Proto-Indo-European dictionary-translator

English = Indo-European

Indo-European Dictionary-Translator v. 2.0

This is the English version of Academia Prisca's automatic Proto-Indo-European dictionary-translator.

This translator is based on the Late Proto-Indo-European Etymological Lexicon by Fernando López-Menchero:

  • The work contains correct usage of Late Proto-Indo-European words - with emphasis on North-West Indo-European lexicon -, their proper meaning, derivatives in early Indo-European dialects, and laryngeal roots.
  • You can download all the information in one Excel or PDF file, to browse all the information offline.

Please read the following instructions:

  1. To find phrasal verbs or compound words, look for them with hyphens. For example, "be-afraid", not "be afraid".To exploit the potential of this dictionary-translator software, you can look up multiple words (e.g. synonyms) at the same time.
  2. Most nouns and verbs are (still) not inflected - Look for the most simple expressions first. For example, "I go house", instead of "I went home". Then find the correct inflection of "go" (1st person, past tense) and "house" (accusative):
  3. You can further look up the Indo-European words in the Latin version (for precision of English meanings) and machine translations into the German version. Pokorny's Indo-European Etymological Dictionary is also available for reference as dictionary-translator.
Translate English to Indo-European:

Random Word: English to Indo-European

Word List: English to Indo-European

Look up English Word or Phrase:

3573 English to Indo-European word pairs

Translate Indo-European to English:

Random Word: Indo-European to English

Word List: Indo-European to English

Lookup Indo-European Word or Phrase:

3573 Indo-European to English word pairs

Take a minute to listen to our recording of Schleicher's Fable in North-West Indo-European.

(Select your preferred subtitles from the right bottom corner of this viewer)

The database was prepared as part of Academia Prisca's Indo-European Network by Carlos Quiles
You can read more on Indo-European reconstruction: Academia Prisca projects Forum Linguae IndoeuropaeaeNorth-West Indo-EuropeanJ. Pokorny's Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Modern Indo-European learning courseIndo-European demic diffusion
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