British National Party

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British National Party

(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a far-right political party. Abbreviation: BNP
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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"I destroyed the British National Party - we had a far-right party in this country and I came along, and said to their voters, if you're holding your nose and voting for this party as a protest, don't.
"The British National Party did NOT produce or deliver any such leaflet.
The British National Party reacted with fury, with a spokesman saying: "We are a modern, forward thinking and progressive nationalist party.
He is due to appear for the final ruling on the case brought against the Party by the Equalities and Human Rights Commission concerning the membership criteria of the British National Party.
The force said yesterday: "A misconduct panel has dismissed Constable Steve Bettley after concluding he had knowingly been a member of the British National Party from March 2007 and up to March 2008.
Last year, a list of 12,000 names of British National Party members, including five clergy, appeared on the Internet.
THE British National Party doubled their number of council seats in England.
The right-wing British National Party (BNP) has responded to complaints by management at the Millennium Stadium - by posting even more pictures of the landmark building on its website.
In Britain, this new approach is called "managed migration," and it is causing a firestorm of controversy, leading to hunger strikes by asylum-seekers and the growth of the far-right British National Party. Milena Buyum, coordinator for the National Assembly Against Racism, and Don Flynn, policy coordinator for the Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants, work with Britain's two leading pro-immigrant organizations.
M Le Pen, guest of the British National Party, is notorious for his bigotry, bullying and belligerent politics.
Strabane Grammar has been put on a map of hate by unnamed students who are backing the youth wing of the British National Party - the 'Young BNP.'
When a minority of young Asians, provoked by the extreme right wing British National Party, rioted in Bradford, Yorkshire, last June, an unusual full-page advertisement appeared in the local paper four days later.

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