Science Symbols | Definition, Uses & Examples |
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Science Symbols | Definition, Uses & Examples

Instructor Christy Paluti

Christy holds a doctorate degree in chemistry from Duquesne university. She has taught science courses at the college level for over a decade.

Learn about various science symbols and their meanings. Explore both common scientific symbols and complex symbols in biology, chemistry, math, and physics. Updated: 11/13/2022

Symbols are marks or characters that represent an object, function, or process. These symbols are a way of providing a shorthand method of denoting something. The mathematical symbol for addition, which is the plus sign (+), is a symbol that gives the meaning ''to add two numbers together.'' Science symbols are marks or characters that represent elements, operations, and concepts. In organic chemistry, a single bond consists of a sigma bond. Sigma is a Greek letter, and this symbol is used to represent a special type of bonding interaction.

The Greek letter sigma

Image of the Greek letter sigma

Symbols in science are important because these symbols allow for information to be given in a shorthand method, which simplifies the scientific writing process. These scientific symbols help to illustrate concepts, which can aid in the learning process. Think about all those science diagrams and how much more complicated and overcrowded those diagrams will be without the use of science symbols.

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Science symbols and their meanings are important for understanding course material in the fields of biology, chemistry, mathematics, and physics. In these fields, it is impossible to not come across symbols. Even a simple mathematical equation like {eq}2+4=6 {/eq} has symbols, which are the addition symbol (+) and the equals symbol (=). In this equation, the addition symbol has the meaning of adding two and four, while the equal symbol means that the addition of two and four is equal to six. These symbols convey meaning and allow for information to be written in a shorthand method.

Biology Symbols

In the area of biology, scientific symbols are employed to convey information. These symbols in biology can represent compounds, organisms, and different types of genes. In DNA, the nitrogenous bases that are key to the structure of DNA are represented as symbols in diagrams of the double helix structure of DNA. These symbols are capitalized letters that stand for the four different types of nitrogenous bases in DNA. The symbol {eq}A {/eq} stands for adenine and guanine is represented by the symbol {eq}G {/eq}. Cytosine is the symbol {eq}C {/eq}, while thymine is the symbol {eq}T {/eq}.

The nitrogenous bases are symbols in this DNA diagram

Diagram of DNA with nitrogenous bases as symbols

Genotypes and organisms are represented by biological symbols. This genotyping is like a scoring system for the type of variant present in a creature in the genome. The symbols in genotyping represent a given variant in a gene. An example would be brown eyes as {eq}BB {/eq} and green eyes as {eq}bb {/eq}. Brown eyes are given the symbol {eq}BB {/eq} because this eye color is a dominant genotype. Symbols can be used in genotyping of animal species where interbreeding can occur. The dominant allele and recessive deleterious allele can be represented as symbols.

This diagram contains symbols for genotypes and the ponies

Diagram showing the use of genotypes and organisms as symbols in biology

In biology, some symbols are pictorial representations of organisms, components of cells, organs, and parts of living creatures. Many diagrams in biology use these pictorial symbols to explain the process and how certain living creatures are constructed. In a diagram of the components of a flower, each part of the flower symbol that was drawn represents an actual component. The names of the components can be represented by symbols, which are numbers. Then a list containing the number symbols and the names can be listed separately.

In this diagram of a flower the components and names are symbols

Diagram of flower with components as symbols

Chemistry Symbols

In chemistry, the most important types of scientific symbols are chemical symbols, which are symbols that represent the elements. Chemical symbols can be one or two letters. The chemical symbols always have the first letter capitalized and the second letter lowercase. The periodic table includes chemical symbols and other useful information for all the elements.

Chemical symbols are displayed in the periodic table of elements

The periodic table of elements

These chemical symbols can be combined to form a chemical formula, which is a combination of two or more chemical symbols. Then the chemical formula can be used to write chemical reactions. The following are examples of chemical symbols with different uses.

Chemical symbol for elements
  • {eq}He {/eq} is the chemical symbol for the noble gas helium
  • {eq}Au {/eq} is the chemical symbol for the valuable metal gold
  • {eq}Cl {/eq} is the chemical symbol for the chloride atom
  • {eq}Cu {/eq} is the chemical symbol for copper and the symbol {eq}Cu {/eq} comes from cuprum
Chemical formulas
  • {eq}H_2O {/eq} is the chemical formula for water, where {eq}H {/eq} is the symbol for the hydrogen atom and {eq}O {/eq} is the symbol for the oxygen atom.
  • {eq}NO_2 {/eq} is the chemical formula for nitrogen dioxide, where {eq}N {/eq} is the chemical symbol for the nitrogen atom and the {eq}O {/eq} is the chemical symbol for the oxygen atom.
  • {eq}BaBr_2 {/eq} is the chemical formula of the ionic compound barium bromide, which contains two different chemical symbols. The {eq}Ba {/eq} is the chemical symbol for the barium atom and the {eq}Br {/eq} is the chemical symbol for the bromide atom.
  • {eq}CH_4 {/eq} is the chemical formula for the organic compound methane. The {eq}C {/eq} is the chemical symbol for the carbon atom. A hydrogen atom has the chemical formula of {eq}H {/eq}.

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The incorporation of symbols into papers, charts, and presentations helps to enhance the material being discussed. Chemical symbols are easy to add to content because these science symbols are just letters. Other symbols, like Greek letters and mathematical symbols, are a bit more complex. Word processing software allows for Greek letters and most mathematical symbols to be added to the content. There is editing software that even allows for pictorial symbols to be added. Some editing software gives the ability to create custom symbols.

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Marks or characters used to represent elements, operations, and concepts are called science symbols. The use of science symbols is seen in many areas of mathematics and science. Some of these science symbols are used to represent the elements in areas of chemistry, which are called chemical symbols. A chemical symbol can be one to two letters, with only the first letter capitalized. For example, the chemical symbol for a hydrogen atom is {eq}H {/eq} and a Calcium atom has the chemical symbol of {eq}Ca {/eq}. These chemical symbols can be combined to form chemical formulas, like the chemical formula for butane, which is {eq}C_4H_{10} {/eq}. Chemical formulas can be used to create equations of chemical reactions.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a scientific symbol used for?

Scientific symbols are symbols that represent elements, operations, and concepts in the math and science fields. These scientific symbols can be letters, pictures, and even Greek letters. The use of scientific symbols opens the door to a method of conveniently displaying scientific information.

What do the symbols mean in chemistry?

In chemistry, the most widely used form of science symbols is the chemical symbols, which represent the elements. The Greek alphabet is also used in chemistry. such as in the classification of sigma and pi bonds. Many diagrams of DNA have nitrogenous bases represented as symbols.

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