Federalist Party | Definition, History & Leaders - Lesson | Study.com
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Federalist Party | Definition, History & Leaders

Whitney Nyman, Ronald Kotlik
  • Author
    Whitney Nyman

    Whitney has taught 6th-12th grade social studies and language arts, and Educational Studies at the college level. She has a bachelor's degree in history and a master's degree in social studies education from St. Mary's College of Maryland.

  • Instructor
    Ronald Kotlik

    Ron has taught history and educational technologies at the high school and college level and has a doctorate in American History.

Discover what defined the Federalist Party and who its leader was. Explore facts about the members of the Federalist Party, what it was, and what happened to it. Updated: 11/21/2023
Frequently Asked Questions

What did the Federalist Party believe in?

Members of the Federalist Party supported the Constitution, a strong federal government, especially a powerful Executive Branch, and national taxes.

What was the main political goal of the Federalist Party?

The main political goal of the Federalist Party was to establish a central bank to provide financial support to the new nation.

Who founded the Federalist party?

Alexander Hamilton is recognized as the founder of the Federalist Party. Hamilton co-authored the Federalist Papers in 1787 and formally established the party in 1795.

The key message of the Federalist Party at its founding was support for a strong federal government and the United States Constitution. In 1787, Alexander Hamilton led James Madison and John Jay in writing the Federalist Papers, a series of essays that argued for a powerful centralized government to support and manage the newly formed states. Hamilton, Madison, and Jay hoped a strong central government would create a lasting union between the states while preventing future conflicts between them. As the first political party of the fledgling United States, Federalists believed it was vital to support a central bank, national taxes, and a strong Executive Branch.

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  • 0:01 Historical Background
  • 1:09 Key Leaders
  • 5:27 Membership Base
  • 6:20 Decline & Legacy
  • 7:19 Lesson Summary

The Federalist Papers laid the foundation for the Federalist Party and established Hamilton, Madison, and Jay as the party's leaders. Founding Father John Adams and Chief Justice John Marshall were also integral members of the party after it was officially organized in 1795. Below are brief profiles of the best known members of the Federalist Party.

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James Madison, concerned with the weak Articles of Confederation, advocated for a stronger governing document. In 1787, when Madison teamed up with Hamilton and Jay to write the Federalist Papers, he unknowingly helped found the first American political party. Madison first successfully advocated for ratifying the Constitution, then helped add the Bill of Rights two years later. However, by the early 1790s, Madison had formally split with the Federalists to help co-found the Jeffersonian-Republican Party. Despite this high-profile departure, the Federalist Party was formally organized in 1795 and John Adams was elected as a Federalist in 1796.

Bank of the United States and Jay Treaty

One major factor that led to Madison breaking with the Federalists was the establishment of a central bank. In 1791, the First National Bank was established under President George Washington in order to provide a stable national currency. While Hamilton was able to convince Washington of the need for a central bank, Madison did not believe the Constitution allowed for its establishment. Many Anti-Federalists and, later, Jeffersonian-Republicans feared this consolidation of power.

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Although the Federalist Party boasted a president elected on its platform, the party was divided when Adams left office in 1801. Moderate Federalists felt Adams's approach to governing was heavy-handed. The Jeffersonian-Republicans came into power with Thomas Jefferson's election as president, then James Madison's. While Madison was president, the War of 1812 began, which was burdensome for the American economy.

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Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay inadvertently created the Federalist party's platform in 1787 when they published the Federalist Papers. Hamilton, Madison, and Jay advocated for a strong federal government that would maintain a common national currency and tax code. The Federalist party was officially organized around the principles of the Federalist Papers in the early 1790s. However, opponents feared Federalist principles would inspire tyrannical rule, similar to what they had experienced under Great Britain's King George III.

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Historical Background

The Federalist Party, along with the Democratic-Republican Party, was part of the first two-party system in United States history. The Federalist Party formed during the 1790s as the country's leaders disagreed over key provisions of the Constitution and major foreign policy issues. The party advocated a strong national government at the expense of the states, favored an economy based upon strong banking, commercial, and manufacturing development, and tended to support Britain over France in its foreign policy.

