That certain death scene could be changed *spoilers* - Final Fantasy VII Remake
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  2. Final Fantasy VII Remake
  3. That certain death scene could be changed *spoilers*
_King_ 7 years ago#31
If they really wanted to remake their ffvii haydays what they need to do is a fake out death where you think the original scene is going to play out only to kill her off at NC when you lose the Black Materia to Sephiroth again, so they can incite the rage of petitions and death threats from the Aerith fangirls seeing red all over again (or maybe for the first time, bloods always a welcome and realistic addition to the scene)

Just like the good ol' days
DFF Wishlist: Vivi, Maria, Shadow // DFF Confirms: RINOA!! TIFA!!
Maria Star-Destroyer is what they should call her.
JolosGhost 7 years ago#32
Unforgiven posted...
Pesmerga255 posted...
I dunno, I think they should remove the death scene. Video games shouldn't encourage violence against women.

I promote all forms of violence.

Post of the f***ing millennium.
LadyYachiru 7 years ago#33
If it were optional i suppose i wouldnt mind...

I cant wait to see her die in my game though. Sooner shes gone the better.
alien_overlord 7 years ago#34
Unforgiven posted...
Aeris death originally was meant to occur at the promised land instead of the city of the ancients. There is enough information out there to support this, so im not going to bother going into detail unless someone asks. Im just wondering if you would think it be cool and somewhat of one of the many changes they might plan to implement in the remake?

Ya they won't change that.
alien_overlord 7 years ago#35
Pesmerga255 posted...
I dunno, I think they should remove the death scene. Video games shouldn't encourage violence against women.

Glad you said that because I can point out that by portaying violence against an innocent woman they are enforcing positive values in you.

NOT "encouraging" violence against women. You sound like you're regurgitating an opinion. Think.

It doesn't encourage it. Its one of the biggest bummers in video game history. It makes the death of that woman traumatic for you and it makes you hate sephiroth in that moment and as a player vow vengence.

Its not like cloud and him high five afterwards...

Its a moment like "oh my god damnit! I hate violence against women! I have now witnesses sensless death of a good soul yet again in this game! this will be the last time I lose someone!"

But yes you're right they should just pretend that she's napping...
Stray-Arrows 7 years ago#36
What do you mean Aerith's death was supposed to happen in the Promised Land?
(FF30th Exhibition)
Breastmilkn_Dip 7 years ago#37
Gaff: "It's too bad she won't live. But then again, who does?"
"Bragging that you're all about the Marvel Universe is like boasting that your Mom still pins your mittens to your sleeves."
Pirate_Duck 7 years ago#38
alien_overlord posted...
Pesmerga255 posted...
I dunno, I think they should remove the death scene. Video games shouldn't encourage violence against women.

Glad you said that because I can point out that by portaying violence against an innocent woman they are enforcing positive values in you.

NOT "encouraging" violence against women. You sound like you're regurgitating an opinion. Think.

It doesn't encourage it. Its one of the biggest bummers in video game history. It makes the death of that woman traumatic for you and it makes you hate sephiroth in that moment and as a player vow vengence.

Its not like cloud and him high five afterwards...

Its a moment like "oh my god damnit! I hate violence against women! I have now witnesses sensless death of a good soul yet again in this game! this will be the last time I lose someone!"

But yes you're right they should just pretend that she's napping...

Pesmerga got a hit!
Dayman! aaaAAAaaa Fighter of the Nightman! aaaAAAaaa Champion of the Sun! aaaAAAaaa His a master of karate and friendship for everyone!
  1. Boards
  2. Final Fantasy VII Remake
  3. That certain death scene could be changed *spoilers*
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