Documenting the real politic of the West in terms of the state of the revolution as it actually is: Links 1 for April 21, 2024

1. You WILL be fired if you do not support state and institutionally mandated lies in all ways

Controversial university ‘race researcher’ who wrote that equality between white and non-white people is ‘based on lies’ is dropped by Cambridge college after backlash from students

A fellow at the University of Cambridge who has sparked backlash with his comments on race has been dropped by Emmanuel College where he was a research associate.

Nathan Cofnas, an early career research fellow in the Faculty of Philosophy, is understood to have had his relationship with the college ended following an investigation into his conduct.

Mr Cofnas came under fire in February after he published a blog post which claimed the number of black professors at Harvard would ‘approach zero’ in a meritocracy, and that ‘Blacks would disappear from almost all high-profile positions outside of sports and entertainment.’ […] Mr Cofnas, who describes himself as a ‘race-realist’, is understood to have been informed of the college’s decision by letter on April 5, which stated his posts were in violation of its diversity and inclusion policies. […]

According to Varsity, the letter stated: ‘The Committee first considered the meaning of the blog and concluded that it amounted to, or could reasonably be construed as amounting to, a rejection of Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion (DEI and EDI) policies.’

It added: ‘The Committee concluded that the core mission of the College was to achieve educational excellence and that diversity and inclusion were inseparable from that. The ideas promoted by the blog therefore represented a challenge to the College’s core values and mission,’

In communism, like Islam, the epistemology is reversed. In a Socratic universe, one asks a question or makes an observation, and seeks verifiable and empiracle, testable data to create a theory from a hypothesis. The theory must be falsifiable so that as new data becomes known, it can be adjusted to accommodate the new data. In a communist and/or Islamic episteme, the axiom or absolute truth upon which all subsequent rules, policies and observations is established at the start, and all who point out facts or data which contradicts the imposed axioms are criminals of one kind or another, officially or otherwise, legally prosecuted or institutionally and personally persecuted. Or all of these methods at once.

In the previous post, another UK philosophy university attendee, that one a student, was told he may be evicted for telling his room mate in a private conversation that veganism was bad, and the Trans narratives are a load of manure. He was overheard by a comrade in the next room who sent for security. The fact is, we live in a communist and dialectically driven driven society now. Truth is a crime. What we must think will be dictated by the state and will change without notice. Your, our lives will grow increasingly worse. Food will get so expensive that we all will have to make choices. Eat well, or heat homes, or drive a car etc. Face it, or fight it.

An Australian example:

2. Two Dead, 14 Wounded, shot at Memphis “Block Party”, part of America’s Lawless Leftist Cities

3. Massive, Bloody Brawl Erupts on Party Boat in Brooklyn Leaving Several People Injured, Including Two Stabbing Victims (VIDEOS)

4. So… weather manipulation is undeniably real to some extent

Click through the tweet above to Twitter and there is an interesting conversation with a lot of MSM reports on cloud seeding, subsequent weather disasters, and communist community notes claiming the reports are conspiracy theories.

5. Australia and its version of the censorship authoritarian state. That we see everywhere now.

Thank you all for checking out this site.

A scene from one of my favorite movies, An American Carol. I think you can see it on YouTube now free. Remember, it was made during the Bush years if memory serves.

Reader’s Links for April 22nd, 2024

Each day at just after midnight Eastern, a post like this one is created for contributors and readers of this site to upload news links and video links on the issues that concern this site. Most notably, Islam and its effects on Classical Civilization, and various forms of leftism from Soviet era communism, to postmodernism and all the flavours of galloping statism and totalitarianism such as Nazism and Fascism which are increasingly snuffing out the classical liberalism which created our near, miraculous civilization the West has been building since the time of Socrates.

This document was written around the time this site was created, for those who wish to understand what this site is about. And while our understanding of the world and events has grown since then, the basic ideas remain sound and true to the purpose.

So please post all links, thoughts and ideas that you feel will benefit the readers of this site to the comments under this post each day. And thank you all for your contributions.

This is the new Samizdat. We must use it while we can.

For those interested, please check out as an another avenue of expression.

The Immolator, a restauranteur fights back after state-destruction, Philosophy means never thinking anything other than you’re told: Links 1 for May 21, 2024

1. The guy who immolated himself at the Trump trial is reported to have passed away. Here is one of his videos

This appears to be his manifesto. The language used in the reporting of this, is a rather good example of the imposed pseudo-reality within which, we are required to live. Much like how any counter-revolutionary agent is described as “far-right wing” even though they may have all the liberal credentials required.

