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Dome of Florence Cathedral (1420 - 1436)
Filippo Brunelleschi
Santa Maria del Fiore, Florence
Masonry with wood supports

Architectural/engineering marvel
Dome located over crossing of apse and transept
Double dome
No internal or external buttressing (series of self-supporting arches with ribs)
Oculus at top of dome
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Gates of Paradise (1425 - 52)
Baptistery of San Giovanni, Florence
Lorenzo Ghiberti
Gilt bronze

Competition to design doors (1400 - 01)
- Beat Brunelleschi
Funded by wool manufacturer's guild
- Very wealthy guild
Depicts scenes from Hebrew Bible
- 10 scenes
- From Creation to the Reign of Solomon
Michelangelo named them "Gates of Paradise"
Organizes scenes using linear perspective with vanishing point
- Sense of orthogonal lines (right angles layered)
- Arches extending back to create depth
- Very detailed foreground and less detailed background
to create depth
Use of rectangular, not quatrifoil, panels

* Jacob and Esau Panel (1435)
Twins predicted to fight each other
Esau older and Jacob younger
Esau settles birthright for bowl of stew
Mom tricks dad to bless Jacob
- Thinks its Esau
- Jacob is mom's favorite
Three timelines
- Background: mom talking to God about pregnancy
- Middleground: Jacob and Esau with stew
- Foreground: Isaac blessing Jacob
Image: Gates of Paradise (1425 - 52)
Baptistery of San Giovanni, Florence
Lorenzo Ghiberti
Gilt bronze

Competition to design doors (1400 - 01)
 - Beat Brunelleschi
Funded by wool manufacturer's guild
 - Very wealthy guild
Depicts scenes from Hebrew Bible
 - 10 scenes
 - From Creation to the Reign of Solomon
Michelangelo named them "Gates of Paradise"
Organizes scenes using linear perspective with vanishing point
 - Sense of orthogonal lines (right angles layered)
 - Arches extending back to create depth
 - Very detailed foreground and less detailed background
 to create depth
Use of rectangular, not quatrifoil, panels

* Jacob and Esau Panel (1435)
Twins predicted to fight each other
Esau older and Jacob younger
Esau settles birthright for bowl of stew
Mom tricks dad to bless Jacob
 - Thinks its Esau
 - Jacob is mom's favorite
Three timelines
 - Background: mom talking to God about pregnancy
 - Middleground: Jacob and Esau with stew
 - Foreground: Isaac blessing Jacob
Trinity with the Virgin, St. John the Evangelist, and Donors (1425 - 27/28)
Church of Santa Maria Novella, Florence

Gives illusion of funerary monument
- Framed niche below altar
Vanishing point determined by eye level of adult
Figures displayed by measured intervals
Patrons: Lenzi Family
- Donors shown in painting
- Mr. Lenzi in red means member of governing council
of Florence
Skeleton visible in open sarcophagus
- Inevitability of death and only thing to do in life is to
accept Christ
Image: Trinity with the Virgin, St. John the Evangelist, and Donors (1425 - 27/28)
Church of Santa Maria Novella, Florence

Gives illusion of funerary monument
 - Framed niche below altar
Vanishing point determined by eye level of adult
Figures displayed by measured intervals
Patrons: Lenzi Family
 - Donors shown in painting
 - Mr. Lenzi in red means member of governing council
 of Florence
Skeleton visible in open sarcophagus
 - Inevitability of death and only thing to do in life is to
 accept Christ
The Expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise (1427)
Brancacci Chapel, Church of Santa Maria del Carmine, Florence

Emotions of pure anguish
Focus on mass of the body
- Studied how muscle lay on bone
- How the body cast shadows
Not focused on movement but psychological effect of expulsion
- Adam not conscious of nude body but covers
anguished face
- Eve body conscious but face screaming
- Angel not driving out; human guilt instead
Image: The Expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise (1427)
Brancacci Chapel, Church of Santa Maria del Carmine, Florence

Emotions of pure anguish
Focus on mass of the body
 - Studied how muscle lay on bone
 - How the body cast shadows
Not focused on movement but psychological effect of expulsion
 - Adam not conscious of nude body but covers
 anguished face
 - Eve body conscious but face screaming
 - Angel not driving out; human guilt instead

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