Cele|bitchy | Katharine McPhee, 36, is knocked up with 70-year-old David Foster’s sixth child

Katharine McPhee, 36, is knocked up with 70-year-old David Foster’s sixth child

David Foster and Katharine McPhee arrive at the 2020 Vanity Fair Oscar Party held at the Wallis Anne...

This story just gave me flashbacks to Katharine McPhee’s wedding weekend, which happened to be Zoe Kravitz’s wedding weekend and Sophie Turner’s wedding weekend. All of those ladies got married within 24 hours of each other in June 2019. Sophie got pregnant soon after, and Zoe… still childfree. But it looks like Katherine is getting hers and then some. Not only did she marry David Foster, a four-times-divorced man twice her age, but now she’s pregnant with his SIXTH child. Foster has five adult daughters already, aged 34 through 50. Katharine is 36. Would you? I would not, but I guess she wanted to make sure her name was in the will. HARSH BUT TRUE, don’t even start.

Katharine McPhee is a mommy-to-be! The Smash actress, 36, and husband David Foster are expecting their first child together, sources confirm to PEOPLE. McPhee and Foster were spotted out on Tuesday in Montecito, California, grabbing lunch together and shopping for baby buys. The mom-to-be dressed casually in gray leggings, a black top and a baseball cap while carrying her dog in a bag.

McPhee and Foster, 70, tied the knot in June 2019 after first meeting in 2006 when he mentored her and other contestants on season 5 of American Idol. Foster is already father to daughters Sara, 39, Erin, 38, and Jordan, 34, whom he shared with second wife Rebecca Dyer, and daughters Allison, 50, and Amy, 46, from previous relationships.

[From People]

There’s not a ton of gossip around Foster’s daughters feeling one way or the other about their “stepmother.” Some of his daughters even get along well with Katharine. Because they’re the same peer group. I imagine once dear old dad is on his fifth wife and sixth child at the age of 70, his daughters just have to sit back and let go. Maybe it’s fine.

Not so fine? In September, Katharine was outed as a contributor to the National Republican Senatorial Committee, which is obviously trying to support existing anti-LGBTQ Republican senators (hello Lady G) and get more of those kinds of knuckle-draggers elected. Since she was outed as a Republican, she has not tweeted anything since then, and the comments are turned off on her Instagram (although I don’t know if she’s always had the comments turned off, I never look at her IG). So, a 30-something Republican white woman is knocked up with her 70-year-old husband and she’s his fifth wife. Got it.

Wow, Katharine and David went out to dinner with Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan last night!

2019 American Icon Awards

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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155 Responses to “Katharine McPhee, 36, is knocked up with 70-year-old David Foster’s sixth child”

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  1. Nancy says:

    She’s also been donating to the Trump campaign this year. Their friendship gets a huge side eye from me. Not cool.

    • Stacy Dresden says:

      That is the grossest thing about her. Why???

    • Angel says:

      Has it been proven that It was her ? I believe there is a lot of women with that name is the us.

      • TIFFANY says:

        @angel. If there was a story like this out, wouldn’t the 1st thing you do is post a denial.

        She did not. Don’t make excuses, it’s her.

      • Angel says:

        Im in denial because I actually liked her a lot and over it is still my jam and I cannot believe this. I keep telling myself it’s another Katherine McPhee. Why would anyone support such an horrible administration ?

      • Cidee says:

        Same @Angel. I liked her up until about 2 minutes ago. Another one bites the dust…..

    • minx says:

      I’ve never thought much about her one way or another, but if she supports Trump, forget it. Bye.

    • CynicalCeleste says:

      ‘Show me who your friends are and I will tell you what you are.’

      • minx says:


      • Myra says:

        This again? Michelle Obama has a weird friendship with George Bush. Still admire and respect her, although I cannot make sense of that friendship. Jennifer Aniston also friends with Chelsea Handler and all the countless other celebrities that are friends with her. I lived under an authoritarian regime, I had friends who supported the regime. It is what it is sometimes.

      • Snappyfish says:

        Exactly. Sadly it’s true. Let’s not be shocked. the v v wealthy & extremely privileged tend to support republicans. (Foster is GOP) she could be doing the “follow my man” or she is a Republican. Harry has made comments in the past that could easily be construed as Trump “apologies” but w/his upbringing it’s isn’t surprising. No shade on that but big shade on being friends w/Foster. He is superbly talented but a horrible person

      • clomo says:

        I just want to say I know quite a few really rich people 100 mil.+ that are hardcore democrats. So don’t always assume the ultra rich are GOP.

