Informal Greetings in Spanish | Uses & Examples |
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Informal Greetings in Spanish | Uses & Examples

Rachel Ali Rodriguez, Elena Sacramento Lechado
  • Author
    Rachel Ali Rodriguez

    Rachel has a doctoral degree in Interdisciplinary Neuroscience, master’s degree in experimental psychology- Neuroscience, and a bachelor’s degree in Biology from the University of Nevada. She taught Psychopharmacology of Abused Drugs and Field Experience in the Teaching of Psychology to 4th year/senior students at the University of Nevada for over 5 years. During this time, she created educational materials (lesson outlines, video recordings and eLearning modules, live/virtual presentations, and quizzes/exams). She also attended a writing boot camp and received a mentorship certification (2020-2021).

  • Instructor
    Elena Sacramento Lechado

    Elena has a PhD in linguistics from University of La Laguna (Spain). Currently, she teaches Spanish as a foreign language and creates teaching resources.

Read about informal greetings in Spanish. Learn how to say hi and hello, as well as other greetings in Spanish, like good morning, good evening, and Merry Christmas. Updated: 11/21/2023

It is important to know and understand how to use and say informal greetings in Spanish in order to have a fluent conversation with Spanish speakers. There are many ways to greet someone in Spanish and people choose the phrase to use depending on the time, date, place, and the person being greeted.

Some common informal greetings in Spanish used by Spanish speakers are shown in the sections below.

Saying Hello in Spanish

The main greeting phrases a Spanish learner should remember are "hello" and "hi" in Spanish. Simply saying "hello" or "hi" is a simple and great way to greet someone. It is important to understand the way the greeting phrases are being said (i.e., tone of voice, facial expression, body gesture, speed in which the phrase is said, etc.). Spanish speakers like to express emotions through their greetings. For example, if a person is happy to see the other person, then the tone of their voice will show the emotion of happiness and excitement. Otherwise, it would sound more natural, or they may even drag the words to show annoyance. would show the rules for using exclamation and question marks when writing in Spanish.

The most commonly used tone of greeting is excitement. To show happiness and excitement in writing, exclamation points should be used. Otherwise, the reader may interpret the greeting in a different way. An upside-down exclamation point is used at the beginning of the phrase (¡) while a regular exclamation point is placed at the end of the sentence (!). The upside-down exclamation point at the beginning of the phrase tells the reader right away that there is excitement. To show greater excitement, Spanish speakers use up to three exclamation points per phrase.

  • ¡Hola! (OH-lah) - "Hello!" or "Hi!"
  • ¡Buenos días! (BWEH-nohs DEE-ahs) - "Good morning!"
  • ¡Buenas tardes! (BWEH-nohs TAHR-dehs) - "Good afternoon!" or "Good evening!"
  • ¡Buenas noches! (BWEH-nahs NOH-chehs) - "Good night!"

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Part of the culture of Spanish-speaking countries is to celebrate the holidays with big parties. The following examples of greetings are based on holidays and special occasions:


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The following greetings and closings in Spanish are used in letters and emails.

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The following is a Spanish conversation between two friends that are greeting each other after years many years apart.

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Spanish speakers use many greeting phrases to say hola meaning "hello" or "hi" in Spanish. The most commonly used tone of greeting is excitement. Thus, exclamation points are commonly used when writing greeting phrases. Phrases like ¡Buenas tardes! meaning "Good afternoon!" or "Good evening!" and ¡Buenas noches meaning "Good night!" are common greetings.

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Additional Info


Are you planning to travel to South America or Spain? Have you got any Spanish-speaking friends and you want to surprise them by using their native language? In any case, it will be useful to learn some basic and common Spanish phrases. In this lesson, we focus on informal greetings — that is, how to say 'hello', 'how are you', and 'goodbye' in Spanish in friendly and familiar contexts. Also, we take a look at different expressions used on special occasions, such as Christmas time.

Saying 'Hello' in Spanish

  • ¡Hola! This is probably the very first word everyone learns in Spanish. Hola (pronounced: OH-lah — the 'h' is silent!) means 'hello', and you can use it to greet anyone in any context or situation and at any time of the day.

Note: In Spanish, we use exclamation (¡!) and question marks (¿?) both at the beginning and at the end of the sentence. So, don't forget to include the initial mark when writing to someone.

There are other ways of greeting people depending on the time of the day:

  • ¡Buenos días! (pronounced: BWEH-nohs DEE-ahs) This expression means 'good morning' and you can use in the morning and until noon.
  • ¡Buenas tardes! (pronounced: BWEH-nahs TAHR-dehs) Literally, 'good afternoon'. You can use this formula as an equivalent of 'good afternoon' or 'good evening', from 12 pm until the nightfall.
  • ¡Buenas noches! (pronounced: BWEH-nahs NOH-chehs) Literally, 'good night'. It would be appropriate to use it when greeting someone after sunset, and also before going to bed.

Note: Días is a masculine noun in Spanish, whereas tardes and noches are feminine. That's why the adjective is different (buenos for masculine nouns and buenas for feminine nouns).

Translation: Good morning!

How Are you?

Use the following expressions to ask people how they are:

  • ¿Cómo estás? (pronounced: KOH-moh ehs-TAHS) We use this expression when talking to people we know well and in friendly and informal contexts.

Other variations include:

  • ¿Qué tal? (pronounced: keh tahl) This is an informal way of asking someone how they are, similar to the English expression 'What's up?'
  • ¿Cómo andas? (pronounced: KOH-moh AHN-dahs) It is translated as 'How's it going?'

Now you should learn how to reply to these questions. If you are feeling great, say muy bien (mwee byehn), meaning 'very well', or just bien (byehn), which means 'well'.

If you are feeling so-so, reply más o menos (mahs oh MEH-nohs), meaning 'more or less'.

If you are feeling a bit under the weather, you could say no muy bien (noh mwee byehn), meaning 'not very well', or mal (mahl), which means 'bad'.

Always add gracias (GRAH-syahs) or 'thank you' at the end and return the question with ¿Y tú? (ee too), to ask 'and you?'

Saying Goodbye in Spanish

You have had a good time with your friends, but now it is time to say goodbye. You say:

  • ¡Adiós! (pronounced: ah-DYOHS) This is the equivalent of 'goodbye' and you can use it in all contexts and situations.

If you know you will see someone again soon, you could use these expressions instead:

Spanish Pronunciation Translation
¡Hasta luego! (AHS-tah LWEH-goh) See you later!
¡Hasta pronto! (AHS-tah PROHN-toh) See you soon!
¡Hasta otro día! (AHS-tah OH-troh DEE-ah) See you another day!
¡Nos vemos! (nohs BEH-mohs) See you!

Translation: Goodbye!

Special Occasions

It is useful to learn some specific greetings for special occasions throughout the year as well.


Around the Christmas season, you could use all these expressions to greet your friends and acquaintances:

  • ¡Feliz Navidad! (feh-LEES nah-BEE-dahd): Merry Christmas!
  • ¡Felices fiestas! (feh-LEE-sehs FYEHS-tahs): Happy holidays! You can use this expression in a more general sense to wish happy celebrations during the Christmas season.
  • ¡Feliz Año Nuevo! (feh-LEES AH-nyoh NWEH-boh): Happy New Year!

Translation: Merry Christmas!


Wish your friends a happy Easter with this expression:

  • ¡Feliz Semana Santa! (feh-LEES seh-MAH-nah SAHN-tah: Happy Easter! - literally 'Happy Holy Week!')


If your friends or colleagues are about to go on vacation, say:

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