30 here on this saturday. things are starting to look pretty good here across the bay area. time to get a check of your forecast, dave, it's going to be pretty nice. and then tomorrow is going to be a little cooler. is that right. well, not as haha when you're
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like 92 and it's it's colder today, you know. well, as less thermal energy, technically a. >> we looking at a decent weekend, though. but what the big concern is in flex a little bit of monsoon moisture which at this point it does not look to be. >> producing that instability. so that's good news. there. here's what we have going on. as you can see, that half moon bay all that overcast fog kind of lingering around a little bit, but upstream. that's the moisture we're looking at down to the 4 corner states across the river and the socal. you can see a little wave of it. just reversing across the coachella valley into san diego la basin. the temperature check in the lower 60's along the east bay shoreline. for now, 74 for antioch 58 for the late show with plenty of 50's up to the north bay. we did have a good strong influx of onshore flow going on from last night. help picking up that fog a little bit. little breezier on the delta this morning, 87 at 1 o'clock and 4 93 will break down your forecast. have your 4 zone coming up in a bit. and also the latest on this
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tropical system. it's making a beeline near tokyo. more on that. well. >> thanks, dave. our top story this half hour san jose police once again calling on the public to help track down a hit and run driver after yet another person was killed. crossing the street as kron four's. rob fladeboe reports now for people have died on san jose roadways in the past 2 weeks alone. >> this was the grim scene early this morning. the san jose police wrapped up the initial investigation into the city's latest pedestrian fatality. they say a woman was walking here along tully road near laura geely avenue about 02:00am thursday. she was hit. and later died. the driver did not stop and remains at large. >> we're still looking for more information and asking the public in general that if they were in that area at the time. if they have any information videos stills of that vehicle or perhaps witnessed the incident occur to please come forward speed toward traffic investigations unit on tuesday. just a few
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blocks away at holly and kerner avenue. >> a homeless man walking outside the crosswalk was struck and killed the driver in this case stopped and cooperated with police. meantime, the community is mourning. 24 year-old, who's a u.s. who was killed last week when another hit and run driver ran a stop sign on mckee road. all 3 crashes occurred on streets, targeted for safety upgrades. but san jose's vision 0 pedestrian fatality program. the streets in san jose are very. >> much designed for cars. >> and when there's an increase in pedestrian fatalities as we have seen. actually a lot of other cities in the u.s. have particularly since 2009. we need to think about how we can redesign the streets to be a lot more friendly to pedestrians in the latest hit and run. police are hunting for the driver of a vehicle thus far described only as a lifted suv. >> or box truck of some kind. police reminding the public that drivers involved in such crashes have a legal duty to
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stop. >> regardless of what may be behind the accident. what caused it. it's so much easier for folks just stop and talk it out with officers after the fact rather than run away because the implication in seriousness of the crime just compound saw further. now this has become a felony investigation and a subject could be facing years of prison time as opposed to having to stay at the scene and dealt with what had happened. the name of the victim has not been released pending the notification of her family. >> the death is the 32nd traffic fatality of the year in san jose so far and it is the city's 7 fatal hit and run in san jose. rob fladeboe kron 4 news. >> also down there in the south bay san jose police say they busted in illegal gambling operation. 3 people were arrested during this bus. take a look at what they found. officers confiscated 300, $20,000 in cash. 2 gold bars, 2 assault pistols and 10 gambling machines. an east bay
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mother, meanwhile, is seeking justice after her son was killed last month in walnut creek. 25 year-old stacy corley was a poet and an aspiring rapper. his mother, kimberly said stacy was killed. june. 17th while making a delivery for doordash in downtown walnut creek. she says he was involved in a road rage incident with people in another car ultimately contra, costa county district attorney's office says this man, 18 year-old dylan baker of martinez opened fire killing stacy and although baker has been arrested and charged with 2 felonies, including murder, stacey's mother says she's frustrated with the investigation. >> it should not have even been a that any of them had to decide that they can pick up a firearm. chase. someone. attempt to end their life. and then make the conscious decision to get out of a car, continue to end someone's life.