    • JanaTHING says:

      Well she is pulling a Melania, getting pregnant by a geriatric with 5 adult children, as to guarantee future financial support and a place in the will.

    • JanaTHING says:

      Well she is pulling a Melania, getting pregnant by a geriatric with 5 adult children, as to guarantee future financial support and a place in the will.

    • JanaTHING says:

      Well she is pulling a Melania, getting pregnant by a geriatric with 5 adult children, as to guarantee future financial support and a place in the will.

  2. lola says:

    Couldn’t be me.

  3. heygingersnaps says:

    Didn’t they attend the same school during high school, I vaguely remember Katherine saying that when she was a guest at Sunday Brunch. She was promoting a show and they asked her about her connection to Meghan.
    Is it confirmed that they dined with them or was it a coincidence that they were both dining at the same restaurant? I will never click on anything that’s on the daily heil.

    • Angel says:

      They were in the same school, and Katherine and her husband also helped her with the Canadian house they were in last year.

      • Sam says:

        Helped her? Was it only Meghan that was staying at that house?

      • Angel says:

        I meant helped her get that special house they wanted with a lot of privacy.

      • Original Jenns says:

        Helped “THEM” find a private aka safe home. Fixed that for you.

      • Rebecca says:

        She also claimed that David and Harry are really close and have a “father-son relationship”.

        She said she and Meghan didn’t go to the same school. They participated in the same after school/summer theatre activities for California high school students. Also, Meghan is three years older, and knew her sister through those activities.

  4. Gutterflower says:

    All of this grosses me out

  5. Miss Margo says:

    Well, David Foster is clearly a republican right? So makes sense Katherine would follow along.

    And that poor kid is going to be 10 years old with an 80 year old dad. What idiots.

    LASTLY, a bit disappointed at Meghan going out with them. First she hangs with Jessica Mulroney, now the Republicans! Hmm.

    • Redgrl says:

      I don’t know – is he? He’s originally from Canada, although he’s lived in the states for years. I’ve never heard anything about his political orientation- but then I haven’t really paid that much attention …

      • Whatabout says:

        David Foster is a big republican donor. When he was on Real housewives of Beverly Hills they sort of talked about it.

    • equality says:

      Mature people can maintain respect and friendship in spite of political leanings. That is the problem with US politics now; nobody can get along and compromise to try to keep government running.

      • TIFFANY says:

        Privilege person says what…..

      • Arpeggi says:

        Yeah, no. I don’t maintain friendships with nazi-sympathizers and ppl that try to deny basic human rights to others. It’s an easy line to draw

      • Oy_Hey says:

        There’s no “getting along” with people that are ok with babies in cages, trans kids that can’t go to the bathroom at school, mocking of the disabled and gold star families, the GOP handling of the COVID…
        should I stop or do you get it now?

      • Stacy Dresden says:

        The GOP is doing such corrupt, evil things that I can understand when people cut off their own family and friends. This is not a time to co-sign immigrant child separation, Christian Taliban appointments to the Supreme Court, environmental degradation, racism, and sexual crime.

      • Redgrl says:

        @ what about- wow -didn’t know that! Thanks for the info.
        @ equality – disagree – can’t maintain friendships with people who are trying to deny others their basic human rights. That is what the current republican party is determined to do. Somethings are not negotiable, as far as I’m concerned.

      • Mabs A'Mabbin says:

        Maybe that used to be the case. I was always politically in the middle, diplomatic and agreeable to certain aspects on both sides including independent and green. It never defined my friendships or me. All that changed four-and-a-half years ago. I can’t be diplomatic after what has transpired. If someone asks me exactly what truly bad thing the genius has done, I’m stupified. Like I can’t physically contain my incredulity. Every day has brought us lower with well documented coverage ad nauseum. Getting along with Republicans? That shit is off the table. Left the building.

        And a large part of what’s left of my family is Republican. I’ll have no part of it. Distant relatives can stay distant.

