Admiral ‘Rachel’ Levine does a triple dialectic for the Hegelian home run

A most worthy reply to the Levine Tweet

Tucker Carlson examines the Diversity dialectic

We may do a little dissection of this tomorrow 🙂

Please watch this video and read the Tweet and compare it to the hundreds in jail for years with no trial for Jan 6 protest

Tucker Carlson with Owen Shroyer on his treatment by the US state and comparisons to actual criminals

Sorry, that is a really bad title. But what I want to say would be worse:

Tucker Carlson and Owen Shroyer demonstrate perfectly how a dialectically operated system works, even as the public still imagines they have rule of law.

Even Tucker and Own seem not to get it here. They remain amazed at the consistent selective enforcement against people who are ‘for Trump’ etc.

We see it as a revolutionary state applying revolutionary standards against anyone who is a counter-revolutionary. The more effective that person is, the harsher the treatment. Which explains what is happening to Trump perfectly.

Geert Wilders victory and let’s play Media Bullsh*t Bingo

PJ Watson on the electoral victory of Geert Wilders

Here is a link to a BBC assassination piece on Wilders. Perhaps we should adopt the Global Warming rhetorical scam-spotting game, Bullsh*t Bingo and adapt it to dialectical tactics by the MSM.

On your card you could have:

Insulting insinuations not used for leftist candidates. An example would be a critique of Wilders’ hair style but never attacking any leftist candidate for hair plugs or dye or any other form of quaff.

“Controversial”. One of my personal favorite dialectical/rhetorical weapons of the MSM. CBC uses it sprinkled on eggs every morning for breakfast. A politician is controversial if he is counter-revolutionary. If that politician or person is a communist revolutionary that word is not used. A general example would be a Prof. of Biology with Ph.D.s in the field, who says that a man cannot simply become a woman by saying so, is controversial. While a man claiming to be a woman on one day to take all the top spots in women’s sports and then going back to being a man afterwards is not controversial. Because of the stance that J.K. Rowling has taken on this, she is now considered a far right wing, and highly controversial figure. A Canadian nurse was investigated in fact, for involvement with a billboard saying I (heart) JK ROWLING.

(Her ordeal is still ongoing as of November 9th this year)

The article continues in more subtle ways to disparage Wilders. They discuss his arrest for a thought crime and that communist UK refused to allow him into the country, even though Wilders at that time was an MPs in the European Union and the UK was still inside the EU. This shows the real nature of the beast. The European Union is a revolutionary organization like the UN. Although their rules stipulate that one country must grant access to members of parliament from other EU states, the truth was that this only applies to agents of the revolution. This site emphasizes the single metric by which all things work today. And that is communist-revolution Vs. counter-revolution. The evidence for this is as common as gravel and salt on the roads in the winter in Canada. All processes work this way. When a court or hearing or ‘Human Rights Tribunal” adjudicates on the actual evidence, rule of law, and real human rights, meaning individual ones and not arbitrarily defined collective ones, it’s the exception.

In the case of Wilders, think of it this way. Leftist activists invent all kinds of bogus organization to create awards to give to left wing activists in order to add gravitas to their agenda. There is one dialectical-Jewish man (He uses his ethnicity as a sword and a shield to advance leftist objectives, hence ‘dialectic Jew) who heads a dialectical communist organization much like the SPLC in the US, in Canada  who even speaks at events sponsored by CAIR-Canada (now NCCM) to combat ‘islamophobia ‘who’s talks are prefaced with all kinds of awards. We see this often with the left. It is a way of getting people to listen, and giving authority to people who have accomplished nothing but are advancing the communist agenda. With Wilders, they invent charges and events which are not legal or proper procedure which they know will fail under scrutiny of any court not yet fully revolutionary. But that doesn’t matter. What does, is that they can talk about the accusation. So kind of the inverse of the awards scam. For leftists, invent fake awards to give gravitas, for counter-revolutionaries, invent charges and prohibitions to destroy their public image. Alinsky Rule 13.

Wilders was convicted of inciting discrimination, although later acquitted, and he was refused entry to the UK back in 2009.

Accused. They took him to court over asking his constituency a question of immigration policy. The actual job of government. They accused and tried him twice of a thought/speech crime because the question he asked, “Do you want more Moroccan immigration (to the Netherlands) or less”? was a counter-revolutionary one. See in a contemporary democracy you have total freedom of speech so long as its all in perfect accordance with the communist nation-destroying, individual-crushing agenda. Wilders dared ask the people of the Netherlands what they want for the future of the Netherlands and was tried twice and acquitted for it. But the BBC uses that accusation as a cudgel. Same as his rejection from the UK, which is actually a breach of rules, if not illegal, of the UK not Wilders. The BBC are dialectical engineers.

For those interested, here is Geert’s closing statement at one of the struggle sessions trials he was put through over this matter:


But Europe’s far right believes their views have now become more mainstream.

