Chemical Symbol | Overview, Examples & Origin - Lesson |
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Chemical Symbol | Overview, Examples & Origin

Brigette Banaszak, Cynthia Shonberg
  • Author
    Brigette Banaszak

    Brigette has a BS in Elementary Education and an MS in Gifted and Talented Education, both from the University of Wisconsin. She has taught math in both elementary and middle school, and is certified to teach grades K-8.

  • Instructor
    Cynthia Shonberg

    Cynthia has taught high school science courses for many years and has a Master of Science degree and a Master of Arts in Teaching.

Learn about chemical symbols. Understand what a chemical symbol is, what a chemical symbol represents, see examples, and find out its function in science. Updated: 11/21/2023

An element in chemistry is a substance that cannot be broken down into different substances. An element is made up of only one type of atom. An element symbol is a shorthand used to represent an element. A chemical symbol is a letter or pair of letters used to represent a chemical element. Chemical symbols and element symbols are used synonymously. Using a chemical symbol is similar to using an abbreviation; a doctor might write MD after her name to show that she is a doctor of medicine.

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  • 0:30 What is a Chemical Symbol?
  • 1:01 Origin of Chemical Symbols
  • 3:55 Use of Chemical Symbols
  • 4:34 Examples of Chemical Symbols
  • 4:58 Lesson Summary

A chemical symbol is a shorthand way of referring to a specific chemical element. If the chemical symbol is one letter, it is capitalized. If it is a two-letter chemical symbol, only the first letter is capitalized.

Often, the chemical symbol is the first or the first two letters of the name of the element. For example, the chemical symbol for oxygen is O, and the chemical symbol for helium is He.

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Chemical symbols can be found in the periodic table of elements. The periodic table of elements is a table of elements organized in ascending order by atomic number. Atomic number is the number of positively charged protons in the atom's nucleus. The periodic table is a reference tool that all chemists use, and one that can be found online and in any chemistry textbook.

Periodic table of elements

Periodic table of elements

Here are some examples of elements and their corresponding chemical symbols.

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An element is a substance that cannot be broken down into different substances. An element is made up of only one type of atom. A chemical symbol, also called an element symbol, is a letter or pair of letters used to represent a chemical element. The chemical symbol for an element is used when writing the chemical formula for a molecule, or when writing a chemical equation because it is shorter and easier. If the chemical symbol is one letter, it is capitalized. If it is a two-letter chemical symbol, only the first letter is capitalized.

Chemical symbols can be found in the periodic table of elements. The periodic table of elements is a table of elements organized in ascending order by atomic number. Atomic number is the number of positively charged protons in the atom's nucleus. When a new chemical element is discovered, it may be given a temporary three-letter chemical symbol until the discovery has been confirmed. Many scientists, however, will refer to these new elements simply by their atomic number.

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What is a Chemical Symbol?

Think of all the symbols and shorthand ways we represent things in our daily lives. A common example of a symbol that you use every day is an emoticon on your cell phone. You use a smiley face to indicate that you are pleased about something. You don't text 'I'm pleased about that'; instead, you just insert a smiley face. You may also use a shorthand version of your name, a nickname, like Bill instead of using the longer version of your name, William.

Chemical symbols are used in much the same way. A chemical symbol is a shorthand method of representing an element. Instead of writing out the name of an element, we represent an element name with one or two letters.

As you know, the periodic table is a chemist's easy reference guide. As shown below, the periodic table contains the elements arranged by size of the atom that makes up the element and the properties of those atoms. Each element is represented by a chemical symbol consisting of letters. Examples of chemical symbols are shown in the next section.

Periodic Table of Elements

Origin of Chemical Symbols

So what are the origins of these chemical symbols? As early chemists (known as alchemists back then) discovered the fascinating world of chemistry, they often symbolized their newly discovered elements by weird icons, like the one shown here.

Alchemy Symbols

Compare these weird symbols to the ones used for these elements today:

1. Tin- Sn (from the Latin word, stannum)

2. Lead- Pb (from the Latin word, plumbus)

3. Gold- Au (from the Latin word, aurum)

4. Sulfur- S (from the Latin word, sulfurium)

5. Mercury- Hg (from the Latin word, hydrargyrum meaning 'liquid silver')

6. Silver- Ag (from the Latin word argentum)

7. Iron- Fe (from the Latin word ferrum)

All of these 118 elements on the periodic table have chemical symbols represented by the first letter or two of the name of the element. If the chemical symbol has two letters the first letter is always capitalized and the second letter is written in lowercase. For chemical symbols that consist of one letter, that letter is always capitalized. For example, C represents carbon, Ca for calcium, O for oxygen.

Some chemical symbols don't seem to make sense because the symbol doesn't correspond with the English word for the element. For example, the element gold is not 'G' or 'Go'. The chemical symbol for gold is Au. You are probably wondering why.

Many of the chemical symbols are derived from the Latin names of elements because Latin was once used as the international language of science. The Latin word for gold is aurum and that's where the chemical symbol for gold was derived.

After element number 56, you can see that many of the names of elements come from the name of a scientist or location where they were studied. Some elements are even named after planets. For example, element number 93 has the chemical symbol Np, from the name of the element, neptunium and it was named for the planet Neptune.

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