Absolute Monarchy | Characteristics & Examples - Lesson | Study.com
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Absolute Monarchy | Characteristics & Examples

Joseph Comunale, Patricia Chappine, Jeffrey Perry
  • Author
    Joseph Comunale

    Joseph Comunale obtained a Bachelor's in Philosophy from UCF before becoming a high school science teacher for five years. He has taught Earth-Space Science and Integrated Science at a Title 1 School in Florida and has Professional Teacher's Certification for Earth-Space Science.

  • Instructor
    Patricia Chappine

    Patricia has a Ph.D. in Progress, History and Culture as well as a master's degree in Holocaust and genocide studies. She has taught heritage of the western world and U.S. history.

  • Expert Contributor
    Jeffrey Perry

    Jeffrey Perry earned his Ph.D. in History from Purdue University and has taught History courses at private and state institutions of higher education since 2012.

Learn about absolute monarchy and its role in the history of nations throughout the world. Discover the difference between absolute and constitutional monarchies. Updated: 11/21/2023
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Writing Prompt for Absolute Monarchy:

Writing Prompt No. 1:

Compare and contrast how each monarch discussed in this lesson (Peter the Great, Louis XIV, and Henry VIII) used their authority to shape both church and state (or religious and political authority).

Writing Prompt No. 2:

You are a historian of royal absolutism. Write a brief history of the rise of the concept of absolute monarchy in Europe and Russia from the time of Louis XIV through Peter the Great. You are writing your history for people with no understanding of royal power, so be sure to provide explanations of key concepts such as "divine right." Conclude your history with your thoughts on why monarchs may have claimed royal absolutism, and what affects it may have had on Parliament and rights of the people.

Additional Questions to Consider:

  • According to those who believed in absolute monarchy, a king's power extended to what areas of government?
  • In a limited monarchy, the king would share power with what branch of government?
  • What actions did Cardinal Richelieu take to strengthen the power of Louis XIV?
  • Why did Louis XIV refer to himself as the "Sun King?"
  • What did the Act of Supremacy declare?
  • How could a King's quest to secure royal absolutism be dangerous to the monarchy?

Who are famous absolute monarchs?

Famous absolute monarchs include Peter the Great of Russia and King Louis XIV of France in medieval or feudal history. More recent history includes Adolf Hitler of Nazi Germany, Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union, and Mao Zedong of Communist China.

What is an absolute monarchy?

Absolute monarchy is a system of government where the ultimate authority to run the state is in the hands of a king, dictator, or monarch who rules by their own right, such as by divine right. Absolute monarchy is also called absolutism.

What is an example of an absolute monarch?

A prime example of an absolute monarchy in French history includes King Louis XIV. He referred to himself by the title of Sun King. King Louis XIV centralized all the power of decision-making under his control.

There are many different forms of government regarding where power lies within the system, the ideology behind the system, and how power is structured throughout the system. Additionally, there are subcategories within the general or major forms. The major forms of government include but are not limited to monarchy, republic, democracy, oligarchy, anarchy, etc. Systems of government also vary such as there being different kinds of democracies such as direct democracy or representational democracy. Some of the basic definitions of some aforementioned forms of government are as follows:

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  • 0:01 Absolute Monarchy
  • 1:06 France
  • 3:22 Russia
  • 4:48 England
  • 6:14 Lesson Summary

What is an "absolute monarchy?" As well, what is absolutism? A simple absolute monarchy definition is a system of government where a single ruler rules by some inherent right and has complete centralized authority or sovereignty over the state and government. In modern times, some absolute monarchs are slightly limited in power by a constitution. However, many absolute monarchs, especially those in medieval times, had no limits on their power over state and government. Some other modern synonyms for absolute monarchy include dictatorship, totalitarianism, and autocracy.

Absolute Monarchy Characteristics

Absolute monarchies can vary in the ideology that justifies the centralized power and control, but also how that power is exercised. If the absolute monarch is limited by a constitution, an entourage of administrators may contribute to exercising power. However, this type of monarchy is sometimes categorized separately as a constitutional monarchy. With this distinction, an absolute monarchy can be characterized more specifically.