      • Elizabeth says:

        The Republicans are literally violating the Hatch Act. With their national convention. I’m sorry what was that about not getting along? You expect people to ignore criminal acts?

      • Godwina says:

        No. The bar stops at “supports fascists.”

      • Jessica says:

        Yeah, no. I wouldn’t be friends with people who support Nazis and fascists out of some misguided notion of friendship and keeping the peace. Your politics ARE your values and they ARE your character, so they have everything in the world to do with my desire to be associated with you. I’m sorry that’s hard for some folks to hear. Maybe they should reevaluate their politics and the kind of people they deem worthy of their support, if they don’t want to be judged for it.

      • Angel says:

        @equality. people can maintain friendship with normal republicans not with Trump supporters republicans.

      • Case says:

        No. I can be friends with people with some political differences of course, but not when it comes to issues of human rights, morals, and the threat of fascism. Not when it comes to the current administration. This isn’t a normal instance of Democrats versus Republicans.

      • Gunna says:

        This isn’t about disagreements over tax cuts and infrastructure spending, this is about basic humanity. Anyone who can ‘put aside their differences’ when the differences are white supremacy, forced sterilisation, children in cages etc. is a terrible human being.

      • Jezebel's Lacefront says:

        I don’t compromise with people that want to see my undoing. Try again.

      • CynicalCeleste says:

        100% @Gunna

      • Sass says:

        Mature people, or apathetic people? 🤔

      • Eenie Googles says:

        Politics is life. Politics builds society.
        If you want to vote for a white supremacist, it would be immature of me to STAY friends with you.
        Grow up and stop pretending politics « don’t matter » because you’re safe no matter who is in office.
        The standard you walk past is the standard you accept.

      • Otaku fairy says:

        “Mature people, or apathetic people? 🤔”. Perfect queston is perfect, @Sass. People have always struggled to understand, and too many cases, pretended not to understand, the difference between the two. We’re often expected to prove our maturity by performing apathy to keep people with ‘conservative beliefs’ as comfortable as possible, in so many ways.

      • Nikki* says:

        Actually heard a great sermon in church in which the pastor said respecting each others’ political views is not the same as supporting blatant immorality and evil, which this administration espoused with separating toddlers from their parents and putting them in cages. He had cohones, let me tell you.

      • clomo says:

        Yeah, no, it has nothing to do with maturity, if you support the GOP there is something wrong with you. I won’t spend my time with greedy haters.

    • bros says:

      he will divorce her soon. as soon as he is not the sole focus of attention, he gets pissy and divorces.

      • BayTampaBay says:

        Did he not divorce is last wife when she became seriously sick with Lyme’s Disease?

      • Poisonella says:

        Listen, she can hang on a couple of years for what is sure to be a chunk of change! This is a master class in gold digging! Good for her- if she can put up with his butt then she deserves every penny!

    • CC says:

      I don’t think Meghan having conservative friends is a big deal. This is Meghan, guys. The woman who was a liberal publicly before Harry, and has just cold called people with a left wing icon to make them vote. She’s definitely not a secret conservative. As a humanitarian, you honestly got to keep certain people close to you for business purposes. As Meghan has her eye on non partisan stuff, I kind of get it. Of course, I’m not saying she’s only with them for business reasons. She’s probably casual friends with the. For every conservative friend she has, she has another 5 left wing friends. I never liked Katherine though, lol. David too.

      • Chelle says:

        Quite honestly, there are probably way more hard core republicans, conservatives, and Trumpers among the rich and glittering in CA and Hollywood than many people realize.

        As far as Katharine, married to and pregnant by a rich 70 year old man, sometimes I wish I were that pragmatic and steal stomached. Honestly, my great grandmother once told me that it’s better to be an old man’s darling than a young man’s fool. But I just don’t have the stomach for certain shit. But then again if you’re living on the outskirts, in a sense, of a certain lifestyle that you want and you are ambitious and see a chance right there in front of you and alls you’ve got to do is have sex with an old man—and you’ve already been having sex with all types of men (meaning from nice guys, broke guys, assholes, etc.,)—you might just literally and figuratively say to yourself “f*ck it”.

  6. Oh says:

    why H&M hanging with these kind of people?? ewww

    • Darla says:

      If they are going to dinner with two trump supporters, that lowers my opinion of them both. Period. I won’t even eat with family members who support Trump. So this is a big NO.