2. In Ottawa yesterday, the Communist-Islamic alliance actually chanted celebration of the October 7th terror attacks in Israel. This is a new level of reveal. Not of any other agenda, just of the reveal of the one they always had.

3. Islamo-communists appear to still be in control of the Columbia U campus

Again, a refreshing reveal of the agenda of Hamas, the communists, and Islam in general:

4. A few readers who have been with us during the Covid phase of the Communist revolution may remember an interview we did with Jesse Johnson in May, 2022 a gentleman who had a very popular Pizza restaurant in Alberta that was destroyed by the state for insufficient prostration and genuflecting to their power.

He has a new place now.

Here is our interview with him

5. The naked authoritarianism of the nascent-communist state which the West has become (Oceana?) appears to be expanding the scope of the narratives for which force and coercion is used to ensure compliance, as we also watch the agencies that deploy force move from the fully extra-legal, like ANTIFA or BLM, through to security services and non-police or military agencies but official ones, and of course, ending with police and military enforcing each Maoist mass line narrative attack.

This is a fun addition to the list of enforced dialectical bombs:

‘It was like the Stasi has come to my door’: Woke Exeter University bangs on student’s door and threatens him with expulsion after he is overheard saying… ‘veganism is wrong’

A philosophy student overheard through the wall of his room saying ‘veganism is wrong’ and ‘gender fluidity is stupid’ was threatened with expulsion by his university, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.

Robert Ivinson said he was disciplined after a student next door in halls of residence at Exeter University heard the comments then complained he had been offensive and ‘transphobic’.

Mr Ivinson, who expressed the views in a phone call to a friend, was hauled before university officials and put on a ‘behavioural contract’ for the rest of his studies. 

He was warned he could be expelled if the university thought he had done anything else wrong, and told by letter he had been found guilty of harassment.

Last night, critics condemned Mr Ivinson’s punishment as an example of the ‘insidious erosion’ of free speech in the UK’s academic institutions. 

A philosophy student threatened with expulsion for wrong-think on modern narratives about biology and food. Which is also biology.

In the Islamic world, the #1 school of Islam and Islamic jurisprudence is called, Al Azhar University, located in Cairo Egypt.

It is said by experts that if you took Harvard, Oxford, Stanford and Yale, and rolled them into one, you still would not have the extent to which Al-Azhar is the top school of Islam in the world. It is to the next school, as the Vatican is to a corner Church in terms of its authority. Graduates of Al-Azhar get to wear those funny red hats with a white fur brim that looks a lot like a Santa Clause hat. Those graduates are welcomed at any mosque in the world and never have to worry about food, shelter or monetary needs wherever there are muslims and a mosque.

Al-Azhar does not teach philosophy. Their reasoning is that Philosophy challenges faith and is not acceptable. No teaching is permissible that allows the kind of thinking that can challenge or disprove Islamic doctrine.

Clearly what we do in the West, is continue to use the word philosophy for courses that are increasingly just indoctrination, like most other subjects have become.

Thank you all for checking out this site

Reader’s Links for April 21st, 2024

Each day at just after midnight Eastern, a post like this one is created for contributors and readers of this site to upload news links and video links on the issues that concern this site. Most notably, Islam and its effects on Classical Civilization, and various forms of leftism from Soviet era communism, to postmodernism and all the flavours of galloping statism and totalitarianism such as Nazism and Fascism which are increasingly snuffing out the classical liberalism which created our near, miraculous civilization the West has been building since the time of Socrates.

This document was written around the time this site was created, for those who wish to understand what this site is about. And while our understanding of the world and events has grown since then, the basic ideas remain sound and true to the purpose.

So please post all links, thoughts and ideas that you feel will benefit the readers of this site to the comments under this post each day. And thank you all for your contributions.

This is the new Samizdat. We must use it while we can.

For those interested, please check out as an another avenue of expression.

For the second time in recent weeks, Bill Mahar calls out the left for serious issues

What Bill isn’t saying, and may or may not understand, is that it isn’t “a gay agenda”. It is a communist agenda, or a dialectical tool to weaponize any kind of deviancy from the norm to attack Western Civilization.

Most homosexuality is not political, or didn’t used to be. But it has been politicized like race and religion.

Bill’s rant is refreshing. But its colour commentary like most of what I see from the Dr. Phils and others who have recently come out against the vaxx etc.

The issue is how the various issues are created as dialectical bombs against us, and when we argue the actual issue, as Bill does here, but at least from the correct side, it still may not help the problem because it isn’t seeing the problem.

