The SMART E2 Chair of the URJC is certified under the UNE-EN ISO 19650 standard - Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

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Wednesday, May 08, 2024 at 12:20

The SMART E2 Chair of the URJC is certified under the UNE-EN ISO 19650 standard

The SMART E2 Chair of the URJC is certified under the UNE-EN ISO 19650 standard The SMARTE2 Chair of the URJC is certified under the UNE-EN ISO 19650 standard

AENOR has recognized the research program with this certification in the asset operation phase through the use of BIM (Building Information Modeling) technology.

Raúl García Hémonnet/Editor

This May 8, 2024, the Institutional Chair SMART E2 of the Rey Juan Carlos University represented by the Rector, Javier Ramos López, has received from the director of the AENOR headquarters in Madrid, Enrique Megía Martín-Peñasco the certificate that accredits the Chair under the UNE ISO 19650 standard (Part 3 ) in the asset operation phase through the use of BIM (Building Information Modeling) technology.

The event was also attended by the General Director of Digital Strategy of the Digitalization Department of the Community of Madrid, Mr. Ignacio Azorín González, and other authorities and personnel related to the Chair.

The URJC, as a party especially involved in the development and transmission of knowledge, and the training of new generations of technicians, began to work in 2016 on the development of digital models in built assets. Initially to verify, not only the benefits, but the difficulties that this process could have, especially within the public administration itself, as manager of its own assets. As a result, various digital models of buildings were created that are currently serving as a test and development bed for various tools aimed at asset management.

Thanks to this path undertaken in 2016, firstly, through the UNEFE (Energy Efficiency Unit) and currently through the SMART E2 Smart Construction Chair, AENOR has recognized the URJC with the first UNE standard certificate. -EN ISO 19650 part 3, relating to the asset operation phase. This standard, along with the rest of this family of standards, will be adopted in the BIM Plan with reference to the process of applying the BIM methodology in public administration. This fact makes the URJC the first university and public entity in Spain to have this recognition by AENOR.

As the director of the chair, Juan Antonio Melero Hernández, points out, “this certification allows us to take a step forward and go beyond the digital modeling of assets by being accredited to develop consulting work in the operation of assets through the use of the tool. BIM for different institutions and entities, and obviously including the University itself.”

In line with not only collaborating with public entities but also private ones, the Chair is currently sharing experiences with such prestigious companies as leaders in their sectors such as Repsol and more recently with the Ilunion hotel chain, “to give two examples of companies to which "We are grateful for having trusted us and with whom we hope to continue maintaining close collaboration in the future," they point out from the Chair. More recently there have also been other collaborations with public institutions such as the Alcorcón City Council.

“This work could not have been possible without the support of the University management team, UNEFE, the Management of the Campuses where we have operated, the Maintenance Unit and of course all the researchers who work in the Chair,” they acknowledge. from this research program.