Quiz & Worksheet - Spanish Practice: Subjunctive Tenses in Social Conversations | Study.com

Practice Using Subjunctive Tenses in Social Conversations - Quiz & Worksheet


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question 1 of 3

¡No creía que ella lo ____ ____ (haber - decir)!

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1. No fue posible que él ____ ____ (haber - ir) allá.

2. Fue triste que nosotros ____ ____ (haber - ver) eso.

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About This Quiz & Worksheet

The questions on this quiz will each give you a sentence in Spanish with two blanks. After each blank, the quiz will also give you the regular form of two verbs. You'll need to take these verbs and conjugate them in the appropriate way, choosing the correct answer from a multiple-choice list of options.

Quiz & Worksheet Goals

The quiz will test you on the following topics:

  • The subjunctive tense
  • Subjunctive triggers
  • Main and subordinate clauses
  • Spanish verbs

Skills Practiced

You will practice the following skills:

  • Reading comprehension - ensure that you draw the most important information from the related subjunctive tenses lesson
  • Making connections - use understanding of the concept of the subjunctive to know how to conjugate verbs in the past perfect and present perfect
  • Interpreting information - verify that you can read information regarding verb tenses and interpret it correctly

Additional Learning

Make sure to peruse the related lesson, Practice Using Subjunctive Tenses in Social Conversations. The lesson will help you grasp the intricacies of the subjunctive tense by exploring the following topics:

  • The four requirements for the subjunctive
  • Different forms of the subjunctive
  • The importance of the main and subordinate clauses
  • Listening practice for Spanish conversation using the subjunctive