What does a journalist do? - CareerExplorer

What is a Journalist?

A journalist investigates, gathers, and reports news and information to the public through various media outlets, including newspapers, magazines, television, radio, and online platforms. Journalists inform the public about current events, issues, and developments, serving as watchdogs of government and institutions and facilitating democratic discourse.

Journalism encompasses a wide range of roles and specialties, including reporters, correspondents, editors, photojournalists, and investigative journalists, each with their own responsibilities and areas of expertise. Journalists may cover local, national, or international news, politics, business, sports, entertainment, culture, science, health, or other topics, depending on their beat or assignment. With the rise of digital media and social networking, journalists also engage in multimedia storytelling, data journalism, and audience engagement strategies to reach and connect with diverse audiences in an ever-evolving media landscape.

What does a Journalist do?

Journalists taking notes.

Duties and Responsibilities
The duties and responsibilities of a journalist encompass a wide range of tasks aimed at gathering, analyzing, and disseminating news and information to the public. Here are some key responsibilities:

  • Research and Investigation: Journalists are responsible for researching and investigating news stories, events, and issues to uncover facts, gather evidence, and verify information. This may involve conducting interviews with sources, reviewing documents, observing events firsthand, and consulting experts or witnesses.
  • Reporting and Writing: Journalists write news articles, reports, features, or opinion pieces based on their research and investigation. They use clear, concise, and compelling language to communicate information accurately and effectively to their audience. Journalists must adhere to ethical standards and journalistic principles such as accuracy, fairness, objectivity, and balance in their reporting.
  • Interviewing: Journalists conduct interviews with sources, including officials, experts, witnesses, and individuals involved in news stories, to gather quotes, insights, and perspectives. They must ask probing questions, listen attentively, and record or transcribe interviews accurately to ensure the integrity and credibility of their reporting.
  • Fact-Checking and Verification: Journalists are responsible for fact-checking and verifying the accuracy of information before publishing or broadcasting news stories. This involves corroborating information from multiple sources, cross-referencing data and statistics, and confirming details with reliable sources to avoid spreading misinformation or falsehoods.
  • Ethical Considerations: Journalists must adhere to ethical guidelines and professional standards in their reporting, including principles of fairness, impartiality, transparency, and accountability. They must avoid conflicts of interest, disclose sources, and respect the privacy and dignity of individuals involved in news stories.
  • Adaptation to New Technologies: With the evolving landscape of digital media and technology, journalists must adapt to new tools, platforms, and storytelling formats to engage and inform their audience effectively. This may involve multimedia storytelling, data journalism, social media reporting, or audience interaction strategies.

Types of Journalists
Journalism is a vast field that encompasses a range of different roles and specializations. Here are some common types of journalists and their typical duties:

  • Broadcast Journalist: Broadcast journalists work for radio or television stations, and they report the news on air. They may also conduct interviews, write scripts, and edit video footage.
  • Business Journalist: Business journalists cover news stories related to the economy, finance, and business. They may report on corporate earnings, stock market trends, or government policies that impact businesses.
  • Correspondent: Correspondents work for a particular media organization and are assigned to cover a specific beat, topic, or geographic area. They are often based in foreign countries and are responsible for reporting on local events, politics, and other news of interest to their home audience.
  • Editor: Editors are essential members of the journalism profession, responsible for refining and shaping the content produced by journalists. They ensure that articles meet editorial standards, are accurate, engaging, and adhere to the publication's style and guidelines.
  • Entertainment Journalist: Entertainment journalists cover news stories related to the entertainment industry, such as movies, television shows, and music. They may conduct interviews with celebrities, review films or albums, and report on entertainment events.
  • Feature Writer: Feature writers specialize in writing in-depth stories that go beyond the headlines. They may report on human interest stories, cultural trends, or lifestyle topics.
  • Investigative Journalist: Investigative journalists specialize in uncovering news stories that involve wrongdoing or criminal activities. They often spend months or even years researching and gathering evidence before publishing their findings.
  • Multimedia Journalist: Multimedia journalists use a combination of audio, video, and written content to tell stories across various platforms. They may work for newspapers, magazines, or websites.
  • News Reporter: News reporters are journalists who gather, investigate, and report news stories to the public. They may work for media outlets such as newspapers, TV or radio stations, online news platforms, or news agencies.
  • Photojournalist: Photojournalists photograph, edit, and display images in order to tell a visual story. They are journalistic professionals that are skilled at interpreting and communicating an event through photographs.
  • Political Journalist: Political journalists cover news stories related to politics and government. They may report on political campaigns, elections, or legislative activity.
  • Science Journalist: Science journalists report on scientific research and discoveries. They may write articles, produce videos, or create multimedia content to explain complex scientific concepts to a broader audience.
  • Sports Journalist: Sports journalists report on athletic events, teams, and athletes. They may write articles, conduct interviews, and report on live events.

Are you suited to be a journalist?

