Society & Culture of the 18th Century - Lesson |
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Society & Culture of the 18th Century

Lesson Transcript
Instructor Christopher Sailus

Chris has an M.A. in history and taught university and high school history.

In the 18th century, economic and cultural power began to shift in European society. Learn how the makeup of the social classes changed in the 18th century and how this influenced pop culture, music and art. Updated: 04/18/2024

Pop culture seems to change yearly. One year Celine Dion and gel pens are 'in' and the next year they are forgotten, replaced by Miley Cyrus and Uggs. What is stylish and what is not each year is often determined by, and reflective of, our society. Even though it seems like a completely different world, what was popular in the 18th century was also reflective of the changes that were taking place in 18th-century society. In this lesson, we will explore that society and its changing world, and what those with the time to spend on popular culture enjoyed.

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  • 0:07 18th-Century Culture & Society
  • 0:39 Societal Makeup
  • 4:07 Pop Culture
  • 4:58 Music
  • 5:25 Art
  • 5:48 Lesson Summary

The makeup of society was changing in the 18th century, but there was still opposition from the rigidly hierarchical established powers of the day. Indeed, despite some changes, at 1800, the nobility and traditional landed aristocracy still held the political power in most of Western Europe. In addition to largely being the sole holders of political power, the nobility of the 18th century held the vast majority of the region's wealth. Most of this wealth (and indeed, most of its attendant prestige) derived from the ownership of land.

To be a true member of the European nobility at this point, one must not have to work for a living, but must be able to live solely off the rents and profits from property, preferably land which the same family had owned for generations. In fact, some newer members of the noble classes went to great lengths to disguise newly bought land as land their grandparents and great-grandparents had owned. It should be noted that in most countries, the clergy were also considered part of the aristocratic class, and many of the clergy were second and third sons of lesser nobles, and hence unable to inherit their fathers' lands and estates.

The next group on the social ladder during the 18th century can be one of the most contentious subjects in European history. The growth of the urban working class (which Marxist historians term the 'proletariat') and the growth of their respective industries had largely been hampered by long production times or the restrictive trade guilds of the cities and towns in which they often worked. The development of cottage industries (think very small-scale, in-home, efficient production of goods), and later, the advent of the Industrial Revolution changed the conditions dramatically for urban craftsmen, tradesmen, and merchants during the 18th century.

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Considering this makeup of 18th-century society, it should come as little surprise that only the aristocracy and some of the wealthier merchants had the time and resources to participate in popular culture. Indeed, a key indicator of prestige and wealth in aristocratic circles was the patronage of intellectuals, musicians, and artists. In England, for example, it was absolutely necessary for a noble family to have an Oxford academic on staff to tutor their children and bring prestige to the family through his writing and research.

Additionally, the nobility were expected to ornament themselves and their personal property with lavish displays of wealth, often by building large country homes and filling them with expensive artwork, china, and other goods from abroad. This practice - something historians often term conspicuous consumption - took advantage of the century's freer markets and colonialism to acquire increasingly exotic items from the far reaches of the globe.

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One of the main cultural pastimes of the nobility was music. The increased wealth of the period, in both the aristocratic and merchant groups, fostered the sponsorship of classical musicians and composers, and the century produced some of the more famous classical composers whose work is still known and played today. The opera houses and music halls of the era played work by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Frideric Handel, Ludwig van Beethoven, Johann Sebastian Bach, and many, many others.

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High art also experienced a boom in the 18th century, as the newly wealthy snapped up exquisite work by the masters of the period to adorn their country homes and city apartments. Indeed, one of France's greatest painters, Jacques-Louis David, was active during the French Revolution at the end of the century, painting some of the most iconic pieces of the period, including The Tennis Court Oath and The Death of Marat.

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In closing, the wealth and makeup of 18th-century society was shifting more quickly than the institutions and the existing social hierarchy could adapt. While the aristocratic families occupied themselves with spending their wealth on expensive goods and lavishing patronage on the arts and humanities, newer wealth was infiltrating their circles of power through the acquisition of titles and land. And while the farming and laboring masses were less socially mobile than the urban merchants and craftsmen, their swelling ranks would also present problems for the ruling political classes. How the monarchies and governments of each state reacted to these changing social conditions often decided the state's political stability as the century neared its close.

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