Missouri: Quiz & Worksheet for Kids | Study.com

Missouri Facts: Lesson for Kids - Quiz & Worksheet


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question 1 of 3

Missouri's access to the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers cause it to be known as what?

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1. The _____ in St. Louis was built as a monument to the nickname the 'Gateway to the West,' and to remember Missouri's important part in American history.

2. Other than the 'Gateway to the West,' what is Missouri's other nickname?

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About This Quiz & Worksheet

Ever wonder what it would be like to be in the center of a nation, to be at the point where two major routes of transportation meet? That's what Missouri is. Use this quiz/worksheet assessment to discover what you know about this state.

Quiz & Worksheet Goals

This quiz will test your knowledge of:

  • What Missouri was called since it was the connection point between the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers
  • The monument in St. Louis used to symbolize this
  • Missouri's nickname
  • Who Harry S. Truman was
  • What side Missouri was on during the Civil War

Skills Practiced

Some of the skills you will use for this test include:

  • Making connections - use your understanding of the geographic location of Missouri to understand its importance
  • Information recall - remember the what you learned about the famous people of Missouri
  • Knowledge application - use your knowledge to answer questions about the history of Missouri during the Civil War

Additional Learning

To learn more about this state, you can complete the short lesson that comes with this quiz/worksheet, Missouri Facts: Lesson For Kids. After this lesson, you should be able to answer the questions of the quiz and know more about:

  • How Missouri became part of the U.S.
  • Missouri's capital
  • Famous literature that came from the state