This one above we all know. It’s called, Moving the Goal Posts. What was once the absolute obvious reasonable goals of any nation state, to protect itself, to protect its citizens, to have equality before law for all etc. etc. is now “far right wing”. There is a double irony here. The left, in what is probably the greatest con of the 20th century, have convinced people that the Nazis are some how right wing. The National Socialist Worker’s Party under Hitler, far right wing by some act of alchemy. The party who”s leader’s speeches, notably at Nuremberg, quoted Marx chapter and Verse, who hated the Russians because he didn’t think they could pull off socialism while the Germans could, those guys were right wing. All powerful state and the crushing of individual rights is in no way right wing. That is Hegelian/Marxist communism. Libertarian, maximal individual rights with minimal state power, is the true right wing. And there is the double, and maybe even triple irony. It means that Wilders, Orban, Trump, The new Argentinian guy, possibly Poilievre in Canada and other people the media call “far right wing” are in reality somewhat right wing, but in the opposite way of the impression they are trying to create. Frankly, by libertarian standards, all these leaders are still more collectivist and big government than is desirable. So in fact they are just more right wing in the good way than the revolutionary communists now running the Western world and its media and institutions. Hence the triple irony.

With a little more effort we could flesh out all the score card points for Bullsh*t bingo of leftist dialectical journalism. Probably all of it from that one BBC article, although I’m sure there are other devices they may have neglected to use in that one article. Feel free to leave ones you may have noticed in the comments.


Critical updates to the trial of Ottawa Police Detective, Helen Grus

Yesterday was to be the last day of these hearings over accusations of misconduct for an officer that dared do her job as it is described, and as it always was. Much like the CPSO hearings waged against doctors that put patient health over state diktats on mRNA injections and various other measures over the last few years, this officer has been made to stand down for actually investigating a cluster of 9 infant deaths and checking a possible mRNA vaxx link to the nursing mothers.

For the post on this from Monday with the basics on how we got to this point, please click here. If you are already familiar with this case, continue on.

Below is a new interview with retired Toronto PD detective, Donald Best, filmed Friday at the Lunch break after a morning of procedurally bizarre testimony and obsessive objections by both the prosecution, and even the officer playing the role of judge.

Additional information about one aspect of this hearing is as follows:

Prosecutor: Vanessa Stewart

Witness: Detective Constable Renee Stewart

Renee Stewart is married to Vanessa’s brother- making them sisters-in-law.

Believe it or not, this is far from the only conflicts of interest in this case.

Dr. Mary O’Connor was present at the hearings and I had the opportunity to ask her what she thought of it, given that she had undergone a similar quasi-legal set of hearings with very real consequences.

RAIR Foundation has the write up here.

Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson asked me to say a few words on her show last night about this trial and what I thought it meant. Anyone interested may wish to start at 54 minutes in to the video.

Bottom lining it: Doctors are now punished for practicing medicine in the best interests of the health of the patient, when it goes against state diktats and ideology. Police are now in the exact same position, that when they do an investigation which is 100% within their job description, and more importantly, is actually what the public expects police to do, they are also punished for the exact same reasons.

Comment on the post concerning the movie, Sound of Freedom

This comment from Hugh the Grant

It’s hard to make sense of the mess around this movie. But I have a theory. Nowadays when I don’t get something in the political arena I always try and model it as a psyop.

This whole story just doesn’t add up if you take things that are taking place around it at face value, like “there is a movie that mirrors a hidden reality but powerful people do not want us to see that and therefore they try and sabotage it” …  OK, but creating a Streisand effect that’s the only thing they somehow didn’t see coming? And if the “power elites” wanted to ACTUALLY sabotage it — so that the movie doesn’t even come out — it’s hard to imagine that they couldn’t have been able to do it…

What if the WHOLE thing is a psyop, including the movie AND the “reaction” to the movie, on all sides? Is it it so implausible after the corona psyop that the “theater” is actually the world we think is reality? What if it’s all a kabuki theater?


So my theory is that the whole hype could be a LIMITED HANGOUT OPERATION of some sort, that functions as a PRESSURE VALVE: after a huge fake controversy in the public arena about child trafficking, the overpressure has been let out of the system — WITH A MOVIE (that’s legally not real). So when it comes to REAL crimes the elites are committing, I mean stories about actual crimes in real life, the public will only yawn. And thus the “elites” get away with it all — with what crimes exactly is hard to know because that’s the point of this operation: to conceal whatever is in the background (if my theory is right).


Second muslim protest against a school board over sexualization of children, and no media, no leftists: This time at a Catholic school board

First, the video of the speech by one of what appears to be an organizer for the protest which took place on Monday at the Catholic School Board HQ in Ottawa. The video also has B roll which gives an indication of the size, the nature of the audience and some of the messaging.