The massive amount of proof surfacing on the virus origins and vaxx dangers requires an update and Dr. Phil’s questionable message on Covid

1. So when the Chinese explained that the virus (that was clearly released one way or another from the Wuhan lab was really made by the Americans, they were telling the truth. If only there was a medical doctor who was more or less a libertarian and held high office that could discuss these revelations.

“This is a case for the individual to make their own risk benefit assessment for the individual”. We have posited since the start of the Covid measures, that the very definition of Freedom is nothing more or less than the right of the individual to do their own cost benefit analysis on all they do.

Here is an example of what might be the most frustrating aspect of those who jump on board recently. Here is a guy who is complaining about the meal service on the trains to Auschwitz after all was known about the Holocaust. How can he talk so forcefully about “Better have a plan to reopen schools” as if that wax close to the most serious aspect of the revolution which took place under the rubric of Covid19 measures.

2. So let’s have a look at some of the actual serious problems of Covid19 measures shall we?

Study Finds ‘Significant Increase’ in Cancer Mortality After Mass Vaccination With 3rd COVID Dose

Researchers observed “statistically significant increases” in mortality rates of all cancers, especially estrogen-related cancers, following mass vaccination with the third mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, according to a recent paper.

The study, published on April 8 in Cureus, evaluated the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on age-adjusted mortality rates for 20 different types of cancer in Japan using official statistics on death, SARS-CoV-2 infections, and vaccination rates. The researchers made a startling discovery: There were no excess cancer deaths in Japan during the first year of the pandemic, but they observed a rise in cancer mortality coinciding with mass vaccination.

Japan has the highest vaccination rates, and is now conducting mass vaccinations with a seventh vaccine dose. According to the researchers, after mass vaccination began in 2021, there was a noticeable increase in cancer mortalities coinciding with the first and second COVID-19 vaccine doses.

Following vaccination with a third mRNA vaccine dose in 2022, researchers observed “significant excess mortalities” for all cancers and specifically estrogen and estrogen receptor alpha (ER?)-sensitive cancers, including ovarian, leukemia, prostrate, lip/oral/pharyngeal, pancreatic, and breast cancers. Notably, breast cancer had a “significant deficit mortality” in 2020 but shifted to excess mortality in 2022 following the rollout of the third vaccine dose.

New treatment blocked and cancer facts as related to the vaxx

Posted previously but now there is a wider context for it. Peer reviewed paper shows cancer/Vaxx link

And I believe we have also posted this previously, but the point requires a lot of this kind of evidence in one post:

Thanks for reading.

Tucker Carlson with Jesse Kelly: An important interview on the need to stop the invasion at the border, even if it means dividing the country

Here are two routes to the interview. Below from Jesse’s Rumble channel, and a link to Tucker Carlson Network that appears to work even if you don’t have a membership.

Link to the TCN version

The Rumble version is only half of the interview. So if you are able to watch on the TCN that is your ticket to the whole interview.

Thank you Oz-Rita

Reader’s Links for April 20th, 2024

Each day at just after midnight Eastern, a post like this one is created for contributors and readers of this site to upload news links and video links on the issues that concern this site. Most notably, Islam and its effects on Classical Civilization, and various forms of leftism from Soviet era communism, to postmodernism and all the flavours of galloping statism and totalitarianism such as Nazism and Fascism which are increasingly snuffing out the classical liberalism which created our near, miraculous civilization the West has been building since the time of Socrates.

This document was written around the time this site was created, for those who wish to understand what this site is about. And while our understanding of the world and events has grown since then, the basic ideas remain sound and true to the purpose.

So please post all links, thoughts and ideas that you feel will benefit the readers of this site to the comments under this post each day. And thank you all for your contributions.

This is the new Samizdat. We must use it while we can.

For those interested, please check out as an another avenue of expression.

Rob Reiner’s dialectic attack on Christianity on behalf of the hidden hand of the COMINTERN

Listen to this carefully and note who funded the documentary and the title seems suddenly less cryptic. The method is dialectical, and that becomes increasingly obvious through this interview, as you hear them point out what they think is hypocritical, and the people who had this made are the COMINTERN agencies we are all familiar with.

Maggie Hope Braun: How to take back your city from the UN agenda to take away everything you have

RAIR Foundation has the article.

Below are the videos including the interview, and the teaching session she did to a local group on how to take back city council.

As usual, please click the little gear at the bottom right of the play window, and dial it up to the higest quality available.