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>> now baker is the one suspect charged. there are 2 others involved as well, though, including 22 year-old jason collazo of martinez as well as a 17 year-old boy. both of them were also taken into custody. but they were later released the district attorney's office says the case remains active. also in the east bay, walnut creek. police have arrested a 22 year-old brentwood man who they say opened fire on a group of people last weekend killing one person and injuring 3 others jose flores was arrested during a traffic stop thursday. police say they found a gun and ammo at his home. the shooting happened early sunday morning outside the spoontonic a lounge near north main street and san luis road 25 year-old, lucia di aboushi of san pablo was killed. the other 3 victims are expected to be ok, the cause of this shooting is under investigation. in response to a rise in gun violence across the united
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states. the justice department has officially launched 5 anti-gun trafficking task forces in 5 locations. the bay area los angeles, chicago, washington, dc and new york attorney general merrick garland says they will be cooperating with local law enforcement to try and track try and crack down on gun trafficking. corridors. >> not hear from washington to tell you what to do and hear from washington to find out what we can do. i can help in the federal government have to do everything we can in cooperation with state, local that pilots town. ing thing d- >> these strike forces are just one of the depart, one part of the department's broader strategy to prevent violent crime. it also includes community violence intervention programs and stricter penalties for rogue gun dealers. carjackings are up nearly 100% from this time last year and oakland a recent incident involving a woman being knocked unconscious by a
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carjacker has caused major concern in a quiet oakland hills neighborhood. now police are asking for the public's help finding the person responsible kron four's haaziq madyun has that story. >> with carjackings were also seen. it could be groups or gangs or individuals who are taking the vehicles and using them in other crimes. concerned. definitely concerned. frightening. >> you know, and you wonder why it's happening. that is the reaction from these piedmont pines residents after learning that one of their neighbors was the victim of a violent carjacking near 6400 ascot drive in oakland. oakland. police investigators say the female victim was in front of her home friday just before one 30 am. when sadly we are victim was standing in front of her residents when she was approached by a stranger. >> of the stranger did assaulter when she woke up. she discovered that her car keys and her vehicle is missing.
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>> this man says he was aware of highly publicized smash-and-grab incidents in oakland like this. one caught video earlier this week on lake shore. but he tells me he didn't expect to hear about violent carjackings. we moved to this oakland hills neighborhood earlier this year. >> you know, makes a little scarier. it's one thing to just bust the window and lever take what you want from a vehicle. but when someone's life is at risk like that. it's a little worrisome. so over the years. >> there have been. car thefts here. but not not of this magnitude this year. we have seen carjackings up 95%. >> it's a steep increase from last what we can share with you is that video surveillance witness identification and information regarding incidents is very helpful. >> investigators say the unidentified carjacker was last seen driving the victim's dark colored 2013 subaru
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anyone with information is asked to contact oakland. police has it lead you in kron 4 news. >> a bay area family is vowing never to fly southwest airlines again after they had to exit their flight because their 3 year-old son wouldn't wear a mask. eric hanson says his family was on a plane leaving las vegas for san jose and was having trouble getting the 3 year-old to wear his mask. he says 2 flight attendants and the gate agent treated them like criminal%. and when they feared police were being called to arrest them. they voluntarily got off the flight and had to spend an extra night in las vegas without any of their checked luggage. uld giving us some more time they should have walked away. maybe said, okay, we'll give you 5 minutes or 10 minutes. but their flight was late. another an hour late. so i think they'rn just trying to make time and they wanted us off the plane. they didn't give us any time to sit there with them and talking through it and try to get him to put it on. >> and some complain to southwest management which sent him this email
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apologizing for his experience. the airline explained the employees were simply following the federal mask mandate and everyone over the age of 2 must wear a mask while on public transit, the faa says they have a 0 tolerance policy for passengers who do not comply with that mask mandate. >> it's going to feel like a summertime day still across the bay, although the east bay shoreline, little relief there going on. got some 70's going on for today. we're for the monsoon early part of the week. also as a tropical system in the western pacific near the olympics got that forecast as well. get
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>> 9.44 on this saturday morning. turning now to our wildfire coverage. the dixie fire has been burning for nearly 10 days has exploded to 167,000 acres. that makes it the largest active wildfire in california right now. it's expected to get even bigger over this weekend that those flames are just 18% contained right now and have prompted new evacuation orders in the butte meadows area. gurajpal sangha is in butte county with the latest. but i'm not leaving. but in a >> the dixie fire spreading a radically prompted the evacuation to meadows friday most people left a few are waiting it out. we're down here at the bam bn. >> on the deck one of fire
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engines pulled up and in that it right back aisha and wasn't a surprise. >> the place now becoming the largest wildfire burning in the state so far this year. even though some few meadows homeowners have chosen to go against fire. officials warnings. >> and orders to leave for their safety. they're monitoring this fire very closely at 07:00am. >> 9 miles gets really small, really quick by money says they are packed and ready to go when the time comes well, we have a degree of choice where work we're choosing to remain and kind of watch and monitor. that's kind of where we are right and of course, if things get worse, if things get worse, there's not a soul here that wants to be a superhero. the dixie fire has burned more than 167,000 acres in butte and plumas counties. and it isn't letting up. >> as of last night to this morning. it grew nearly 30,000 acres so far says weather hasn't been cooperating when those winds to come up. it's burning so hot that those
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numbers are able to kind of get sent out. you know, start spot fires. the dixie fire has yet to arrive in this town of jonesville. but fire crews are here on scene. >> doing structure protection just in case in the meantime, homeowners are checking their phones. social media is your friend get you first hand me the information. >> from all the resources that you need to know. you county sheriff page, the plumas county sheriff page. >> and most county has added some evacuation orders. so looking at their sites as well. >> that was gurajpal sangha reporting for us this morning. in the meantime, there is new video from the scene of the tamarac fire just south of lake tahoe. take a look at this. firefighters say these fire nato's are capable of spreading fire. even faster over a large area that
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tamarack fire was sparked by a lightning strike back on july 4th. it's now burned more than 90 square miles and destroyed at least 10 buildings the fire is 4% contained. and in the meantime, governor newsom has secured 12 additional firefighting aircraft to support the state's wildfire response. 9 of the 12 have already been dispatched to aid crews in the ongoing firefight. authorities say the additional resources are a welcome tool to the arced to their arsenal. specially when battling fires in more remote areas of the state, but they also say california's bone-dry conditions make the containment efforts far more difficult. >> these fires that were seen in continuing to see as we deeper into the summer and into the warmer parts of the of the year. are just indicative of the conditions that we are facing regardless of the location. >> cal fire says one of the biggest wildfire threats they face is human activity and they urge everyone to take caution as we head into another dry weekend. now we
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did start with a lot of fog and some moisture in the air here across a good part portion of the bay area. but i know things are drying out as the day goes on. hey, dave. >> hey, good well, good morning, everybody. and here's the progress of that fog. lifting it's slow going today. we're getting a little bit. the east bay shoreline, but still quite a bit of that just hanging around. we see it at the golden gate. we see this along the coast as well. so what about the pie fight to some of this fog clouds into the afternoon already, of course, clear in the inland areas and temperatures starting to move their. we're getting some daytime heating already working its magic. here is the satellite picture we have that kind of flush to the south because this is where a future action is. what we want to watch here is the thunderstorm activity through arizona. which one it make from. that is all of that rain gets evaporating gets thrown back of the atmosphere and it's that left over that's going to be migrating to the north that we want to watch now. they already have a fire weather. watch has been posted from the forecast office out of eureka and that's because of the potential for some dry lightning. it does not look
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like we'll see anything here. thank goodness with all of this, the it's a tropical storm. max winds of 40 we're right off the coast of japan here as you can see and think of the weather systems analogous to say the coast of the carolinas well out to the bahamas or bermuda actually. and again, max winds of 40. so there's enough of a gray shell current. that's what they have there like our goal stream and that's what tropical systems need. so we see some intensifying here. 4550 miles per hour winds but dropping back down to 45. so it never gets out of the relatively weak tropical storm strength. of course they called a typhoon when it reaches that point. same physics apply here. it does not look like it's going to become that. however, and go down actually to a tropical depression strength after a strike. it is a little north of tokyo. that's good news there. but they'll probably get at least from this projection. we'll get some weather still associated with that. in the terms of rain and some local winds a little bit with all of that. and then did you see jumps off to the sea of japan. all right. so here's what we
