Hello everyone. Any insight you can provide is welcome. I am currently deciding between the following schools, and am down to the wire because my deposit is due on May 1st. I am looking for a school with strong business and computer science programs since I am interested in a double major. I would like a school with fun traditions, great career services, a nice campus, happy students, and a healthy studying and social life balance. Overall, my highest priority is a school with a good quality of life.
My choices are the following:
Boston University Kilachand Honors
Case Western
Lehigh Computer Science Business Honors
Northeastern Martinson Honors
University of Richmond
University of Rochester
University of Wisconsin

You listed a lot of schools! It would help if you give a bit more information:

  • Which ones are you seriously considering right now?

  • Which ones are your favorites (and why)?

  • Are all of your choices equally affordable for your family? Are finances a concern?


If you’re interested in business, you can probably eliminate half of these, because most (if not all) of the LACs you listed don’t offer business. However, many graduates of these schools do go on to have successful careers in business because of their excellent education, opportunities for relevant internships, and alumni networks. You don’t need to major in business to get a job in investment, banking, etc.

So one question to ask of yourself is: how serious are you about majoring in business, versus majoring in another discipline (like Econ) and taking advantage of other opportunities that can help you prepare for a business career? If you really want to major in business, then you can cross off Bowdoin, Colgate, Hamilton, Haverford, Middlebury, Tufts, Vassar, and Wesleyan.

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Based on your preferences, Lehigh sounds like the best fit, though bowdoin, Case western, and URochester could all work well, too… but what is your parents’budget and how much does each cost your family?
To know net cost, do (tuition fees room&board) - (scholarships, grants) = $…


The questions you should be considering:

Net price at each?
What can you and your parents afford?

Admitted major at each?
Which major is your priority, how difficult is it to add a second major to the other, change major to the other, or take classes in the other subject at each?