The tactic:

How the tactic looks in practice:

Geopolitics,Columbia U, Israel and Iran, and the inverted status of thieves Vs victims: Links 1 for April 19, 2024

1. America in Niger: If your goal is destruction of the West, all this information makes a great deal of sense. It also is consistent with an Obama 3rd term, given Benghazi

2. Columbia U.

The following is astonishing propaganda.

Much more from that university here

Chaos at Columbia: Anti-Zionist NYC College Protest Gets Physical Last Night, “Arrest that Zionist piece of s***”



3. ANTIFA is clearly a terrorist group and a weapon for the destruction of Western Civilization and the Nation State altogether. Yet the Proud Boys has been declared a terrorist group by unanimous vote in the House of Commons, including the CPC obviously, and no mention of ANTIFA at all. No actual evidence of terrorism from the Proud Boys, and certainly not the Canadian branch is known to us. But they did protect middle aged women protesting for freedom of speech from ANTIFA counter demos that were illegal in several ways. The least of which was that they wore masks at a public demonstration while intimidating or otherwise presenting a violent front to those who had a permit to demonstrate (well before Covid) which is a crime in Canada.

4. Must be something about having all your sex organs mutilated… i dunno

Trans teen allegedly plotted mass shootings at two schools in twisted plot to become ‘famous’

A transgender Maryland teenager has been arrested for allegedly planning a mass shooting at two schools in a twisted effort to become “famous.”

Alex Ye, 18, of Rockville, whose legal name is Andrea, was arrested Wednesday and charged with threatening mass violence after allegedly authoring a 129-page document that the suspect referred to as a “memoir,” according to ABC News.

Authorities said the writing was about committing mass shootings at Wootton High School, which Ye had attended online, and Lakewood Elementary School.

(Video at link)

5. So. you did what the insurance company asked, and installed a tracker on your car, and it gets stolen, and you know where it is…

But if you try and stop the thief yourself…

5. Public School propaganda video on why you must learn to accept all imposed pseudo-realities presented to you by the state

This story is from January.

This one is from today:

Please note the wording of the earlier story well.

6. What they are doing to the brains of your children at schools

Thank you all for checking out this site

There is a mysterious absence of info on the direct strikes on Iran by Israel. The silence is not deafening, cause few seem to notice. But it is very odd.

The best analysis I have seen on the whole event so far appears to be from this Twitter feed.

On the Israeli strike on Iran:

Lastly, a man immolated himself in front of the trial of President Donald Trump today in DC. Before he did so, he threw pamphlets around the area. You can read the Daily Mail story on it here, but we selected a few things we think are of interest from it.

  1. He has at least one premise which is 100% correct

2. These are the pamphlets he tossed around although we are being prevented so far from seeing what is inside. I guess if you want people to read your stuff, you have to go all Unabomber

3. You have to give him credit. If he did nothing else, he taught us how to make police into the people who pick up litter in the park. Just make sure your litter has facts printed on it the public is not supposed to be aware of. Maybe candy bar wrappers should all have the Geneva Convention on them. Or dog poo bags should have post vaxx cancer stats. Ever see police picking up paper before?

Reader’s Links for April 19th, 2024

Each day at just after midnight Eastern, a post like this one is created for contributors and readers of this site to upload news links and video links on the issues that concern this site. Most notably, Islam and its effects on Classical Civilization, and various forms of leftism from Soviet era communism, to postmodernism and all the flavours of galloping statism and totalitarianism such as Nazism and Fascism which are increasingly snuffing out the classical liberalism which created our near, miraculous civilization the West has been building since the time of Socrates.

This document was written around the time this site was created, for those who wish to understand what this site is about. And while our understanding of the world and events has grown since then, the basic ideas remain sound and true to the purpose.

So please post all links, thoughts and ideas that you feel will benefit the readers of this site to the comments under this post each day. And thank you all for your contributions.

This is the new Samizdat. We must use it while we can.

For those interested, please check out as an another avenue of expression.

Israel attacks Iran, explosions near nuclear works, Iran seems to be preparing response: This post will be updated as information comes in

1. Explosions in Iranian city near Nuclear facilities

Explosions heard in Iran, Syria, Iraq – report

Syrian reports indicated airstrikes targeted sites belonging to the Syrian Army in the As-Suwayda and Daraa Governorates of southern Syria.

Explosions were heard in Isfahan in central Iran, in the As-Suwayda Governorate of southern Syria, and in the Baghdad area and Babil Governorate of Iraq early Friday morning, according to initial reports.