      • Joanna says:

        My best friend and my mom, stepdad and brother are Trump supporters. We just don’t talk about politics. Or try not to anyway. Mine are not as zealous as some trumpsters though.

      • Oh says:

        Katharine used to laugh at Gary’s Instagram posts

      • ChillyWilly says:

        Yup, you are the company you keep. How could they be friends with people who support the EVIL GOP? Also, setting a great example gong out to dinner during a pandemic with people who support a Covid denying regime? Nope.

    • Godwina says:

      Not surprised at all. 1% are gonna 1%.

    • Lady D says:

      It is the DM reporting this people. For all we know, the couples were at the same steakhouse on different nights. The DM wants to push the ‘Harry’s second father relationship’ bullcrap story. If we don’t believe anything else the DM says, why believe this?

      • K says:

        My friends were there at a table nearby and sent me pictures. They were definitely dining together with Harry and David next to each other at a table in the background of the photos.

      • Merricat says:

        Post them, K.

      • MerryGirl says:

        Pics or it didn’t happen. We have pics of H&M, where are the pics of David & McFee? They would certainly want to get mileage out of being seen with H&M so no, i don’t believe it.

      • Nic919 says:

        Pictures like that would be worth a lot of money but of course we won’t see them because it’s not true.

    • Rebecca says:

      Are there pictures of them sitting at the same table or is it just Harry & Meghan leaving a popular restaurant where loads of people eat?

      Are there any pictures of the Katherine and her geriatric husband at all?

      This is the Daily Mail, and since H&M are suing them, I doubt their angle is correct.

      For all we know, there were loads of other celebs at this restaurant and only one (who needed more attention because of being pregnant) implied something that wasn’t the case.

    • Jules says:

      This ^

    • clomo says:

      I know, it’s disenchanting.

  7. Rae says:


  8. mimi says:

    I mean, are there any pictures of McPhee and her husband with the Sussexes?

    Also there are plenty of celebrities on here that hang with people who have really really bad politics. Such as Angelina Jolie and William Hague – a bloody racist whose Conservative Party leadership was all about crapping on the vulnerable people in society. And because he’s a member of the House of Lords, he stills hold political influence and power today. Cate Blanchett and Nicole Kidman who are personal friends with Rupert Murdoch. Hugh Jackman and Ivanka, etc.

    I just don’t think it’s fair that she gets side-eye for shit we don’t have enough information about. Especially we, who read this site, know she’s been smeared in the press with lies printing everyday to damage her reputation.

    And also I think it’s shitty to bring up Jessica Mulroney as if there is solid proof Meghan knew about her behaviour and use it as if to say Meghan just likes hanging with racists. As a black woman, I remember making friends non-black women and then realising months later, I was wrong and they’re not the people I thought they were.

    McPhee is a clout chaser and it is a known fact her adult stepdaughters are big Meghan trolls, so it wouldn’t surprise me if she outwardly lies about her connection to them.

    • Mimi says:

      Also another thing – imagine being Katherine McPhee and David Foster and having dinner with Meghan and Harry and not being photographed????? that’s the most confusing part of this – don’t you think this couple would have made sure they were seen too? But there’s nothing

      • Nancy says:

        Katharine has said in an interview that Harry and David are close. There’s no reason to think that this reporting is not accurate. This friendship is really gross.

      • Lady D says:

        There are a lot of reasons to think this is inaccurate. For a start, it’s only coming from her. Why are there no pictures? If this is the first time Harry and Meghan were out socially since they moved to California, (almost said Cali) why aren’t they being swarmed at a celeb hangout, by TMZ cameras, US Weekly, X17, etc. They should all have pics of the fab four, but only the DM does.

    • Valiantly Varnished says:

      All of this. I personally don’t buy that Meghan and Katherine are that close of friends. I know they went to the same high school. Now I DO think David and Harry are close. But Katherine is a clout chaser and I can see her using Meghan’s name to appear more relevant than she is.

    • Redgrl says:

      @mimi – Meghan’s an educated woman with a background knowledge of politics. She would know who the Mulroneys were – particularly once she was on their turf in Toronto. Jessica would have certainly opened doors just like David Foster can – although we should be fair – I thought the connection to David Foster was Harry…so perhaps we should side eye him as the initial link here.

