Andrea Bocelli La vie en rose Lyrics English Translation

La vie en rose Lyrics in English

Eyes that lower mine
A laugh that gets lost on his mouth
Here's the portrait without editing
Of the woman I belong to
When she takes me in her arms
She talks to me softly
I see life in pink
She tells me words of love
everyday words
And it does something to me
She entered my heart
A slice of happiness
That I know the reason
It's her for me
Me for her in life
She told me, swore it for life
And as soon as I see him
So I feel Inside me
My heart beating
When he takes me in his arms
He whispers to me
I see life in pink
He tell me love words
everyday words
And it does something to me
She entered my heart
A slice of happiness
That I know the reason
It's her for me
Me for her in life
She told me, swore it for life
And as soon as I see him
So I feel Inside me
My heart beating
La la la la
La la la la
La la la la
La la la la
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