There was no official confirmation of the explosions in Iraq and Iran or of their cause as of early Friday morning.

Peer Review Proof that the events surrounding the Covid ‘pandemic’ including the vaxx was a dangerous lie, and proof that the evidence is being deleted from the public record: Links 1 for April 18, 2024

In the last post I promised some material from Alex Berenson and then promptly forgot to include it. So here it is:

1. Why I’m pushing on the lab leak again

The evidence for a lab leak is now overwhelming, thanks to the release of grant proposals and emails from Americans connected with the Wuhan laboratory, as well as technical work that shows how Sars-Cov-2 was likely assembled.

No one talks about trying to find the natural animal host of Sars-Cov-2 anymore. The virologists must have realized they sounded as absurd as O.J. Simpson when he promised to find his ex-wife’s real killer. (Rest in peace, O.J. And by peace, I mean hell.)

So why I have picked up the chase again?

After all, articles like yesterday’s about coronavirus researcher Dr. Ralph Baric and Friday’s focusing on Dr. Anthony Fauci’s denial of knowing Baric are time-consuming to research and write. I try to make them accessible, but the details of Baric’s work have an irreducible scientific complexity that can make them hard to read.

And for all the work they take, they can generate fewer comments or likes than other articles.

So why do I think this line of investigation is more important than ever?

First, the truth is coming out.

A ragtag group of civilian detectives armed with little more than Freedom of Information Act requests has unlocked the connections between American scientists and the Chinese lab. Their progress comes despite stonewalling (and flat-out lying) by nearly everyone involved and the media’s studied disinterest.

2. Ten years ago, microbiologist Ralph Baric told Tony Fauci and the world he would make coronaviruses more lethal. Then – with Fauci’s backing – he did.

Baric, who worked hand-in-glove with the lab in Wuhan from which Sars-Cov-2 likely leaked, also insisted the government keep its rules on coronaviruses loose so he could tinker with them more easily. […]

As I explained in Part One, the National Institutes of Health put the day-long event together during an outbreak of a novel coronavirus called MERS-Cov, which was highly lethal but not very transmissible.

A complete video of the conference is publicly available here. For anyone interested in understand the science – and the scientists – that may have led to Covid, it is a six-hour must-watch.

About 50 people attended the event. They included leading coronavirus researchers, as well as Peter Daszak and members of his EcoHealth Alliance, and federal officials concerned about infectious diseases. But Baric was without doubt the star of the show.

He made the first presentation, then another after lunch. He rarely went more than a few minutes without asking questions. He had earned the role. After earning a PhD in microbiology from North Carolina State University in 1982, Baric turned to infectious disease research.

3. Related: Regona Watteel does update on Fizman’s fraudulent study which he has updated in what appears to be a lot of doubling down and arse covering. The thing that really gets me, is doubling down on the idea that those that did not take a vaccine against a particular virus, are a threat to those who did. In other words, people who took a vaccine against a virus, are at risk of getting the virus they are immunized against, from those who didn’t take the vaccine, which negates 100% the entire purpose of vaccines. Actually reverses it. People who took the shots, if Fizman’s newest BS is to be believed, are more susceptible to the virus due to those who didn’t take it, which means people who don’t want the virus are far better off not taking it.

That much is actually true as Stats Canada actually demonstrates when you adjust their data to remove the false masses of people who are included in the default set from before the vaccine existed.

Anyway… Redacted with Regina:

4. Alberta updates mRNA booster guidance to every three months, starting with six-month-old babies

As of Monday, Alberta Health Services (AHS) has updated its guidance on mRNA COVID-19 booster shots to every three months, beginning with six-month-old babies. 

That works out to about 320 doses for the average lifespan. 

“Starting April 15, 2024, select groups of Albertans at high risk of severe outcomes from COVID-19 will be eligible for an additional dose,” AHS wrote on its website. 

According to Alberta health officials, “All vaccines are safe, effective and save lives,” and it doesn’t matter if a patient takes a COVID-19 booster before, after, or at the same time as a flu shot. 

That goes for babies as young as six months old. 

Looks like Danielle Smith has a lot of work to do sweeping up the deep state if indeed that is her intention.

5. I really hope everyone watches this 21 minute video of John Campbell’s featuring a speech in the UK Parliament by MP Andrew Bridgen.

But I have an ask of all who do please.

While watching him, run this quote by George Orwell through your heads and see if it fits his observations:

“Those who control the past, control the future. Those who control the present, control the past.” -George Orwell.

Thank you all for checking out this site

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Usurper of the United States: