Warsaw Pact

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Related to Warsaw Pact: Eisenhower Doctrine, U-2 incident

Warsaw Pact

(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a military treaty and association of E European countries, formed in 1955 by the Soviet Union, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Romania: East Germany left in 1990; the remaining members dissolved the Pact in 1991
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

Warsaw Pact

1955 An East European defense treaty under Soviet leadership as a response to NATO. Signatory states were Albania (ceased to participate 1961, withdrew 1968), Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and USSR.
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited

Warsaw Pact

n the Warsaw Pactil patto di Varsavia
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
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Sure enough, less than three months later, the Berlin Wall was brought down and the Warsaw Pact died a premature death.
In February 1991, a decision was made to dissolve the military structures of the Warsaw Pact, and in July of the same year a protocol was signed in Prague for the complete cessation of its activities.
Ironically, ten of those states were once Warsaw Pact members (some as parts of the Soviet Union) and three were part of non-aligned Yugoslavia--a telling commentary on the respective appeals of the two alliances.
The rise of non-communist governments in other eastern bloc nations, such as Poland and Czechoslovakia, throughout 1990 and 1991 marked an effective end of the power of the Warsaw Pact. In March 1991, the military alliance component of the pact was dissolved and in July 1991, the last meeting of the political consultative body took place.
Only when the Cold War was over and defence spending in the former Warsaw Pact countries fell from 20 to less than two per cent of GDP could these countries re-establish their civilian infrastructure and renew their industries.
We were inculcated with the fact that although the Warsaw Pact was composed of nominally independent states, their policies were dictated by, or subject to, approval by the Soviet Union.
A: Many former Warsaw Pact countries have joined NATO and converted their Kalashnikovs to fire 5.56mm, although most still use a magazine with the AK-type release.
But when the Cold War ended with the collapse of the Soviet Empire, the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact, and the breakup of the Soviet Union into 15 nations, a new debate erupted.
The EU is a political peacekeeping institution, fuelled by the better prosperity and democratic rights that being a member requires - especially for former Warsaw Pact countries.
"One should not forget that even some NATO country members, which were members ofAaAaAeAeAaAeAeA the Warsaw pact, still have Russian weapons asAaAaAeAeAaAeAeA well.
Born in the eastern state of Thuringia in 1922, Bahr was instrumental in West Germany's efforts to improve ties with the Soviet Union, East Germany and other Warsaw Pact states.
(9) NATO (April 1949) The Warsaw Pact was formed in 1955 after West Germany joined NATO (10) Beginning Morning Nautical Twilight and End Evening Nautical Twilight ("First light" and "Last light").

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