Journalists have distinct personalities. They tend to be artistic individuals, which means they’re creative, intuitive, sensitive, articulate, and expressive. They are unstructured, original, nonconforming, and innovative. Some of them are also enterprising, meaning they’re adventurous, ambitious, assertive, extroverted, energetic, enthusiastic, confident, and optimistic.

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What is the workplace of a Journalist like?

The workplace of a journalist can vary widely depending on the type of media organization they work for and their specific role within the industry. Journalists may work in traditional newsrooms for newspapers, magazines, television stations, or radio stations, where they collaborate with editors, reporters, photographers, and producers to cover news stories, events, and issues. These newsrooms are often fast-paced environments where journalists must work under tight deadlines to research, write, and produce stories for publication or broadcast.

With the rise of digital media and online journalism, many journalists work remotely or in non-traditional settings such as coworking spaces, home offices, or coffee shops. Digital journalists may write articles, produce multimedia content, or engage with audiences through social media platforms and online communities. They may collaborate with remote teams or freelance contributors from around the world to produce content for websites, blogs, podcasts, or digital news platforms.

Journalists may also find themselves working in the field, covering breaking news, events, or investigative stories on location. This could involve reporting from the scene of a natural disaster, attending press conferences, conducting interviews with sources, or documenting events as they unfold. Field reporters must be adaptable, resourceful, and able to work in challenging or unpredictable environments while adhering to professional standards and safety protocols.

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Journalist vs News Reporter

The terms "journalist" and "news reporter" are often used interchangeably, but they encompass slightly different roles within the field of journalism.

A journalist is a broad term that refers to anyone who works in the field of journalism, which encompasses various roles such as reporting, writing, editing, researching, and producing news and information for the public. Journalists may work in traditional newsrooms, digital media outlets, broadcast networks, or freelance capacities. They are responsible for gathering, analyzing, and disseminating news stories, events, and issues to the public through various media platforms, including newspapers, magazines, television, radio, and online channels.

A news reporter is a specific type of journalist whose primary role is to report news stories, events, and developments to the public through written articles, broadcast segments, or multimedia content. News reporters gather information through research, interviews, observation, and investigation, and then write or present stories that inform, educate, or engage audiences. They may cover a wide range of topics, including local news, national politics, international affairs, sports, entertainment, business, or human interest stories, depending on their beat or assignment. While all news reporters are journalists, not all journalists may identify primarily as news reporters, as they may have other roles within the field of journalism such as editors, columnists, photojournalists, or multimedia producers.

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See Also
News Reporter

Pros and Cons of Being a Journalist

Being a journalist comes with its own set of advantages and challenges. Here are some pros and cons of pursuing a career in journalism:


  • Impactful Work: Journalists have the opportunity to make a meaningful impact by informing the public, raising awareness about important issues, holding powerful institutions accountable, and giving voice to marginalized communities. They play a crucial role in fostering transparency, accountability, and democracy.
  • Variety of Work: Journalism offers a diverse range of topics and beats to cover, allowing journalists to explore their interests and develop expertise in various areas such as politics, sports, entertainment, science, technology, or human interest stories. Every day presents new challenges and opportunities for learning and growth.
  • Flexibility and Independence: Depending on their role and employer, journalists may enjoy flexibility in their work schedule and location. Freelance journalists, in particular, have the freedom to choose their assignments, work from home or remotely, and set their own hours. This flexibility allows for a better work-life balance and autonomy in pursuing stories.
  • Networking and Professional Development: Journalism provides opportunities for networking with other professionals in the industry, including reporters, editors, photographers, and media executives. Journalists may attend press conferences, industry events, and networking mixers to build relationships, exchange ideas, and advance their careers. Additionally, journalists have access to ongoing professional development opportunities to enhance their skills and stay current in a rapidly changing media landscape.


  • High Pressure and Stress: Journalism can be a high-pressure and stressful profession, particularly for reporters covering breaking news, investigative stories, or sensitive topics. Tight deadlines, unpredictable events, and the need to produce accurate and compelling stories under pressure can lead to burnout and emotional strain.
  • Low Pay and Job Insecurity: Entry-level journalism jobs often come with relatively low pay, especially for reporters working at small or local news organizations. Additionally, the journalism industry has faced economic challenges in recent years, leading to layoffs, budget cuts, and job instability in some areas of the field. Freelance journalists may also struggle with irregular income and lack of benefits.
  • Ethical Dilemmas: Journalists must navigate ethical considerations and dilemmas in their work, including issues related to objectivity, bias, conflicts of interest, privacy, and sensationalism. Balancing the need to report the truth with respect for individuals' privacy and dignity can be challenging, especially in cases involving sensitive or controversial topics.
  • Public Scrutiny and Criticism: Journalists often face public scrutiny, criticism, and even threats for their reporting, particularly when covering divisive or polarizing issues. Social media and online platforms have amplified the voices of critics and made journalists more vulnerable to harassment, trolling, and attacks on their credibility and integrity.