Tudor Arch: Design, History & Examples - Lesson | Study.com
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Tudor Arch: Design, History & Examples

Lesson Transcript
Instructor Christopher Muscato

Chris has a master's degree in history and teaches at the University of Northern Colorado.

Do you think you know all the major kinds of arches? In this lesson, we are going to check out the unique Tudor arch and see what makes it similar and different from other popular forms of arches.

The Tudors had to do everything different, didn't they? Don't forget, this is the dynasty of English monarchs that included Henry VIII, who even left the Catholic Church to start his own Protestant religion. Since the Tudors did everything uniquely, they obviously couldn't simply use the same arches that everyone used. They had to use their own.

A Tudor arch is an architectural feature that became popular in England's Tudor Dynasty (1485-1603). It was also a feature of Tudor-revival architecture in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It functions like any other arch, but it's just unique enough to be notable—just like the Tudors!

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  • 0:04 The Tudor Arch
  • 0:47 Features
  • 1:40 Tudor vs Gothic Arch
  • 3:15 Lesson Summary

So what exactly defines the Tudor arch? There are two distinguishing features that define this structural element. First is the pointed apex. While a traditional arch has a rounded or curved top, the Tudor arch culminates in a distinctive point.

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Despite these distinctive features, it may not always be easy to identify the Tudor arch. It was part of English architecture during the medieval era, when the Gothic style dominated Britain. So the Tudor arch is part of Gothic architecture. However, one of the definitive features of Gothic architecture is a pointed arch called the Gothic arch. So, what's the difference between the Gothic-era Tudor arch and the actual Gothic arch?

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A Tudor arch is a pointed archway with a greater span than rise. Rise is the amount of vertical distance from the top of the arch to spring line, and span is the width of the arch at the spring line. Basically, the Tudor arch is wide and short.

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