    • Otaku fairy says:

      Good point, Mimi. We don’t have all the facts. It’s fair to question how a friendship like this works, and to be uncomfortable with it. But people do especially love to use the behavior of anyone a woman is connected to to justify racism and/or misogyny toward her, and play favorites.

  9. FHMom says:

    Money grab?

  10. Sunny says:

    Did I read somewhere that David and Harry are also super close?

    Was it David Foster’s house they were staying in when M & H were living in Vancouver?

  11. Woowza says:

    I heard that H&M didn’t actually eat with the Fosters. Sussex squad thinks that the tabloid had the pictures for a while and only decided to release them now with this whole « dinner with the Fosters ». Also, there is not even one picture of the Fosters, only of H&M, how come?

    • PEARL GREY says:

      If the dinner was on Tuesday (October 6th) and they only just released the photos on Thursday (October 8th), the same day Katharine’ pregnancy news was confirmed, it seems as though this paper is trying to create a double date scenario, then they added in that line about Harry and Meghan being “10 minutes late” to explain why there appears to be no photos of the couples together. Are there even any photos of Katharine and David dining there at the same time?

  12. Miranda says:

    Semi-relevant gripe: It’s funny how every time a woman over 45 or so gets pregnant, naturally or otherwise, people lose their damn minds and want to crucify her, but hardly anyone says a word when AARP-eligible men knock up their much younger partners (looking at you, Alec Baldwin).

    (Yes, I realize that a lot of the criticism older women face is because of potential health risks to both mother and child, but advanced paternal age may also be linked to several conditions, including autism and schizophrenia, but that doesn’t receive anywhere near as much attention. I’m taking issue with the double standard, not the genuine concerns.)

    • EB says:

      Yes, exactly! It’s way less controversial when the mother is under 45 yrs old than the father. No one cared about the age of George Clooney when his kids were born but if it was a 50 yr old mother, that’s a problem.

    • Korra says:

      I think people are harsh on women who get pregnant at 40.

  13. C-Shell says:

    This wouldn’t be the first time the Fail conflated geographic proximity to hook Harry & Meghan up with celebrities, so I take this dinner date story with a grain of salt. That said, Foster did loan them a home on Vancouver Island for months, so I don’t hold it against them if they shared a meal. McPhee has always been problematic, though. God. 🙄

  14. Merricat says:

    Katharine McPhee should sue her plastic surgeon. Yikes.

    • Sarah says:

      Agree! It makes her look a lot older in the ‘I’ve had some much done you now can’t tell my real age at all’ way. Yikes.

      • Andrea says:

        Those cheeks remind me of that woman on Real Housewives of Vancouver…remember her? Yikes they look awful.

    • Jenn says:

      It seems like she felt pressure to “look the part” when they got together, and he bought her some “richface.” I’ve never liked her as a person, but I’ve always found her just mesmerizingly beautiful. Oh well.

  15. Redgrl says:

    If it’s true, huge side eye. Katharine McPhee and her ludicrous Botox is a huge garbage person. I have to say I am surprised at someone as progressive as Meghan associating with her. But as I said upthread I thought that it was Harry who was friends with David Foster. And he is powerful in lots of circles – perhaps a business dinner? Which is a whole other debate…

  16. Kate says:

    I wonder if they considered AT ALL what it would be like for a child to have a 70 year old parent, who most likely will not be around for their major life events. So sad for this child.

    • Miranda says:

      They never think of that. My dad was 50 when I was born, and while he was the most amazing father anyone could ask for, it was tough when I, as a very young child, had to worry about his health problems (like when he had to have open heart surgery when I was 7, and I was so scared for him that I had a panic attack at school and cried so hard I threw up). At 70, this guy could be dead before the kid graduates from kindergarten.

  17. jbyrdku says:

    My first thought: she had to secure her financial future somehow…

  18. Mumbles says:

    So my theory is, the Fosters and the Sussexes are cordial, maybe even friendly, but rather recent – they weren’t at the wedding. Maybe Foster helped them hook up that house in Vancouver last year. So the couple meeting for dinner isn’t out of the realm of the possible. BUT – I think the pregnancy announcement by McPhee was timed for the day after the dinner (and photos) to create the impression that they’re super-close and that they were sharing the news with their besties, the Sussexes.