We posted an article on the previous Monday’s demo by Muslims primarily at the Ottawa Carleton District School board here. video below:

Imagine if any one of us had a sign that read: “Stop teaching our children your filth”, how the media and leftist revolutionaries would respond to that.

The Friday prior to that, was a demonstration against the trans-narratives on children at grade schools. This was by classical liberals who were demonized by the media and a large and somewhat thuggish leftist counter-protest. Articles and videos on this can be seen here and here and here.

We ask you to go over these materials and make your own determination of what these things mean. This is massive in our way of seeing the world. The most deliberate collusion of a media that operates along dialectic lines rather than being any kind of information service and which colludes with communist semi-state thugs like ANTIFA or Black Lives Matters. Jacobins.

Please offer comments with your thoughts and thank you for reading.

Josh Alexander on Tucker Carlson

A couple of weeks ago, RAIR Foundation had the opportunity to speak with Josh and get a detailed explanation of what happened to him

Dialectics in an Ottawa Cemetery

There is a very prestigious cemetery in Ottawa called, The Beechwood Cemetery, located on the border of Rockcliffe Park, and Manor Park, Vanier and St’ Laurent Blvd. in Ottawa’s East end.

It has a very large military section, as well as a dedicated RCMP section of the graveyard. Many of the monuments are quite beautiful, and some very old. Recently, but unrelated to this story, the Cemetery has been adopted as a home to a large number of wild turkeys, and a small number of coyotes.

There are two monuments that are an interesting juxtaposition however, and that catch one’s eye as one walks through the winding roads of the cemetery.

One of them is a peculiar reddish stone which stands out from all the grave markers, and is curiously curved instead of a flat shape. More curiously, it has a gold hammer and sickle emblem on its side.

If one looks up this monument on the Marxist Leninist Party of Canada website, you can find several descriptions of what this represents. The most succinct one though, has to be this:

“The Party Memorial represents the red flag of modern communism flying over Canada.”

Looking up the names gives clear results as well.

The monument is of course, beautifully maintained and unmolested, as it should be, despite its odious and anti-liberty intentions.

But walking farther down the same road one comes across another monument that despite having been cleaned up, still shows signs of vandalism, and most likely of a political nature. And most likely hit with red paint.

Nicholas Flood Davin 1839-1901

Why was this act of destruction and contempt perpetrated on this monument for a man dead for over 120 years?

This plaque may explain:

Plaque for Nicholas Davin

Despite the revisionist nature and post-hoc judgmental language used on this plaque, one still can understand that he was for his day, a ‘progressive’. He wanted voting rights for women, and a Western education for Amer-Indians with the hope that it would pull them out of poverty if they had the same basic style of education that European descendants had. Now that is called “Cultural-Genocide”. But giving Western medicine, cars, heated homes and stores with ready to eat foods and ready to cook foods is somehow honouring the culture of non-Western tribal peoples.

Meanwhile, the red flag of modern communism flies on over Canada, as the website says.

Joe Rogan, horrified by CBC agitprop against Freedom

Joe Rogan notices the dialectic tactic of the CBC without naming it specifically. Specifically, what the CBC is doing, is applying Discourse Theory to negate or cancel people who want freedom, by claiming that the word freedom itself, is a dogwhistle for “far right groups. In other words, Freedom is bad, because it is used by racists, or any other negative association the Discourse Theory engineer can cement to the concept being negated. Mr. Rogan refers to this article from the CBC. We must revel in this article. It is another nail in the coffin for the MSM and legacy media in Canada. It is a magnificent piece of agitprop and politburo propaganda with zero news or editorial value whatsoever. Its like opening a bag of your favorite food and finding roasted crickets inside instead of powdered crickets on something that looks like real food. When you see roasted crickets, you have to accept what it is, or truly delude yourself into believing this is actually the food you always thought it was.

There are scheduled protests this weekend on Parliament Hill in Ottawa. This seems like a good time to go join one and chant FREEDOM as loudly as you can for as long as you can. Leave your phones at home though. Canada is not a free or democratic country at this point. So may as well make it more difficult to punish you for not being a good comrade.

Hate speech exposed as dialectics in South Africa

Basically just watch this video. Saying or singing “Kill The White Farmer, Kill the White man” is not hate speech according to a South African court of law. But using the word, “Kaffir” is. I don’t think in South Africa it has the exact meaning it does everywhere else. Normally, Kaffir is an Islamic insult of calling all non-believers, subhuman with no right to life because they don’t believe in Islam. Technically, that is a death penalty offence in places with a strict Islamic government. But in South Africa, Kaffir is a derogatory word for black people, although it comes from the same root. You can be jailed for using the word, “kaffir” for six months in South Africa.

This is a sterling example of how uses of things like “hate-speech” is not hypocrisy, corruption or incompetence but is in fact, dialectics.