Totalitarianism | Overview, Traits & Examples - Lesson |
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Totalitarianism | Overview, Traits & Examples

Steve Wiener, Katie Cote, Lesley Chapel
  • Author
    Steve Wiener

    Steve Wiener holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Hawaii at Manoa. He has taught undergraduate classes in ancient and modern political theory, philosophy of history, American political thought, American government, the history the American Civil War, the philosophy of consciousness and rural populist movements in the American Midwest. He has over 20 years experience teaching college students in the classroom, as well as high school students and lifelong learners in a variety non-traditional settings.

  • Instructor
    Katie Cote

    Katie teaches high school social studies and has a master's degree in history from Providence College.

  • Expert Contributor
    Lesley Chapel

    Lesley has taught American and World History at the university level for the past seven years. She has a Master's degree in History.

What is a totalitarian government? See characteristics of totalitarianism and view totalitarian government examples to get an understanding of this concept. Updated: 11/21/2023
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Writing Prompts About Totalitarianism

Poster Prompt 1:

Create a poster that shows the definition of totalitarianism and also features the common characteristics of it.

Guidelines: The definition should be at the top or in the middle where it can be viewed and referenced easily. There are five characteristics given in the lesson, so be sure that the poster contains all five.

Essay Prompt 1:

Write an essay that explains the way totalitarianism was carried out in Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Soviet Union, and be sure to compare and contrast totalitarianism in the two regimes.

Guidelines: A good essay will utilize the five characteristics of totalitarianism and explain how Germany and the Soviet Union both used them. A good essay will also address the cultural, social, and religious aspects of totalitarianism in both nations, in addition to exploring the way punishment was used to solidify Hitler's and Stalin's power. Be sure that you understand the definition of "concentration camp" and "gulag" before you begin writing the essay.

Primary Source Analysis Prompt 1:

Write an essay of at least three to five paragraphs that analyzes the photos of Hitler and Stalin presented in this lesson. Since so much of totalitarianism is based on the personalities of the leaders, what can you infer about Hitler and Stalin by examining these photos? Tip: Be sure to explain how Hitler and Stalin are portraying themselves in these photos, and how such presentations might influence people's views of them.


Remember that a good essay always has a strong thesis statement. Therefore, an example of a thesis statement for an essay like this might go something like, "Photos of Hitler depict him as unquestionably authoritarian, while photos of Stalin portray him as inviting yet still in control. Both representations illustrate the different ways totalitarian leaders can showcase their authority."

What are the key traits of totalitarianism?

Key traits of totalitarianism include:

Total control of the coercive power of the state in the hand of one person or a few people.

The control of all forms of communication.

The use of secret police, terror and intimidation to enforce compliance in behavior and even thought.

What does totalitarian mean in simple terms?

Totalitarian means total control of all aspects of society by the government. This control is commonly maintained through the control of media, police and military.

What's the difference between totalitarianism and authoritarianism?

Authoritarianism is the rigid enforcement of laws and rules to bring about compliance of citizens with the dictates of the government, leaving some spaces for individual freedoms. Totalitarianism refers to the control of all aspects of society to enforce compliance not only to laws but to standards of behavior and even thought.

In 1949 Hannah Arendt wrote The Origins of Totalitarianism in response to the rise of murder regimes in Germany and the Soviet Union and the fascist regime in Italy. She described totalitarianism as the existence of a state without laws.

The governments of Mussolini and Hitler are totalitarian government examples

What is totalitarianism

A totalitarian government is a system of government in which the government seeks to control all aspects of life in society to conform with the dictates of the rulers. In the book 1984, George Orwell describes a totalitarian society in which the government seeks through terror and intimidation to control the very thoughts of its citizens. The word totalitarianism comes from the Latin totalis because the government seeks to control the totality of life in society. Fascist states like Mussolini's Italy or Hitler's Germany in the 1930s and 1940s easily became totalitarian through their use of propaganda, secret police, and the development of emotionally powered nationalism.

Defining Traits of Totalitarianism

What are the key traits of a totalitarian state? Characteristics of totalitarianism include:

  • Political authority and control of the coercive apparatus of the state concentrated in one person or one political party. Some examples of this in the 20th century include the Nazi Party in Germany, the Communist Party in the Soviet Union, and Mussolini's Italy.
  • Control of the media (newspapers, radio, television, the arts, social media).
  • Control of education through restrictions on what can be taught at all levels. This many include draconian punishment for educators who fail to teach the government narrative.
  • Control of the population through propaganda and through the use of terror and intimidation by the police and/or the military to make sure people are not only acting in conformity to how the leaders want them to act, but also to think the correct thoughts.
  • In many cases, the government also controls the economy through an alliance with private corporations in fascism or through state ownership of the means of production in communism.

Why Do Totalitarian Societies Emerge?

If totalitarian societies are so restrictive, so intimidating, so repressive why would anyone want to live in such a society? For example, Hitler came to power in Germany through democratic elections. Totalitarian government emerges through the existence of an autocratic leader who claims to be able to solve all of societies problems. Totalitarian governments emerge when other form of government are perceived by citizens to have failed to provide what they promised. So, a leader claims if given the power.I can solve these problems. In virtually every case, the totalitarian leader or party gains public acceptance by scapegoating a minority segment of that society as the source of all society's ills and failures.

How Do Totalitarian Governments Work?

Totalitarian governments can emerge from other forms of government. Regardless of how totalitarian governments come about, they share several common traits in how they maintain control of the population in order to continue their rule. Nazi Germany is an example of how a charismatic leader and a disciplined ideologically motivated political party can take over a republic.

Hitler Poster from 1934 Nuremberg Nazi Party Convention

Propaganda Poster

Totalitarian governments work because they make a significant portion of a country's citizens feel safe. The primary tool in this endeavor is propaganda. Joseph Goebbel's, the Reich Minister of Propaganda in Germany from 1933-1945, infamously stated "It is the absolute right of the state to supervise the formation of public opinion." He also said, referring to the power of propaganda, "If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself."

Propaganda to supervise public opinion works in two important ways:

  • To build up heroic images of the leader.
  • To identify some minority part of society that can be identified as the source of all society's ills, which then, of course, the leader will fix.

Images of Totalitarian Societies

Totalitarian governments use imagery and spectacle, and propaganda as means to form a kind of solidarity around a charismatic leader or ideology. Military parades like the May Day parade in the Soviet Union project an image of power.

Soviet T-72 Tanks in Military Parade

Soviet Tanks in Military Parade

Totalitarian governments often use brutal architecture to convey the ideology of the state. Certain architectural styles are officially approved by the state, usually excessively grandiose buildings which are meant to convey the dominance and virility of the state and the leader. Examples of this use of architecture can be found in Nazi Germany, in Stalin's Soviet Union in the twentieth century, and in North Korea today.

Red Square featuring Stalin

Stalinist Tower in Red Square

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  • 0:01 Definition of Totalitarianism
  • 0:51 Nazi Germany
  • 2:29 Stalinist Soviet Union
  • 4:21 Lesson Summary

There are many totalitarian government examples throughout history and in modern society.

Historical Examples

It is difficult to characterize ancient societies as totalitarian for two primary reasons. First, the term totalitarian was invented by Benito Mussolini in 1922. Secondly, the means to control communication, technology, even a military did not exist in ancient times to the extent they exist today or in the early twentieth century. While there have been many oppressive regimes in past such as the caste society in India, the Qing (Manchu) dynasty in China, these regimes could not exercise the total control over all aspects of life that have occurred in modern times.

The most predominant examples of totalitarian government include Nazi Germany and Stalinist Soviet Union.

Nazi Germany

Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor, a position similar to Prime Minister, in Germany in January of 1933. In March, the German parliament, the Reichstag, passed the Enabling Act expanding the powers of the Chancellor. Hitler used these expanded powers to legally concentrate all government authority in. his person and in the NSDAP, the Nazi Party. This is an example of how a republic became a totalitarian dictatorship.

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In a totalitarian government, the government seeks to control all aspects of life in society to conform with the dictates of the rulers. This form of government can arise out of all the other forms of government either through appropriation or revolution. The key characteristics of totalitarian governments are:

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Definition of Totalitarianism

The essence of totalitarianism can be found in its very name; it is a form of rule in which the government attempts to maintain 'total' control over society, including all aspects of the public and private lives of its citizens.

There are several characteristics that are common to totalitarian regimes, including:

  • Rule by a single party
  • Total control of the military
  • Total control over means of communication (such as newspapers, propaganda, etc…)
  • Police control with the use of terror as a control tactic
  • Control of the economy

However, even though there were common characteristics of the different totalitarian regimes, it didn't look the same in all countries in which it was employed. So how did totalitarianism look? Let's go over a couple of examples below.

East German state police force
East German State Police

Nazi Germany

Perhaps the most famous example of totalitarianism is Nazi Germany under the rule of Adolf Hitler. Hitler came to power in 1933 after being elected by the German people. However, he illegally assumed more power than was granted under German law. By doing so, he held complete control of the government, both national and local.

Hitler saluting at a Nazi rally
Hitler saluting at a rally

Under Hitler's regime, if a citizen spoke against the government then they would be arrested and often sent to a concentration camp. Concentration camps were part of a system used for the imprisonment and murder of people the Nazis deemed undesirable. The concentration camps were used in the Holocaust and held millions of Jews, political prisoners, gypsies, homosexuals, mentally handicapped, and any other person the Nazis deemed undesirable before they were sent or worked to their deaths.

The Nazis also made stipulations as to what people were allowed to do in their daily lives. For example, artists had to create paintings portraying Nazi values, jazz music was banned, and books written by people deemed undesirable under the Hitler regime were burned. Youth organizations indoctrinated girls and boys with Nazi ideology from a young age, and the Nazi police organization, known as the SS, intimidated and terrorized people in an attempt to control them.

The final quality of Hitler's regime that signaled the Nazi government held total control was the extensive use of propaganda. Hitler's picture was everywhere, newspapers were censored, and radio broadcasts were controlled by the government.

Stalinist Soviet Union

Another famed example of a totalitarian regime is the leadership of the Soviet Union under Josef Stalin. Stalin came to power following the death of Vladimir Lenin. Stalin gained control by blackmailing many of the leaders in the communist government and eventually murdered his main rival, Leon Trotsky.

Artists painted pictures and authors wrote novels that glorified Stalin, and people were expected to have a picture of him in their homes, often replacing former pictures of Jesus and other religious figures. He took on the nickname 'Uncle Joe' in an effort to give off a kind and friendly personality. In reality, Stalin ran a country in which he held total, oppressive control.

Portrait of Stalin
Soviet leader Stalin

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