    If they DO spend the future holidays together, as has been rumored, then, well, I guess they’re closer than I think. But I suspect that’s coming from McPhee at this point. Girl is thirsty.

    But yeah, she’s gross personally and politically, and he’s creepy, so if this is more than a casual “let’s meet for dinner once or twice” relationship, it’d be icky.

    • Nic919 says:

      The story about David being a second father to Harry is from Katherine and no one else. So that’s in her mind. Harry doesn’t spout off about stuff like that. As for the dinner, jury is still out here. Nothing shows them in same frame. Really weird that a double date wouldn’t have them near each other in the same frame.

  19. RoyalBlue says:

    soo, yes I would have a baby with my husband if I were 36 and he were 70. why not, we love each other.

    • Kate says:

      Because there’s the child to consider and how they would be impacted by having a 70 year old parent. It’s not just about the parents.

    • Lady D says:

      Daddy will be 89 at his son’s graduation. There’s a good chance he won’t recognize his own son. Imagine the impact on the child, yeah my dad came too, he just doesn’t know me today. As others have said, there’s a child to consider.

      • RoyalBlue says:

        There have literally been millions of people born to older parents who have grown up and led perfectly normal lives. My God.

      • Lady D says:

        Older, sure, but 70+, not so much. Seriously how many new parents do you know that are 70 or over? Half a dozen, ten couples maximum? And we just ignore the trauma these kids will suffer because their parents are selfish or in some cases so, so greedy to lock down some money?

      • RoyalBlue says:

        what trauma is this? we are not talking about child abuse here. show me the clinical studies that say this has an effect on the mental health of children and causes trauma.

      • Khia says:

        Maybe he’ll call DeNiro for some tips

      • Kate says:

        I know several people traumatized by the poor health and early death of a parent.

      • Moneypenny says:

        @Kate exactly. My best friend was absolutely traumatized by her mother’s death when she was 9. It has shaped so many parts of her life.

        It’s not to say that people don’t survive and thrive, but it should absolutely be taken into consideration. Not to mention increased risks of mental illness in children with old dads.

      • Jenn says:

        My adoptive father was 72 when I was 6. I was very nearly not adopted because of their age, and I pleaded with the judge in court. My adoptive dad passed away at 90 (my adoptive mom passed away the following year; my biological parents were both long-dead by then). I do feel like my 20s did get poured into my adoptive parents’ failing health, but that is between me and my therapist. I was so, so blessed to have their love in my life, and I would not trade it for anything.

        Judging parents for their age is an empty exercise. We could all drop dead at any moment (indeed, my biological parents did), and for many, a life lived to the fullest involves giving their love to a child.

      • RoyalBlue says:

        @ kate we All have trauma in our lives. my best friend committed suicide in august. my grand mother was murdered. people have miscarriages, parents die in warfare, siblings pass away etc. that is normal, as is having children at whatever age. the most important thing is raising the child in a safe and loving environment.

  20. Sofia says:

    Congrats to her I guess…

    As for the friendship, yeah I’m not a fan of it but are there any pictures of them actually having dinner with each other? If they both went to the same place but different times, then is it really a double date? Anyways, I hope that this relationship is just a casual one and nothing deeper

  21. Angela says:

    Yeah no I find her hugely problematic

    When she was on the show scorpion they were going to cut her character or I guess we’re in talks of diminishing the role because she wasn’t relating well to the audience she immediately starts dating her co-star in the first season to secure her job. Again rumors but always left a bad taste in my mouth

    I won’t even touch on the Republican thing vote who you want to vote for but giving money to something as evil and disgusting as Trump sorry he’s the one dude I can’t even understand how anyone ESPECIALLY a woman could vote for .I wouldnt be able to be her friend

    • Veronica S. says:

      Lol, nobody marries a four times divorced man twice their age and risks a child with them unless they’re in it for something. I just hope the kid is well cared for in those situations since they actually grow into a person and don’t remain a static concept of financial security.

      • Tiffany says:

        @Victoria. Agree.

        Kathrine will never get her hands on his extensive catalog, but that kid damn sure will.

        That is where the real money is.

  22. Smices says:

    So they supposedly had dinner for three hours together but there’s not a single photo of the Fosters, separately or together? Hmm… me thinks the DM is telling tales again.