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have back in our home front here for the next about 48 hours to start off with. it's today that monsoon moisture comes up really tomorrow into monday. again, it doesn't look like the instability will be there, but we might get look at those stray shower here or there. possibly there's a break to the middle of the week, although this intrusion gets here on thursday. interesting enough. but you can see we're really on the western side of all of this. we don't get too much traffic associated with that. but there is that little bit of pole station that comes right across the central valley into the bay area. so again, to the end of next week and next weekend we'll see what's in and store for us by the latter portion next week. ah, 64 san francisco 62 daly city pacific as well in the 4 zone forecast burlingame checking at about 77 down to the south. we have some 80's working here. 83 for palo alto, 82 for redwood city. and the south bay 81 san jose morgan hill at 89 81 santa clara, an 83 for cupertino upper 70's near 80 ish or so in the east bay shoreline to the south tri
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valley. you're in the lower 90's. we're going to shape a couple degrees off this for tomorrow. looks like 90 for walnut creek, 92 conquered 67 for richmond. 70 80 for nap, 87 for sonoma and 85 for sanna rosa marin county beaches. what we're 60's, it looks like they're 70 forecast. we have the monsoon early in the week. take a breather for a couple of days and the next friday and next weekend. got to watch for a resurgence daytime highs. upper 80's some lower 90's here in 70's towards the bay. well. >> well, a little over a year late. but the 2020 olympic games officially underway. now the opening ceremony kicked off with a fireworks show at olympic stadium just yesterday as we watched the world's top athletes compete. health officials, of course, still monitoring for potential covid outbreaks justin surrency is in tokyo with more details. >> for the past 16 months. covid-19 kept the world apart after a yearlong olympic
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postponement. the opening ceremony proved that for the 206 nations competing in the olympic games. they're all united. 3 motions. we have a great deal of respect for the japanese people who are such a hospitable. people with the light of the called run by naomi osaka. >> japan greeted the globe to an eye-popping display of culture tradition. innovation and compassion made the games in the competition be as wonderful as we all could anticipate emotions ran high as first responders in children devastated by natural disasters helped carry the torch. >> a moment of silence paid tribute to lives lost due to the pandemic. >> this and continues to be a situation led by four-time olympic gold medalist in basketball players. sue bird alongside her fellow flag bearer. >> baseball player and winter olympic speedskating silver medalist eddie alvarez team usa hit center stage with over
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600 athletes team usa brought its second largest team in their history, but only 200 chose to walk in the ceremony under the watchful eye of first lady doctor jill biden will follow every protocol. we will follow every rule to ensure that this is a safe and secure games playing it safe when it comes to covid. but playing to win in japan. >> is the u.s. coming here hoping to win a lot of mental see that we are in tokyo. i'm just concerned c. >> go team usa will be right back after the break.
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california! during a flex alert, let's keep our power up and running. set ac cooler and use big appliances before 4pm. then from 4-9pm reduce use and take it easy on our energy. sign up today.
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>> hey, take a look at this. a stockton restaurant hit hard by the labor shortage is turning to technology for help by using a food delivery robot. the restaurant bought the robot to help support their limited staff servers can load up the robot with food and drinks and then send it straight to the customers with the touch of a button. pretty cool stuff. the restaurant says feedback from customers has been very positive and they actually love interacting with the robot. >> the reasons i'm such a. >> a fan of this restaurant. it's because of the people here. they make you feel at home >> somebody says local low, when it's like oh my know who i am. you know. >> it makes me feel important. but this second is the wave of the future. her her member
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after she >> if the robot knew my name without me telling it i'd be a little freaked out. the restaurant says they haven't named their new robot server yet, but customers can submit suggestions when they come in pretty cool stuff before we go, do want to give you last look at your seven-day forecast 92 degrees in some spots today and a live. >> a bit cooler tomorrow. just slightly, though. that's all the time we got here for the kron morning news. i'm noelle bellow. here's a look at foggy san francisco skyline this morning. we'll see you tomorrow at 07:00am.
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oroweat small slice. i wonder if this has the same quality ingredients as the original whole grains bread? great question, dad. and it does. it has all the same nutritious deliciousness as the original slice but only a little bit smaller. just like timmy here. my name's lucas. it sure is bobby.
10:00 am
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