Inquisitive chapter 7 Flashcards | Quizlet

Inquisitive chapter 7

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Which statements describe the laws mandated by the Northwest Ordinance of 1787?
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Which statements describe the laws mandated by the Northwest Ordinance of 1787?
Correct answers:
-It prohibited slavery in the Old Northwest.

-It created at least three states out of the Northwest Territory.
Within the electoral college, it is possible for none of the candidates to win a majority of electoral votes. Though rare, if this occurs, the responsibility of electing a president falls to the House of Representatives where they choose from among the top three candidates, with each state casting one vote. The Senate would then select the vice president.
Under the Articles of Confederation, what powers resided with the national government?
Correct answers:
-make treaties with foreign powers

-coin money
Identify the influential founders who contributed to The Federalist papers.
correct answers:
-John Jay

-James Madison
What were the effects of the Constitution?
correct answers:
-made possible a national economic market by giving Congress the power over tariffs, interstate commerce, and coining money, among others

In the years following the Revolutionary War, negative connotations associated with skin color and race were the only way to justify slavery in a nation founded on the strong notion of individual freedom.
The participants in Shays's Rebellion were acting in opposition to the spirit of the Revolution.
Fill in the blanks to complete the passage describing the Founding Fathers.
1.lawyers, merchants, and planters
2. at college
3. retrained
Identify the ways slavery was addressed in the Constitution.
stated that even if a slave escaped from the South to the North, where slavery was outlawed, he or she could still be returned to an "owner" as the condition of bondage remained attached to the person
-Fugitive slave clause

allowed the slave trade to continue until 1808, and then the further importation of slaves was prohibited
-slave trade clause

outlined how slaves would be counted toward state representation in the House of Representatives
-three-fifths clause
What was the purpose of the essays collected in The Federalist?
-to generate support for the ratification of the Constitution
Identify the statements that describe the congressional land use policies in the West during the postwar period
Correct answers:
-Congress had an interest in keeping the settlement process somewhat regulated

-Land sales could become a key source of revenue to the federal government
Following the Battle of Fallen Timbers in 1794, the Treaty of Greenville was established between American and Native combatants. What were the outcomes of the Treaty of Greenville?
Correct answers:
-Tribes friendly to the federal government were granted cash payments

-Much of the upper Great Lakes region became open to white settlement
In their original forms, not all electable positions in the new American government were attained by a popular vote from the people. Which position has always been filled by a popular vote?
-members of the House of Representatives
Identify the aims and accomplishments of the New Jersey Plan within the Continental Congress.
Correct answers:
-Smaller states, fearing the political dominance of more populous states like Massachusetts and Pennsylvania, supported this plan

-It called for a single-house Congress in each state that would cast one vote
The idea that the United States is a "melting pot," where all nationalities blend together to create a unique American culture, was first developed and shared by Thomas Jefferson.