Miep Gies :: More information
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Jan and Miep Gies in the Secret Annex next to the bookcase that closed off the entrance, around 1988.
Jan and Miep Gies in the Secret Annex next to the bookcase that closed off the entrance, around 1988. Photo: Klaas Koppe.
When searching for information on Anne Frank on the Internet, you will find a sheer endless amount of websites. The same goes for the number of printed publications. Below you will find a concise overview of the most authoritative sites and books about the time that the families of Frank and Van Pels and dentist Pfeffer spent in hiding in the Secret Annex, from July 6, 1942 to August 4, 1944. The details of two audiovisual productions in which Miep Gies participated are also provided.

This is the official website of the Anne Frank Foundation in Amsterdam, which manages the Secret Annex. The Annex now houses a museum, including a documentation center. The site provides extensive background information, in word and image, about the Secret Annex, the occupants and their helpers.

The website of the Anne Frank Foundation in Basel, Switzerland. This foundation was established in 1963 by Otto Frank to manage the legacy of Anne Frank. The site offers short biographies of Anne Frank and her father Otto, as well as photographs and information about the various editions of the diary.

In the Verzetsmuseum (Dutch Resistance Museum) in Amsterdam, authentic objects, photographs and documents, film and sound excerpts recount the history of people in wartime. The site offers background information about the Second World War, to accompany the museum's exhibition.

The Jewish Historical Museum in Amsterdam collects objects and works of art that relate to the religion, culture and history of Jews in the Netherlands and its former colonies. On this site you can visit some of the museum's collections.

Yad Vashem is located in Jerusalem and is Israel's official memorial monument for the Jewish victims of the Holocaust. The website offers extensive contemporary and background information, and it is possible to peruse various databases.

geschiedenis.vpro.nl (Dutch only)
Web-dossier entitled 'De zaak Frank' (The Frank case), with a lot of background information about Otto Frank. Here you can also see a television documentary (by a TV series called Andere Tijden), also called 'De zaak Frank'.

The diary of a young girl > Anne Frank (Penguin Books Ltd, november 2008)

The Diaries of Anne Frank > D. Barnouw, A.H. Paape en G.P. van der Strooman (academic investigation carried out by the Rijksinstituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie (State Institute for War Documentation; Formerly RIOD, now NIOD), Amsterdam 1986)

Anne Frank Remembered. The Story of the Woman Who Helped to Hide the Frank Family. By Miep Gies with Alison Gold. Simon and Schuster, New York 1987. A new edition of the book is published in 2009.

The hidden life of Otto Frank: de biografie > Carol Ann Lee (Perennial, October 2003)

Anne Frank: the biography > Melissa Müller (Bloomsbury Publishing PLC, 1999)

Who betrayed Anne Frank > David Barnouw & Gerrold van der Stroom (NIOD and Boom Publishers, Amsterdam 2003) You can download the report from the NIOD website.

Video (spoken in Dutch)
AVRO's Televizier, broadcasted May 5, 1987. Programme made with reference to the publication of Miep Gies' book Anne Frank Remembered. The Story of the Woman Who Helped to Hide the Frank Family. The Televizier (Dutch current affairs programme) interview Miep Gies and accompany her to the Attic. Duration: 46 minutes. (spoken in Dutch)

Herinneringen aan Anne Frank (Anne Frank Remembered) > Wouter van der Sluis for the Anne Frank Foundation, 1998. Programme in which Miep Gies tells from the Attic about the people hiding there during the Second World War. Duration: 51 minutes. (spoken in Dutch)

Elsewhere on this website you can view some clips from these programmes. (spoken in Dutch)