  23. BnLurkN4eva says:

    I just hope whatever connection between them and H/M are casual because anything else and I would be disappointed in them both. I’m sorry tolerating family members who support Trump and current GOP is one thing, persons not related to you is sketchy. Knowing the BM, I wouldn’t be surprised if this was a shady way of putting two couples together who really weren’t to further a narrative.

    • CC says:

      Yup. Watch mugxits suddenly throw a fit about how Meghan supports Trump or a fake Liberal or how problematic she is because of it because they just found out that Kath’s a republican. Lol.

      Anyway I actually think Kath or someone on their side planted this story for clout. There was a tabloid article about them spending Christmas together recently

      • Otaku fairy says:

        Some liberals and libertarians who don’t like her will be gleeful about it to. It will be some of the same ones who regularly show an inability to take criticism for their own racism and sexism.

    • Nic919 says:

      Oh I am seeing the people who’ve never liked her suddenly blame Meghan for kids in cages. One dinner does not a friendship make and we don’t even know of it happened. And if Foster helped them get the house in BC then maybe it was a thank you dinner.

  24. Carol says:

    Of course she is pregnant…she has to lock down that pay check.

  25. Jess says:

    That’s absolutely on par with a lot of republican women.

  26. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    Way to keep clichés alive lol.

  27. molly says:

    Whispers: I think Meghan is pregnant too.

  28. Jessica says:

    I had no opinion of her, then found out she was a Trumper, so have a low opinion of her. Having a child with a 70 year old man is one of those “just because you can, doesn’t mean you should” type of situations. A man that age should not be a new father. Period.

  29. Jessica says:

    I love Meghan and Harry but they have some really shitty friends. It’s a bummer.

    • BnLurkN4eva says:

      I have to agree. I know at least one of her old friend from college that she still hangs with is a active Republican, ( I think the one she went to Wimbledon with ) and I just can’t understand how those relationships work for someone who is so actively progressive. I know it’s possible since many people like Meghan are literally married to Republicans but it gives me the creep.

      • Andrea says:

        Sometimes these people did so much for you and with such kindness you are able to look past the crazy. I have an anti mask wearing friend who is not a Trump supporter, but believes in herd immunity. He believes everything should be opened and survival of the fittest. To top it all off, his wife is due in November with their first child.

  30. Godwina says:

    If the story about H&M being supper-pals with these two, zero surprise on my part. But it still feels like this is at the “if” stage.

    Say what you want about KM, but that lavender dress is lovely on her.

  31. MsIam says:

    I don’t think they are close because I read that Harry has always hated when people he is friends with talk to the press. Katherine is the one blabbing about how close Harry and David are and David was the one who blabbed about the house in Canada. Contrast that with how Tyler Perry responded to the press when they were staying at his house. Or how Serena acts with the press about Meghan. Sometimes when people do something for you they believe you are obligated to them for life.

  32. khaveman says:

    Geriatric sperm can pose challenges, just saying. I know she is fairly young but still. Just leaving this here.

  33. Cocococococo says:

    He has donated to the Republican Party for years. It was discussed on RHOBH. He really grossed me out

  34. Daisyfly says:

    Kid is gonna have sisters old enough to be its grandmas.

    That’s all I got.

  35. L84Tea says:

    These names are all making my head spin. Why? Because my name is Katharine, my husband is David, and my twin sister is Meghan, all spelled the same way. Weird.

  36. L4frimaire says:

    He may have 5 kids, but this is her first child. The ovaries want what they want. I never paid much attention to her but she definitely has those conservative vibes,which is surprising because of her fan base. We are totally vote blue Democrats but we have a friend who supports Trump, and they who they change their mind. At least they find Kamala Harris impressive. We’ve been friends for years but can’t talk politics, and this year has been lots of avoidance. Also found out some friends we have through our kids school are Trump supporters, which was surprising because we like(d) them. Kind of hope they’re not good friends but apparently Foster was their hookup to the Canada place, so they’re friendly.

  37. Michael says:

    I do not like him and I do not like her but I do like his daughters and I hope his new child is healthy and happy.

  38. Regina Falangie says:

    What’s grosser than sexing with the geriatric?

    Being a republican.