The king or dictator within an absolute monarchy system has complete centralized authority over foreign and domestic policies. An "absolute" monarch does not share their power with any other governing body. In other words, the monarch is not subject to any checks, balances, or regulatory challenges by any other entity regarding judicial, religious, legislative, electoral, militaristic, or economic decision making.

The ideology or justification for complete centralized power is claimed by the monarch in their own right. This can take the form of a divine right which means the monarch is claiming to have been chosen for their position by a higher power such as a god. As well, a military dictator may justify their absolute power by the right of having simply taken or annexed themselves into the position. Additionally, a dictator may presume ultimate knowledge over the subject of power and ruling, and therefore claim to have access to some form of absolute truth.

Absolute Monarchy Examples

There are many historical examples of absolute monarchies. Additionally, there are contemporary or modern examples of absolute monarchies. First, some historical absolute monarchy examples include but are not limited to:

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Overall, absolute monarchy is a system of government where the ultimate authority to run the state is in the hands of a king or monarch who rules by their own right, such as by divine right. Absolute monarchy is also called absolutism. A prime example of an absolute monarchy in French history includes King Louis XIV; he referred to himself as the title of Sun King. Peter the Great is an example of an absolute monarch in Russian history.

Absolute monarchies are often historically characterized by the monarch claiming a divine right. This means the authority to rule is claimed to be given to the monarch by a higher power such as the appointment by a god. For example, the Pope in Vatican City is supposed to have the divine right to rule. Absolute monarchs are also sometimes dictators such as in the case of Hitler, Mao, and Stalin.

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Video Transcript

Absolute Monarchy

Absolute monarchy, or absolutism, meant that the ultimate authority to run a state was in the hands of a king who ruled by divine right. Divine right was the claim that a king or queen was given their position by some higher power. The authority of the monarch could include any or all of the following areas: administration, taxes, justice and foreign policy.

One of the most prominent advocates of divine-right monarchy during the 17th century was Bishop Jacques-Benigne Bossuet. According to Bossuet, all governments were ordained by God to allow humanity to live in an organized society. Because kings and queens were given their authority by God, their power was unconditional. Unlike a limited monarchy, the absolute monarch would not share their power with another governing body, such as parliament.


The reign of the French King Louis XIV (reigned 1643-1715) has long been considered the best example of absolutism. In fact, during the 17th century, many other European monarchies imitated the French system. For instance, King Louis XIII was only a child when he ascended to the throne. Because of this, his chief minister, Cardinal Richelieu played a crucial role in policy-making and administration. At the time, the nobility had extreme influence and power in affairs of the state. Recognizing the danger to the king's authority, Richelieu executed many nobles found to be plotting against the king. This greatly strengthened the authority of the monarch.

Louis XIV became king at the age of 23. In keeping with the practice of divine right, Louis XIV referred to himself as the Sun King, an allusion to him as the source of light for his subjects. He immediately made it clear that he intended to make all major decisions on his own, telling his ministers of state, 'I order you not to sign anything, not even a passport.'

Although Louis wanted to retain sole power, the reality was that the nobility still had immense wealth and influence over political affairs. Louis restructured the French government and gave himself decision-making power over all matters of the state. He required the attendance of the nobility at his court so he could keep a close eye on them. His ministers and secretaries could only offer the king advice but had no power to make policy decisions on their own. Louis retained the right to make foreign policy, declare war, oversee religious affairs, and levy taxes. Since Louis was Catholic, he closed down all Protestant schools and banned them from political meetings.


In Russia, Peter the Great ruled from 1689-1725. His reign was also considered an example of absolutism because he both strengthened the central government and reduced the power of the nobility.

He reorganized the government and created a Senate to administer the state. He divided Russia into different provinces to make administration more effective. He forced all landholders to serve in the military or another civil service position. In order to control the Russian Orthodox Church, Peter appointed his own procurator, who made all religious decisions based on his requests.

He also forcefully introduced Western customs to Russian society. For instance, after he witnessed the gender integration of the courts of Europe, he ordered wealthy Russian women to remove traditional veils and mix with the men at social gatherings and court events. He had books of Western etiquette made to introduce these customs to the general population. Peter wanted to create a formidable Russian military by reorganizing the army according to Western practices.

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