Shakespeare's Times and Sonnets Flashcards | Quizlet

Shakespeare's Times and Sonnets

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WS wrote under
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WS wrote under
Elizabeth 1(1558-1603) and James 1 of England/James VI of Scotland(1603-1625)
England's population
5 million, London 100,000+, London and burbs 200,000. Largest city in Europe.
Countries of England
Principality of Wales, Scotland and Ireland wild regions barely under control. Both are Catholic.
Acting company under James 1
King's Acting Company
Agriculture problem
Enclosures. Common farm land was being bought and fenced in.
Rich and poor economics
Increasing gap, problem made worse by inflation
Social mobility
WS didn't like "new men" but he was one, anxiety about social instability
Sumptuary laws
Some people couldn't wear certain colors/fabrics, etc. Made to keep the poor in their place.
WS and aristocracy
applies for Coat of Arms for his disgraced father
Acting companies
an actor not affiliated with a company was considered a vagabond and illegal. Company under sponsorship of aristocratic patrons.
Attitude towards italy
both attracted and repulsed, distrust of catholic, cosmetic, and deceiving things, italianate things like dueling and usury in WS plays
Displacement in plays
by placing a play in another country, WS got around censors. Could be more political
Protestant England
everyone had to declare themselves protestant, but WS might be a catholic because family was. First Folio found at jesuit college
Elizabeth 1 maintain religious peace
refused to act decisively on religious matters
Catholic resurgence and growth of Puritans sparked character
Malvolio, with his yellow stockings and crossed garters. His last line is about revenge, and then when Cromwell took over, his first order was to close theaters.