  39. Diane says:

    No surprise here. Although extremely talented, there was a lack of genuineness to her. She needs to seal her fortune with an heir. Set for life. Don’t know any deets about his marriage to Yolanda other than, according to tabloids, he dumped her when she was very ill with lime disease. He’s no prize. When you marry for money, you earn every bit of it (ask Melania.)

  40. Jayna says:

    Thirsty Katherine set up that pap shot. I have no doubts. Donating to help keep Republicans in senate majority, major disappointment in her and glad she was outed. Nothing about him surprises me.

  41. Zaya says:

    David daughter, Erin, have been calling out trump supporters on Instagram, so I wonder how she feels about her stepmom.

    And unless, people in your lives openly talk about people they support, you never really know. I always assume people are decent, so I think that they are antitrump. Sadly, that’s not the case. And once I find out, it’s hard for me to look at them in the same light. So maybe M&H don’t know about their dinner companions’s political leanings. It’s possible.

    • Nic919 says:

      The news of the donations only came out last week I think. So it’s not like McPhee made it obvious.

  42. Andrea says:

    Her third (next) husband will raise the kid. That’s what I think when I hear this story or stories like this.

  43. Andrea says:

    I knew someone whose father was 70 when we were seniors in high school and he felt a total disconnect to his father. I am now 39, so I imagine he is dead by now.

    I also knew someone I had dance class with when I was 5 and I asked my mom one day, mommy why does so and sos Grandma come and pick her up all the time? My mom kindly told me it was her mom, she had her at 50, father was 55. I know her parents are long dead now.

    I find these stories rather sad. The last story, I know my friend in dance class was an “accident” and she had siblings that were in their 20’s when she was little. Total disconnect from her siblings. Nothing in common.

    I do think having a kid with someone in their 60’s 70’sor 80’s is to have someone left over when this man is long dead. Why not a new husband instead? I get sometimes one’s clock is a ticking but I just can’t bear the idea personally. Look at the woman who just had a kid with that 89 year old in the UK!

  44. Meg says:

    Oohh not surprised by the Republican donations from her she gives me the vibe of someone who walks through the door of opportunity and slams it shut behind her with a grin on her face believing it makes her superior

  45. Chelle says:

    We should be discussing him too and not just her. And I don’t mean that as we need to stop female bashing like this is all on her. That too . . . but here is the thing: you don’t get to be a 70 year old rich and successful man or person without steely eyed pragmatism. The same goes for women. So, I’m basically saying, they know who the other person is and what they are in it for.

  46. Josie Bean says:

    If I were 70 and had sexual relations with a 36 year old man (who would be younger than my son), I would feel like a pedophile – I just would.

  47. JRenee says:

    Hope she has a safe pregnancy, healthy baby. That’s all i have on this..

  48. esblondie2 says:

    How in the HELL have I made it this far with no comment about her affair with that director that was married to Mary McCormack, and destroyed her own marriage? And now she’s donating to the “family values” party? God, she’s awful. Can’t stand her.

  49. Rach says:

    I think this is so incredibly selfish on their part. With his 70 year old sperm, the chance of their child having developmental problems and being on the autism spectrum is really high.

  50. SJ Knows says:

    OK, just stopping by to join in….Foster seems to be an “In love with being in love” kinda guy.
    He is talented a hugely wealthy.
    Is anyone really surprised that he continues to marry and have children?

    Wealthy men will always have someone available. If he was a retired factory worker? Not so much. lol

    Maybe the current wife, at 36, wants a child.
    She will have $$ to support her kid, if he kicks it or not. This is equal to a single Mom in every way to me, except lots of single parents live in poverty. If she wants a child of her own, I wish her and baby good health.

    Now, Alec Baldwin, on the other hand, gets on my nerves no living end!
    He and his thirsty wife with their baby farm….Ugh!
    Stop anytime now both of you.

  51. SJ Knows says:

    Btw, I’m 59 y/o and if Henry Cavill showed up at my door, interested in marrying me and reproducing……my answer would be Hell Yes! Let’s get to it, sir. lol
    Yes, I’m can still daydream.
    Have a good week everybody.

  52. Mel says:

    Now that she’s secured her bag, they’ll be divorced in 3-5 yrs. From his documentary, he’s not all that interested in parenting kids and she’s got her hard hat on digging for that gold. They kind of deserve each other… that poor kid…..