As George Washington prepared to leave office after the end of his second term as president, he wanted to leave the nation with parting words of advice. In 1796, he published his famous Farewell Address where he urged the nation to stay clear from 'combinations or associations,' that tend, 'to become potent engines by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people.' Despite Washington's warnings against forming distinct political parties, his administration witnessed the rise of two competing political entities, the Federalist Party and the Democratic-Republican Party.

Key Leaders

The Federalist Party was mainly organized by Alexander Hamilton, who served as Washington's aide during the Revolutionary War and then as the first Secretary of the Treasury in Washington's cabinet.

Portrait of Alexander Hamilton
Alexander Hamilton

As Secretary of the Treasury, Hamilton was given the important responsibility to secure the new nation's financial future. Following the Revolutionary War, the nation was burdened by debt and had no established credit with other nations. In 1790, Hamilton published a series of reports that outlined the steps necessary to relieve the nation's debt and promote economic development. Some of the key provisions of this plan included the establishment of a national bank, the creation of a tariff (tax on imported goods), and the assumption of state debt to add more strength to the national government. Washington supported Hamilton's plans and they were put into action. However, other key government leaders like Thomas Jefferson (Secretary of State) and James Madison (Speaker of the House) felt that Hamilton's plans favored the wealthy classes at the expense of the common people, weakened the states, and put the country on a path that would model the British economic system.

These disagreements led to the formation of defined political parties. In order to secure his plans and vision for the country's development, Hamilton went to great lengths to organize the Federalist Party in opposition to Jefferson and Madison's Democratic-Republicans. Hamilton used his influence in the Treasury Department to make connections with those who shared his vision, especially on economic matters, within the states. Soon, the Federalists had established party bases throughout the country, with their greatest strength in New England.

New England helped elect their own John Adams as the first Federalist President of the United States. Adams served as Washington's first vice president and attempted to continue the policies of the first president.

Portrait of John Adams
John Adams

While Adams would deny that he had any connections to an organized political party, Federalist members of Congress voted to make him their candidate for president in 1796 and 1800. Adams relied on their support for his candidacy, which helped him defeat Jefferson in 1796. Adams continued to support Hamilton's financial programs and supported a closer relationship with Britain over France, which was important to Federalist foreign policy. However, Adams broke from Hamilton in his insistence on remaining neutral in the war between Britain and France at the time. Hamilton urged Adams to openly support Britain which would further cement the commercial ties between the two nations and weaken the power of the Democratic-Republicans, who tended to support France.

However, Adams agreed with Washington's earlier policy of neutrality and felt that the young country was not ready for war. This neutral stance weakened Adams' support among Federalists. Even though he still received their nomination as the party's presidential candidate in 1800, this weakened relationship between Adams and Hamilton led to Adams' defeat and Jefferson's victory.

Before leaving office, Adams appointed John Marshall as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Marshall was a strong supporter of the Federalist Party and served on the court from 1801 to 1835.

Portrait of John Marshall
John Marshall

Adams' appointment of Marshall was the most significant act in continuing Federalist policy. While the Federalist Party would disappear from the political map following the War of 1812, Marshall's long career on the bench insured that Federalist policy would continue long after the party's demise.

Marshall continued to support a stronger national government and a strong economic policy that favored the business and commercial interests in the nation. Key court decisions like McCulloch v. Maryland (1819), where Marshall upheld the constitutionality of the Bank of the United States and defeated Maryland's attempt to destroy the bank through taxation, and Cohens v. Virginia (1821), where Marshall asserted that the Supreme Court had the right to review state supreme court decisions, advancing national power over the states.

Other key decisions like Gibbons v. Ogden (1824), where Marshal ruled that New York State could not monopolize an interstate waterway and impede business transactions, and Dartmouth College v. Woodward (1818), where Marshall upheld that contracts had to be fulfilled, helped further commercial and business development within the nation.

Membership Base

The decisions of the Supreme Court furthered Federalist ideals, which promoted the commercial and business interests of the nation. As such, the party had great support among merchants and businessmen in urban areas. These individuals favored a strong national government that would facilitate the transaction of business and support the commercial development of the nation.

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