U.S History: Did Christopher Columbus Discover America? Flashcards | Quizlet

U.S History: Did Christopher Columbus Discover America?

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What year did Christopher Columbus land in the Americas?
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What year did Christopher Columbus land in the Americas?
Did Christopher Columbus discover America?
No, but it was the first time Europeans heard of it.
Where did Christopher Columbus think he was going?
Who funded Christopher Columbus's voyage?
King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella
What did the Europeans hope to find?
Where did Christopher Columbus land?
Present-day Bahamas
What is the Colombian Exchange?
The exchange of plants, animals between Europe and America
What did the Spanish rulers want out of America?
Start settlements and look for gold
What did the Spanish ships carry to America?
horses, cows, pigs, wheat, barley, and sugar cane.
The Spanish carried ______ to the Americas, which caused pandemics.
Christopher Columbus took home new foods, such as;
Potatoes, corn, beans, peanuts, and cacao
What does Columbus day celebrate?
The exchange of goods between the two countries.